I only wanted to destroy the sect, how did I become a god?

Chapter 12: Big Game! Haotian Sword Box!

"Only by keeping the original intention can you achieve the end..." The elder said these eight words silently, and looked up at Chu Xinghe in the Haotian Mirror.

Chu Xinghe looked at the countless disciples who were lost in thought, and knew that he had to add more fuel to the fire if he wanted to succeed now!

"Four hundred years ago, our ancestors reached the peak without external things, so why can't we do the same today? Do you think you are worse than others?"

"No!" It was Wan Lin who spoke, and the little girl was already in tears.

As Wan Lin spoke, more shouts suddenly appeared around him.

"Senior Brother Xinghe... I was wrong. I thought that Senior Brother Xinghe was deliberately pitting us, but I didn't expect that Senior Brother Xinghe's realm was far beyond ours. Four hundred years ago, our ancestors relied on these spiritual weapons to build our current country. Today, we have forgotten the will of our ancestors and only pursue external objects. Senior Brother Xinghe is right. The road of cultivation is full of thorns and thorns. External objects can help us, but if we only pursue external objects, how can we reach the peak?"

A young man who was fooling around walked out of the crowd and came directly to the spiritual pool. He grabbed a spiritual weapon on the edge of the spiritual pool. The dust on the spiritual weapon was scattered, as if responding to him. With a flash of light, the spiritual weapon recognized the master!

With the first one, the rest will be easy. Wan Lin also walked out of the crowd, first bowed deeply to Chu Xinghe, and then walked up, selected her spiritual weapon, and got her life spiritual weapon.

Some people came up to get the spiritual weapon one after another, but more people were still waiting and watching at this time.

Seeing this scene, Chu Xinghe gritted his teeth and stamped his feet. As the saying goes, you can't catch a wolf without sacrificing a child. Isn't it just a spiritual weapon? I just said it, it's just an external object!

I don't want the magic sword today. I won't stop until I fool you!

Chu Xinghe stepped to the front of the spiritual pool and looked at these ordinary spiritual weapons in front of him. Without much hesitation, he locked his eyes on a spiritual sword that looked pretty good. Chu Xinghe had made a decision!

"The road of cultivation is full of thorns. I have hesitated, but I have never retreated!"

After speaking, Chu Xinghe stepped forward.

Seeing that Chu Xinghe was also going to choose the spiritual weapon here, the eyes of the disciples who were still hesitating suddenly became firm.

Senior Brother Xinghe is a core disciple with a bright future, but he has the courage to practice with himself without relying on external objects. As he said, even if the road of cultivation is full of thorns and he has hesitated, he has never retreated.

Perhaps this is the real road of cultivation.

Even Senior Brother Xinghe has made such a choice, what else can we hesitate about?

At that moment, countless people dispelled the last bit of doubt and walked towards the spirit pool.

They chose a bunch of spirit weapons and became their lifelong partners. Although the level of these spirit weapons was very low, everyone who got them had an extremely firm look in their eyes.

Chu Xinghe watched more and more people make choices and knew that he had to bleed today!

Chu Xinghe gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, and directly grabbed the ordinary spirit sword in front of him. After getting the spirit sword, Chu Xinghe raised the spirit sword and sang to the sky!

"The roc rises with the wind one day! Soaring up to 90,000 miles! Today, we are the generation! Create glory again!"

"Today, we are the generation! Create glory again!" At this moment, everyone shouted with Chu Xinghe.

But just when Chu Xinghe used his spiritual energy to make the spirit sword in his hand recognize the master, something strange happened.

"Swoosh..." The spirit sword in Chu Xinghe's hand was controlled by an unknown force, and the spirit sword actually broke away from Chu Xinghe's palm and flew into the air and re-inserted into its original position.

At the same time as the spirit sword was inserted back, strange sounds appeared around.

"Buzz buzz buzz..." A sound came, and all the spirit weapons in the spirit pool began to shake!

This scene made Chu Xinghe confused. What was going on?

But in front of the Haotian Mirror, the elders and others saw this scene and exclaimed!

"The magic sword is born! All spirits return together?"

The elder widened his eyes. There are ten magic swords in the Haotian Sect's spirit pool, and every time a magic sword recognizes its master, countless spirit weapons will shake together.

It is the birth of the magic sword, and all spirits return together!

But there is no magic sword here at this time. What is going on?

Soon the elder found something wrong!

There are more than ten thousand spirits in the spirit seeds of the Haotian Sect. There are also hundreds of thousands and millions. These are all the spirit weapons collected in the past thousand years.

According to the previous situation of the birth of the magic sword, there will be many spirit weapons shaking together, but there is no magic sword in the area where Chu Xinghe is... Why are these spirit weapons shaking?

Moreover, many elders soon discovered that not only the spiritual weapons at the location of Chu Xinghe were vibrating, but all the spiritual weapons in the entire spiritual tomb began to vibrate, including those spiritual weapons that had already recognized their master.

And this vibration was not only in the spiritual tomb. Soon, with the spiritual tomb as the center, the spiritual weapons in the hands of all the people in the entire Haotian Sect began to vibrate.

Not only ordinary disciples, but also the great elder found that the Soul-Destroying Sword, one of his ten great swords, flew out of his body completely out of control. The Soul-Destroying Sword was suspended in the air and vibrated along with it!

At this moment, it seemed as if something between heaven and earth was attracting the entire Haotian Sect, and all the spiritual weapons were vibrating in the direction of the spiritual tomb!

"This... this... what's going on..." Many elders were dumbfounded. They had never encountered such a situation before.

The birth of the magic sword will make all spirits vibrate, but what does it mean that the spiritual weapons of the entire Haotian Sect are vibrating?

"Boom!" Just when everyone was surprised at what happened, a roar came from the spiritual tomb, and the next moment the stone pillar in the center of the spiritual pond exploded!

One way...

Two ways...

Three ways...

Nine rays of light of different colors soared into the sky from the exploded stone pillars.

The nine rays of light were incredibly fast, but they all arrived at the same position in an instant, which was where Chu Xinghe was. For a moment, the nine rays of light circled crazily around Chu Xinghe, as if they were cheering!

Along with the nine divine lights, a white light also flew out from the exploded stone pillar!

"Haotian Sword Box! This... is Haotian Sword Box!" The great elder exclaimed at this time, and the expressions of the group of elders behind him changed greatly.

The Haotian Sect has ten divine swords, which are famous all over the world.

But only a few people know that the ten divine swords of the Haotian Sect are not the strongest spiritual weapons of the Haotian Sect. The strongest spiritual weapon of the Haotian Sect is the Haotian Sword Box obtained by the tenth generation of Emperor Haotian in his later years. .

There are nine ancient magic weapons in this sword box. Even the tenth generation Emperor Haotian only got it but could not use it, so in the end Emperor Haotian named the sword box Haotian Sword Box and sealed it in Haotian. From then on, he became the strongest spiritual soldier in the Tianzong's spiritual tomb to suppress the millions of spiritual soldiers of the Haotian Sect.

For four hundred years, every generation of powerful men in the Haotian Sect has tried to communicate with the Haotian Sword Box, but there has never been any response from the Haotian Sword Box hidden in the stone pillars.

Everyone finally gave up on things that even Emperor Haotian couldn't do back then.

But today!

The Haotian Sword Box broke out of the ground, and after four hundred years, the nine swords came out together to dance for Chu Xinghe!

The artifact appears in this world, and all souls congratulate it!

The entire spiritual tomb and all the spiritual soldiers of the entire Haotian Sect were worshiping in the direction of the Haotian Sword Box.

The elders before Haotian Mirror's eyes were about to pop out at this moment!

No one thought that Chu Xinghe's declaration of not changing his original intention and moving forward bravely would actually trigger the Haotian Sword Box and make the Haotian Sword Box willing to recognize its owner?

Nine rays of divine light are constantly flowing around Chu Xinghe!



Xuan Jian...

Bai Hong......

Wrap your fingers softly...

A line of sky...

But evil...

Broken Star…


Each of the nine divine swords has unique attributes and extraordinary abilities, and the strength of each one is even higher than the top ten divine swords of the Haotian Sect.

At this time, the nine divine swords were constantly rotating around Chu Xinghe, and countless rays of light spread crazily around the Haotian Sword Box.

In an instant, all the disciples around Chu Xinghe who had obtained the spiritual weapon were covered by the light of the divine sword. For a moment, they seemed to have been cast on a body-holding technique, and they stood still.

"The sword box recognizes its master and benefits all living beings! They all entered enlightenment!"

The great elder exclaimed again when he saw this scene, and everyone in the spiritual tomb felt as if they were being pulled into an independent world and began to enter a state of enlightenment. Not only did they enter the epiphany, but the spiritual soldiers in their hands also It began to emit a dazzling light and actually began to merge with them.

"The sword box comes out! Benefit all living beings, the spiritual weapons merge with the soul, these little guys are now prosperous!"

The spiritual soldiers in everyone's hands were integrated with their souls. For a time, the spiritual soldiers in their hands were even brighter, and they and the spiritual soldiers also reached a state of coexistence. In this way, although their spiritual soldiers The level is not high, but he can follow his master to continuously improve himself, which makes every spiritual weapon a treasure!

For a moment, the entire spiritual tomb was in chaos. Those who had previously made up their minds to get the spiritual weapons all had an epiphany, but those who hesitated... now had no chance to benefit at all. They rushed to the spiritual pond again to get it. Spirit soldiers, but it's too late.

Wan Lin was the first to wake up. At this time, she looked at the spiritual soldiers who were in harmony with her soul, and she almost jumped with excitement.

What kind of spiritual soldier is the best in this world? Is it Excalibur?

No! The divine sword is powerful, but the spiritual weapon that can fuse with your soul is your strongest partner. It will never betray you or let you down.

Today, Wan Lin never imagined that he would get a soul-fused spiritual weapon.

They are all Senior Brother Xinghe! What Senior Brother Xinghe said was recognized by the Haotian Sword Box, and the sword box also brought the greatest benefits to all those who share the same goals with Senior Brother Xinghe.

Wan Lin and other people who got the spirit weapon and fused it were all ecstatic, while those who hesitated to get the spirit weapon were so depressed that they almost vomited blood. This was such a huge opportunity. How could I miss it... …

Senior Brother Xinghe had such good intentions, why didn’t he understand it...

"Buzz..." A tremor came again, and all nine swords flew into the Haotian Sword Box, and the Haotian Sword Box also flew in front of Chu Xinghe, and the sword box flashed directly into Chu Xinghe's left shoulder. The sword box turned into a mark and remained in Chu Xinghe's body.

"Haotian Sword Box! You actually recognized its owner?" Just as everyone watched the Haotian Sword Box drill into Chu Xinghe's arm to recognize its owner, a voice shook the sky, and a figure came from the mountains stepping into the void.

The world under the figure's feet seemed to have been crushed by his feet. When he appeared again, he had already appeared in front of the Haotian Mirror in the Haotian Hall.

"Meet the sect master!" Everyone, including the great elder, saluted the visitor.

And he is the leader of the Haotian Sect, the Haotian Martial Emperor Gu Mingchao who is known as the number one martial artist in the world today!

But at this time, Gu Mingchao didn't care about the many elders at all, but stared at the Haotian Mirror, looking at Chu Xinghe who was recognized as the master of the Haotian Sword Box in the Haotian Mirror...

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