Chen Yaner was very surprised. Among a million cultivators, only one person might possess spiritual fire. Once possessed, who would not regard it as a treasure? How could she take such a risk? She had no idea of ​​Wang Linger's feelings for Wang Hao. The two were not siblings, but they were far more than siblings. In order to find a valuable gift for Wang Hao, Wang Linger was willing to do everything.

"It doesn't matter, as long as it works. If I can capture the seventh-level spiritual fire, I won't feel bad if the Xuanbing spiritual flame is swallowed by it," Wang Linger said indifferently.

She just wanted to do something for her favorite brother. She had been enjoying Wang Hao's care for these years. She felt guilty for a long time. Now that she finally had the opportunity, how could she look back and forth?

She immediately ignored others and waved her hand, "Go!"

The Xuanbing spiritual flame turned into a white firebird, flapped its wings, and flew towards the magma lake!

The magma rolled again, and a red phoenix flew out. The temperature rose suddenly, and even the stone wall began to melt, dripping into the magma lake.

The red phoenix saw the white firebird, and its eyes were full of greed. It immediately became spiritual, flapped its wings, and pounced on the white firebird!

The white firebird flashed with spiritual light and disappeared from the spot.

The next moment, the white firebird appeared from outside the magma lake.

The red phoenix did not return as before, but chased after it. It had a certain amount of intelligence, but it still couldn't defeat the most primitive instinct!

Rumble, the magma lake began to roll violently, shaking the earth.

The red phoenix only showed hesitation on its face, and quickly made a choice. Obviously, the black ice spirit flame was more attractive.

It absorbed the power of the origin of the volcano, and the process was very slow. Staying here for ten thousand years would not be as helpful as swallowing a ball of spirit fire.

But as soon as it flew out of the magma lake, a sharp sword energy suddenly appeared and slashed at it from behind!

The incident happened suddenly, and the red phoenix had no time to avoid it. It was cut in half by the sword energy and turned into a red flame. The sword light passed through the flame and cut on the ground. The earth cracked and a stream of magma emerged!

The white firebird increased its speed and flew towards Wang Linger.

The IQ of the fifth-level spiritual fire is not high, but it also knows that it should find its master at this time!

The red flame danced for a while and condensed into the shape of a red phoenix again. It still stared at the white firebird and chased after it.

At this moment, thousands of white light beams flew out from all sides and formed a large formation in an instant.

The red phoenix realized that something was wrong and dodged to escape.

A pipa sound suddenly sounded, and the red phoenix was illusory for a moment, and its body trembled and almost fell apart.

When it came to its senses, a huge white formation curtain had emerged, and it was turned upside down inside!

Wang Wenyue and others appeared one after another, each holding a formation plate and formation flag in their hands, and constantly injecting mana!

A stream of cold air emerged from the formation, and the sky was covered with ice and snow. The temperature suddenly dropped, and even the magma covered by it was frozen!

But soon, the red phoenix turned into a ball of flames, and the ice melted again!

Wang Wenyue frowned, pinched the spell, and the formation plate was full of spiritual light, and the formation began to freeze again.

Chen Yaner and others launched their magical powers and continued to attack the red phoenix!

The five people each used their means and tried their best!

Time passed little by little, and the red phoenix was constantly defeated, and soon it transformed again, and then was defeated again, and it went on and on!

After more than half a quarter of an hour, the red phoenix began to wilted, and the recovery speed was much slower!

Wang Wenyue changed his spell, raised his hand and sacrificed a colorful gourd. After entering a spell, the colorful gourd flew up and sprayed out a ball of five-colored rays of light.

As soon as the red phoenix came into contact with the five-colored rays of light, it instantly stopped moving and was instantly sucked into it.

Wang Wenyue quickly closed the gourd plug and breathed a sigh of relief.

The gourd sealed a five-color divine light of Wang Hao, which restrained all the five elements. This spiritual fire was of fire attribute, and was obviously also restrained.

Fortunately, Wang Hao gave them some trump cards, otherwise even if they could take away the seventh-level spiritual fire, they would have to spend more effort!

Rumble, everyone was happy for a moment, and the fluctuations of the magma lake became more violent. The magma surged up, overflowed the shore, and began to occupy the surrounding ground.

The crater is a concave shape, and it will be filled with magma in a short time.

"Hurry up and pick the spiritual medicine, we can't stay here," Wang Wenyue hurriedly ordered.

The five people immediately dispersed and began to dig spiritual medicine. At this time, they didn't have to worry about the age.

There is an unwritten rule in the world of immortal cultivation. Even if it is a spiritual medicine in an unowned land, the cultivators generally will not pick it all. At least they must leave seedlings or roots for future generations to pick, and they must not do things that will destroy the race.

But at this moment, the volcano is about to erupt. If Wang Wenyue and others don't pick it, these spiritual medicines will not survive.

When all the pickings were completed, the fluctuations in the crater became more intense. The crowd had no time to observe whether there were other treasures, so they could only evacuate as soon as possible!

They found the tribesmen who had stayed before and quickly left the volcanic area!

The first goal had been achieved, and they accurately looked for the second goal, which was a kind of spiritual wood called the Purple Yuan Shenmu. The bark of this spiritual wood could be used to make high-level talisman paper. The Wang family had many treasure talisman masters and had a great demand for talisman paper. In the past, they could only purchase high-level animal skins for production. Using bark to make it would undoubtedly reduce a lot of costs!

Even if they found the Purple Yuan Shenmu Forest, they could not occupy it. This was the Burial of Immortals Ruins, and they could not easily enter. They had to take away as much bark as possible, and then take away some seedlings.

With seedlings, they could find a suitable site in the family for planting. The income cycle of spiritual wood was relatively long, generally thousands of years, tens of thousands of years.

The Wang family now has two fused monks. The fused monks have unlimited life span. Even in the early stages of fusion, they can survive three to four great catastrophes, enough to protect the family for 30,000 to 40,000 years.

Spiritual wood, a spiritual object with a long cycle and high returns, is still very suitable for the Wang family to grow!

Wang Wenyue's team is powerful, and their goals are relatively difficult. Teams such as Ho Hongshan and Wang Xueqi only have relatively simple tasks such as picking elixirs and searching for mineral resources.

Chapter 2344 Purple Yuan Divine Tree

In a green grassland, there were deafening sounds of thunder, and bolts of lightning pierced the sky and struck the ground!

In the waist-deep grass, the monks from the Li family gathered together with serious expressions on their faces.

In front of them lay a large number of black giant ant corpses, among which the queen ant was the seventh level.

The queen ant was now tightly tied to the ground by a pile of vines, emitting black smoke, her body was covered with traces of being struck by lightning, and there was a burning smell in the air!

"The seventh-level middle-grade saw-toothed ant, fortunately, it doesn't have much intelligence, otherwise we might have been wiped out this time!"

A green-faced monk said with lingering fear.

Without Li Qingyue's participation, the Li family's treasure hunting team was not strong. Fortunately, they were well prepared and carried a lot of treasures and formations. Mrs. Li also sealed magical powers into some disposable treasures, otherwise they would There is no way to defeat the seventh-level monster insect.

"Stop nagging, let's leave as soon as possible. Although the seventh-level saw-toothed ants are dead, there are still a large number of low-level saw-toothed ants on this grassland, including many sixth-level ones. If we continue to struggle, we will be the ones who suffer."

An old man said in a deep voice.

The atmosphere suddenly stagnated, and the good mood of killing the seventh-level monster insect was gone.

The Li family monks did not dare to delay and quickly disappeared deep into the grassland.

In a barren mountain not far from the grassland, Wang Wenyue and his party were walking slowly.

At this moment, their number has become seven, with the addition of Yan Jingqiu and Lu Zhanyuan, and no one from the Huashen clan is left.

The two teams of the Wang family met and both suffered losses, so after discussion, they decided to organize a strong team to continue exploring, while He Hongshan took the tribesmen in the transformation stage to hide in a safe place.

There is a mineral vein in that place, the grade is not high, and the output is sixth-grade green jade.

The treasure that explorer monks hate the most is mineral deposits, because the veins are often very large and contain a lot of impurities. Mining is laborious and time-consuming. Even virtual refining monks cannot dig much in a day.

Wang Wenyue has less than thirty Huashen tribesmen under his command, and Ho Hongshan has only thirty-seven under his command. If he continues to lead them, there may be more casualties.

Although the Wang family has many god-transforming monks, they cannot afford such a loss.

It happened that He Hongshan discovered a mineral vein, and he could lead the Huashen tribe to mine, and there would be some profit. The mining could be carried out underground, and as long as restrictions were placed above it, the safety would be guaranteed. It would be much safer than continuing to explore. !

Without the "oil bottlers" like the cultivators of the Transformation of Gods, Wang Wenyue and his group of seven moved much faster. They crossed mountains and rivers, and soon arrived at the area where the Ziyuan Divine Tree might exist!

After climbing over the barren mountains in front of them, they entered a purple forest, which was extremely quiet.

Wang Wenyue slowed down, a defensive light shield appeared on his body, and his face was full of alertness.

"It should be here. The Purple Yuan Divine Tree may be in the woods, but at this time, we cannot relax. Everyone, please be careful!"

Wang Ling'er and others nodded in unison. Along the way, they encountered too many dangers.

The map they got was drawn no matter how many years ago. Many routes have disappeared and the terrain has changed!

Sometimes you can't even find a reference point and you can only move forward gropingly.

At this moment, suddenly there was a roar in the distance. Everyone looked up and saw a huge dark cloud in the sky, with lightning flashing and a large amount of sword energy flying out. It was obvious that someone was fighting!

Wang Wenyue was shocked and stopped one after another!

"You guys wait, I'll go take a look," Wang Wenyue ordered, and his figure flashed and disappeared in front of everyone. Within a moment, Wang Wenyue returned with a strange look on his face.

"Sister Wenyue, what's wrong?" Wang Ling'er looked suspicious.

"There is someone fighting, and we know one of the parties. Guess who it is?"

"Tell me quickly, how could we have guessed this!"

"It's a monk from the Li family, and the other side is from a foreign race. It looks like it's from the Witch Clan. The Witch Clan is very powerful. There are eight Void Refining cultivators and more than a dozen God-Transforming cultivators."

Wang Wenyue did not continue to talk about the situation and explained the situation.

"Li family? Huh, let them fight," Wang Ling'er's face turned cold when she heard this. She didn't like the Li family. She invited them to explore the secrets but refused to give them any information. She clearly wanted to deliberately weaken the power of the Wang family.

Several other people also showed displeasure. The Li family looked too ugly, did not share the secret of Li Qingyue's union, and used others as tools to clean up the cave.

"I didn't say I wanted to help them. The Li family shot themselves in the foot this time. They want us to resist the aliens, but the aliens won't listen to them. If we hit them, they deserve it!"

Wang Ling'er didn't want to meddle in other people's business. She knew that Wang Hao had taken refuge with Mrs. Li in his early years, but it was just mutual benefit. The Wang family gave Mrs. Li gifts several times, but Mrs. Li did not refuse!

To put it bluntly, it is just a normal exchange of interests. Everyone gets what they need, and no one owes anything to anyone!

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