He was tempted, but Wang Hao still needed to think about it before he took such a big risk.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, why don't we go inside to discuss it!"

The skinny middle-aged man invited, after a fight, the area was in a mess, but the fairy city was not small, and there were still many complete buildings where the two of them could sit down and have a good talk!

Not long after, the two arrived at a tall building in the city. Knowing that Wang Hao didn't trust them yet, the skinny middle-aged man didn't invite him in, and sat directly on the top of the building to sit opposite him!

"I know that I won't be able to invite fellow Taoists with just a few words. I also need time to prepare. How about we make an agreement to meet again in a hundred years?

I think fellow Taoist must have something important to do on this trip. A hundred years is enough for fellow Taoist to do things, and he can also think about this matter clearly! "

Wang Hao groaned and asked: "Let's not talk about anything else. Wang heard that the elders in the clan have methods to sense the location of the holy soul. How can you and I escape if we get the holy soul?"

"Don't worry too much about this. We only take a part of the Holy Soul, which is a very small part. Therefore, the elders of the clan must give the safety of the Holy Soul as their top priority and will not pursue you and me too much to prevent the tiger from fleeing the mountain!

Except for the great elder who has the means to sense the divine soul at all times, the other elders cannot determine the location of the holy soul at all times and can only learn its approximate location every once in a while!

Therefore, as long as you and I operate properly, it is very possible to escape the pursuit! "

The skinny middle-aged man said very confidently!

"If that's the case, we can give it a try," Wang Hao agreed temporarily. Anyway, it was just a verbal agreement. There are still a hundred years. By then, he will know the Feiling Tribe better. It is not up to him whether to do it or not?

"Speaking of which, fellow Taoist's transformation technique is extremely exquisite. If you want to attract the Holy Soul, you need to get close to the place where the Holy Soul is stored. It is best to blend into our Fire Phoenix Clan!

Fellow Taoist possesses the true blood of the Black Fire Phoenix, so he has the innate conditions to pretend to be a member of our clan, but he still needs to know how to transform!

Why don't you and I have a chat and share what we have? "

Wang Hao did not expect that the other party would take the initiative to bring up the exchange of secret techniques. You must know that the secret techniques of transformation within the Feiling Clan are not spread to outsiders. However, the other party dares to even think about the holy soul of his own mother clan. Revealing the secret techniques can only be regarded as Little things!

Wang Hao is incompetent. He has a variety of secret transformation techniques in his hands, but he will not reveal the secret of "Celestial Spirit Transformation".

The secret technique of the Fire Phoenix Tribe is called "Fire Transformation", which allows the Fire Phoenix Tribe to activate their own blood and transform into a Black Fire Phoenix, greatly increasing their strength in a short period of time!

The thicker the true blood of the Mysterious Fire Phoenix the cultivator has, the more powerful this technique will be. For example, a skinny middle-aged man who was once a holy son has extremely rich bloodline. After transformation, he can cross great realms!

Every branch of the Feiling Tribe has this secret technique, and many of the human race's physical transformation techniques are based on theirs.

Wang Hao suspected that "Heavenly Spirit Transformation" had something to do with the Feiling Tribe.

That's why Wang Hao is so tempted. It's best to let him mix into the Fire Phoenix clan as planned. In this way, he may see many secrets, which will be of great help to his practice!

After some exchanges, the skinny middle-aged man frowned and asked, "Fellow Daoist Wang, you are a bit overbearing by exchanging ordinary secret skills for my clan's uninherited skills!"

"Haha, fellow Taoist is a good calculator. According to the plan, all the dangers in the early stage are on Wang. This secret technique is also the prerequisite for Wang to sneak into the nobles. It can be said that this secret technique should have been given to Wang. You can use it Wanting to exchange something that belongs to Wang for Wang’s core skills is much more sinister than Wang!”

Wang Hao responded with a sneer!

"Ahem, I didn't think of it for a moment, and that's right. I'll give this technique to my Taoist friends. I hope that my Taoist friends can ignore the past grudges!" After Wang Hao exposed his plan, the skinny old man didn't feel ashamed. He coughed and planned to expose it. pass this matter.

Wang Hao doesn't care, they both have their own plans, so it's good to be able to reach a deal!

He said calmly: "Perhaps we can trade some other things, such as elixirs, spiritual materials, etc., and Wang needs the situation of Xuanling Continent, maps, related customs books, power distribution, etc. These things You should be able to provide it, right?”

"Then what are you going to do, fellow Taoist? You know, at our stage, ordinary spiritual objects are of little use!" the skinny middle-aged man said with a frown.

"The information is not valuable at all. When Wang arrives at Xuanling Continent, you can find out by just asking around. But since it is an exchange, Wang is willing to show his sincerity. I may be able to heal your injuries!"

Wang Hao's tone was calm, as if the other party's injuries could be easily treated by him!

But instead of being happy, the skinny middle-aged man's face turned gloomy!

"Fellow Daoist Wang, don't be joking," this poison has been bothering him for thousands of years. In fact, it is also related to the plot to seize the Holy Soul. In order to increase his strength, he once captured a poisonous cloud beast, but was injured by it!

It took him thousands of years to suppress this poison, but he could not eradicate it.

Don't say you don't believe in Wang Hao's abilities. Even if Wang Hao is really capable, how could he let Wang Hao treat his injuries? If the other party takes the opportunity to do something, it is impossible for him to react at such a close distance!

"Fellow Taoist, don't be nervous. Mr. Wang has kept a strange insect in captivity. It has no other abilities except that it likes some strange poisons. It may be able to help fellow Taoist solve some problems. Moreover, Mr. Wang's poisonous insect is only at the fifth level!"

Wang Hao said, and with a movement of his mind, he summoned the Void Essence Insect!

The skinny middle-aged man looked at the Xuyuan Insect. Between heaven and earth, there were some spiritual insects with weird magical powers. Perhaps his poisonous injury could really be solved. As soon as his thoughts changed, he nodded and said:

"So that's how it is. I didn't expect that you also keep spirit insects in captivity. Such a gifted spirit insect should be of great help to you, right?"

"Yes, the spirit insect did help me a lot. Unfortunately, this insect's talent made it successful, but it also failed. It is very difficult for it to practice and advance. Even if it is given a lot of resources, it still has not been able to break through the sixth level!"

Wang Hao shook his head and threw out a thousand-year-old poisonous grass. Before the Xu Yuan insect showed ecstasy, he took it back to the spirit beast bracelet!

"Heaven is fair. It is common for cultivation to be trapped by talent. You need to wait for the opportunity!"

The skinny middle-aged man said with emotion.

"What do you think? Even if my poisonous insect cannot completely remove the toxins in your body, it can greatly relieve your pressure. You will not lose out in this deal!"

Wang Hao was eager to make a deal not only for the so-called news, but more for the Xu Yuan insect. The poison that can make the cultivators of the Great Perfection of Refining Void helpless must be able to effectively stimulate the Xu Yuan insect, so it is not certain that it will advance!

"I am indeed tempted, but I'd rather not remove the poison. Why don't you change the conditions?"

"Haha, what do you want?" Wang Hao asked with a smile.

"I need a method to ward off poison, or a treasure to ward off poison. It is said that human cultivators are good at refining equipment. You must have relevant preparations when you go out?"

It turned out that the skinny middle-aged man had not given up on the poisonous beast and was still thinking about capturing it to help himself!

He also knew a method of merging spirits. After meeting certain conditions, he could merge with his own spirit beast and increase his combat power.

This method was also created based on the transformation method of the Feiling clan. For the cultivators of the Feiling clan, it is not difficult to practice, especially those whose blood is too thin to transform. They often practice this method of merging spirits as a substitute!

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