I only want to be a Shichibukai when I have Bengyu

Chapter 47 The battle comes to an end and old words are brought up again

"Do you want to continue?"

Lieutenant General He raised his eyes and looked at Sengoku sitting behind his desk.

"I don't doubt the agents who perform their duties faithfully in such a harsh environment like the New World, but... this matter needs to be done with caution. The Black Prince who can fight with Big Mom for a day and the one who killed Umit The Black Prince is no longer a concept."

"The latter can still find ways to exert control, but the former can only cooperate with it... If we can't determine what kind of person Socacio Elus is, does he have justice in his heart? Or is his interests the most important? Or he is really a cruel and murderous lunatic. Until we understand this, cooperation cannot begin."

As he said this, Warring States frowned slightly and his heart became heavy.

If possible, he does not want to see a new overlord rise in the new world who can be on equal footing with the Four Emperors. Regardless of whether he is a pirate or not, a monster like this is enough to destroy a country by one person and is extremely difficult to control. If it does not belong to On the side of order, then the most ideal situation is for everyone to die.


It is because of the obstruction of these monsters that it cannot be carried out.

"Although Garp is still that bastard, he does have good eyesight. Let him meet the black prince and see if his highness can cooperate with us."

"It seems that my worries are in vain. Just be happy with your success."

General He lowered his eyes and slowly took a sip of tea.

"Are you worried that I will be overwhelmed by desire?" Sengoku stretched out his hand to adjust his glasses, looked up at the ceiling, and murmured: "I am always thinking about regaining the authority of the Navy that was lost in the new world, Ahe, You also know that even when the Rocks Pirates were at their peak, the navy had not completely lost control of the new world like it is now."

"There is only one Rocks, but there are four Yonkos. It's not your fault, Sengoku."

"But the new world was lost in my hands."

Looking at the pure white painted ceiling, Warring States let out a deep sigh.

"If self-blame can make you feel lighter, I will not stop you from taking all the responsibility on yourself." General He Zhong held the tea cup and stared at the green-brown tea in the cup, "But four The rise of the Emperor is essentially a continuation of the Rocks Pirates, and it is the legacy of [Marshal Sora] who did not clear up the remaining troubles when he was in office. This is an indisputable fact."

Three of the Yonko were once members of the Rocks Pirates.

When Marshal Sora was in power, he failed to completely wipe out the remnants of the Rocks Pirates. Then a new world emerged, the New World of the Four Emperors. The dominance of the World Government and the Navy in the New World suffered a devastating blow. The remaining two bases, G1 and G5, are just the last fig leaves left by the world government and navy.

"In the Warring States Period, being too loyal to your duties may not be a good thing. Being relaxed and relaxed is the long-term rule. Don't tighten yourself too much to avoid making mistakes while busy."

"I know! Ahe, and... thank you so much!"

"This is the responsibility of the staff."


The Frankincense Sea is almost 320 kilometers southwest of Saibai Island.

The waves glowing with silvery moonlight surged endlessly, and the icy sea breeze blew the flag of the Big Mom Pirates. The huge fleet headed by the Queen's Singer chased the sky against the cold sea wind like a knife. That strange scene of chaos.

Above the waves, there was a sea of ​​fire surging, thunder piercing the sky, sword energy flying across the clouds, and a dark green aura dimming the moonlight.

The night sky was created by this intertwined power to create an unusual scene of chaos.

The fierce battle has lasted for three days and two nights.


It was already the third night since the battle began.

"How long...is this going to last?"

Standing on the deck, holding on to the railing of the ship, Snag stared blankly at the chaotic scene in the sky. An indescribable sense of fatigue filled his heart. It was clear that he was just a spectator in the past three days and two nights, and he had no strength at all. There was no waste at all, but now I just feel extremely tired.

Looking up at the battlefield above, it was a realm he might not be able to reach in his life.

He still has this bit of self-awareness.

His greatest wish is to become a 'General'. As long as he can stand with Katakuri's brother, that is his greatest pursuit. As for his mother...his son only has obedience and fear. I never thought that it would be possible for me to become as powerful as my mother.

"Snag, if you can't hold it any longer, go and rest for a while." Katakuri's voice drifted into his ears with the sea breeze.

Snag subconsciously followed the sound and looked over. Looking at Brother Katakuri who was like an iron man cast on the deck, deep admiration appeared in his eyes. The battle in the sky lasted for three days and two nights. Brother Kuli stood there for three days and two nights.

During this period, he did not move even one centimeter.

If he hadn't really sensed the fresh breath of life, he would have suspected that something had happened.

"It's okay, I can still hold on."

Snag shook his head. He looked at Brother Katakuri's scarf wrapped around his neck. He hesitated for a moment and then asked: "Brother Katakuri, mother and that... Black Prince How is the fighting situation now?"

After witnessing the fierce battle between Elus and Big Mom for three days and two nights,

Snag no longer refers to Aleus as "kid". A strong man who can rival his mother would be fine if he says something bad behind his back. But now that they are so far apart, he doesn't doubt Aleus. Us can completely monitor their every move with his knowledge and Haki.

"You're not watching?"

Katakuri asked.

"Well, I've been watching, but... I can't understand."

Snag spoke like a tongue twister.

However, the meaning is quite clear. Snag's Haki can observe the battle between Elus and Big Mom in the sky, but his eyesight is not enough to judge what the battle is about. Such a situation.

"Mom has the upper hand, but if you want to completely overwhelm the black prince... I'm afraid it won't be possible in a short time." Katakuri said.

These words were not only spoken to Snag, but also to the group of younger brothers and sisters standing behind him who were waiting eagerly. The chaotic and unknown battle in the sky filled the hearts of these younger brothers and sisters with insufficient strength. Worrying and fearing, I was afraid that my mother would be knocked off the altar by this black prince who suddenly appeared.

No matter how much my mother disowned her relatives when she got sick,

They always understand that their mother is the big tree that protects them from the wind and rain from the outside world. Without their mother's protection...it is unimaginable!

After hearing Katakuri's words, the brothers and sisters of the Charlotte family standing on the deck quietly breathed a sigh of relief. Although Eleus's power is frightening, as long as their mother is still the sea of ​​the new world, If you thief the emperor, then your life in the future will not change much.

"Brother Katakuri, should we find a way to help mom?"

While the younger brothers and sisters behind him were whispering, Smoothie, who was tall and long-legged, walked quietly to Katakuri's side and asked in a low voice.

The "Three Dessert Generals" of the Big Mom Pirates.

Charlotte Katakuri, Charlotte Smoothie, Charlotte Cracker.

After experiencing countless brutal bloody battles, the three of them have now become the pillars of the pirate group after Big Mom and Chef Longbread. In a head-on battle, any of the Yonko can easily defeat them. , but with their mother restraining the other party, they were indeed able to intervene in such a battle.

She didn't get an immediate response.

After waiting for about half a minute,

"Being not."

Katakuri shook his head slightly.

For the time being, it’s just not needed for the time being. To be honest, they need to take great risks if they get involved in the battle at that level in the sky. If an attack that their mother can ignore falls on them, they will be seriously injured even if they don’t die, so... ····Let’s continue to watch for now!

after all,

It was indeed the mother who had the upper hand in this battle.

on the clouds,

Under the moon,

The battle continues.

"Black Void Flash!"

This is the sixty-ninth time Elus has used this ultimate move that is enough to bring a certain amount of damage to BIG·MOM.

Jet black light burst out from the fingertips.

Like a beam of light shot out from the abyss of hell, it penetrated the blazing sea of ​​fire and the vast thunderclouds.

The body of Prometheus was so frightened that he quickly dodged away, and Thundercloud Zeus carried Big Mom honestly. After all, there is no safer place than beside his mother, even if he was beaten by Elus. Even if they are injured, mother can repair their injuries at any time.

Elus's spiritual pressure attack can damage Homiz created by Big Mom.

Even the Sun Prometheus and Thundercloud Zeus, who could not be harmed by the Armed Color Haki, could not avoid the attack of spiritual pressure, which was also a change in soul power.

"Wei Guo."

Wielding the giant sword ‘Napoleon’,

BIG·MOM's counterattack was equally fierce.

The majestic slashing wave collided head-on with the Black Void Flash, and another storm shook the sea and blew in all directions. Fortunately, this was on the sea. If the battle was on land, after three days and two nights of fierce fighting, It is normal to completely change the topography of an island.

The 351st head-to-head confrontation ended in a draw.


This time, BIG·MOM was not as impatient as before to start a new round of competition. She stood on the thunder cloud Zeus, the tip of the giant sword 'Napoleon' in her hand was facing the sea below, and the sun Prometheus was attached to BIG ·On ​​MOM’s hair, blazing flames burned fiercely.

"Socaccio Eleus."

This was the first time he called Eleus by his name in a serious manner, instead of using contemptuous names like 'boy' or 'little devil'.

Big Mom looked at Elus seriously.

She spoke slowly:

"You are very strong."

"It is an honor to be praised by the Queen of Totland."

Three days and two nights of fierce fighting were enough for Elus to erase his previous weakness that was shaken by trivial matters. He talked to Big Mom calmly, while the moonlight sword he held tightly in his hand shone with sharpness. mango.

He did not relax because of BIG·MOM's sudden stop.

Still ready to fight at any time.

"Although I really want to kill you and use your head to dispel the thoughts of those losers in the dark world, but it is obvious that this cannot be done now. You are already qualified to make me change my original mind."

Big Mom saw Elus's vigilant attitude, but she really had no intention of continuing the fight.

Three days and two nights of fierce fighting,

She had probably never fought with someone for such a long time.


She still has plenty of physical strength and is quite energetic.

Even if the fight lasts for another five days and five nights, there is absolutely no problem, but the real problem is that even if the fight continues for another five days and five nights, this battle will not have any substantial results in the end. Even if Si can't be beaten, he can definitely get away.

This was the fact she discovered during these three days and two nights of fierce fighting.

"Change your mind?"

Eleus narrowed his eyes.

"Let's have a truce! It will do no good to you or me to continue this battle. Fighting with me for three days and two nights is enough to spread your reputation in the new world. If you continue, there will be no more Unless you are prepared to live and die with me here."

Big Mom stared at Elus, waiting for Elus's response.

The reason why she took the initiative to strike was naturally not just because she was tired of this battle, which was difficult to achieve any results.

The most important reason is Hai Hai's sons and daughters who are closely following this battle. In the previous battle, her aura of knowledge and domineering caught Katakuri and Smoothie's sudden attacks. Elus's fighting spirit.

Although it was suppressed again later,

But if this battle continues, sooner or later they will step in to help, which she never wants to see.

Katakuri, Smoothie, and Cracker, these three children are Big Mom's proudest children. They are also important pillars of her pirate group and important helpers in helping her realize her dream of becoming the Pirate King. I really don't want to see these three best children sacrificed because of this boring battle.

Even if you really have to die, your death must be more valuable.

"······so be it!"

Big Mom can detect the small movements of his children. Elus's detective nerves are naturally keen to capture the strong murderous intention directed at him. If he thinks about it for a moment, he can understand why Big Mom stopped fighting.


fair enough.

He was not prepared to really have a life-and-death relationship with Big Mom. After all, except for the Umit incident, they had not had any interactions before, and naturally there was no irresolvable hatred.

And he is not alone, he still has a kingdom waiting to inherit!

This was a fierce battle for three days and two nights.

The one who benefited the most was actually Elus. With the help of Big Mom's name, he finally became famous in the new world. Fame may seem very illusory, but it is definitely not without any meaning. .

With this reputation.

There will no longer be any obstacles for him to take over Umit's shipping network.

Even if there are die-hard fans of Umit like the Kingdom of Himuyel, they definitely need to carefully consider whether it is worth offending a strong man who can fight Big Mom for three days and two nights for the sake of dead Umit. .

"Then, Queen of Totland, I will take my leave."

Elus flapped his wings and prepared to leave.


Big Mom suddenly stopped Elus.


Elus turned the moonlight sword that had not dissipated in his hand, "Do you want to go back on your word?"


BIG·MOM shook his head. The giant sword 'Napoleon' in his hand had turned back into a hat and was put on his head again. The sun Prometheus also changed from an "angry state" back to a sun with red dimples on his face. normal state".

"How about you reconsider my previous proposal? Be my son-in-law! Do you like the older one? Or the younger one?"

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