The sun had completely set, and a crescent moon climbed into the sky.

The street lights all turned on a few seconds after the sun disappeared. The bright light of the street lights shone in the waterway, creating sparkling waves. A large fish named 'Bru' nimbly walked through the waterway. On board, the maids traveling at night were riding in the vehicles mounted on their backs.

Fran sat in the driver's seat and held the reins. It didn't take long for her to learn the technique of controlling Blue.

There are three maids sitting in the back, all of them are Fran's subordinates.

As Elus's personal maid, Fran has a very high status. She only needs to obey the orders of Elus alone. Even the head maid in the palace has no power to instruct Fran to do things. If she really wants to, she It is the designated next maid. As long as Elus succeeds to the throne, Fran will naturally become the new maid.

"Sister Fran, you saw that pervert."

A maid sitting in the back seat spoke up.

On the street along the shore, a dozen drunken men and women were walking on the street. They held up the wine bottles in their hands, talked loudly, and laughed loudly. The leader was a man wearing a spotted red shirt and a blue swimsuit. pants man.

This is the target person.

They have been investigating this man in the past few days, and have long remembered this perverted appearance in their minds. They can recognize it immediately when they see it from a distance. Well, although there is no need to deliberately remember this kind of unique pervert, Anyone who sees it will probably be deeply impressed.

"Don't worry about it yet, it's still very early!"

Fran shook the reins, and Bulu, who was rented from the hotel, barked twice, sped up his movement, and shot up the waterway like an arrow from a string, surpassing five or six Bulu who were blocking the front in one breath. We, this speeding behavior attracted a series of dissatisfied shouts and curses.

However, when the complainers saw clearly what Fran and the others looked like, they immediately lost their temper.

They know these maids.

After all, the hottest topic in the city these days is Elus who lives in the Horned Cat Hotel. Things in the New World are too far away for the residents of the paradise, but they understand that Oshichi Shichibukai is a very powerful figure. , looking at Mayor Bingshan’s reception with the highest standards, it became clear that it was best not to provoke this black prince.

What's more, these maids of the Black Prince have proven through their actual actions that they are not easy to mess with like the lawless elements in the Water City.

Fortunately, Fran was concentrating on playing with the blue and ignored the blue that was left behind and the quails sitting on it and shrinking their necks.

Time passes little by little,

When the moon was at its peak, there were fewer and fewer pedestrians and Blues on the streets and waterways. Fran, who had had enough fun, threw away the reins in her hands and took out the Water City's specialty snack "Shui Shui Meat" from the basket next to the seat. He gave it to Blue who was panting from exhaustion.

She picked up the water glass and drank some water, looking around.

This is a back street.

It is the most chaotic area in the Water City, and it is also where the target is. Most of the street lights here have been destroyed, and at this time, there are basically few bright lights. This is in contrast to the bright and beautiful city behind it. sharp contrast.

No second bluebird can be seen on the wide waterway,

At this time, no one dares to come to the backstreets to play. Even those drug addicts mostly come here to buy things during the day. The backstreets at night are even more dangerous than during the day.


Fran exhaled hot breath.

The wind blowing from the sea was cold, wiping away the heat on the body. She rubbed her hands, "Let's take action! Get rid of those annoying eyes around you first, and deal with them before you do it."

The maids agreed with a smile. They stepped ashore with brisk steps. They were obviously wearing maid uniforms that were not very convenient, but they were as dexterous as wild cats used to hunting outside. They ducked and touched the surrounding area. For the building, all the "eyes" will be dealt with.

There are gangsters, drug dealers, and thieves... But no matter who they are, they fall down without saying a word when faced with the maids who attack like assassins.

In three minutes, all the eyes along the road were cleared.


"Move quickly."

Fran also came ashore.

A group of four people came to a big house on the beach.

This is the notorious pervert gathering place in the Water City, Franky House.

The lights in the house have been dimmed, and the smell of alcohol can be smelled standing outside the door. Fran is not surprised at all by this situation, or judging from the investigation, this is the norm. Frankie House and gangsters, Unlike underground forces such as drug dealers and thief groups, these perverts often spend their money desperately when they have money. When they become paupers again, they start hunting pirates to make money.

Under normal circumstances, even thieves would not want to patronize a place with a room full of perverts but only a few bills.

In addition, Franky House's combat power is not weak. It can even be said that it is a powerful force in the Water City. The ordinary underground forces are not willing to provoke these perverts for no reason, so Franky House often drinks and reveles like this. .

Only two combatants stood guard at the door at night, half asleep and half awake.

"Knock them unconscious."

Fran gave the order.

The maids stepped on the 'shave' and appeared behind the two Frankie House combatants who were guarding the door. They directly used physical means to stun the two of them. Six-style, this thing has always been a secret technique passed down by the world government and the navy. , but Elus watched Iska practice the six forms, and after a few glances, she learned them, and then taught them to the maids around her.

The talents of these maids who have been trained since childhood are not bad. Although they are not as good as Fran and several attendants, they are still the most powerful masters in the paradise. The three people who followed Fran this time are a group of maids. The top three among them have all mastered the Armed Color Haki.

And before the action, with the help of Elus, he directly mastered the six postures. It was not to the point of perfection, it was just a glimpse of the way. But even so, it was used to deal with the gangsters in Frankie House. Really overkill.


The unoiled door was pushed open.

The sound was harsh, but it couldn't stand it. Everyone in the room was drunk, and the strong smell of wine made the maid lady turn blue.

Fran pinched her nose and dug out Frankie, who was also very drunk, from the pile of corpses on the floor. She dragged him out of the house and threw him in the open space outside the door, then breathed heavily. Looking at the cold night air, he calmed down and muttered softly.

"I really can't believe that the blueprint of Pluto is actually hidden in such a person."

Of course, complaining is one thing, and the work that should be done has not been left behind.

The hand wearing a triple glove first punched the drunken and sleeping Franky, causing him to fall into a deeper sleep. Then it fell on Franky's belly, carefully searching for the mechanism, and based on the information His Highness told her. Look, the blueprints of Pluto are hidden in the belly of Franky, the mechanical cyborg...

She tapped it with her fingers, and the "ding-dang" sound was particularly clear.

It’s really a steel belly.

After transforming his body into this, he is still alive and kicking. It is true that he is a pervert, but he is also a rare talent among perverts! It's a pity that this talent is completely obscured by his perverted attributes. His Highness has no intention of recruiting this person...


The mechanism was triggered, and a door opened in Franky's belly.


Fran's eyelids twitched.

In Frankie's belly, she didn't see the drawings she imagined, only two bottles of Coke inside.

However, this did not affect the maid. She stretched out her hand and carefully groped in Franky's stomach. She firmly believed in the clues that Elus told him. The design drawings of the ancient weapon Pluto were definitely in Franky's stomach, and Think about it carefully, how could something so important be discovered so easily.


After careful exploration, Fran found another mechanism in Franky's belly.

With a subtle "click" sound, the device containing Coke moved away, revealing a thick stack of dark yellow manuscripts. On the top cover was a line of large characters "Pluton", which means Pluto. , the supreme monarch who rules hell in mythology.

This Pluto and Rayleigh's Pluto are completely different concepts.

"Sister Fran, have you found it?"

"Is this the blueprint of an ancient weapon?"

The maids around them all opened their eyes wide, looking at the thick stack of manuscripts that Fran held in her hands.

The candidates who can be selected for this operation are all Elus' confidants, and they all know what they are here for. In contrast, Iska, who was recruited not long ago, stayed in the Horned Cat. In the hotel, the maids were completely unaware of their secret actions.

"Why are you standing still? Hurry up and get the things you prepared."

Under Fran's scolding, the copy machine hidden on Blue's back was moved over, the circuit in Franky's house was connected, and the copying of Pluto's drawings was immediately started.

Although Frankie's house is located in a remote location, Frankie relied on his own science and technology to secretly pull a wire to steal electricity. The city government couldn't stop this candy despite repeated orders, and they tried their best to take advantage of Frankie. Having no choice, he just pinched his nose and admitted that he was unlucky, pretending that Frankie's House didn't exist.

It’s not a big factory anyway, so French House’s monthly electricity consumption is not high.

Of course, the operation of Mayor Bingshan is also indispensable behind this.

No matter what, he is still his junior brother, even if it is obvious that his junior brother is already dead.

The manuscript drawings were copied one by one. The specially aged paper looked almost the same as the original drawings. If it weren't for the heat remaining on the paper, Fran felt that it would be difficult to distinguish the authenticity of the two. It was enough. Say something to confuse the truth with falsehood.

After all the drawings were copied, Fran put the copied drawings in the secret compartment in Franky's belly. The original drawings were carefully hidden in the special fireproof and waterproof kraft paper bag she brought. The purpose of removing the original is to prevent it from hiding some secret information that cannot be copied.

Even though this possibility is very small, it is not a bad habit to be cautious.

After putting away the manuscript and closing the mechanisms on Franky's stomach one by one and restoring them to their original state, Fran stood up, waved her hand, and directed the maids to drag Franky back into the house, and at the same time clean up where they had come. All traces here and then left.

The driver used Blue, who had been resting for a while, to increase his speed to the highest level.

Anyway, there were not many blues on the waterway at this time. Fran walked up the road, rushing back from the backstreet at the lowest point of the city to the Horned Cat Hotel located at the highest point of the water city.

Blue is parked in a dedicated berth.

Fran walked into the hotel lobby with a brown paper bag, ignored the waiter who came up to her, and took the elevator to the top floor of the hotel.

She opened the room door,

He saw Elus lying on the sofa reading a book.

"Are you back? It's earlier than expected!" Hearing the sound of the door opening, Eleus put aside the storybook in his hand and sat up.

"Those perverts in Frankie's House were so drunk that they didn't even use the methods they prepared." Fran walked over, raised the brown paper bag in her hand, and shook it gently, "Your Highness, you The drawings of Pluto you want...are inside."

"Let me see!"

Elus opened the bag and took out the drawings full of traces of time inside.

"Pluton... Hades?"

I opened the manuscript and read it briefly.

The text is not an incomprehensible ancient text. Come to think of it, when this iceberg was handed over to Franky, he said it was to fight against the "son of the devil" Nico Robin who was rumored to be trying to awaken ancient weapons to do evil in the world. Franky was specifically asked to save it instead of destroying it directly.

If the design blueprints were written in ancient texts, apart from Nico Robin, there would probably be no one else who could read the ancient texts, so there would be no need to fight against Nico Robin.

Elus knew every word in the manuscript, but when they were put together, he couldn't figure out what it was talking about.

"It is indeed a design drawing of an ancient's so difficult to work with!"

Eleus closed the manuscript and stuffed it back into the brown paper bag. He held the bag and fell into deep thought.

Obtaining the drawings of Pluto is just the beginning. To be honest, Elus doesn't think that just any craftsman can build the legendary super battleship Pluto according to the design drawings. In today's water city, perhaps only Bingshan and Franky can create it. Brother, it is possible to realize the design on the drawing.

"You can't just kidnap Mayor Bingshan back, right? It won't work!"

Elus rubbed his chin and frowned in distress.

As a disciple of Fishman Tom, Bingshan is always being watched closely by the world government. If he is kidnapped... it will definitely become an extremely troublesome matter. CP9 is easy to get rid of, but the depth of CP0 is not sure! But in this case, is it possible to bring Franky, a pervert, back to the new world?

He didn't want to see a perverted reformer who only liked wearing swimming trunks wandering around his territory.

"Shipbuilder... a clever shipwright... first try to see if you can train your own people."

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