I only want to be a Shichibukai when I have Bengyu

Chapter 65 The King’s Seven Martial Arts, Change

He stretched out his hand to hold the hat on his head.

The navy hat stained with some dust firmly held its position. The string of black letters "MARINE" simply and clearly emphasized the man's identity. He was a naval soldier and one of the three generals of the Navy Headquarters. One is the highest combat power in the Navy Headquarters.

He stood on the bow of the ship, his spine straightened, standing on the deck like a stubborn stone that could not be bent no matter how hard he hit it.

The roaring sound of artillery fire came from all directions. The smoke blown up by the wind still contained the heat generated when the artillery shells flew out. The black hot wind blew the triangular seagull flag hanging on the top of the mast, so it fluttered in the air. Dust like ashes fell down.

The pungent smell of sulfur after the flames burned filled the nasal cavity. After decades, the smell was still the same pungent.

He has gradually grown from being uncomfortable at the beginning to being indifferent now.


He still didn't like the smell.

This one represents the smell of war and death.

If it were known that Admiral Akainu, the most cruel and cold-blooded Admiral in the Navy Headquarters, actually did not like war at all, I am afraid that not one person out of a thousand people would believe this "joke". However, in fact, Sakaski did not enjoy war at all. .

He knew that he had mixed reputations among the middle and lower-level soldiers of the Navy. People who hated him thought he was a ruthless butcher, an executioner who could even kill his own people and civilians, but he didn't care.

The roaring cannons, burning fires, and rolling smoke only forced him to devote himself to the war, to start the war, to carry out the war, to end the war, and to maintain this vicious cycle with no end in sight.

For the sake of peace, war must be launched.

This is the helpless fact he faces.


No matter how helpless it is,

As long as he can bring peace to the world and leave as much living space as possible for ordinary people in this era of pirate violence, he will not stop attacking pirates, villains, and all lawless people. If necessary To start a war, give him war.

This is his justice,

Absolute justice.

"General Sakaski, the Organist Pirates have been annihilated. One hundred and fifty-seven people in the group have been killed. No one has escaped." A sailor ran over, stood at attention in front of him, saluted, and loudly reported the victory. information.

"Follow the rules."

Sakaski's stone-cold expression did not change at all.

Destroy the pirates,

This is his daily job.

Not long ago, Kuzan returned to his headquarters after completing his mission. Sakaski was finally able to leave Marinevando and command the fleet to clean up these people floating on the vast sea. They would only cause trouble to people, but they would be destroyed like cockroaches. Endless garbage.

"General Sakaski, we have new information."


"[Aquaman] Jinbei announced in today's newspaper that he has given up his identity as the King Shichibukai, and the [Black Prince] Socacio Elus from the Kingdom of Exmundo in the new world will take his place as the King. A new member of the Shichibukai." The middle-aged man walked to Sakaski's side, stated the intelligence he had just received, and at the same time presented the document that was still printed out with heat.

This is bombshell news.

Today, the King's Shichibukai has become an important force on the great sea route and an indispensable supplementary force for the navy.

This has nothing to do with the likes and dislikes of the navy, but a fact that cannot be erased.

Since the establishment of the King's Shichibukai, this is the first time that the personnel has been changed since the staff has been replaced. What will be the consequences? To what extent will it be affected? What will the new world look like? These...are all unknowns that are difficult to fathom.


No one cares.

Sakaski knew about this when he was still at the headquarters. Garp passed the news back very early. When Elus was still staying in the Kingdom of Exmundo, the Navy Headquarters had already prepared for this. Several meetings were held, and as the only general stationed at the headquarters at that time, he attended the whole process.

However, he did not wait until Elus arrived on the Red Earth Continent. Kuzan returned to his headquarters to recuperate. He had to leave and continue his work of suppressing the pirates.

But before he left, he left an order that any information related to the Black Prince must be forwarded to him as soon as possible.

"The King's Seven Martial Arts..."

Sakaski flipped through the emergency report sent from the headquarters, "Socaccio Eleus... is indeed a restless guy. What are these bastard old men like the Five Old Stars going to do? Just What the hell are you planning to do by giving up the brand of racial harmony that you have established?"

The middle-aged colonel officer lowered his head and pretended not to hear what the generals said to the five old stars. He just said: "In addition to this information, the Warring States Marshal also sent a message that the World Government is preparing to replace another king who is not doing his job well. Shichibukai, I want to ask your opinion!"

"Replace another one?"

Sakaski held the document in his palm, "Is it Moonlight Moria?"

In the Shichibukai under the king, there are many unruly people who do not listen to orders. Only an honest man like Jinbei is often ordered to work by the Warring States Marshal, but it is one thing to not obey orders, like [One Piece Empress], [Tenyasha] ], [Sand Crocodile] These guys have achieved great results in fighting pirates.

Among all the members of the King's Shichibukai, the one with the worst performance is Moonlight Moria.

This guy who was once so high-spirited was killed by Kaido, one of the four emperors, in the New World. Only one of his friends survived. Now he is hiding in the Magic Triangle, neither heeding the call of the world government nor actively working hard. To fight against pirates, they just sit back and wait for their prey to come to them.

to be honest,

If they hadn't found a suitable partner, both the World Government and the Navy would have wanted to replace this guy.

"So, the World Government has a replacement?"

Sakaski asked.

"It's [Fire Fist], Portcas D. Ace. The World Government seems to be preparing to invite this rising pirate star who has only been around for a short time to join the Seven Warriors Sea."

"That nature brat?"

Sakaski never relaxed his surveillance of pirates.

Whether they are old pirates like Whitebeard and Hundred Beasts, or new pirates who are constantly emerging from all over the world and the Grand Line, any pirate he considers a threat will be recorded in his mind. Among them, [Fire Fist] is the most eye-catching target this year.

"Inviting a brat who hasn't tasted the taste of failure and doesn't know how high-end the world is... the world government is just wishful thinking." Sakaski recalled the information about Fire Fist stored in his mind and concluded. .

"Go tell the marshal, this is what I think. Fire Fist cannot agree to such a thing."

The colonel was silent for a moment, saluted Sakaski, turned around and left.

Sakaski stood on the deck, holding the document in his hand and looking in the direction of the new world, "Black Prince... I hope you won't make the new world worse!"

The murmur disappeared into the sea breeze that still smelled of gunpowder smoke. The roar of the surrounding artillery fire finally stopped. Only the cheers of the sailors were left in the ears, the turbulence of the water waves, the roar of the sea breeze, and the looted pirate ship was moving. Slowly sinking.

The battle here is over,

But there are new battlefields waiting for him!

Not long after Sakaski received the news, the "News of the World" also published this news. At about the same time, major newspapers that had received the news in advance from different channels also published Oishi Shichibukai. News of substitutions.

This is equivalent to throwing a five-hundred-pound cook into the swimming pool, causing the originally peaceful and peaceful swimming pool to explode.

[Kai Xia] Jinbei announced his withdrawal from the King's Shichibukai!

As a replacement, [Black Prince] Socacio Elus takes over as the king of the Shichibukai.

To say it covers the entire world is indeed an exaggeration. Things like the Shichibukai under the King are only known as the three major powers along with the Four Emperors and the Navy Headquarters in the Grand Line. Although they have a certain influence in the four seas, they do not have much influence in the end. .


At least the Grand Line was shocked by this news.

"Has the King Shichibukai... surrendered to the World Government? Is this your choice? Mamama!!!" Holding the double-enlarged extra-large newspaper in his hand, he looked at the top news published on it, Big Mom suddenly burst into cheerful laughter.


Katakuri, who was sitting in the lower position, looked at Big Mom with some confusion.

Katakuri was not the only one who was confused, the children of the Charlotte family were basically confused.

Because Big Mom's invitation to Elus to form a marriage alliance was rejected, they were also worried that their mother would be furious when she saw the news that Elus became the King's Shichibukai, so they specially invited Katakuri's brother over. .

Looking at it now, the situation seems to be different from what they thought.

"Mom!" Katakuri is the only one among the brothers and sisters who is not afraid of Big Mom. Smoothie and Cracker, who are also three dessert generals, can't do anything to face their mother. No fear.

"What happened to the Black Prince..."

Before Katakuri could finish his question, Big Mom spoke again: "The world government will suffer."


Katakuri was a little confused.

Where is this going?

"Katakuri, don't you understand?"

"Yes, Mom."

"Socacio Elus, this is a super arrogant monster! And he is not a focused swordsman like Hawkeye." Big Mom said.

Katakuri frowned slightly, and then a look of surprise appeared on his face, "Mom, you mean that the Black Prince did not really surrender to the World Government... Wait, he should be with the World Government sooner or later. Break up?"

"How could he succumb to rubbish like the Celestial Dragons when he rejected my invitation?" Big Mom said matter-of-factly, "The World Government actually made him the King of the Shichibukai, hahahahahaha!!!" Probably Seeing the future where Eleus and the World Government broke off, she laughed happily again.

Big Mom's laughter echoed in the spacious restaurant.


In the captain's cabin of the Moby-Dick,

"Hey, Sachi, why are there so many medicines today?"

"Starting from today, three kinds of medicine have been added. Dad, it won't work if you don't take the medicine well."

"Aren't you a cook?"

"Yes! But daddy, if you don't take medicine, the ship's doctor will beat me."

"whispering sound!"

Whitebeard reluctantly put the medicines in the tray into his mouth one by one, drank them with the help of warm boiled water in the cup, and then complained like a child, "It's so bitter!"

"Isn't it true that good medicine tastes bitter? But these new medicines were obtained thanks to that annoying prince."

"Socaccio Eleus...Huh! I finally did it!"

Whitebeard grabbed the newspaper spread out on the table.

"Dad, is Jinbe okay? He gave up King Shichibukai..." Sachi was a little worried. He and Jinbe had a good relationship.

"Mishman Island is now my territory."

Whitebeard shook the newspaper in his hand, "As for Jinbe himself, he is not a weak guy who can be bullied. Anyone who dares to look down on Jinbe will suffer a big loss. Compared to this, Sachi, can you have one more drink today?" ? There is still a lot of cuttlefish mixed with ginger paste for breakfast. It would be a pity not to drink such a good thing..."

"Dad, I don't want to be swimming behind the stern of the boat with the ship's doctor."

"Not even one cup?"

"The ship's doctor's orders cannot be disobeyed, and even the captain cannot be willful in this regard."


Not just the pirate emperors of the new world,


In the castle of Kraigana Island,

In the palace of Drosresa,

In the bathhouse of Amazon Lily,

Alabasta’s casino underground,

In the revolutionary army base of Baldigo on the White Earth Island,

The world’s largest pirate ship in the Magic Triangle,

In these places, the members of the Shichibukai who are also members of the King's Shichibukai read today's newspapers and either laughed loudly, looked coldly, or remained silent... For this new partner, different people The attitudes shown are different.

at the same time,

The terminal station of the paradise, the Chambord Islands, also welcomed guests with special status.

The pirate flag flutters in the wind.

"so big······"

Standing on the deck of the pirate ship, looking up at the Arqiman mangroves that appeared in the field of vision, I let out a heartfelt wonder.

"Bubbles! So many bubbles! The Shampoo Islands...it turns out to be the Soap Bubble Islands!!!"

Standing here is a towering tree beyond everyone's imagination. The roots of the big tree are secreting a special natural resin. As the roots breathe, the resin fills with air and expands into large and small shapes. Bubbles float into the air.

The bubbles in the sun reflect the colorful rainbow light. This dream-like scenery really confuses many people.

"Hey, Deus, is that [Great Bun] really that delicious?"

"Where did you know this... Oh! Forget it, Boss Ace. Anyway, remember, you are not allowed to burn things randomly after arriving on the island, especially the world's nobles. Don't burn things on a whim. Things that shouldn’t be burned are no joke.”

"I know! Deus, you are so verbose!"

"Huh? That's so long-winded. Why do you think I'm so long-winded?"

"Hehe! Deus, I'll leave the coating to you. I'll go try that [Great] bag first to see if it tastes good or not!"

"Hey, Boss Ace..."

The man named Deus lay weakly on the side of the ship, watching his captain's back disappear from sight, and his companions behind him showed familiar smiles.

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