Three days flew by.

On this day, after having breakfast on his own ship, Eleus set out to board the deck of the Mobydick again.

"Hey, Sachi, the roasted seabird last night was delicious!"

As soon as he came up from the gangway, he saw Captain Sachi of the Fourth Squadron walking out of the cabin carrying a dinner plate. This man wearing a white chef uniform and white pants looked at Eleus with a look full of bad luck, like It seemed like he saw something unlucky.


Elus didn't care at all about the disgusted look, but instead loudly praised the other party's outstanding cooking skills.

As the head chef of the Whitebeard Pirates, Sachi's cooking skills are definitely ranked among the best in the New World. Ever since he had a dinner with the Whitebeard Pirates two days ago, he has been cooking for the past two days. Enjoying lunch and dinner with the Whitebeard Pirates.

Saatchi, the head chef, is not only proud, but also troubled that his kitchen is frequently visited by unrelated people, but every time, some valuable and hard-to-obtain rare ingredients are left behind, many of which can be used as tonics. It is very suitable for elderly people.

This made him unable to refuse,

We can only let it happen.

But the depression in his heart still lingered, so the look he looked at Elus was a little subtle.

"Seabird? That's Narbo Gallic Chicken!"

"Oh! That's it, it tastes super good, and the barbecue sauce you prepared. Can you learn from me? Let my chef come to apprentice, don't worry! There will be no shortage of apprenticeships. The shipping network of the New World is now mine. Everything is ready, I can find a way to get you whatever ingredients and herbs you want."

Here, I have to say that Umit is a genius.

He started from scratch, relied on his own efforts, and built something from scratch. In the new world, a place with chaotic magnetic fields, dangerous storms, strange things, and strong men, he established a huge and rigorous shipping system, which greatly enhanced the communication between various sea areas in the new world. The connection has gradually given the new world, which has been in a state of fragmentation, an overall concept.

Well, this is a bit too much.

But this is indeed Elus’ true feelings after taking over Umit’s shipping network.

As the saying goes, those who came before planted trees for those who will enjoy the shade.

Enjoying the convenience and benefits brought by the shipping network created by the old man Umit who he personally killed, Eleus felt that there was nothing wrong with giving him more praise.

"...I'll give you a list."

Sage said.

Even though the Whitebeard Pirates have a great business, Whitebeard does not allow slaves, drugs and other destructive businesses to appear on his territory. He only relies on various regular incomes. To be honest, it is nothing to maintain the operation of the Whitebeard Pirates. question.

But if you want to purchase some expensive medicinal materials and ingredients, calculating these additional large expenditures really gives the captains a headache.

In order to find medicinal materials for his father, Marco often ventures into some extremely dangerous sea areas. Even if he is a 'Phoenix' in such a place, he often has to hang something up when he comes back. This shows how dangerous the new world is.

If it were easier to get the needed medicinal materials and ingredients,

What’s the point of teaching some cooking skills?

"By the way, Jinbei is already here."

Before Sachi left with the dinner plate, he told Eleus a piece of news.

at this time,

Someone else came out of the cabin.

It was Whitebeard and a fat blue-skinned fish man.

"Boy, you're so early!"

Whitebeard said.

Elus walked up to Whitebeard, looked up at Whitebeard who sat down on the huge chair on the deck, and said with a smile: "Everyone will be impatient if it takes too long. Let's get this done as soon as possible." Now that my son is solved, there is no burden in my heart and I can stop thinking about it all the time."

"You think so? Mr. Jinbei, well, you don't mind being called that, right?"

"It doesn't matter."

The three hundred and one centimeter tall whale shark man responded in a deep voice.

"It is indeed a dream for me to understand the reason why His Royal Highness the Black Prince wants to see me as soon as possible."

"Then say it!"

Whitebeard waved his hand.

This time he didn't say anything about not taking action against Jinbei or Fish-Man Island. Just sitting here showed his attitude.

Both Elus and Jinbe understand this.

Elus smiled nonchalantly, while Jinbei was extremely grateful, even a little frightened. Once again, the heart was filled with hot and suffocating emotions. He no longer knew how to repay such a large number of people. Unclear gratitude.

"Daddy Whitebeard...!"

"Jinbei, let's hear what this kid has to say!"

Whitebeard sat in a mountain-like posture, pressing his hands on the armrests of the chair, lowering his eyes and looking at Eleus who was standing in front of him.

Jinbei stood aside silently. He should obviously be the protagonist communicating with Elus, but now Whitebeard helped him come forward to receive Elus, the fifth overlord of the new world, and shouldered the burden of the people. Unbearable pressure.

"Mr. Jinbei, why did you become King Shichibukai?"

Elus didn't criticize anything and just stood on the deck and started talking.

"To protect Fishman Island."

He replied calmly.

With his calm attitude and sincere eyes, people will understand that this is an aboveboard man just by taking one look at him.

Every word he said was truer than real money and silver.

This is a man worthy of the name [Sea Hero].

"But isn't the current Fish-Man Island protected by the flag of Father Whitebeard?"

"I'm ashamed to say it, but with the identity of Oshichibukai, I can avoid being targeted by the world government and navy. The flag of Whitebeard Daddy can protect Fish-Man Island from pirates, and with the identity of Oshichibukai, I can The gap between the real power of the fish-man island and the human race is suppressed.

Who is the real power of the human race?

Nature is the world government, the holy land of Mary Geoea.

Even Whitebeard will not deny this. No matter how famous he is, it can only make pirates fear him like a tiger. The one who dominates the development of the human race and the relationship with other races is still the world government and the Holy Land. The big shots at Marie Gioia.

"Then, if I say that I hope you can hand over the identity of King Shichibukai, what do you think?"

After a brief contact and some understanding of Jinbei's temper, Elus gave up his plan of going around in circles and went straight to the point.

"I see, Your Majesty Qibukai, boy, you are attracted to this identity!"

Whitebeard suddenly realized.

I finally figured out what Elus was trying to do.

"Give up the identity of King Shichibukai... However, His Highness the Black Prince, the so-called King Shichibukai, to put it bluntly, are pirates who accepted the invitation of the World Government for their own reasons and ambitions. The pirates get In order to achieve what they want or their ambitions, the World Government has therefore implemented measures to contain pirates with pirates.”

"His Royal Highness the Black Prince, you are not a pirate. Even if I agree to give up my identity as the Shichibukai, you will not be able to take over the vacancy I left."

Jinbe analyzed it very carefully.

Jinbei actually didn't value the identity of King Shichibukai at all. He only accepted the World Government's invitation because he needed the benefits brought by such an identity.

"Joracol Mihawk, is he a pirate?"

Elus suddenly asked.

"...Mihawk-dono, he is..." Jinbei was asked.

When mentioning Joracol Mihawk, most people's reaction is "Who is this?" It is only when they talk about "Hawkeye" that they suddenly realize that he is the world's greatest swordsman... Yes, even in the navy, when mentioning Hawkeye, the first impression is that of the world's greatest swordsman, not a member of the King's Shichibukai.

As for Hawkeye, is he a pirate?

This question will probably be asked by many people. Is the notoriously loner Hawkeye a pirate? There is no pirate group, no fixed territory, just a man wandering the sea in a boat, looking for a swordsman who can satisfy him to compete with him.

Even when a person lived on Kraikana Island, he would grow vegetables and cook the food himself.

To say he is a pirate,

It's really a bit too forced.

"Dad Whitebeard, you must have met Hawkeye, right? Do you think that man is a pirate?" Elus shifted his gaze from Jinbe, who was unable to answer, to Whitebeard's face.

"That's a pure swordsman."

Whitebeard said bluntly.

"From my point of view, the King's Shichibukai is indeed a system established with the idea of ​​using pirates to control pirates. However, whether you are a pirate or not is not the most important thing at all. The most important thing is whether you have the reputation to scare pirates. With the ability to fight pirates, and whether I can inherit the Shichibukai is my business, whether you are willing to give up your identity as the Shichibukai is something you should consider."

"Even so... please forgive me for not giving up my identity as King Shichibukai. Fishman Island can't..."

"Don't refuse in such a hurry. I only made my request and I haven't told you about compensation yet!"

Elus interrupted Jinbe's words.

"Even if you want to refuse, at least wait until you hear my compensation."

Jinbei opened his mouth, looked at Elus with a smile on his face, and slowly closed his mouth.

"It may not sound nice to say this, but Father Whitebeard is already old. How long do you think that flag can protect Fish-Man Island?" Eleus stretched out his finger and pointed to the flag on the main mast of the Moby Dick that was facing the wind. Waving flag.

Jinbei's expression suddenly changed, and he immediately shouted loudly: "What did you say?! Dad, he doesn't know how to..."

"Shut up!"

The majestic pressure came down like a toppling mountain.


It was stuck in the throat for a moment and could not come out.

"Boy, don't go too far!"

The tsunami-like surge of domineering blocked the terrifying pressure. After calming down, Jinbe felt cold sweat wet his temples. The way he looked at Elus smiling before made people forget that he was fighting against Big Mom. For three days and two nights, there was no clear outcome for the monster.

Whitebeard blocked the spiritual pressure released by Elus for Jinbe.

"I'm sorry, white-bearded dad. When I saw someone denying the objective laws of birth, old age, illness and death, I got a little carried away for a while."

With the spiritual pressure withdrawn, Eleus still maintained his calm smile.

"Birth, old age, sickness and death? Humph!"

The white beard who straightened up slowly sat back down.

"Mr. Jinbei, I understand that you probably admire the white-bearded father very much. I have also said that although this kind of thing does not sound very nice, it is an objective law of how the world works. Although it is said that the fruit of surgery can make people immortal... ····But it’s hard to say whether that thing is true or not, and the white-bearded dad is no longer young.”

Elus looked at Jinbei who was sweating coldly and said slowly.

This time,

Jinbe didn't immediately refute or deny it. He turned his face and looked at Whitebeard sitting on the chair.

"As compensation, I will give up my status as King Shichibukai. After Whitebeard's misfortune... I can continue to protect Fish-Man Island in Whitebeard's stead," Elus continued.


"Goo la la la!"

Whitebeard laughed, "Boy, your compensation sounds like you are taking my territory?"

"This isn't robbing, it's booking."

"What a cunning boy."

"This day will come sooner or later, right?"

Whitebeard laughed twice without denying it.

"Of course, it is a bit cunning to use future guarantees as compensation... Let's do it! Jinbei, let the Kingdom of Exmundo and the Kingdom of Ryugu sign a contract to become allies! Although it may not be easy to do, it can be done slowly. Slowly try to bridge the gap between humans and fishmen. This should be the last wish of Fisher Tiger and Princess Otohime, right?"

"Boss Tiger, Princess Otohime...His Royal Highness the Black Prince, I didn't expect that you even know these things!"

Jinbei frowned.

The matter of Fisher Tiger and Princess Otohime is not a secret, but it is not that simple to find out the details. Since Elus knows the last wishes of Boss Tiger and Princess Otohime, It can be seen that they have really put in the effort to study the fish-man island.

"Forget it, dad with white beard..."

Jinbei gritted his teeth, but still did not say those unlucky words, and skipped directly: "In addition to Whitebeard Daddy, there are other pirate emperors in the New World! Fish-Man Island doesn't have to choose your reason? "

"Of course there are reasons."


"Don't you understand this? The youngest red-haired one among the four emperors is much older than me. No matter how monsters Big Mom and the Beasts are, they will not be able to withstand the erosion of time. It is better to choose not to Pirate emperors who know when they will fall, it’s actually the most appropriate thing for me to deal with Ryugu Kingdom because of my identity, isn’t it?”

The Dragon Palace Kingdom is a serious country after all.

Rather than relying on the pirates, forming an alliance with the Kingdom of Exmundo, which is also a member of the World Government, can lessen the World Government's hostility towards Fish-Man Island.

"Moreover, Fish-Man Island is the bridge connecting the New World and the Paradise. Of course, such an important place is the most secure in my own hands. I am planning to lay out my shipping network to the Paradise, with the New World as the core and extending to the Paradise. Finally, it radiates to the whole world... Fish-Man Island is an indispensable link..."

Elus continued to emphasize the importance of Fish-Man Island to demonstrate his determination.


He stared at Whitebeard again,

"Father Whitebeard, let's cooperate too. Fish-Man Island is still your territory for now. How about you just use Fish-Man Island's right of passage to become a shareholder in my shipping network?"

"You should ask Neptune about that kind of thing. I only protected Fish-Man Island, and I didn't enslave the Ryugu Kingdom." Whitebeard naturally said words that ordinary pirates could not understand.

"That's better. I think the Great Knight of the Sea should be easier to talk to than you, Father Whitebeard."

"...I haven't agreed yet!"

Jinbe looked depressed at Elus, who was already thinking about how to deal with Ryugu Kingdom. His depressed mood could not be described in words.

"Then you want to reject me?"

Eleus looked over.


Jinbei closed his mouth tightly. This feeling of being eaten was really terrible.

"Jinbei, make your choice! No matter what you choose, you will be a friend of the Whitebeard Pirates." Whitebeard spoke at this time, taking the initiative to remove Jinbei's psychological burden.

"Daddy Whitebeard..."

Jinbei's tears were about to fall.

He gritted his teeth and simply didn't know how to say those words.


After all, an answer must be given.

"If you can bring peace and tranquility to Fishman Island, why not give up your identity as the Shichibukai?"

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