"Captain, are you serious?"

"Boss Ace, is this too dangerous?"

"Ace, I know you still remember what happened to the Shampoo Islands, but is this too radical? Black-armed is obviously so old, and he also lost an arm, but he still chased us and ran away... ··”

Deus scratched his head. He looked at the captain and said seriously: "Ace, I don't think you need to be so anxious. You are only seventeen years old. The Black Prince is said to be twenty years old. I believe it won't take three years at all." In time, you will definitely be able to stand at the same level as him."

"Hey! Kukai, Kimmel, Deus, what are you talking about?"

The person involved's eyes widened with confusion.

The inexplicable questions and suggestions from his partners made him confused.

The captain's unexpected reaction that didn't seem to be fake made everyone around him look at each other. Could it be that they had misunderstood? After a quick exchange of glances, Deus, the vice-captain, asked, "Well, Ace, why are you going to Black Swan Island?"

Temporarily escaping the fleet of pirate guerrillas following closely behind, the Spade Pirates landed on Yellow Pepper Island where the record pointer pointed.

Just when the pirate ship was parked at the port of Huangjiao Island, waiting for the record pointer to store the magnetism, Ace suddenly said that the next stop was going to Black Swan Island.

Maodou Island, Qujing Island and Black Swan Island.

These three islands are the places where the record pointer can guide them. According to the research of Deus and the others, Maodou Island or Qujing Island are better places to go, although both of them will gradually get closer to the Yonkō. territory, but it is close after all, with several islands in between.

And Black Swan Island,

This is the easternmost island of the Kingdom of Exmundo and is the gateway to the east of the Kingdom.

Setting foot on Black Swan Island is equivalent to entering the inner territory of the [Black Prince]. Deus has not forgotten the earth-shattering news of the battle between Elus and Rayleigh on the Chambord Islands. That guy can be compared with the Yonko. Overlord, and also tried to capture Ace. If he went to Black Swan Island, wouldn't it be a door-to-door delivery?

Of course, this is all Deus's understanding. Judging from Ace's reaction, it seems that their understanding has gone awry...


Ace blinked, "Black Swan Island is an island of the Kingdom of Exmundo. I don't think that old man Black Wrist would have thought that we would dare to go to the Black Prince's territory. And didn't the newspaper say that the Black Prince was still staying in the paradise recently?" So I’m thinking of going to Black Swan Island. As long as I don’t run into the Black Prince, I think there should be no problem.”

As he spoke, he dug out the latest one from the old newspapers on the table. It reported the news of the alliance between the Kingdom of Exmundo and the autonomous city of Water City. It also included the words Elus and Water. A photo of the mayor of the capital, Bingshan, shaking hands.

"Tsk...that shouldn't be the case!"

Deus thumped his head in annoyance.

How could you make such a low-level mistake? Is it because you have been too tired these days? He had also read the newspaper in Ace's hand, but he passed it by after reading it, and his nervous thinking was so tense that he did not realize the information behind the news.

On the contrary, Ace, a stubborn idiot, actually noticed these things.

"In that case, I have no objection."

Deus quickly regained his composure, changed his position, and supported the captain's decision.

Not only him, but other partners also accepted the reasons explained by Ace. Everyone supported Ace's decision. The next stop was determined to be Black Swan Island.

It can be said that they are Ace's partners. These guys quickly put the pressure of the black wrist behind them and happily discussed what the coffee city would be like. They vowed to taste what the best coffee would be like. taste.

A lively and cheerful atmosphere permeates every corner of the ship.

Ace looked at his laughing companions with a smile on his face.

Time flies,

Two and a half days passed in the blink of an eye. The record pointer was filled with magnetism and supplies were replenished. After a short rest, the Spade Pirates set sail and headed towards Black Swan Island under the guidance of the record pointer. More than three hours after the Peach Pirates left, the pirate guerrillas flying the Seagull flag belatedly arrived and sailed into the port of Huangjiao Island.

Without any effort, I found out the news that the Spade Pirates had just left.


Zefa, whose face turned black, smashed the wooden table in front of him with a slap.

The old man was furious.

When chasing the Spade Pirates, they encountered a sudden storm. Two battleships of the Pirate Guerrilla accidentally collided and the cabins leaked. In order to rescue the distressed battleship, they were slowed down and missed the Spade. A great opportunity for the pirate group to block the port of Huangjiao Island.

It would be strange not to be angry!

After wandering at sea for such a long time, not only the Spade Pirates felt the pressure, the pirate guerrillas were also exhausted, and due to the collision, their morale was also hit hard. They finally landed, and they were barely able to land. The morale that had been maintained finally collapsed.

In this state, there was no way to immediately pursue the Spade Pirates who had just left.

The most important point is that he is not sure where the Spade Pirates have gone. Even if Zefa holds the eternal pointer to most of the islands in the New World, he cannot track the Spade Pirates.


When Zefa set off from Marineland, he raided the armory. Not only did the marines replace all their equipment with the best, he also looted a complete set of the new world's eternal pointers stored in the navy. This shows how strong the World Government's eight hundred years of wealth is.

Even though the New World is now occupied by pirates, the Navy still has more than ten sets of eternal pointers about various islands in the New World. This is the wealth accumulated by the Navy over eight hundred years. Some of the islands have disappeared, but The eternity hand is still retained.


Second Lieutenant Ain, a beautiful woman with long, silky ocean-blue wavy hair, looked worriedly at Zefa, who had an ugly face.

"How about allocating available manpower and dispatching a battleship to pursue Fire Fist?" Ain, who knew why the teacher was angry, came up with a way.


Zefa was a little moved, but he stood on the boat and looked at the sailors who were landing on the island along the gangway. He looked at the relieved faces and the slightly swaying steps... but he still closed his eyes. "Ain, stop and rest for two days."

"is teacher."

Ain agreed quickly.

She didn't care whether to pursue or stop. She came up with the idea to share the teacher's worries, and now that the teacher had made a choice, she was not prepared to stick to the method she had just thought of.


Fire Fist is a difficult pirate to deal with!

The rapid progress in strength and good luck are a headache...

She was worried about the teacher.


The center of the Red Earth Continent, the holy land Marie Joa, is located directly below it, with the zero point of altitude as the benchmark, as deep as 10,000 meters under the sea, passing through dark and tortuous submarine caves, and passing through large tracts of coral forests. It is a transfer station connecting the great route "Paradise" and the "New World".

This is the home of the murlocs, the Dragon Palace Kingdom, commonly known as the murloc island.

The battleship sank into the deep sea, passed through the caves on the seabed, and floated on the coral forest. After advancing for more than half an hour, we finally saw the kingdom wrapped in huge bubbles. It was obviously located in the deep sea, but it was bathed in sunlight. of fantastic islands.

"Mishman Island...I've heard people say it, but...such a beautiful scenery..."

Words cannot describe this breathtaking beauty.

Iska stood on the deck, looking intently at the beautiful scenery ahead. She was not the only one standing here. The deck could be said to be overcrowded at the moment. All the maids, attendants, and crew members who were not on duty came out to see the past. A fish-man island that has never been seen before and only exists in stories.

"Yangshu Eve... I really want to split it open and take a look!"

In the bridge on the upper part of the bridge, Elus was sitting on the sofa. Through the transparent glass window, he could clearly see the fish-man island wrapped in bubbles, as well as the huge fish-man island brought to the fish-man island. Eve, the Sun Tree, has learned about sunlight and the changes in day and night.

"Your Highness, if you move that big tree, the fish people will go crazy."

Fran held the milk jug and refilled Eleus' glass.

Steam rose from the cup, and the sweet aroma of coffee milk filled the interior of the bridge.

"I'm just saying! I'm not so evil as to let the fish people lose their sunshine... Well, although I really want to know what the structure of this tree is, a big tree that transmits sunlight... ···Everyone would be curious, right?”

Elus muttered twice.

He picked up the cup and took a sip of coffee and milk, but his eyes full of curiosity were always looking at the big tree outside the glass window.

He got what he wanted from the City of Water, the blueprints of Pluto, the technology of the sea train, the alliance of the City of Water... After dealing with all of this, he said goodbye to Bingshan and ended the harvest. After a full trip to paradise, I embarked on my way home.

He did not return directly to the New World through the red port of the Red Earth Continent the way he came. Instead, he chose to coat in the Chambord Islands and came to the Fish-Man Island under the 10,000-meter-deep sea. He and the Dragon Palace Kingdom There is an agreement to meet in Kingdom Neptune.

Elus is very interested in Fishman Island!

Although according to his agreement with the Warring States Marshal, the Navy will open the red port to facilitate his maritime network from the New World to the Paradise, but this is subject to others after all. When you have a good relationship with the World Government and the Navy, you will naturally have nothing to worry about.

But you can’t just look at the present when doing things, but try to take a long-term view.

Elus's ambition is destined to part ways with the World Government one day, and even stand on incompatible opposites. In order to prevent someone from being choked by that time, he has the backup channel of Fish-Man Island in his hands in advance. It is very necessary.

The warship quickly approached the Fish-Man Island, and before it entered the bubble, the great prince of the Ryugu Kingdom, Shark Star, led the army to greet them. He personally led the way, leading the warship into the main island of the Fish-Man Island, and entered the port smoothly. On the dock, the flag of the Whitebeard Pirates hangs above the tall flagpole.

This is the new flag.

The original side has been burned away by the fire fist.

Not long after that, the two captains of the Whitebeard Pirates visited the Ryugu Kingdom and personally came out to scare some pirates who were lucky enough to hoist the new flag before leaving Fish-Man Island and returning to the new world.

"Prince Elvus, welcome to the Dragon Palace Kingdom. I am Shark Star. I am here to greet you on my father's order."

After the battleship docked at the port, Prince Shark once again solemnly greeted Elus. His extremely friendly attitude made people feel as comfortable as a spring breeze.

This shark prince is a shark mermaid. He has long wavy blue hair and a very upright appearance. He has a friendly smile on his face. His dark blue fish tail has light round spots and it swings gently from side to side. , holding a golden trident in his hand that was more like a ritual weapon than a weapon.

He waved the trident in his hand and pointed at the large submarine-style vehicle frame parked not far ahead.

"This is a phoenix-tailed carriage exclusively used by the royal family. Please invite Prince Elus to board the carriage. Father, he is waiting for your arrival at the palace."

"Prince Shark, please trouble you."

Elvus is good at what he does.

He left Iska sitting on the battleship, and only took Fran with him to board the phoenix-tailed car specially used by the royal family of the Dragon Palace King.

Before he came, he had communicated with the Dragon Palace Kingdom through the phone bug. Although this was the first time he met the Shark Star Prince, he had already heard King Neptune mention it several times. As the great prince of the Dragon Palace Kingdom, Shark Star and He, too, is destined to inherit the throne.

So instead of feeling strange, I feel a little bit familiar.

It's quite a distance from the port to the palace, but the royal family uses a special car to travel. The fish buses and fish taxis on the waterway along the way all gave way to the car. The journey was smooth and it didn't take too long to reach the destination. land.

"Prince Elus, the palace has arrived."

Shark Star raised the trident in his hand, pointed at the palace in front of him, and said with great pride: "This is the palace of our Dragon Palace Kingdom. According to the records of the royal family, it has a history of nearly nine hundred years. Father, he I’ll be waiting for you in the palace.”

Even though they are both princes,

Shark Star kept his identity very low in front of Elus. He knew very well that Aleus was similar to him but different. The prince was just one of Elus' many identities. He was the king. Shichichibukai is the new world overlord who can keep pace with the Four Emperors.

Just a few seconds after Prince Shark's words fell, Elus was still looking up to admire this exotic palace,

Only the sound of the door opening was heard.

The closed door of the palace——


A huge mermaid more than ten meters tall swam out riding a whale wearing a crown.

"Hoo ho ho ho!"

The huge mermaid burst into laughter, "Prince Elvus, you are younger than you look in the newspaper! You are really young and promising! Although I have introduced it before on the phone bug, but... ·Once again, hello, Prince Elus, I am the king of the Dragon Palace Kingdom, Neptune."

"You're very grateful, Your Majesty Neptune."

Eleus responded with a smile.

This giant coelacanth mermaid is the current king of the Huanyu Palace Kingdom, the ruler of Fish-Man Island, His Majesty Neptune, who has the titles of [God of the Sea] and [Great Knight of the Sea].

He wears a crown on his head, is stronger than the average mermaid, has thick and fluffy orange-red hair and beard, and has flame-like tattoos on his arms. His strong arms look like a powerful one, and he has long hair on his body. He has thick body hair and holds a finely carved golden trident in his arm.

In short, it looks like this is what the king of Ryugu Kingdom should look like!

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