Lovers Avenue.

As a well-known attraction in Dressrosa, this avenue is well managed. Couples can be seen everywhere, making the air of this street filled with pink light. Looking at the couples in pairs, singles If you stumble into this place by mistake...Tsk!


It’s really miserable!

This is an out-and-out singles slaughterhouse.

"Dressrosa, the land of love, passion and toys...Forget about love and passion, I didn't expect there to be so many toys. It's so strange. Are these toys alive?" He was tall and wearing a robe. The man wearing a small vest and covering his bald head with a baseball cap was looking around curiously, staring at every toy passing by with extremely passionate eyes.

The aggressive gaze scared the toys to speed up and avoid the outdoor cafe on the corner.

street corner.

It's a small outdoor cafe.

There are several square tables placed outside the door, and couples passing by usually occupy this excellent resting spot, sipping the aroma of coffee and admiring the lively atmosphere of the street.


A group of rough men who looked like they were not good people drove away the lovers with a terrifying aura and then occupied the place.

"Probably... a devil fruit?"

Umit, who was wearing a tall hat, did not drink coffee. In fact, he did not like this dark drink at all. He enjoyed the pure taste of a cup of tea more than coffee. He sipped the tea in the cup - tea leaves. It was brought with me - I looked at the toy man passing by not far away and made a guess.

There are giants, fish-men, fur tribes, snake-headed tribes, winged islanders... and other strange human beings in this world, but no matter how strange they are, they are After all, they are still human beings, and they are still within the scope of understanding.


Living toys and stuff.

As long as your brain is not too stupid or too straight, you will understand that this thing cannot exist naturally.

Toys are just toys, how can they live like humans? However, the scene in the Kingdom of Dressrosa is not fake. The toys live in this country like humans. After thinking about it, the only thing that can explain this situation is Devil Fruit.

after all,

The so-called Toy Country is a title it only got after Doflamingo arrived.

In the past, this little kingdom was so poor that there was nothing except flower fields. Not only were the civilians’ pockets cleaner than dogs licked them, but the life of the royal family was not rich at all. In order to reduce military expenses, , every time when fighting pirates, the royal family would often take the lead in charging.

That is to say, it was only after Doflamingo seized power in this country five years ago that this impoverished country became rich. At the same time, toys on the streets appeared silently and were loved by the citizens. Accepting each other and living in harmony with each other, the so-called "Land of Love, Passion and Toys" was born.

"Devil Fruit······"

The bald man wearing a baseball cap nodded thoughtfully, "Are they Joker's men?"


Umit replied casually.

He has no interest in Joker's men, and he doesn't care about the toys on the street. This is not his territory, so he is too lazy to worry about Joker. Rather than Joker's men, he wants to know more about Elus and the others. Information about the attendants around him.

The information brought back by 'Cunning Sword' Venkula was really lackluster.

Although he had collected some information after this period of investigation, it was still too little, too vague, and too fragmented. It was difficult to sort out truly valuable information such as Elus' abilities and weaknesses.

"Lord Umit, someone underground is watching us."


The bald man wearing a baseball cap said this.

"...Don't worry about it, they are Joker's subordinates, they should be sent to keep an eye on them." Umit had noticed the aura underground for a long time, but he didn't plan to fight Doflamingo, so So I chose to ignore it.

"Don't worry about it?"

The bald man wearing a baseball cap glanced at the floor tiles under his feet, grinned, "I know."

As the number one warrior under Umit, this bald man is one of Umit's trump cards. This time, in order to face the challenge of the 'Black Prince', he specially brought him with him to Dresro. Sa, waiting for the arrival of Socacio Elus.

Also, not only the bald man, but the other eight strong men on the seats around him were also Umit's subordinates.

All of them are good players.

Five of them are pirates, and their bounties start at a minimum of 100 million, and those were bounties a long time ago. Their current strength is naturally more powerful and fierce than before, if it weren't for Vinkula's repeated exaggeration. Considering how powerful Elvus is, he really wouldn't be able to bring together so many masters from various sea areas.

But if you are prepared, you will be safe.

Only by being careful can you sail the ship of ten thousand years.

A lion has to use all his strength to fight a rabbit, not to mention that Elus is not a rabbit to be trifled with...

"Socaccio Elus... Stussi, I don't believe you don't have more detailed information." At some point, Umit was holding a phone bug in his hand and was talking to someone, "The price It’s not a problem, I just want information, give me the most complete and detailed information.”

"Sorry! Umit, it's not that I don't want to open the door for business, but I really don't have what you want here." Stussy, one of the giants of the dark world, the queen of Happy Street, and the most popular person in the new world A powerful information dealer.

after all,

There is no better place than Happy Street to collect all kinds of intelligence information more quickly.

The girls of Happy Street can always empty men's bodies, wallets and all kinds of information in their heads.

"How is that possible? You are the Queen of Happy Street...could it be that the Kingdom of Exmundo paid you?" Umit frowned, thinking of a possibility.

"The Queen of Happy Street is not omnipotent, and I don't have any friendship with the Kingdom of Exmundo."

Stussy responded quickly.

"...Even you can't find any useful information...Black Prince, are you really planning to make a big splash?" Umit had a straight face, sensing some pressure. The brain couldn't help but recall all the words said by the imprisoned Sword Venkula.

just in case,

If Vinkula was not scared out of his wits, but the enemy was really that strong, wouldn't his attempt to deal with Elus once and for all turn into a trap?

"...Manpower, more people!"

Wumit picked up the tea cup and took a sip, deciding to strengthen his own side.

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