The retirement everyone wants?(2)

“Center director Jang Han-geum is coming here. Are you all right?”

“We’re thinking of having a chicken and beer party in the professor’s office now.”

“I just greeted him, handed him a gift, and said he would go quickly. Until then, I think you can rest comfortably in the professor’s office, right? The head of the center will visit the professor’s office.”

“Is it necessary to do that?”

“I did it because I wanted to show my sincerity, so please take a good look at it. I beg you.”

Bang Min-sang PD’s attitude became more humble. No, this is already close to cowardice wearing a mask of humility.

Han Seo-hee was puzzled by that, and sneaked up to Yoo Jeong-ah, who was familiar with the physiology of this floor, and asked.

“Sister, why is the center director suddenly coming here? What is the greeting, and what is the gift?”

“They say the ad is sold out. It must be because of that.”

“Is it to the point that a person who has become the head of the center suddenly comes to say hello at this late hour?”

Although she has been active as a girl group for several years and has a good insight into the physiology of broadcasting, it is still a long way compared to the years of experience in the entertainment industry that Yoo Jung-ah has honed.

“The amount is unusual. It’s probably a unit price that EBC has never seen before.”

Oh Tae-woo, who was standing with his arms crossed, nodded as if he was right.

“Teenage conglomerates competed to look good because they wanted to be the son-in-law of the Nobel Prize, so the asking price would not be normal. Where is the chaebol’s money going to be? The class is different from ordinary people like us, the class.”

“Oh, Detective, why do you keep trying to make our Seo Hoon the son-in-law of a conglomerate?”

“It is not that chaebols made sons-in-law, but chaebols are trying hard to make them sons-in-law. It has a completely different meaning.”

“Wow, how much would it be if the chaebols competed? But isn’t it strange that you spend money on ad units to look good? If it were me, I would rather give the money to my brother.”

“It’s because Seo-hee doesn’t know one thing. Professor Jeong Seo-Hoon, he eats 70% of the advertising unit price. EBC is 30%. So the higher the unit price of advertising, the more money goes into Professor Jeong’s pocket.”

“Wow, really? You’re like an older brother, so you can sign an appearance contract that way. It’s like a real otherworldly person.”

“Another world level, that’s right. Room temperature nuclear fusion is a common technology. If you just commercialize it and monopolize it… … The 10 largest conglomerates in Korea will be able to earn enough money to buy it as easily as buying a boxed lunch at a convenience store.”

“Is that enough?”

Han Seo-hee’s expression turned white as if she was fed up, and Oh Tae-woo continued his conversation calmly as if he were talking to Nam.

“It is no exaggeration to say that the biggest deal of this century in the business world is whether or not to enter into a marriage alliance with Professor Chung. It is certain that the chaebol that occupies Professor Chung will be reborn as the top chaebol that dominates Korea in the future.”

“Will your brother try to marry a conglomerate?”

“well. I don’t know because I’m not Professor Jeong himself.”

Yoo Jeong-ah asked as if spitting out.

“Then what would you do if Detective Oh were Mr. Seo Hoon?”

“If it were me, I would marry Yoo Jung-ah.”

“… … What is it?”

It was a little bit nasty because he said something sly, but it was a surprise counterattack like this.

Yoo Jung-ah’s eyebrows opened slightly.

“Don’t just say nice things to hear because you’re my fan.”

“It is a decision that has been calculated and warmly considered with the head and heart.”

“cool? Calculation?”

“I know the faces of all the daughters of teenage conglomerates. To be honest, they are at the level of beauty for ordinary people, but in the entertainment industry, especially as actors, beauty is lacking.”

Han Seo-hee was also completely immersed in Oh Tae-woo’s words with her ears pricked up before she knew it.

Producer Bang Min-sang was even changing the phone for Jung Seo-hoon before he knew it. It seems that he made a connection with the head of the center, Jang Han-geum.

“If I did just a little bit better, I could buy all of those conglomerate companies, so why get married like that? It’s better to just marry our unconditionally pretty Yoo Jung-ah.”

“… … Well done anyway oops.”

“Actor Oh Tae-woo, but they say that being pretty is for a while. I grew up hearing that… … .”

“Why is being pretty so short-lived? It lasts a lifetime. They pass on from generation to generation to their children. Money can buy a company, but it cannot change its genes.”

“But Detective Oh, since it’s between us, it’s okay to be honest like this, but later on in variety shows or interviews on camera, you should never say that.”

“Could I?”

After talking with producer Bang Min-sang, Jung Seo-hoon approached us.

“Conversation is over. Then, shall we go to a chicken and beer party?”

“How have you been?”

“The head of the center, Jang Han-geum, said that he would come for a while and hand over presents. I said yes.”

“How can you come in such a hurry to give me a nice present? It would be quite a distance from the EBC station here.”

“Come on. I will die of hunger.”

“Brother, what are we eating?”

Jeong Seo-hoon took out his cell phone, launched a delivery app, and searched for a store.

“We just deliver drinks. You have to go out of school to buy alcohol.”

* * *

“Is this the professor’s office exclusively for you? Wow, that’s so cool.”

“It’s nice because it’s spacious and comfortable. Are all professors’ offices like this?”

“One thing that Hankuk University treats as a Nobel Prize professor is very certain. As expected, I am a 22-year-old tenure, so I am assigned a professor’s room like this.”

While Professor Jeong Seo-hoon’s office was spacious and comfortable, there were few personal items except for a laptop on the desk.

“I am almost exclusively in Professor Sejong Lee’s lab. In fact, I don’t really need a professor’s room like this right now.”

“It’s nice to have it, right? It can also be used as a hideout for us to gather like this.”

“Something is cool about using the professor’s office as a hideout.”

Delivery food and beer arrived one after another, and the hospitality table in the professor’s office was filled with food.

“Brother, I only have one drink… … .”

“It’s not possible. Now, Detective.”

“Professor, don’t worry. I will open my eyes and strictly protect the Youth Protection Act. Han Seo-hee can also enjoy chicken with peace of mind.”

“… … Will you be relieved?”

“But isn’t it a problem for business owners to sell the Youth Protection Act? The context seems different.”

“Sister, then I… … .”

“no. If this becomes known, not only you, but the image of all four of us will be ruined. You only have a can of Coke.”

Yoo Jeong-a opened a can of beer and hammered a nail into it as if she hadn’t even thought about it.

Han Seo-hee shrugged and spoke to Jeong Seo-hoon pathetically.

“brother. On December 31st, you must resolve this regret of today… … .”

“Yoo Jeong-ah. I am confident with the experience I have accumulated through numerous spying, or interrogation experiences. Mr. Han Seo-hee, from just one drink earlier, everything is a build-up. I am going to tell you now.”

“Oh, no!”

“Right. It was kind of strange. There’s no way you, who are hung up on the image of an innocent and sexy center, will topple the tower with only a few months left.”

Surrounded by both sides, Han Seo-hee eventually gulped down a can of cola with an expression of ‘Sheesh, I was caught.’

The three adults chatted while drinking delivered food and canned beer, and the only minor drinking a can of cola.

At first, the center of the conversation was Jeong Seo-hoon, but at some point the initiative passed to Oh Tae-woo.

He wasn’t really trying to take the initiative.

However, even if they talked about the same thing, they kept a lot of fun, and because they knew all sorts of miscellaneous things, the flow of conversation never stopped.

“In the EBC ad competition, Donghyun Group will probably win first place.”

“How are you so sure? Isn’t the Hwaseong Group the No. 1 in the business world?”

“The Hwaseong Group is number one in the business world, but its ability to spend cash is inferior to the third-ranked Donghyun Group. Oh, slush funds are an exception. Even the slush fund that the Hwaseong Group has accumulated in the Bermuda Triangle across the sea is probably enough for 80 trillion won?”

– Oh chief. Have you ever been to Bermuda? It’s been a long time since everyone went to the Virgin Islands these days.

“But these days, the Virgin Islands are in vogue again, so maybe they went there.”

“Anyway, why are you so sure of the Donghyun Group? I heard that Hwasung Electronics makes a net profit of over 10 trillion won a year.”

“It is like being tied down because you have to reinvest in semiconductors. It is not terrestrial, but there is a limit to what can be used for EBC channel advertising expenses. If you make a mistake, the shareholders group will tackle you right away.”

“hit. Donghyun Group is in the shopping distribution side, so they have plenty of cash, right?”

“Unlike semiconductors, it is an industry that requires a lot of general consumer advertising, so even if you spend a little bit of money on advertising, no one will say anything.”

“How does actor Oh Tae-woo know all that? It seems like you are very well-informed about the dark side of the world.”

“I’m a NIS field agent.”

-Oh, Manager, you seem to be too immersed these days… … . Let’s lower the tension a bit.

Jang Han-geum, the head of the center, finally arrived.

he wasn’t alone Surprisingly, EBC Vice President Choi Wook-jin was also there.

“I thought I should say hello sometime, but today I finally managed to squeeze in the time like this. It was too much work on our part, but I am really grateful that they readily agreed to it.”

Vice President Choi Wook-jin, who shook hands politely with Jeong Seo-hoon, who was younger than his son, handed him a bottle of high-quality liquor.

“I wanted to give it to you because I remembered hearing that you were going to have a party after today’s filming. I kept it in my office to give it as a gift whenever I met someone who deserves to be treated with respect, and I feel very happy when I visit the owner like this.”

It is a suspiciously polite author.

Read at

No matter how much Jeong Seo-hun has been known for his great reputation lately, Yoo Jung-ah and Han Seo-hee felt a sense of incongruity.

Only Oh Tae-woo smiled and opened Yangju with Jeong Seo-hun’s permission.

“Hey, this is a high-end liquor that costs over 10 million won on the market. Thanks to our professor, I can eat all of these things.”

“Then enjoy yourself.”

When VP Choi Wook-jin was about to leave, Oh Tae-woo quickly called him.

“Vice President, how did the competition go? It’s a competition to win commercials scheduled to be attached to content that hasn’t been recorded yet.”

“Ah, that… … .”

“Our Professor Seohoon Jeong is also curious about it, can you please explain it clearly?”

Choi Wook-jin’s expression, which was a little embarrassed, subtly distorted.

It was far from offended or displeased.

As I suppressed the laughter that was hidden under the restraint that I struggled to keep from bursting out, my expression subtly frowned.

“The Donghyun Group won. During the airing of Professor Jeong Seo-Hoon’s content, Donghyun Group decided to take all related advertising time.”

“Oh, how much is it? Ah, this is Professor Chung’s privacy. I will withdraw the question I just asked.”

“I am okay. I am curious.”

“that is… … .”

Choi Wook-jin eventually twitched and burst into laughter.

That pure and bright smile, which I couldn’t help but feel good about, contrasted with the infinitely solemn expression from before, and made me feel friendly.

“It’s a long-term contract, so you’ll have to calculate all the exact details, but at least 1/5 of our EBC’s total sales last year is far over.”

“Hwiyu, then even if you can’t do it, it means that you will start with at least 60 billion won.”

“Oh, Detective Oh, do you know EBC’s sales last year? Do you have stocks?”

“The stock is not. Instead, it is not neglecting to constantly update social common sense.”

-Oh chief… … Aren’t you ashamed to be receiving real-time cheating from us?

– Chief Oh, your personality changed drastically while you were an actor.

Jeong Seo-hoon felt something buzzing in Oh Tae-woo’s ear from earlier.

It sounded like a human voice, but I couldn’t tell what it was exactly.

It was so small that even Rashid’s senses couldn’t pick it up.

‘I don’t think it’s a hearing aid.’

Then the phone vibrated and a text message popped up.

The sender was Sang-ho Choi, the managing director, and a member of the owner whom he had known while signing a CF contract with Donghyun Group a while ago.

[I hope you like the gift sent through EBC. I sincerely wish you the Nobel Prize, academic achievement as a scholar, and achievement of a lofty career as an actor.

I would like to meet you in the near future, have a meal, and discuss important issues together. I would appreciate it if you could let me know at a convenient time.

I look forward to contacting you.

Executive Director Sang-ho Choi]

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