After finding another large city ruins, Wang Hao and others stopped. There was no need for them to go deeper. The spiritual energy here was exhausted. Even if there were some treasures before, they were probably decayed at this moment.

"Take a rest first. When there is a chance in the future, come here again to explore the secrets!"

Wang Hao said softly, but he knew that such an opportunity would probably not come again, and it was not worth his second visit.

Low-level cultivators may think this is a treasure land, but they can't come in, and Wang Hao, a cultivator who can come in, doesn't look down on it. Maybe it is because of this that this place still maintains its original appearance without much change!

"How many civilizations have disappeared in the long river of history, Xuansheng Palace is like this, and this place is also like this," Wang Wenyue couldn't help sighing, spitting out the pent-up anger in his heart.

Wang Hao stared at the ancient city, his expression was also low. Anyone who saw this dead scene would not be too interested, not to mention that the people living here are likely to be human beings!

"The world of immortal cultivation is so cruel. If you and I hadn't ascended to the spirit world, we would have turned into dry bones long ago!"

Wang Wenyue nodded, "Let's go find a deserted island!"

She always felt uncomfortable on the edge of this ruined dead city.

Wang Hao did the same, releasing the spirit boat to carry everyone to a deserted island!

After making a simple cave, Wang Wenyue found Wang Hao with a heavy heart!

"Brother, don't you want to hear about the saint?"

Wang Hao was surprised: "Didn't you say it already?"

Wang Wenyue shook his head: "It's just a small part, and there are many things before the saint entered the Xuansheng Palace and after she escaped from the Xuansheng Palace. The previous ones are just a drop in the ocean!"

"In fact, it's not difficult to guess that people with such great perseverance must have an extraordinary life!"

Wang Hao said subconsciously, but soon realized that Wang Wenyue might need someone to talk to. The memory of the saint is always affecting her. She is under too much pressure, so that her original personality has changed!

So he quickly changed his words, "Okay, you talk, I listen!"

Wang Wenyue stepped forward and began to tell the story, telling the life of the saint in a plain tone!

In fact, the story is very cliché. The saint was originally an orphan whose family fell into poverty and was homeless. Her natural beauty became a burden, and she understood the hardships of life early.

In desperation, she met the noble man in her life, that is, her master. His warm big hand held her cold little hand, led her out of the quagmire of life, and brought her into a bizarre world of immortal cultivation!

Her master made her know the meaning of warmth and happiness.

And her brothers and sisters, sect teachers, etc., she was very grateful for these, and really regarded Xuansheng Palace as her home!

It's a pity that the good times didn't last long. The stable life lasted only more than ten years, and the sect was attacked!

After all, she was miserable. A small Jindan cultivator shouldered the heavy responsibility of rebuilding the sect!

Even though her master didn't ask her to do so before he died, she was deeply indebted to the sect and her master, so how could she not take it as her responsibility to restore the sect?

She had been besieged, lived under someone else's roof, and lived incognito. Injuries were commonplace! ,

She had experienced all kinds of life, and she even had to compromise and go against her own heart.

Wang Wenyue sighed, "To be honest, when I saw these memories, it was hard to imagine how she could hold on. This is not in line with common sense!

She struggled painfully in the darkness alone, on the verge of being lost, desperately grasping every fragile life-saving straw.

Unimaginable faith, extraordinary strength, allowed a girl who was only in the Golden Core Stage to hold on, and during this period she had to rescue many fellow disciples!"

Wang Hao was touched, "The Saint's heart is firm, and she still desperately strives to survive in adversity. This character is worth learning for everyone. There will be many hardships on this trip to Xuanling Continent. Wenyue, I hope you can understand that these memories are wealth for you, but you must walk out on your own!"

Wang Wenyue's eyelashes trembled slightly, raised her eyes slightly, turned around Wang Hao's face, and nodded heavily.

Wang Hao was about to say something else, but found that Wang Wenyue had straightened her spine, and there was a little more advice in her expression. He sighed in his heart, hoping that his sister really walked out this time.

Digesting the memory of a great fusion monk is a heaven-defying opportunity, and the future is limitless; but if you are not careful, you may completely lose yourself.

Wang Hao can't help her, she can only rely on herself!

After resting for several days, they started to hurry on their way again. After more than a year of trekking, they finally approached Xuanling Continent.

The last place to stay was very simple, a sheltered reef, half submerged in the water.

They were about to reach the end, and everyone was very excited. It had been nearly twenty years since they set out!

Before leaving, Wang Hao didn't expect it to take so long!

"Master, are there any human and demon races in Xuanling Continent? After we go there, will we be regarded as aliens? And be attacked!"

Yaya's eyes were full of expectation and a little worry.

"There are many races in Xuanling Continent, I can't say for sure, but we have no conflict of interest with them. According to the description of the Saint, the high-level cultivators here are still very happy to make friends with foreign cultivators.

The more developed the cultivation civilization is, the higher the acceptance rate is. The Saint also recorded this. As long as we treat others kindly, there will probably be no problem!"

Wang Hao patted the map in his hand, full of energy. After spending so much time, he was finally going to arrive at Xuanling Continent!

"Brother is right. Some of the local monks that the saint came into contact with are also in human form. They don't look much different from us humans!"

Wang Wenyue added.

The end point of cultivating immortality is immortality, and immortality takes human form. No matter what race you are, you must reach the stage of transformation.

Some people with high talents can transform at birth, while others need to reach at least the fourth level before they can transform!

Even worse, it takes the fifth or sixth level to transform.

As for those ferocious beasts and sea beasts, they are born with a lack of spiritual wisdom. They cannot become immortals at all, unless they encounter the enlightenment of a powerful person and open their spiritual wisdom. However, such a method is only available to immortals. Even Mahayana monks cannot do it. Yes, there may be something in the spiritual world that can enlighten spiritual wisdom, but the number will definitely not be too much.

Spiritual objects such as the Emperor's Liquid are only useful to a few races such as the demon race, because they themselves have high potential. The Emperor's Liquid is only stimulated in advance, not created out of nothing!

"There is no shortage of dangers in Xuanling Continent. This is something we can all foresee and have made a series of preparations. I hope that we can all gain something this time, but we must not ignore everyone's safety for the sake of treasures! "

Wang Wenyue is his sister, Xiaochan and Yaya are his spiritual pets, not to mention Wang Wen, who is his incarnation. Logically speaking, Wang Hao does not need to say these words.

But as their realm gets higher and higher, Wang Hao hopes that Xiaochan and the others can be more independent, otherwise they may stop here in this life!

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