
The sunset has not completely set yet.

Urgent information came from the sentinel at the northernmost point of Whale Tail Island.

The enemy is coming.

A large fleet of more than fifty warships appeared on the sea. The snow-white sails were densely connected, like a vast sea of ​​clouds, rushing towards Whale Tail Island at the fastest speed. It was obviously still quite far away, but The sentries who stood on the sentry tower still felt the murderous aura coming towards them.

The battleship slowly approached the steep cliffs on the coast.

There is no way to land on a large scale in a place like this. The warships can't even get too close. They can only fire a demonstration round of artillery fire at the sentry tower standing on the cliff from a considerable distance away. Most of the artillery shells They all fell into the sea, and only a few fell on the cliff. A large piece of stone was broken into pieces, and fell into the sea like rain.

Just when the sentries on the sentinel tower were attracted by the firing warships, two silhouettes of people swam as fast as fish in the water, avoiding the rocks in the sea and the fierce predatory fish, and headed towards Swim along the coast.

The fleet continued southward along the coastline.

The long and huge fleet still firmly attracted the attention of the sentries.

They didn't even notice that the two 'big fish' had touched the bottom of the cliff. The two people who escaped from the sea did not communicate with each other. They just dragged their wet bodies along the steep cliff of almost 120 degrees without saying a word. The wallman used his hands and feet to climb up, and his nimble and swift movements looked no worse than those of geckos and other reptiles.

It didn't take them much time to climb the fifty-meter sea cliff.

Grasping a protruding rock, the black figure tapped the rock wall with his toes and flew gracefully like a black water bird. He was the first to climb up the cliff, and his companions followed closely. However, This man, who was wearing only a pair of ultra-short swimming trunks, showing off his strong, fair skin, stood firm on the ground.

"It's so quick!"

The man wearing only a pair of swimming trunks walked to the door of the stone sentry tower and took a look. Sure enough, it was filled with scarlet red spots and scattered bones, as if a hundred elephants had finished dancing inside the sentry tower. Like a tap dance, there was rotting flesh and blood everywhere, making it impossible to recognize the outline of the human form, and it was not even possible to know how many people had died inside.

There is not even a slightly complete body to be found here.

Twitch the tip of your nose slightly.

The strong and fresh smell of blood filled the air, and a trace of disgust appeared instinctively on his face.

"A beast is just a beast after all!" He looked at his companion, who was also wearing only a pair of black swimming trunks, walking down the stone steps, leaving bloody footprints step by step. His dark body was covered with blood, and there was a small piece of intestine on his shoulder. The ferocious appearance is like an evil Shura ghost that just crawled out of a pool of blood.

He couldn't help but mock.

"Do you want to become my food too?"

The dark man grinned, revealing two rows of shark-like bloody fangs, and his dark eyes were full of violent greed and malice.

"Get away, if you dare to come near me, I will wring your neck."

The man in swimming trunks waved his hand in disgust and retreated five or six meters from the door of the sentry tower. He watched the disgusting guy walk out of the sentry tower, leaving a bloody path behind him.

He hates this kind of guy from the bottom of his heart. This beast-like and unsightly fighting method is really disgusting. But it is a pity that everyone is Lord Umit's subordinates. No matter how much he doesn't like it, he still has to stay with this disgusting beast. action.

"I'll eat you sooner or later."

The dark man said with a smile, and then, before the man in swimming trunks got angry, he turned to look south.

"Food is coming to your door again."

The man in swimming trunks made a mental note, and then looked to the south. The gravel road under his feet extended from the sentry tower to the depths of the southern island. At the end of this gravel road, there was a high and a low one. Two figures.


Whale Tail Harbor.

"More than fifty warships...it's really scary!"

When he received the news, Eleus was eating a cold drink. He sneered, put down his cup and spoon, looked at the attendant standing next to him and asked: "Where are Dick and Eschbach?

"Contacted three minutes ago. They are still four kilometers away from the northernmost tower. By now, they should have seen the fleet of the Kingdom of Amento." The man who spoke was Dylan. He has a burly body. Two hundred and fifty-two centimeters tall, the muscles on his arms are as hard as steel, and the stiff black hair is like a brush, neatly combed without any disorder.

He is the kind of person who is stubborn, reliable and loyal to his duties.

He firmly believes in the importance of rules and order in this world, so he likes to use the iron fist of rules and order to hit the heads of lawless people. He believes that if he does not do this, he will not be able to make lawless people realize the importance of rules and order in this world. importance.

By the way, although his name and Dick sound very similar to twins, they are not actually related in any way.

"Tell them I don't want to see any harassment of the islanders!"

Before the fall of Whale Head Island and Whale Belly Island, a lot of useful information was sent back. Among them, it was mentioned that a strong person avoided the supervision of the sentries and landed on the island from a place not suitable for landing, catching the garrison on the island by surprise. , by combining internal and external forces, they easily defeated the well-established defense line on the island.

This is a very simple trick.

The beaches suitable for large-scale landings on an island are naturally limited, but if there are only a few strong people with abilities beyond ordinary people, as long as you can get close to the coast, no matter whether you are cliffs, dense reefs, or undercurrents and whirlpools, they will not be able to stop the strong people from landing. pace of.

This seemingly simple trick is actually extremely practical when used properly.


In order to prevent such a thing from happening on Whale Tail Island, Elvus has sent two of his attendants to the island to keep an eye on the fleet of the Kingdom of Amento heading south. As long as they find someone who secretly extends their claws to the island, they will find a murderer. One, does not need to be alive.

"Yes, Your Highness."

Dylan walked aside and took out the phone bug to contact his companions on the island.

But the call got through, but no one answered.

He did not dial a second time, but returned to Eleus and reported the situation.

"Didn't answer? It looks like we caught the little mouse that was smuggling across the border."

Eleus chuckled softly.

Her green eyes were as clear as the purest gems, reflecting the dim afterglow of the setting sun. "Dylan, get ready! Now that Dick and Eschbach have already taken action, our place will probably become lively soon." Get up, don’t be in a hurry when something happens..."

"By the way, don't forget that lazy guy Capas, it's time for him to exercise too."

"Kappas will fight hard." Dillon said seriously. The clenched fist, which was bigger than a casserole, was obviously ready for educational work. Regardless of whether Kappas is willing or not, I'm afraid he will We all have to fight hard.

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