I open a farm in the world of cultivation

Chapter 2445: The Test of Fairy Hongluan

"Fellow Daoist Wang, I heard that you have traveled to the Feiling Clan. Have you heard of the Saint Emperor Guo Wentian?"

Hongluan Fairy suddenly asked, with a scrutinizing look in her eyes.

Wang Hao's heart trembled. No matter how big a commotion he made in Feixian City, he was still a person without any foundation. Forces like the Little Paradise Palace could not do anything to him, but the great power of Yunxiao Sect could easily crush him.

The only concern was probably the Feiling Clan.

Over the years, Wang Hao had intentionally or unintentionally indulged in such rumors, as if he was the spokesperson of the Feiling Clan.

"Wang has never heard of Guo Wentian, but he has heard of the Saint Emperor Yan Nantian of the Five Lights Clan, and was fortunate enough to meet the old senior!"

Wang Hao replied calmly.

There was no Guo Wentian. Hongluan Fairy was clearly testing him to see if he had really been to the Xuanling Continent and if he really had any connection with the Feiling Clan.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, have you seen the Holy Emperor? The Five Lights Clan seems to be a more powerful branch of the Feiling Clan," Fairy Hongluan looked doubtful, obviously not believing it.

It's not so easy to see a Mahayana cultivator. Take Li Yuandao as an example. Even disciples like them can't see him unless there is something important. How can Wang Hao, an outsider, see the Holy Emperor of the Five Lights Clan?

"Wang once traveled in the northern wilderness of Xuanling Continent and happened to encounter the Kaitian event. When he was looking for treasures, he met Yan Huan, the saint of the Five Lights Clan. After being introduced by Daoist Fellow Yan Huan, he met the Holy Emperor.

It's a pity that Wang's strength is low and he couldn't say a few words to the Holy Emperor!"

Wang Hao said half-truthfully without blushing or beating his heart. He really knew Yan Nantian and Yan Huan, and it wasn't a lie.

"The Saint of the Five Lights Clan? Kaitian?" In an instant, everyone caught a few key words, and their eyes shot to Wang Hao, expecting him to continue.

"Ahem, Fellow Daoist Wang, can you tell me some of the strange stories you encountered in Xuanling Continent? You know, we have never been there..."

Li Heng coughed lightly and said sincerely.

"This... Speaking of traveling, Fellow Daoist Yan Ming has been traveling for ten thousand years, and he must have encountered more strange stories than me. Fellow Daoist Yan, have you been to Xuanling Continent?"

Wang Hao smiled and looked at Yan Ming, who was sitting aside and silent.

"Yan did pass by Xuanling Continent, but he had no contact with Feiling Clan. He only made friends with several fellow Daoists from Mei Clan. I also heard about the great event of the opening of the world mentioned by Daoist Wang, but unfortunately, I was not able to enter it at that time. It is rumored that there are countless treasures in the Northern Wilderness after the opening of the world. The Feiling Clan, the Giant Tail Clan, and the Mei Clan can be so powerful, which is inseparable from the resources of the Northern Wilderness. Every time they experience the great event of the opening of the world, the major clans can increase several combined cultivators." Yan Ming said meaningfully. Wang Hao misled the others, and then he kicked the ball back, guessing that Wang Hao got the opportunity to combine from the Northern Wilderness.

"Haha, Wang did get some opportunities by chance," Wang Hao nodded.

His answer made everyone feel a little surprised, but it was not easy to ask directly what opportunities he got. Obviously, Wang Hao would not tell them easily.

"Daoyou Wang, I heard that your Wang family's business alliance went to Xuanling Continent several times. Do you still do business with Feiling Clan?" Fairy Hongluan asked again.

"Yes, Saint Yan has some status in the clan. Wang used his relationship to do some small business with the Feiling clan. Xuanling Continent is much richer than Zhongtian Continent. This business can only be regarded as a small fight. Besides, the Business Alliance is not Wang's own, but a joint venture of four families!"

There is nothing to hide. The goal of the Business Alliance is too big and it cannot be concealed.

However, Wang Hao is not doing business with the Five Lights Clan, but the Fire Phoenix Clan.

"I wonder if the Business Alliance can trade high-level Dharma-phase spiritual materials?" Fairy Hongluan looked expectant.

Wang Hao shook his head, "Dharma-phase spiritual materials are also precious to the Feiling Clan. They will not sell them easily. What Wang can trade is mainly the spiritual medicine that the Feiling Clan does not like very much. I am afraid you don't know that the thousand-year-old spiritual medicine that our human race regards as a treasure is not very valued by the Feiling Clan."

Fairy Hongluan and Li Heng asked several questions about the Feiling Clan in succession, and Wang Hao answered them one by one, but each time he answered with one or two sentences, just briefly speaking, not talking in depth.

Hongluan and the other two were just probing this time. Seeing that Wang Hao was unwilling to talk in depth, they could only end the topic hastily. Anyway, their purpose had been achieved. They confirmed that Wang Hao had been to Xuanling Continent and had a certain relationship with the Feiling Clan. As for how deep the relationship was, it was hard to say!

"Fellow Daoist Li, Fairy Hongluan, you should have heard about the situation of the Shuiling Clan. If a clan war breaks out, will your Yunxiao Clan participate in the war?"

At Wang Hao's signal, Yuan Fang asked. If the Yunxiao Clan participated in the war, the human race would be able to sweep the Shuiling Clan in a short time, but the Yunxiao Clan would not work in vain and would definitely take away most of the benefits.

"No, soldiers against soldiers, generals against generals, Yunxiao Clan will not participate in small-scale battles unless the Five Elements Spirit Clan act together, just like last time!"

Fairy Hongluan's expression became serious. In the previous clan war, Yunxiao Clan also sent people to support it, but the clan war ended in a whimper before the large group of people arrived.

As for the battle at the Mahayana level, even if it happened, Wang Hao and others would not see it.

The human race and the surrounding alien races have a certain tacit understanding. If the intensity of the war is not great, those top forces will not easily give up. Otherwise, if the war expands, it will be difficult to end. If it cannot be controlled, it may be a disaster.

These top forces are more of a strategic deterrent force, ensuring that the alien races will not go too far.

"What if the Fire Spirit Tribe, the Five Elements Spirit Tribe, or even the Yaksha Tribe help the Water Spirit Tribe?" Yuan Fang continued to ask.

"Haha, the Shui Ling Tribe is declining. What can they offer to the Yaksha Clan? The Yaksha Tribe is too high-minded to look down on the Shui Ling Tribe at all. Unless the Shui Ling Tribe can come up with a top-notch Tribulation Treasure or a Xuantian Spiritual Treasure, When that time comes, our Yunxiao Sect will naturally come to an end!"

Fairy Hongluan smiled contemptuously. Although the human race was in decline, there were still a few Mahayana monks. She really looked down on those small races and had no interest in dealing with them.

Not to mention that the Yunxiao Sect looked down on the Shui Ling Tribe, even the local forces in Feixian City such as Little Paradise Palace were not interested in getting involved. From the beginning to the end, only the Wang family and six or seven other forces were busy.

There is not much power left in the Shui Ling Tribe, and there are only five or six combined monks. There is really no need to use too much power. Besides, Feixian City has to guard against alien threats from several directions, so it is naturally impossible to use all the power to deal with them. Water spirit tribe.

Yuan Fang showed a regretful expression on her face and said: "It's a pity. If the two Taoist friends are willing to join, they might be able to wipe out the Shui Ling tribe in one fell swoop this time. There are only two monks left in the late integration stage of the Shui Ling tribe. I heard that among them One of them has not appeared for many years and may have died due to a catastrophe!”

"Even if you are not dead, you can join forces to wipe out the Shui Ling Clan. Although I, the Yunxiao Sect, will not participate in the war, I still support your actions. The more territory you occupy, the stronger our human race will be. Maybe one day one of you can A senior from the Mahayana stage appears!"

Fairy Hongluan said with a smile, her eyes turning on Wang Hao and Yan Ming, as if she was very optimistic about these two people.

In terms of cultivation, Yan Ming is already in the late stage of integration. After traveling for thousands of years, he must have encountered many opportunities.

Wang Hao is not clear about the Feiling Clan. Relying on the large amount of treasures traded from the Feiling Clan, he has an advantage over other fused monks and may be able to catch up from behind.

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