I only want to be a Shichibukai when I have Bengyu

Chapter 44 I saw something I shouldn’t have seen

What if someone out of boredom suddenly asked what it felt like to hit a home run while playing baseball? Eleus cannot give an answer as a hitter for the time being, but he can find another way to explain from the perspective of baseball what it is like to be knocked away with a terrifying force.

Well, it hurts!

This is the answer.

The answer is that simple.

As a target of being struck, pain is the most normal and the clearest feeling in that not-so-long period of time, even if Elus was not directly slashed by Big Mom's [Emperor Sword: Broken Blade] On his body, the moonlight sword in his hand was the first contact object.

This lightsaber, which is condensed from high-density spiritual pressure, is quite reliable in terms of strength.

Even the sword that withstood BIG·MOM was not cut off, and the bluish-white light was still as bright as new.

It's just that the moonlight sword can't be cut off by Big Mom's sword, but Elus can't withstand the unimaginable impact of the strange force. The impact from the moonlight sword forcefully crushes Al. The toughness of Wusi's right arm and steel skin could not withstand the impact.

The bones in his right forearm were broken with a 'click', and his whole body was beaten as if he was in a huge typhoon.

The taste of pain was clearly reflected in his sensory nerves.

"It's just a monster in human form!"

Elus, who had flown far away, uttered this emotion that was recognized by countless strong men in the New World.

Compared to Big Mom, a monster like Big Mom who could break a giant's ribs at the age of five and was born with a bunch of tricks, Elus was embarrassed to say that he was hooked. Only by constantly collecting souls to meet Bengyu's needs can we give him corresponding feedback.

The jet-black wings flapped desperately, constantly trying to resolve the terrifying impact. After flying a long distance, Elus finally resolved the impact exerted on himself, and the vibration The wings continued to fly in the sky under their own power.

"As expected of a monster, he came so quickly!!"

Before the end of the brief words could be heard, a huge shadow was cast in the sky above Elus's head. A group of pitch-black clouds with an evil smile like a standard villain were suspended in the sky, and above the dark clouds , and there stood a huge monster-like figure holding a giant sword.

Elus's detective nerves are always on the loose, keeping track of Big Mom's whereabouts.

It's a pity that he saw Big Mom approaching, but he didn't have more time to think and prepare. He could only flap his wings to stabilize his body while joining his broken right arm, and hurriedly swung his sword again to meet him. The humanoid monster jumped down from the dark clouds.

The pink dress fluttered under the impact of the air current.

This is absolutely,

It is a scene that can make Dr. Newton, who has crawled out of the coffin countless times, crawl back into the coffin to sleep again with closed eyes and is so happy.


Only at this time, Eleus wished that the doctor would be so angry that he would lift the coffin board and climb out of the grave again.

Every male compatriot must have more or less looked forward to the wonderful scene when the sudden strong wind rolls up the fluttering skirts of girls... Elus is naturally no exception, and the youthful Hormones had caused him to have many stupid delusions, and expecting girls to have their skirts lifted by the wind was just one of them.



He never thought that his little delusion would be realized in such a creepy way. He, he, he... At that moment, he caught a glimpse of Big Mom's skirt, ugh! ! ! I can't, I can't think about it, I can't think about it...

The spirit suffered a devastating blow that destroyed the world,

There was a tsunami in my originally calm mind.

"...What the hell, this is mental pollution!!!"

Eleus let out an unprecedented erratic roar.

The Moonlight Sword swung into the sky at an astonishing speed, once again touching the giant sword 'Napoleon'. The sharp sword light still couldn't do anything to the giant sword blessed with BIG·MOM's top-notch armament and domineering power, with the help of the power of falling. In addition, the sword of BIG·MOM is even better than the previous [Emperor Sword·Broken Blade] in terms of power alone.

Obviously, this battle-experienced pirate emperor has keenly realized that the lethality of flames does not pose a threat to Elus, but the pure strength of the wrist is more destructive.

At the moment when the moonlight sword came into contact with the giant sword ‘Napoleon’,

The clear and crisp sound of fractures was transmitted into Big Mom's ears like fried beans. She clearly saw Eleus's right arm twisted into a weird twist-like shape, stained with blood. The white bone stubble penetrated the skin and was exposed.

The hand holding the Moonlight Sword loosened, and the blue-white lightsaber fell. The remaining sword energy surged forward, directly breaking through the defense of the steel skin, cutting off and twisting Elus's right arm. It was broken into pieces and ground into blood-colored dust that was completely blown up in the wind.

The second head-on collision,

Elus, who suffered severe mental pollution, suffered a huge defeat.

The body fell towards the ground below at lightning speed. This time Elus did not try hard to resolve the force of the fall. Instead, he flapped his wings in cooperation to make himself fall faster, which was short in duration. ,

In just two breaths, the small human-shaped meteor landed.

Although not big,

But driven by the astonishing speed, it still possesses unimaginable destructive power. The entire Saibai Island trembled due to Elus's fall, and gray smoke rushed into the sky, covering people's eyes. The field of vision makes it impossible to observe the falling human-shaped meteor with your eyes for a while.


Elus lay at the bottom of the pit in the posture of a large character with the right half of it cut off, and let out a long sigh as if he had seen through the world of mortals.

How could such an accident happen?

This unexpected accident gave him a heavy punch, which made him dizzy. Even now, he can't think straight. His originally high fighting spirit became as dejected as a defeated rooster. It was really hard. I was so depressed that I wanted to yell loudly, but I didn't know who to curse.

Frustrated, indignant, annoyed, and other complex emotions were filled and intertwined in his chest.

Then it turned into rising anger.

It's all BIG·MOM's fault. They are all sixty-year-old old ladies. Can't they dress more in line with their age? A pink dress can only exert its proper charm on a cute sixteen-year-old girl, not to mention...hateful!

I can't think about it!

Eleus gritted his teeth in hatred.

A dark spiritual light flashed out from the blood-stained wound on his right shoulder, and a brand new arm was regenerated. He raised his right hand to cover his face, trying his best to clear away the restless things in his mind, wishing he could destroy this A horrific picture of the world.


The wings flapped.

Elus rushed into the sky again, and a long tunnel was penetrated through the smoke and dust in mid-air.

"False bullet."

Eleus stretched out his palm.

The red high-density spiritual pressure spheres flew into the sky, not one or two, but ten or a hundred, sweeping like a storm towards BIG·MOM standing above the dark clouds in the sky, which was full of El. Wusi's nameless angry counterattack.

Being beaten up twice in a row really made Elus, who had originally planned to use Big Mom as a touchstone, a bit embarrassed. It was definitely not because he had seen an indescribable scene with extremely terrifying mental pollution properties that gave rise to a strong desire for revenge. .


Absolutely not!

"Mamama!! Although the bones in the body are very fragile, the vitality is really good!"

After beating Elus away twice in succession, listening to the sweet sound of broken bones made Big Mom, who was angry at being rejected for marriage, feel a little better. She looked at Alus who had regenerated his right arm. Us, there was a little surprise in his eyes.

She has seen the powerful vitality and amazing resilience of animal devil fruit users many times.


This is the first time I have seen the level of recovery from a broken arm.

Is it the special ability of those with animal devil fruit abilities? It's like one of Whitebeard's annoying [Phoenix], but shouldn't it be the power of the soul? Or is it a special power with dual properties of regeneration and soul?

After all, they are phantom beasts.

Past data records are even rarer than those of natural devil fruits.

It’s not surprising that there are unheard of abilities.

While she was pondering the details of Elus' ability, she lightly stamped her foot, and the Thundercloud Zeus under her feet immediately opened its dark mouth. At the same moment, a brilliant and dazzling light appeared in the open mouth of Thundercloud Zeus. Light up.

This is--

Thunder and lightning.

In uncivilized times and regions, thunder and lightning were often regarded as the angry roar of gods, or weapons that brought down divine punishment.

And in this new world,

Big Mom, who can control the weather at will and use the changing weather as his own weapon, can be compared to a moody evil god. After all, the title Pirate Emperor only appeared in modern times. Perhaps earlier, it was said that A scary guy like Undirected Big Mom is what people call a god.

The falling thunder and lightning accurately defeated hundreds of flying bullets.

Big Mom didn't even bat an eyelid at this.

This kind of attack

In fact, there is no need to defend at all, but with such power, it cannot harm BIG·MOM's 'steel balloon'-like strong body.

Just to be wary of Elus's unknown Devil Fruit ability, she asked Zeus to use offense instead of defense. This time, she didn't slap the false bullets that flew in front of her like she did in a table tennis game like before. flew out.

"Sure enough... it's of no use at all, ah! This really demoralizes people." The attack was ineffective. Elus sighed softly. He was not as disappointed as he said, and there was another wave in his hand. A brand new moonlight sword was condensed in this brief moment, and then transferred from the left hand to the right hand.

The previous moonlight sword had disappeared because it was out of his grasp and had not been replenished with spiritual pressure for a long time.


The Moonlight Sword chirped softly.

The sadness, irritability, and anger in Elus's eyes all faded away, and only a hint of seriousness could be seen in his green eyes.

Immediately afterwards,

Dark green light and shadow flew in front of BIG·MOM.

The blue-white lightsaber and the huge sword 'Napoleon' were separated by just one touch. The exquisite sword skills were as light as a long snake coated with a layer of oil, avoiding the unrivaled terrifying power. At the same time, an emerald green light gathered on the tip of the index finger of his left hand.

"Virtual flash!"

The emerald-green light beam hit BIG·MOM hard on the shoulder—it was originally meant to be a hit on the head, but BIG·MOM shook his head violently, and the thundercloud Zeus under his feet quickly rose by seventy or eighty centimeters, making Ai Ervus' aimed attack missed.

A false flash shot at close range.

The monster-like huge body shook slightly, just shaking.

There were no traces of scratches on those strong shoulders that were exposed and not covered by any fabric. The strength of the steel balloon was really a headache.

"Isn't this okay?"

Eleus frowned.


As expected, he is not someone to be trifled with.

Condensing the fluctuations in his heart, his underdeveloped detection nerves discovered the giant sword that Big Mom was swinging again before his eyes and ears. Elus immediately flapped his wings and increased his speed to the extreme. At the critical moment, he once again Avoid the incoming sword edge.

In terms of physical strength and power, Elus is indeed not as powerful as Big Mom.

But the speed

Only in terms of speed, Elus is confident that he will not lose to Big Mom. Moreover, relying on his short body (a 205 centimeter dwarf) and the high-speed moving footwork called "Sound Turn", he can achieve this goal here. You can still gain some upper hand when moving around in a small area.

And he didn't just dodge. While dodging Big Mom's sword, he also didn't forget to use the moonlight sword to try to attack the steel balloon, which was a bit of a headache.



Like a blacksmith shop with a bustling business, the harsh crashing sound echoed endlessly in the sky.

The battle temporarily fell into a stalemate.

Big Mom's violent blows were unable to hit Elus, who was spinning around him as slippery as a loach. After trying hundreds of times, Elus confirmed that the moonlight sword of this level was There was no way to break through Big Mom's physical defense, and all his attacks failed to achieve even a single result.

“You green-eyed kid, don’t buzz around like flies, it’s very annoying!!!”


Big Mom, who had finally regained some good mood before, was once again angered by Elus' tactics.

She raised the giant sword 'Napoleon' high in her hand,


Swing down.

He shouted loudly: "Powerful country!"

This is the gun of Elbaf, the powerful country.

A move originating from the giants, using weapons to create devastating shock waves. But in the hands of BIG·MOM, what is produced is not a shock wave, but a more lethal slash wave, which can also be said to be a large super weapon. A huge sword energy that is beyond imagination.


They were all filled with this majestic sword energy.

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