"It's time to go to Fangshi to have a look. There is competition from the sea race, and there are so many void-refining monks from the human race here. Maybe there will be gains in spiritual objects!"

Wang Hao planned to go to Fangshi first to check the prices. He had been doing business in Yuelong City for decades, and he had many spiritual stones and jade. Later, he wiped out the Wen family and other families, and gained nearly 100 billion in wealth.

Be it spiritual stones or spiritual jade, they only have value if they are spent. If you keep them in your hands, they are just stones that take up storage space!

With Wang Hao's ability to make money, there will be no shortage of spiritual stones. If this place is rich in resources, he will certainly choose to purchase a large batch.

Planting on the farm also takes time, so how can you buy ready-made incense?

In the main hall, in addition to Zhang Yingxue, there were more than ten monks, whose cultivation levels were at least at the Nascent Soul stage!

Although Wang Hao has set up a restriction, it is not an isolation restriction. Outsiders can come in, but they will be discovered by him!

As the leader of the sect, Zhang Yingxue was often approached by people to report the situation. Without Wang Hao's instructions, Zhang Yingxue would detain the person who came to her. How could she dare to spread the news.

Moreover, she was too scared here by herself, and she felt much more at ease when someone was with her!

At first one was deducted, and then more and more were taken away. Many of them sensed something was wrong and came in to check the situation. If the first one was deducted, the rest could not be released!

If it weren't for the Zhang family standing behind Zhang Yingxue, these brothers and sisters might not be able to keep them!

There was a dead silence in the hall, and everyone felt uneasy. Because Wang Hao was healing his wounds, his aura was not hidden at all. People in the hall could clearly feel his powerful aura!

Because of the Spirit Gathering Array, the concentration of spiritual energy in the hall they were in was extremely high at the moment. Where would they have the opportunity to practice in such an environment on weekdays?

But under such circumstances, how could they continue to practice with peace of mind?

Each of them had dull eyes, looking into the depths of the hall from time to time, waiting for their final fate!

Many people showed regret on their faces. They had nothing to do and were worried about what the sect leader was doing. Now it's fine, everyone is stuck here!

The sect leader has the support of the Zhang family, but they do not. They only hope that the senior deep in the cave is the Zhang family, and they are just a false alarm!

"Senior sister, who is this senior? Can't we reveal it?" A monk in the middle stage of divine transformation said carefully!

Zhang Yingxue was startled, glared at the junior fellow apprentice, and shook her head slightly.

She really didn't know, Wang Hao didn't even tell her his name, let alone his origin!

"Sister, don't worry. If this senior had malicious intentions, we heard that the Snow Sect would have been dead long ago," the man continued to comfort him through the message, but there was no confidence in his tone!

Zhang Yingxue was silent for a moment and said: "Although our sect is remote, most of the surrounding sects have Senior Lianxu. This senior should not be an evil cultivator. You should be quiet. When the senior adjusts his breath, he will definitely not embarrass us!"

To people like them, Zhaori Island, which is three million miles in diameter, is a continent, and Tingxue Sect is also the overlord with a radius of thousands of miles. As the leader of the sect, she is carefully served wherever she goes. At this moment Only then did I realize how powerless I was in the face of the strong!

The opponent can easily crush them to death with just one finger!

At this moment, a sudden wave of fluctuations came from the depths of the cave, rumbling!

After the muffled sound, a figure suddenly appeared in the hall. Wang Hao glanced at the monks present. Although he was a little disgusted with Zhang Yingxue's cleverness, he still planned to pay the reward!

He threw down a storage bag and turned into a stream of light and rushed out of the hall. A voice echoed in the hall, "Thank you for the treasure, little friend. The pills in the storage bag are enough for me to break through to the late stage of divine transformation!"

Then, it disappeared without a trace!

There was an uproar in the main hall. Zhang Yingxue looked at the storage bag in his hand blankly, with a confused expression!

She was confused, and the others were even more confused, and they all looked at her.

It took Zhang Yingxue a moment to realize that Wang Hao was gone, so she walked cautiously towards the outside of the cave. There was no trace around. Then she relaxed and almost collapsed to the ground. Her plump figure was rippling, causing all the junior disciples to stare. With his eyes closed, fear was instantly replaced by another thought...

After leaving Tingxue Sect, Wang Hao went straight to Zhaorifang City, the largest city on the island.

Zhaorifang City is at the foot of the seventh-level Lingshan Mountain. Looking from a distance, it is really a majestic peak, towering into the sky, majestic, and standing out among the thousands of surrounding peaks.

Wang Hao only glanced at it twice and then looked no further. The mountain top was surrounded by fairy clouds and heavily guarded. He couldn't see the situation inside at all!

However, Fangshi seems to be very ordinary. The city gate pier is crowded with people, and it is a prosperous scene!

Wang Hao hesitated for a moment, then changed his appearance, suppressed his cultivation to the stage of divine transformation, and took a circle in the sea before entering the city from the pier!

The city gate guards were only Yuanying monks, but after seeing Wang Hao, they still stopped him with a stern expression!

"Senior, you need to show your token to enter the city!"

Wang Hao looked around and found that everyone had a round green token in their hands.

Wang Hao shook his head and said: "I have come all the way to Zhaoridaofang City for the first time, and I don't have a token!"

The guard was not embarrassed, took out a token and said: "Register your name and pay 10,000 spirit stones!"

The entry fee is 10,000 spirit stones, and this market is a huge profit!

Not long after, Wang Hao held the token and was allowed to enter Fangshi.

There were many golden elixir-level monks standing on both sides of the road at the city gate. One of them, a man in green, bravely walked towards Wang Hao and said with a smile on his face: "Senior, I'm new here. Do you want a guide? I'm not talented. Although I have strength, He is humble, but he is quite familiar with the city and wants to..."

Before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by Wang Hao throwing a high-grade spiritual stone!

"Where is the largest store in the city? Do you have a map in your hand?" Wang Hao asked calmly!

The monk in Tsing Yi was stunned for a moment, and then quickly realized: "The junior has a simple map in his hand, which he can give to the senior. The largest shops are deep in Fang City, on the mountainside. Senior can just go there, but the junior is not eligible to enter!

Just keep walking along here and you'll reach it! "

he said, pointing down the street.

The city is built on the mountain. The higher the terrain, the more important the position. The city gate only faces the shops of low-level monks. The higher places are the top trading places, which only face monks above the god transformation stage!

Wang Hao asked again: "Tell me specifically, those who sell elixirs, those who sell minerals and spiritual objects, and those who can buy martial arts and spiritual arts!"

"The largest shops all belong to Tianyun Merchant Alliance. Tianyun Merchant Alliance is the strongest among the four major merchant alliances. You can buy elixirs, spiritual talismans, magic weapons, and exercises. Seniors can even buy them as long as they have spiritual stones. To refine virtual spiritual objects!

Next is the Zijin Merchant Alliance, which is not weak either, and is stronger than the Tianyun Merchant Alliance in terms of elixirs.

Ranked third is the Beihai Merchant Alliance. In terms of materials and elixirs, they have the advantage. Especially for sea beast materials, the Beihai Merchant Alliance is the cheapest and most complete! "

Although this man in green clothes has a low level of cultivation, he knows all the stores of the Merchant Alliance like the back of his hand, and he talks eloquently for a long time. He is worthy of a high-grade spiritual stone from Wang Hao!

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