When Wang Yanzhao learned that he had a son, he was willing to let Wang Hao recognize his ancestors even without Qin Xiuer's request. Unfortunately, Wang Hao didn't want to. Wang Hao had lived with his mother since he was a child. When he asked about his father, he heard Qin Xiuer's angry words. How could he have a good impression of Wang Yanzhao?

Wang Yanzhao's Taoist partner was called Li Dexi. He knew about the little things between Wang Yanzhao and Qin Xiuer, but the Wang family had already dealt with it. Because of the needs of the family, they didn't ask Wang Yanzhao about Qin Xiuer. But they were very unhappy to have a son suddenly.

The Wang family would not make the new daughter-in-law unhappy for a waste with five spiritual roots.

Wang Yanzhao had no choice but to keep Wang Hao in Qingniufang City. Fortunately, he needed to sit in the Wang family shop to make pills and could look after him from time to time.

Li Dexi felt that Qin Xiuer was dead. If he didn't allow Wang Yanzhao to take care of Wang Hao, he was afraid that the couple would turn against each other, so he could only acquiesce to Wang Hao's existence.

The next thing is even simpler. Wang Hao blamed Wang Yanzhao for his mother's death. He never treated Wang Yanzhao well. He always did the opposite of what he taught him. It would be a miracle if he could learn well.

After learning this, Wang Hao was speechless.

"It would be great if I had traveled a few years earlier. Maybe I could use Wang Yanzhao's guilt to join the Wang family. Now, Wang Yanzhao's affection has been gone. It's too difficult to start as a casual cultivator!"

Although Wang Hao has never cultivated immortals, he has read so many novels. How can he not know the hardships of casual cultivators?

A casual cultivator has no inheritance and no resources. Everything depends on his own life. There are very few who can achieve something. For example, in the South China Sea cultivation world, there are dozens of Yuanying cultivators, but none of them are casual cultivators.

Chapter 3 Cultivation Data Analysis

After learning about his past experiences, he began to check his cultivation situation again!

His skills are common stuff, Changchun Gong, wood attribute skills.

He has five spiritual roots. In theory, he can practice any attribute skills, even multi-attribute skills. With all five elements, you can learn all kinds of arts... What the hell.

It takes talent, and having the corresponding spiritual roots is just the foundation. Once you solve the problem of whether you can learn, whether you learn or not is another matter!

Wang Yanzhao once gave him a dual-attribute technique, but it was a pity that the original owner didn't want it. According to the original owner's understanding, if a cultivator with multiple spiritual roots practices the corresponding multi-attribute technique, the practice speed can be accelerated, sometimes reaching several times that of a single-attribute technique.

After calming down, Wang Hao began to practice with his eyes closed according to the original owner's memory. A warm current flowed out of his dantian and formed a Zhoutian along the meridians.

As the technique was running, Wang Hao felt that the surrounding spiritual energy was slowly absorbed into his body, and his mana increased slightly.

Looking inward, he found that his dantian was surrounded by a thin green mist, but there was still a trace of red, yellow, blue, and brown mist around the green mist.

Wang Hao frowned slightly. According to the original owner, the green one is the wood attribute aura, and the other colors are naturally the other four auras. This situation is very normal. He has five spiritual roots and can absorb the five elements of aura. This does not affect his cultivation, but it will affect the purity of his mana.

The reason why the heavenly spiritual root has no bottleneck in breaking through is because the heavenly spiritual root is a single attribute spiritual root, which can only absorb one kind of aura, and the mana is naturally pure.

If you use the game panel to understand, cultivation is the process of continuously expanding the capacity of the dantian and meridians, and setting the upper limit of the mana that the dantian can accommodate in the first stage to 100. Assuming that you can break through after reaching it, this mana must be the mana corresponding to your practice method. For the wood attribute heavenly spiritual root, it means that you can break through after the wood attribute mana value reaches 100/100. This is very easy for single attribute spiritual roots, and it is a matter of course.

However, there are inevitably other attribute auras in the body of multi-spiritual roots. The capacity limit of the dantian is there. If there is only a little other attribute, then the attribute you practice cannot reach 100%.

The more spiritual roots you have, the more spiritual energy you absorb, and the more mana you have. For example, dual spiritual roots can only reach 99/100, triple spiritual roots 98/100, and Wang Hao's five spiritual roots can only reach 96/100.

There are two most common ways for multi-spiritual root cultivators to break through. One is to practice in a place with richer spiritual energy and madly inhale spiritual energy to reach the breakthrough requirements.

In modern terms, it means compressing the spiritual energy. How can a 100 ml bottle be filled with 110 ml of air? Just increase the pressure. More spiritual energy enters the Dantian. Even if it is not 100% pure, it has reached the requirement of a single attribute reaching 100 breakthroughs!

Another way is to take drugs. In fact, it is the same as the previous one. In a short period of time, the quality of the spiritual energy in the Dantian is increased, so that the single attribute reaches the breakthrough requirements.

Wang Hao's difficulty is that the pressure he needs to reach is greater. If a dual-attribute cultivator can break through with one pill, he needs four pills, which will cause another problem. His Dantian and meridians cannot withstand such a great pressure and break...

For this reason, some multi-spiritual root cultivators have created multi-attribute exercises. Wang Hao guessed that if the dual attributes are expressed in digital form, the panel will become 50+50. As long as the spiritual power of both attributes reaches 50, a breakthrough can be achieved. The five attributes are 20+20+20+20+20. This is probably why multi-spiritual root cultivators practice multi-attribute exercises faster than single-attribute exercises.

This raises another question for Wang Hao. If a dual-attribute cultivator only needs to reach 50+50 to break through by practicing a dual-attribute exercise, wouldn't he be faster than a natural root cultivator? You should know that cultivators can absorb multiple attributes of spiritual energy at the same time when practicing, and they don't have to refine one to 50 before refining another.

Obviously not. According to the original owner's memory, most people with heavenly spiritual roots can reach the perfection of Qi training and break through the foundation before the age of 20, while those with dual spiritual roots need to be over 35 years old, those with triple spiritual roots need to be 50 or 60 years old, and those with quadruple spiritual roots need to be 80 or 90 years old to reach the perfection of Qi training. Those with five spiritual roots are even weaker, and may not reach perfection before the age of 120.

Wang Yanzhao, who practices dual-attribute exercises, is an example. He has dual spiritual roots of fire and wood. He has perfected Qi training at the age of 38 this year, but it cannot be calculated that way. Wang Yanzhao was delayed by emotional issues at the beginning. He also needs to make pills, which will also delay his practice. He reached the eighth level of Qi training at the age of 20, which is faster than ordinary dual spiritual roots, but still slower than heavenly spiritual roots.

If he does not make pills and only practices, it may be faster.

Wang Hao's eyes lit up, which means that the speed of practicing the corresponding multi-attribute exercises will not be much slower than that of heavenly spiritual roots.

Wang Hao suddenly became excited and stopped practicing. He turned on the computer and started drawing...

Hehe, drawing is really good.

Hypothesis 1: All cultivators absorb external spiritual energy at the same total rate.

If the channel for each person to receive spiritual energy is compared to a pipe, the cross-sectional area of ​​the pipe should be the same for all people, except that the heavenly spiritual root has only one spiritual root of one attribute and can own the entire pipe, while the cultivators with multiple spiritual roots share the pipe with multiple spiritual roots.

Hypothesis 2: The speed at which cultivators with multiple spiritual roots absorb single-attribute spiritual energy is related to the number of their spiritual roots

A large water pipe appears on the screen.

A single spiritual root has an entire water pipe, but a double spiritual root has to divide the water pipe into two, and ... a five-spiritual root has to divide it into five parts.

If all of them practice a single-attribute technique, the heavenly spiritual root will practice from the age of five, and complete the Qi training at the age of twenty, which takes fifteen years, the double spiritual root will take thirty to thirty-five years between the ages of thirty-five and forty, and the three spiritual roots will take forty-five to fifty-five years.

Considering that multiple spiritual roots will encounter bottlenecks, the speed of practice of a single spiritual root is about twice that of a double spiritual root, three times that of a triple spiritual root, and more than five times that of a five spiritual root.

Taking into account the example of Wang Yanzhao's dual-attribute technique.

This hypothesis is valid.

That is to say, if Wang Hao opened all the water pipes of his five spiritual roots, the flow rate would be the same as that of the heavenly spiritual root. However, he could only open one wood-attributed water pipe when practicing the wood-attributed Changchun Gong, so his cultivation speed was only one-fifth of that of others.

"I must get the dual-attribute technique in Wang Yanzhao's hand, so that my cultivation speed can be doubled, which will be faster than that of the three-attribute cultivator! According to the 15-year Qi training of a single spiritual root, I need 37 and a half years. I am only 18 years old now. Even if I encounter a bottleneck and delay for a few years, I can still build a foundation before the age of 60. Moreover, I have already reached the third level of Qi training, so there is great hope before the age of 50!" Wang Hao clenched his fist heavily.

It is not easy. He saw the hope of building a foundation. Otherwise, with his qualifications, he would never be able to build a foundation in his lifetime, unlike Han Lao Mo, who has unlimited pills to eat.

Of course, there will definitely be some restrictions. Otherwise, wouldn't everyone be able to match the heavenly spiritual root as long as they practice the corresponding multi-attribute techniques?

There should be some conflict. After all, the five elements are mutually reinforcing and mutually restraining. If you have dual spiritual roots of water and fire, you can refine the spiritual energy of water and fire in your dantian at the same time. Water can extinguish fire, and water evaporates when it meets fire. If you add some chemical knowledge, water will decompose into hydrogen and oxygen at high temperature. This dantian may explode...

Chapter 4 Red Lotus Fantasy Wood Sutra

Of course, all this is Wang Hao's guess, but it is very likely to be correct based on the knowledge of the original body.

Besides, Wang Yanzhao's example is in front of him. He must also know that practicing dual-attribute exercises can make his practice speed faster, otherwise he would not have persuaded the original owner to change his practice again and again.

As far as Wang Hao knows, there are very few multi-attribute exercises in this world, and there is no one that can be circulated on the market and known by casual practitioners, at least there is no one around Qingniufang.

The Wang family must have dug up the grave of some master to have one, oh no, it is the inheritance of some old predecessor.

Wang Hao does not understand, nor is he interested in understanding. He only wants to get the exercises in Wang Yanzhao's hands now.

"Oh, didn't Wang Yanzhao, my cheap father, give me a storage bag? Will he also give me the skills?" Wang Hao slapped his head, stood up from the bed, and began to look for the storage bag left by Wang Yanzhao.

"Here!" Wang Hao's excited heart and trembling hands refined the storage bag according to the method of refining the storage bag in memory.

Since Wang Yanzhao had erased his own imprint, Wang Hao refined the storage bag quite smoothly and left his own soul imprint in it.

Wang Hao hurriedly put his spiritual sense in and checked the contents of his storage bag. The first thing that caught his eye was a small pile of glittering spiritual stones: "Wow, one hundred spiritual stones, Lao Wang's annual salary seems to be thirty spiritual stones, plus his salary from the Wang family store, can it be more than fifty? Where did he get so many spiritual stones?"

"Is alchemy so profitable? I want to learn alchemy!" Wang Hao slapped himself again: "You are stupid, a time traveler, is alchemy so easy to learn? Lao Wang is a natural alchemy seedling with wood and fire spiritual roots. You want to compare with him? Find a method!"

Several jade bottles, which should be the elixir given by Lao Wang, a sword, a first-level middle-grade magic weapon, a shield, a first-level middle-grade defense magic weapon, Lao Wang is really good, he can deal with...

Why is there a pile of charcoal and a tripod? For cooking?

Three jade slips, it should be this.

Wang Hao's spiritual sense moved, and he took out all three jade slips, and hurriedly picked up one of them and put it between his eyebrows.

"Alchemy, is that cauldron an alchemy furnace? Old Wang thinks highly of me. Can I, with five spiritual roots, make alchemy? I can't. I don't have the ability! I don't even understand the concept of alchemy!"

Wang Hao picked up another jade slip: "Introduction to the first-order talisman..."

Hey, when Wang Hao saw this, he wanted to slap himself in the mouth again, and cursed secretly that the original owner was really nothing. What a good father, he did this, and he was still thinking about his future!

"But what I want is the dual-attribute technique! I have the last jade slip. If I don't have any more, I have to shamelessly ask Lao Wang for it."

Wang Hao was already ready to cry and beg in front of Wang Yanzhao...

"The Red Lotus Phantom Wood Sutra, this is it! Dad, I will always love you!" Wang Hao cried out excitedly.

"Don't be excited, don't be excited, don't be overwhelmed with joy! Let's see if we can practice first." Wang Hao began to investigate carefully with a feeling of trepidation.

The result is gratifying. As long as you have fire and wood spiritual roots, you can practice it regardless of whether you have dual spiritual roots or five spiritual roots. However, the technique only has the first two levels and can only be practiced to the middle stage of Qi training.

"According to the introduction at the beginning of the technique, the Red Lotus Phantom Wood Sutra has a total of twelve levels, which can be practiced to the late Nascent Soul stage. Old Wang only gave two levels. It must be because he does not have the authority. I think this technique should be a top secret of the Wang family and cannot be passed on at will. "For outsiders!" Wang Hao murmured to himself. He was Lao Wang's son, not an outsider. Lao Wang gave him good rules, but Lao Wang probably didn't believe in his nature and was afraid that he would exchange them for spiritual stones, so he just Give 20%. A technique that can only be practiced to the middle stage of Qi training cannot be sold for a lot of money, and not many people will want it!

Classics, sutras, tactics, and kung fu are generally graded according to this level. The further back you go, the more you pull your hips, the more bottlenecks you have in your practice, and the less skilled you are in your magical powers. But that’s not all, that’s what the big sects do. Many of the exercises created by casual cultivators are named according to their mood. There are also some small sects who name their internal exercises as so-and-so classics or so-and-so scriptures in order to gain a higher profile! It's just a scam.

The magical power that comes with the skill is usually only available in the foundation building stage, so Wang Hao can't see anything from the first two layers in his hand, but does he have a choice? No, if you don’t practice the Red Lotus Magic Wood Heart Sutra, how can you go out and look for opportunities?

As for his third level of Qi training, which was achieved by Old Wang using elixirs, he might not even be able to fight a first-level low-grade monster, let alone look for opportunities in the caves of some seniors!

Qingniufang is located on a second-level high-grade spiritual vein. Because of Wang Yanzhao's relationship, Wang Hao's small courtyard is not far from the center, and the spiritual energy is relatively sufficient, enough for him to complete the Qi refining stage.

After gathering his mood, Wang Hao looked out the window and found that the sky was getting dark, and he realized that he had been in the room for a day.

Wang Hao couldn't help but rub his stomach: "No wonder I feel so hungry, even a cultivator needs to eat enough."

Looking for memories, I came to the kitchen. There were two rice vats. One was filled with ordinary rice. In the other vat, only a thin layer of spiritual rice was left. Fortunately, there was still half of it in the storage bag given by Wang Yanzhao. The bag, according to the introduction, is for you to use as a material for refining Bigu Pill.

"Let's put aside the matter of alchemy for now. Even if I have the qualifications to master the martial arts, it will take thirty or forty years to build the foundation. I can't waste too much time. After the age of 60, as the Qi training monks' blood begins to decline, it will take them thirty or forty years to build the foundation." I hope it will be greatly reduced. But having said that, the elixir can greatly reduce the time of hard training. If you are really talented, you can't try it. There is no reason why Han Laomo can practice it but I can't!"

Wang Hao was thinking about things while washing rice and putting it into the pot. Whether it was his previous life or his original life, he was very skilled in cooking. After a while, a pot of white rice and a dish of roasted vegetables were placed on the table.

The meals are simple, but they are all spiritual things that contain spiritual energy, which are good for the monks' practice, but they should not be excessive.

There is no harm in eating too much, but Wang Hao's current cultivation speed cannot refine so much spiritual energy, which will cause waste. Even with Wang Yanzhao taking care of him, Wang Hao eats ordinary rice most of the year, and the spiritual rice is only available one day. He only eats when he wants to practice.

The current price of spiritual rice is ten kilograms of a low-grade spiritual stone, and Wang Hao can refine one kilogram of spiritual rice a day. Even if he replaces all the spiritual stones Wang Yanzhao gave him with spiritual rice, it will be enough for Wang Hao to practice for about three years!

Although spiritual rice is expensive, it is still worth the money. It can be practiced twice as fast as simply refining the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

If you change it to elixirs, the effect will be better, but it will also be more expensive. Therefore, cultivating immortals is not only about qualifications, but also resources. For wealthy couples, wealth is the first priority! This is why the core disciples of famous sects can build foundations at a young age, while ordinary monks with the same qualifications as them have to wait several years or even decades.

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