I only want to be a Shichibukai when I have Bengyu

Chapter 98 Revolutionary Army Scapegoat

Max walked to a big tree in the distance, dialed the phone number, and contacted the leader who was presiding over a big plan in the North Sea. He reported the situation he encountered in the Kingdom of Aikmundo in concise and clear language. .

It's normal to have accidents.

Nothing in this world can be smooth sailing. When the top leaders of the Revolutionary Army decided to contact the Kingdom of Ekmundo for business, they were already prepared to deal with twists and turns. To be honest, if the leader had not insisted that Ekmundo The Kingdom will not sell the intelligence of the revolutionary army to the World Government and the Navy. In fact, about half of the top officials do not want to have too deep contact with a World Government member country.

The Revolutionary Army is an organization with a short history, less than twenty years so far. Monkey D. Long is the founder of the Revolutionary Army, the first supreme leader, and the only leader so far. His Personal prestige is unquestionable within the revolutionary army.

However, Long doesn't like to be a dictator and is willing to share his power with his partners and subordinates. All major matters are discussed by everyone. Occasionally, he will use himself when there are huge irreconcilable differences. The prestige directly erases differences.

The subsequent results also confirmed again and again how far-sighted the dragon was, and also contributed to the dragon's prestige, forming a virtuous circle.

This time, half of the senior officials who contacted the Kingdom of Ekmundo were skeptical about the proposal. Fortunately, Long finally insisted on implementing the proposal he personally proposed. By the time the shipping network with the Kingdom of Ekmundo as its core gradually recovered, After regaining his normalcy and showing off his huge abilities, the opponents completely stopped and actively cooperated to promote the business partnership with the Kingdom of Exmundo.

"A giant dragon? There is such a thing... It's so nerve-wracking!"

A remote and desolate island in the North Sea. This inconspicuous island is the base camp of the Beihai Branch of the Revolutionary Army. On the beach by the sea, Long, who had just stepped off the ship, was walking and talking to Max, even though he had not been there for three days and three nights. He had rested, but when he heard the news reported by Max, he immediately cheered up.

According to Max's report, if this artificial dragon is used properly, it can indeed greatly enhance the strength of the revolutionary army.

Although the Revolutionary Army is a behemoth in the eyes of many people, and even the Four Emperors are too lazy to provoke troublesome guys like the Revolutionary Army, but compared to the World Government, which has a history of 800 years, this war is only twenty years old. The revolutionary army of history is really not enough in front of the world government.

Both top players and overall strength are still far behind.

Long has spent many years trying to strengthen the revolutionary army. He has tried his best to cultivate useful talents. Sabo and Kerla are the best among them. At the same time, he is constantly looking for like-minded partners, such as those who are imprisoned. The imprisoned Queen of the Kamabaka Kingdom and the King of the Solbe Kingdom... were all inspired by his ambitions and ideas to join.

But this is not enough,

For this reason, he did not hesitate to set his sights on pirates.


Seeing the option that can actually strengthen the revolutionary army, Long must be lying if he says he is not convinced, but... such a product that has never had any actual results is somewhat confusing, but he does not doubt it. Elus's force is tyrannical, but scientific research is not a matter of who has the biggest fist.

The Kingdom of Exmundo has always been just a large agricultural country, making wealth by selling coffee beans. I have never heard of this country being outstanding in scientific research, especially the high price of this artificial dragon. He also felt clear pressure.

"Max, what do you think?"

After much thought, Long did not make an immediate decision, but asked for the opinion of Max, a colleague on the front line. Although he was a gambler, Rez Max was not one of those short-sighted people who only saw temporary gains. Senior, Max's opinion deserves his careful consideration.

It was obvious that Max had not anticipated this problem.

Without letting Long wait for too long, Max conveyed his opinion. He thought he could take the risk and give it a try, "... You can purchase a few heads and send them to the Sihai branch to see the specific effects. If the effect is good, you can A long-term deal, even if the test results are unsatisfactory, it can be regarded as selling to Prince Eleus to save face."

Calculating it this way, if it can give Elus some face, even spending a little more money will be worth it.

"It's really good if you look at it this way..."

The dragon was still pondering.

Max was a little curious about the leader's hesitation. He calmed down and considered it carefully. He felt that as long as Eleus didn't lie to others, the artificial dragon transaction was completely feasible. Generally speaking, except for the high price, There is nothing wrong with people except some heartache.

He was already thinking that after leaving the Kingdom of Exmundo, he would go to the 1-year-old Gulan Tezoro, a city that appeared just last year and was known as the "world's largest entertainment city". 10,000 meters (10 kilometers), it is said that the giant ship is made of gold. It is a good fight in the autumn wind to help the revolutionary army who are destined to haemorrhage to regain their strength.

It must be mentioned here that Rez Max is a well-known super gambler in the New World. Newspapers have published a lot of tidbits about him, saying how he lived and drank, and how he won a lot of money on a single bet. He spent an astronomical amount of money in one night, and his wallet was so empty that a mouse could starve to death.

However, in fact,

All the money he won from gambling supported the cause of the Revolutionary Army. You must know that the Revolutionary Army is such a large organization, and naturally has a lot of money to make a living. However, the money that Rez Max has provided to the organization for free over the years has occupied the Revolutionary Army. Almost 30% of annual expenses.

"Sir, is there any problem here?" Out of habit, Max did not add his name and just used the "popular" title of sir.

"Max, you...you, no, did the Black Prince explain the origin of this biological weapon?"

"Eh? Prince Elvus said that these artificial dragons are the result of research by scientists from the Kingdom of Exmundo! Could it be that... there is something wrong?" A huge doubt appeared in Max's heart. But there was no change in the vicissitudes of his face.

"Do you still remember the accident in Punk Hassad at the end of last year?"

Long asked rhetorically.

The Revolutionary Army has spies planted in both the World Government and the Navy. It is impossible for the Punk Hassad incident to be hidden from the Revolutionary Army. When they received the information, they regretted not being able to rush to Punk Hassad in time to take advantage of the World Government. .

Later, Caesar was wanted by the World Government, and the Revolutionary Army also enthusiastically searched for this guy for a while, but later they gave up the operation because there were really no clues.

"Poison gas leak... Eh? Poison gas..." Max is not a fool. He can kill everyone in the casino. Not only does he make gamblers kneel down and admit defeat, but even the casino is often bankrupted due to crowding. After closing the door, his mind was quite bright. He had never thought about it before, but he was caught up in the reputation of the fifth overlord of the new world.

Now that Long said this, he suddenly came back to his senses.

That’s right!

The artificial dragon is an extremely advanced technology that can be seen at a glance. It cannot be produced casually. In addition, in addition to the dragon series biological weapons, the list Elus gave him also included Has a share of H2S poison gas.

"Sir, do you mean that... the wanted mad scientist fell into the hands of the Kingdom of Exmundo?"

"The possibility is not small."

Long also thought of this.

"Then, Prince Elvus sells artificial dragons and H2S poison gas...Does this mean that we will be the scapegoats of the Kingdom of Exmundo?" With suspicion in his heart, he can immediately extend it to more details. Suspicious, Max's favorable impression of Eleus immediately fell off a cliff, and he almost fell into a negative impression.


Personal likes and dislikes did not affect Max's thinking ability.

"This matter... Sir, I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing!" He thought about it and said slowly.

"I was worried that you would be so disgusted that you wouldn't want to see the Black Prince again!"

"I don't have any good impressions of that prince now." Max spoke in the most subdued voice possible, and while speaking, he also used his feet to crush a dead branch under the tree, making bursts of "quacking" noise.

"But that doesn't mean I lose my judgment."

Max continued, "No matter what the plans of the Kingdom of Exmundo are, the artificial dragon and H2S poison gas are indeed of sufficient use value, and if the speculation is true, our revolutionary army may not be the scapegoat. How long, the Kingdom of Exmundo... No, it should be said that this black prince's ambition is probably very big, so big that he himself knows that he is destined to be the enemy of the World Government."

Stealing the science and technology of the World Government and hiding the mad scientist who is wanted by the World Government. Such behavior is clearly against the World Government. It is not a trivial matter, but it is absolutely discovered. A major event that will shake the world.

The more Max thought about it, the more certain he became.

As long as there are no errors or omissions in the premise, there will most likely be no problems with the subsequent inferences.

And judging from the current situation, the premise they guessed may be true.


Long recalled the brief meeting with Elus on the Fishman Island, "You are right, that brat is indeed very ambitious! When I invited him to join the revolutionary army, he was rejected because he didn't like it. Here’s our little trick!”

He chuckled.

Standing on the golden beach, bathing in the bright sunshine in the sky.

not far away,

Sabo and Kella looked at each other. They didn't know what kind of good news the leader had revealed that made the leader laugh. However, such a smile made them sigh in relief. The work in Beihai has been very busy recently, and they can still endure it physically, but they are tired mentally. It really makes people feel deeply tired.

The revolutionary army is helping the resistance of a powerful country ruled by a tyrant in the North Sea to resist the attack of the king's army. Normally, even if the dragon status is expensive, it is difficult to take action, but now that Sabo has mastered the two-color hegemony, it can be easily done. The end of the battle.


Dragon does not allow Sabo and others to take action. He is looking for more general means of resisting tyranny.

After all, not every people under tyranny can be assisted by a strong man with crushing power like Sabo, even if such behavior will greatly prolong the war between the king's army and the resistance, there will be more Many people died.

Work became much more difficult because of this, and Sabo and Kella were exhausted these days.

"...Max, I will do as you say. This is our first transaction with the Kingdom of Ecmundo. We need to leave a good impression on our business partners. The artificial dragon and that... ·····H2S poison gas was purchased in small batches separately..." Long gave Max greater trading power and was really fully responsible for dealing with Elus.

Finally, he said with a smile: "Let us be the scapegoats for a while!"


The green dragon lay obediently on the ground, and Elus sat on top of the green dragon's head, patiently waiting for Max's answer.

As Long and Max guessed,

Eleus is planning to let the Revolutionary Army be the scapegoat.

There's nothing we can do about it. Whether it's artificial dragons or H2S poisonous gas, the Kingdom of Exmundo can produce these things, but there's no way to put them into use openly. We don't even dare to sell them on the black market. God knows there's nothing but joy. In addition to the Street Queen, how many other eyes has CP0 placed in the dark world?

But you can't just throw things into your hands and keep hoarding them. Making dragons and poison gas requires a lot of raw materials. Even though the Kingdom of Exmundo is rich, it can't afford the recent large domestic expenditures. Burning money beyond imagination.

The experiments on artificial devil fruits are really burning money right now. The materials consumed in the experiments every day are an astronomical amount. The Kingdom of Exmundo can still sustain it in a short period of time, but after a long time, even if The benefits from the shipping network may not allow the experiment to continue.

In addition, there is the construction of the Sea Train, the cost of which is also a figure that can make the finance minister jump in the office and scold his mother.

And besides the revolutionary army,

None of the Four Emperors are suitable to be this scapegoat. The elderly Whitebeard has no greater ambitions now. The red-haired one is also 'unambitious'. Baijuu and Big Mom are ambitious, but both of them are They are bastards who turn their backs like a book. As long as Elus dares to show some tricks, they can spread the news to the whole world with their backhand.


If the revolutionary army had not come to the door, Elus was already thinking about how to embezzle the businesses of the remaining giants in the dark world to open up new sources of income.

Fortunately, just before he set off a new wave of evil, the best scapegoat, the Revolutionary Army, came to his door.

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