"What it is?"

Umit, who was standing on the highest mushroom-shaped rock, frowned. Doflamingo was able to notice the burst of spiritual pressure from Elus, so he would not miss it, and he had originally arranged it at the port. The 'Welcome Ceremony' is a test method.

Being able to find out some details about Elus is worth it, even if it means sacrificing all the arranged manpower.


Elus' ability was partially exposed.

But the exposed method made him not quite understand what the hell is this? It looks like Overlord-colored Haki, but it is obviously not Overlord-colored Haki. He himself does not possess Overlord-colored Haki, but he has dealt with many strong people who possess Overlord-colored Haki, and he is very familiar with this stuff.

"A person with abilities? A superhuman type, or..."

Umit frowned.

With this limited information, he could only make such vague speculations. He initially speculated that he was a superhuman Devil Fruit user with abilities similar to Big Mom's Soul Fruit. He had seen Big Mom with his own eyes.・The scene where MOM strips away the souls of the rebels.

His intuition told him that there were great similarities between the two.

But it was this intuition that increased the pressure on Wumit's heart.

He knows the horror of BIG·MOM very well,

The more aware he is of this horror, the more cautious he becomes, lest a careless person capsize in the gutter and become another negative teaching material in the dark world that will be circulated for who knows how long.

"Phew! Lord Umit, this feels...a bit scary!"

Marcus, a bald man wearing a baseball cap, squatted at Umit's feet. He looked in the direction of the port and sighed in distress. As Umit's number one strongman, Marcus also He has mastered the domineering power of knowledge, knowledge, and color, and his attainments are not low.

In addition to sensing the mysterious and terrifying power of Elus, he also noticed the powerful presence of Eleus's attendants.

Such a powerful force,

But it's not easy to deal with at all.

"Another tough battle! Alas! I don't know if I will have the chance to play cards in the future!" He sighed, seeming to miss the good old days when he could play cards happily with others.

"Marcus... if you can't speak, shut up. Once these troublesome brats are dealt with, I'll give you half a month's vacation to play cards."

Marcus' dejected behavior before fighting almost made Umit faint from anger.

"Only half a month? Can't it be longer?"

"shut up."

Wumit glared fiercely at his subordinates who were still trying to bargain. This kind of nonsense actually means nothing now. If we can survive this battle, it will be a trivial matter no matter how we play. But if we accidentally end up self-defeating this time, , dig your own grave... Then there is no need to talk nonsense.

As he spoke, Umit listened to the heavy footsteps coming from far and near, interrupted his work of teaching his subordinates, and instead took Marcus to the edge of the mushroom-shaped rock, where he could clearly see what was happening with the naked eye. A sparse crowd moving at an alarmingly fast pace.

"Are you preparing to win with quality? You are so confident!"

Wumit stared at the six people who were gradually approaching.

Eleus, Dick, Dylan, Casper, Eschbach and the follower Farug.

Fran stayed on the ship to pressurize the ship and did not participate in this operation.

In comparison, there were more than 6,000 people on Wumit's side, a thousand times more in number.

"Ah! It's really this guy Farug..." Marcus suddenly shouted, "I thought he died in the battle! He's actually still alive... Wait, Has this guy surrendered to the enemy? He’s so spineless! Damn it!”

"It's just a little reptile, don't worry about it."

Umit didn't take Farug to heart. Whether he died or surrendered to the enemy, he was not an important role. Even if he was betraying information... I'm sorry, Farug was originally a spy. The guy doesn't know any information about Umit's shipping group.

"Compared to this, Marcus, are you sure you can win that big guy?"

Umit pointed at the culprit who caused the ground beneath his feet to tremble slightly, Eschbach standing behind Eleus.

"Master Wumit, please don't blame me for not boosting your morale. There's no way to be absolutely certain about this. The best I can do is try my best. I can only promise to hold him back and not let him interfere with you before you win." battle."

Marcus didn't say anything.

His sense of domineering sense of strong danger came from Eschbach.

This is a powerful enemy, a formidable enemy who will be defeated and killed if he is not careful. Holding the opponent back is the biggest promise he can make. Any more... is just lies.

"Then do your best, Marcus."

Umit responded, and then focused on the approaching six people. After entering the shelling range, Umit, who had been waiting for a long time with the phone bug in his hand, gave the order to fire. In an instant, The roar of artillery fire almost drowned out all the sounds around him.

The sound of the sea breeze, the waves, and the cries of seagulls were all hidden by the roaring gunfire.

Hundreds of cannons tried their best to spit out destructive shells. The shells were fired one after another as if they were free. In fact, Umit did spend a lot of money this time. This legion of six thousand people Carrying an excessive amount of arms and supplies.

This is more than enough material for a battle involving tens of thousands of people.


The bombardment lasted much longer than the port. The gunners had a lot of fun today, but they were really pretending to be piling up the ammunition next to the cannon as if they were free of charge.


The roar that shook the sky actually covered up the roar of hundreds of cannons.

A super huge monster appeared on the earth. This was a... dinosaur, a super huge dinosaur with an extremely long and extremely strong neck and tail. Its body length was probably more than fifty meters. Calculating weight from height and predicted muscle density... the weight is definitely over one hundred tons.

“Hula la————!!!”

The super-giant dinosaur that suddenly appeared enlarged its mouth and blew hard. Then nearly a thousand flying cannonballs were blown away, and they flew further and deeper than when they started, directly blowing up the logistics warehouse. .

"Is it an animal-type ability user? And it's an ancient species..." The bombed logistics warehouse did not cause Umit to waver. Originally, this bombardment tactic was just a testing method. Testing Ai The abilities of Urius and his attendants.

As long as enough information can be obtained, it is not impossible even to pay some price.

In comparison, ancient species of animal-type ability users are really tricky.

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