I only want to be a Shichibukai when I have Bengyu

Chapter 55 You shouldn’t cause trouble for me, right?

The King's Qiwuhai,

To put it bluntly, this thing is a deformed monster that the world government has compromised in the era of great pirates. Among the top leaders of the world government and the navy, many people cannot understand this strategy of using pirates to control pirates. They have legal rights for these people. The identity of the pirate is even more disgusting.

According to the opposition,

Pirates are, after all, uncontrollable.

These guys who are attracted to the freedom of bullshit are potential bombs.

No one knows when these bombs will suddenly explode.

"...But it's useless. No matter how many opponents there are, they can't match the determination of the Five Old Stars. The establishment and operation of the system of King Shichibukai has been affirmed by the Five Old Stars. Yes, as long as the Five Old Stars are not prepared to make changes, then the system of the Seven Martial Seas under the King will be as stable as a topsy-turvy mountain, and even the water from all over the world cannot shake it even a little bit."

"But, Al, you actually convinced Hai Xia...Are you determined to become the King's Shichibukai?"

The phone bug's mouth opens and closes,

Accurately translate the information in the received biological waves.


Elus was holding a microphone in his hand and was chatting with his grandfather Wojuk on the Red Earth Continent.

"We've reached this point now, and it's a pity to give up... No matter whether this thing succeeds or not, we have to continue to do it now. It's not a good habit to give up halfway, even if it's just for the sake of it. The energy and material resources spent upfront can’t just stop.”

"His Majesty Shichibukai, Al, your interests are really strange."

"I don't want to be told that by an old man married to a teenage girl."

"Hahaha! Aren't all men's interests the same thing? Al, don't tell me that you don't understand." Woyouk's laughter was very inappropriate, but the silence on the other side of the phone made him laugh. When he came to his senses, it seemed inappropriate to say these words to his grandson?


He cleared his throat and changed the subject as if nothing had happened.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you, Al, you have a little aunt, let me tell you..."

Wojuke happily talked about how adorable his little daughter, who was just born less than a month old, seemed to be that the obscene and inappropriate words before were all hallucinations.


Elus was lucky and didn't want to talk.

This speed,

That’s pretty good!

How long ago did he gain another elder...

"Al, when you come to the Red Earth Continent next time, remember to bring a gift!" Woyouk emphasized.

"...I'm planning to come to the Red Earth Continent soon."


Woyouk, who was sitting in the office and smoking, raised his eyebrows, "Is it about the King's Shichibukai?"

"For this reason, but it is not all for this. I also want to take a good look at what the World Government looks like. If possible, I would also like to visit the Navy Headquarters to see how majestic the real overlord of the sea is."

"...Al, don't do this nonsense! The water in the Holy Land is bottomless, and I don't know what level you are at now, but it's best not to cause trouble here in the Holy Land!" Woju Kexiang has been particularly fond of this since he was a child. The eldest grandson of the idea issued a warning.

Even though the Soccachio family has developed a certain amount of power and connections within the World Government over the years, they still have no way of accessing the true inside story of the Holy Land. Just the three armies under the World Government can give rise to irreversible terror. strength.

This is only on the surface,

There is also CipherPol-AIGIS0 secretly, commonly known as cp0. In this secret intelligence agency that has always been under the jurisdiction of the Five Old Stars, few people know how many unknown horrors are hidden in it.

"Don't worry! I have nothing to do with the revolutionary army."

"...Revolutionary Army! It's better not to offend those lunatics!"

Voyuk muttered softly.

Although the voice was small, it was still conveyed to Elus's ears by the phone bug.

"Grandpa, have you ever had any dealings with the revolutionary army?"

"There's no one around you, right?"

This reaction surprised Elus.

Is it possible that my grandfather really has something to do with the revolutionary army?

"I'm the only one. Well, Grandpa, aren't you..."

"Well, I have some friendship with the Revolutionary Army."


Eleus scratched his head vigorously.

"No, it should be said that I have some friendship with the queen of Kamabaka Kingdom."

"The Queen of Kamabaka Kingdom?"

Who is this?

Eleus didn't react.

"Ambrio Ivankov... You must have heard of it, right? He was the strongest man in history who saved people who doctors thought were hopeless and a country on the verge of death, leaving behind a "relief legend" ······" At the end of the sentence, his voice became muffled again.


Looking through the memories in his mind, Eleus finally remembered who the queen of Kamabaka Kingdom was!

Isn't it the big cadre of the Revolutionary Army, the guy nicknamed "The Human Demon King"?

"Grandpa, you won't date that ladyboy king..."

"I was deceived!!!" Woyouk yelled.

Eleus was stunned.

What the hell?

This, this, this was deceived? What have you been deceived by... I don’t dare to think about it, and I can’t think about it.

"Hey, Al, don't get me wrong." Xu was aware of his eldest grandson's random thoughts, and Wojuk hurriedly defended himself. In order to protect his reputation, he did not bother to reveal the past that had been hidden for many years, "I was yes·······"

The story is neither long nor complex.

In short, His Majesty, the fifth-generation King of the Kingdom of Exmundo, who was very high-spirited back then, was teased by the Queen of the Kingdom of Kamabaka using her Devil Fruit ability because he was interested in sex. He was also caught and unwilling to be a human being. The story of how he was blackmailed into extorting confidential information from the World Government.

"I said, isn't this just being blackmailed? What kind of friendship is this?"

Elus was so full that he didn't know how to vomit.

"Stop talking nonsense. In short, if you can avoid provoking the revolutionary army, don't provoke those lunatics who are not even afraid of death for their ideals." The angry Wojuk roared again.

"Grandpa, a year ago, the Queen of Kamabaka Kingdom was arrested by the World Government on trumped-up charges and sent directly to Impelton Prison... Could this be your fault? ?" Elus asked.

The phone bug didn't answer.

After a moment of silence, the call was interrupted, and the phone bug lowered its head.

Holding the microphone in his hand, Elus felt a little dizzy.

"Old man, you are very capable! All the senior cadres of the Revolutionary Army were thrown into Imperial Prison... The Revolutionary Army shouldn't cause trouble for me, right?"


The capital of the Kingdom of Ecmundo, Arabica.

The white moon floating on the sky dome shone coldly on this bustling city located on the seaside.

It is almost midnight now, and a new day is approaching unknowingly. However, the city has not fallen silent in sweet dreams. The lights on [Rutherford Street] are bright, and the rows of street lamps are like a flashing line. The bright long queue stretches from the [Socachio Central Square] in the center of the city to the east coast port.

In the port, the light of the lighthouse shoots down to the distant sea like a rainbow, splitting the rich darkness and pointing the direction for the ships on the sea.

Under the guidance of this light,

A fleet flying the golden coffee tree flag slowly sailed into the harbor.

“Is this the city of coffee?”

"How is it? Jinbei, how is this city?"

"...It's really a nice city."

Kaixia Jinbei stood on the bow deck of the ship, looking at the prosperous city that came into view.

"But... why is Lieutenant General Garp here?"

The whale shark man's expression was solemn.

Navy hero, Garp.

Although he is only a lieutenant general, in this new world, as long as his brain is not broken, everyone knows that this monster is definitely a monster that can rival the Four Emperors. Even if he has been recruited by the World Government and has become a pirate with legal rights to plunder, But the feeling of guilt will not disappear from Jinbei's heart.

It would be better if he took the initiative to go to the Navy Headquarters.

But he would always feel uneasy when meeting strong men in the navy like this at sea. This was an instinct that he could not erase as a pirate.

"This is also what I want to ask."

Elus held his hand on the railing, his green eyes locked on the group of figures in navy uniforms mixed in the welcoming team on the pier. The leader was an old man wearing a dog-head hat and a navy's 'Justice' coat.

This old man with an unattractive appearance is the naval hero Lieutenant General Garp, known as the ‘Iron Fist’.

"What is the purpose of the navy...?"

Until now,

Nor did they understand the purpose of the navy’s sudden visit to the Kingdom of Exmundo.

No matter how much Burwell insinuates himself, Lieutenant General Garp can't spit out anything useful. On the contrary, the palace's food expenses have increased a lot since Lieutenant General Garp arrived, especially the dessert chef who is said to be unable to provide enough. The snacks had to be purchased from outside the palace.

"You're not planning to make our family poor, are you?"

Eleus smiled and shook his head.

This is of course a joke. The true purpose of the navy... I'm afraid we won't be able to understand it until we meet this naval hero later.


"Isn't this Jinbei? Why are you here?"

Garp greets Jinbe.

As the most disciplined member of the Shichibukai, Jinpei was often summoned by Marshal Sengoku at the Navy Headquarters to arrange various tasks for him. He went to Marineland many times, and he got to know Vice Admiral Garp. Of course, they just knew each other, and there was no deeper friendship between the two.

"Lieutenant General Garp, long time no see."

Jinbei bowed his head slightly in greeting.

His slightly stiff movements proved that he was not very comfortable in the presence of this naval hero.

Navy and pirates.

They were supposed to be natural enemies.

However, the abnormal system product of the King's Shichibukai has blurred the clear boundaries between the navy and pirates, turning the illegal status of pirates into a legal existence. Not only are there objections within the navy, but the pirates also regard them as King Shichibukai is a lackey of the World Government.

It also makes an honest person like Jinbei often confused and unclear about his own position.

This is the drawing room of the palace.

Because it was late at night, Elus did not stay at the pier for long. After casually saying a few words to the Navy Minister who was ordered to come to greet him, he dismissed the welcoming team and took Jinbei and the Navy guests directly with him. They returned to the palace and entertained the guests in this magnificent living room.

I didn't even have time to see my father and mother.

"I received an invitation from Prince Eleus."

Jinbei answered Garp's question carefully.

"Mr. Jinbei is my guest."

Holding the cup and taking a sip of scalding coffee milk, Elus instantly felt the chill in his body being driven away. A warm stream of heat rose from his belly and spread to his limbs. A wave of sleepiness naturally arose in him. He huddled in the soft sofa, crossed his legs, and lazily looked at the naval officers sitting on the sofa opposite.

He took the initiative to interrupt the group of people who were looking at Jinbei, who was sitting alone on the sofa next to him, like a prisoner. He changed the subject rudely and directly and asked:

"Members of the Navy, I heard that you have something to do with me. I wonder what your purpose is?"



Vice Admiral Garp, who was the highest-ranking naval officer present, picked up the senbei from the snack box on the table and ate it as if no one else was watching, as if he didn't hear Elus' question and was completely unprepared to answer.

"His Royal Highness Prince Elus, this is the Rear Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Sprenger."

The man sitting on Garp's left couldn't help but speak.

"Major General Sprenger, right? It's a pleasure to meet you. I shouldn't have to introduce myself to you all again, right?" Elus said, but his eyes were basically locked on the man enjoying the senbei with a happy face. Lieutenant General Karp.

Such a contemptuous attitude towards Eleus.

Major General Sprenger held his breath in his heart, but his reason was obviously still online, and he was not overly affected by his excessive emotions. He maintained his calmness and said in a low voice: "Of course there is no need to introduce yourself. In today's new world, even if Even a mocking bird knows your illustrious name, His Royal Highness Prince Elvus..."

This sounds like flattery.

In fact, he is indeed giving a high hat to Eleus.


The main meal is yet to come, this is just a small appetizer.

"Stop talking about these boring nonsense, just tell the truth! What is the purpose of you looking for me?"

Elvus interrupted Sprenger's act of painting his high hat with gold paint, and hit Huanglong again with a straight shot.

This time,

Major General Sprenger did not answer.

He looked at Major Generals Bichmann and Cajetan beside him, and then looked at Lieutenant General Garp who was eating senbei and drinking tea. In any case, Lieutenant General Garp was the one in the team traveling this time. As the highest officer, it is impossible for them to act without permission beyond Garp.


"Your Highness, your snacks taste very good."

Garp said this after eating and drinking, wiping his mouth clean, and clearing his throat.

Seeing that you have finally opened your mouth,

Is this the result?

Just said such nonsense?

This is the common sentiment of the three major generals and the two majors, especially the resentful eyes of the major generals. They looked at Lieutenant General Garp, so eagerly hoping that Lieutenant General Garp could use those famous pair of The Iron Fist should weigh the capabilities of Socacio Elus, the Black Prince.

"Thanks for the compliment."

Eleus replied with a smile.

"Have snacks and drank tea... Next, let's get to the point! Prince Elus." Lieutenant General Garp showed a bright smile, and his white and strong teeth were shining under the light. A circle of dazzling light shines.

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