The legendary ancient weapons, King of Heaven, Pluto, and King of the Sea, Elus didn’t know what the King of Heaven was. Who prevented him from having any information about this treasure in his memory? Twenty years after he came to this world, I have inquired in many ways, but unfortunately I have found nothing.

But Pluto and Neptune, these two treasures have many clues. Pluto is a battleship, one of the most outstanding shipwrights in the ancient water capital. They combined the wisdom of everyone to build a ship to fight against the huge evil force. Super battleships are probably the product of human effort. There are also the most rumors about Pluton in the world.

The World Government focused on the shipbuilders of the Water City for the Pluto blueprint, designed to kill the fishman Tom, and now secretly monitors the iceberg; in addition, Crocodile disrupted Alabasta for the unknown Pluto battleship. The kingdom, so to speak, all started because of these ancient weapons.

The other Sea King is even more interesting. He is not a weapon of destruction created by manpower, but a natural overlord of the sea. His true identity is that it will take hundreds of years for a mermaid princess who can communicate with Sea Kings to appear. She Destined to be the king of the sea king class, he possesses immense power that can save countless lives or destroy the whole world.


The unawakened Neptune is hiding in the hard-shell tower in Dragon Palace City.

"Vander Deken, I will take down this wanted man."

Eleus said decisively.

This ugly and scary pervert must be killed. If we don't kill this guy, it will be difficult to contact the mermaid princess.

King Neptune stretched out his hand and smoothed the fluffy red beard under his chin. "Vanderdyken is very cunning. The Navy Army has never relaxed its search for this guy over the years. Unfortunately, nothing has been found yet."

"Of course, if it is you, Prince Elus, it will not be difficult to capture Vanderdyken, but... the alliance needs to be considered in the long term. The Dragon Palace Kingdom cannot withstand too many twists and turns."

King Neptune has been thinking about the alliance with the Kingdom of Exmundo for more than a day or two. He was thinking about it when he first received the notification from Jinbei. He talked with Jinbei, talked with his three sons, and also talked with Jinbei. Several of the most trusted ministers discussed it.

The results of the final discussion were almost unanimous. There were probably advantages and disadvantages to forming an alliance with the Kingdom of Exmundo. At least judging from the information we had, we couldn't see any disadvantages. On the contrary, there were no disadvantages. There are not a few of them, and they are clearly visible.

But the more this happened, the more cautious King Neptune became. Ever since he took over the throne of the Dragon Palace Kingdom, he no longer had the recklessness of the Great Knight of the Sea. The entire Fishman Island was on his shoulders. Over the years, I have had to work hard to maintain the foundation of the Dragon Palace Kingdom. I really don't dare to be rash, and I don't have the right to be rash.

Even if his beloved princess was assassinated and died, he could only cry silently when he was alone. For the sake of the overall situation of the Dragon Palace Kingdom, he did not dare to show the slightest weakness in front of others.

"Your Majesty Neptune, the alliance is a matter between the two countries. Naturally, we can discuss it slowly. Anyway, Father Whitebeard is still alive. As long as we can reach a conclusion before Whitebeard dies, it will be good." Elus He said calmly that he understood King Neptune's dilemma.

The situation on Fish-Man Island is very different from that of the Water Capital. Today's Fish-Man Island is still Whitebeard's territory. It is impossible for the Dragon Palace Kingdom to break away from Whitebeard's protection like this, and it has to give face to the Black Prince. In a dilemma, he had to Try to use procrastination to solve the problem and let time resolve this problem.

The white beard is old, but the black prince is still in his prime.

Time will help Dragon Palace Kingdom make the right choice at the right time.

And even if the Dragon Palace Kingdom is not ready to agree to an alliance immediately, it will not prevent him from finding a way to contact the mermaid princess.

"Also, I said I would deal with Vanderdyken and I will definitely do it." Elus repeated his "sincerity" again.

He did what he said, took out his phone and contacted Iska who was guarding the ship. He briefly explained the situation and handed over the task to search for Vanderdeken, the wanted criminal. He also specifically asked King Neptune for it. A group of Sea King soldiers went to act with Iska and help guide the way.

Elus acquired a batch of warships from the Water Capital, and also borrowed a group of sailors from the navy to help sail the ships back to the new world. Otherwise, no matter how capable Eleus was, he and his hundreds of men would be unable to do so. It is impossible for a maid and attendant to take these battleships back to the new world.

Although Elus does not have a military rank in the navy, his title as Shichibukai can also be used. It is not a problem to command these sailors who are not commanded by senior officers, especially with Iska, a former navy ensign, it does not take much effort. With great strength, he took this group of marine soldiers into his hands.

"Prince Elvus, Vanderdyken is very cunning. We don't even know where his lair is." Shark Star advised tactfully.

He didn't doubt that Elvus could pick up that garbage Vanderdyken with one finger, but the prerequisite was that he could find someone. If he couldn't find someone, even if he had the ability to do it, it would be easy.

"It's okay. I'll let my subordinates look for it first. Maybe I'll find it if I'm lucky. If I really can't find it... I'll just think of other ways. In short, I will definitely do what I promised." Ai Erwus said with a smile.

Shark Star was speechless. When it came to this matter, he had nothing to say.

The so-called "Black Prince" didn't have a good reputation after all. He looked smiling, friendly and easy to talk to now, but what would happen if he really annoyed the other party... He didn't want to try it.

King Neptune also had no confidence to reason with Elus, so he had to change the subject with a smile.


The banquet continued, but the content of the conversation gradually drifted to other places. Neptune and Eleus chatted about everything, discussing the past and the present, and they got along quite happily.


This is located in the deep sea, with boundless darkness shrouding all directions. After all, the sunlight carried by Yangshu Eve cannot dispel the darkness of the deep sea. Its light can only benevolent an area centered on Fish-Man Island. .

Fortunately, with the advancement of science and technology, this boundless darkness is no longer a restricted area that is difficult to penetrate. Snow-white bright lights shine into the depths, dispelling the darkness in front of the field of vision. Frightened strange fish, colorful corals, and unexpected can be seen. Towering boulders.

After seeing the road clearly, under the guidance of the fishman, the battleship wrapped in bubbles moved forward under the pull of several sea beasts.

This is a deep sea with no wind power to draw on. The direction of the current is fixed and difficult to change, and it is difficult to ride on it conveniently. Therefore, we had to capture a few sea beasts and train them as coolies to pull the boat. There are dedicated people on Fishman Island who are responsible for raising these sea beasts to pull the boat. This time it was also lent to Elus for use.

The bubble that wrapped the battleship was extremely tough. Iska stood on the deck of the bow, looking at the area illuminated by lights in the distance.

"Have you used this method to find people before?" Iska chatted with the mermaid next to her. This tall, thin hairtail-like fisherman was an officer of the Sea King Army, and was ordered to cooperate with Iska. action.

"That's right!" The hairtail fish man nodded.

"..." Iska shook her head helplessly. In her opinion, if you want to find a hidden fishman in the deep sea with almost no boundaries, it is difficult to find it in such a grand way.

"Second Lieutenant Iska, I know what you mean. Before joining the Sea King Army, I had traveled a lot. I had been to the human world on the sea, and I had seen how the navy surrounded and hunted pirates... But this is the deep sea. "The hairtail fish man looked sideways at the short Iska, "The methods on the sea are not applicable here."

"When you move around Fish-Man Island, you have the light of Sun Tree Eve. Once you leave the range of Sun Tree Eve, you won't be able to move forward at all if you don't do this. And don't think that doing so will scare away the target. The deep sea is fair. , we cannot avoid the difficult targets we will encounter, and also, have you read the intelligence files on Vanderdyken?"

"Are you talking about Vanderdyken being a capable person?" At this point, Iska understood a little bit.

The fish-man nodded, "Yes, Vanderdeken is a fish-man who cannot swim. He cannot swim in the water like ordinary fish-men, which means that he must use a boat to move on the seabed."

"You mean... the Flying Pirates? So that's it." Iska finally understood the meaning of the hairtail fish man. As a person with abilities, Vander Deken would not be able to protect himself unless he applied a swimming coating to isolate the sea water. It is impossible to move in the deep sea, and coupled with the background of the Flying Pirates, a pirate group that has been famous in the deep sea for a long time, it can be seen that the target is not alone and has no fixed abode.

But... Iska carefully looked at the hairtail fish man standing next to her this time. She could accurately sense that his power was not very high, but his mind and thinking could not be ignored.

At the same time, this also made her a little curious. Seeing this, the King of the Sea Army of the Dragon Palace Kingdom was not a bunch of useless snacks. How could they not catch a person who never dared to face the Dragon Palace Kingdom for so many years? Enemy Vanderdyken?

"The underwater world is too big!" The hairtail fishman sighed with a wry smile.

Next, Iska quickly realized the meaning of this sentence.

The endless seabed of the deep sea is like a continent to humans. Three or five warships spent half a day searching for that small area on the chart.

That's a good thing, though.

Iska narrowed her eyes, stood on the bow deck, looked at the boundless darkness, and simply closed her eyes completely.

At the same time, the domineering sights, sounds, and sounds spread like mercury on the ground, absorbing all the vitality of the surrounding scenery into his thoughts.

Her power came too easily, and although her foundation was still solid, it was not the fake that she blew out in one breath to bluff people, but she still needed to hone her skills if she wanted to truly make full use of her ability.

This time finding a needle in a haystack in this deep sea is an excellent opportunity to hone your skills.


Fishman Island, Coral Hill.

This is the busiest place on Fish-Man Island, and it is a completely different world from the ancient, majestic and resplendent Dragon Palace City.

After staying as a guest in Ryugu City and resting for one night, Elus said hello to King Neptune the next day. After dressing up with Fran, he came to the streets of Fish-Man Island as an ordinary human being. Enjoying the scenery of Fishman Island leisurely.

Iska is responsible for the search for Vanderdyken. Before she gives up, Elus is not going to interfere. After all, if he has to do everything himself, why waste Bengyu's power on these others? .

"Your Highness, that's the tuna fish man. He's so big."

"...This is a flounder mermaid, right? The belly is so round, like a balloon."

"It's amazing, it's a starfish!"

Obviously, she had seen many strange mermaids and fishmen at the banquet in Ryugu City, but Fran couldn't help but share her excitement with Elus when she saw a mermaid she had never seen before.

Elus didn't care what the maid said. He heard it in one ear and out the other, but it didn't register in his heart. Anyway, based on his understanding, what Fran said at this time must have been meaningless. This kind of nonsense takes up most of the article with modal particles.

Instead of wasting your energy listening to useless stuff, it would be better to focus on the beautiful streets of Coral Hill, which are full of alien customs.


Fran suddenly calmed down the relaxed look on her face that she would show when traveling around the world, and looked like a cat with explosive hair, showing a vigilance in the face of a powerful enemy.

She looked warily at a building on the left front, which was a mermaid cafe.

"Your Highness, be careful." Fran stared at the Mermaid Cafe, as if looking at some magical cave that would make people never return.

"take it easy!"

Eleus reached out and patted Fran on the head. He had already seen a table of people sitting near the floor-to-ceiling windows in the cafe.

To be precise, he met the eyes of the leader of the table who was wearing a dark green windbreaker.

He saw clearly the man's appearance.

His eyelids suddenly twitched and he took a breath. Elus felt trouble.

It's the revolutionary army!

But why are the revolutionary troops here? Passing by? Or are you planning to stage a coup on Fish-Man Island? That shouldn’t be the case!

Elvus secretly thought about the possibilities of the revolutionary army appearing here.

At this time, the man sitting in the booth waved towards Elus, with a kind smile on his face wanted by the World Government.

Although because of the bright red tattoos on his face, his smile really didn't look kind at all.

"Let's go, Fran, let's go meet this important man for a while!" Elus suppressed his messy thoughts. Instead of making unreliable guesses here, it would be better to go directly to meet this revolutionary army leader. The leader, the world's most dangerous criminal.

"Big shot? He's...ah!" After walking a few steps, he finally saw the true appearance of the man sitting in the cafe's booth, and he immediately recognized his identity.

"Keep your voice down."

Elus stopped Fran's exclamation.

"I know!" Fran, who quickly regained her composure, quietly followed Elus into the mermaid cafe.

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