Soon after, the news that the human race was about to attack the Shuiling tribe spread like wildfire, and many forces began to prepare for war. For a time, supplies in major markets became scarce, and prices rose several times.

Many cultivators also fled the vicinity of Zhishui City. They just wanted to make a living and did not want to participate in the war. War is an opportunity for those with ability, but for most people, especially low-level cultivators, it is just a disaster.

At the same time, the news that the Shuiling tribe hunted human female cultivators spread. All major forces strengthened their vigilance, especially those who knew the inside story, focusing on protecting female cultivators who practiced Yin attribute exercises.

This made it more difficult for the Shuiling tribe to reach their destination, and they had to eat the few baits deliberately left behind!

But plans cannot keep up with changes. This action caused tension among all parties. Many spies of the Shuiling tribe and evil cultivators who committed crimes were caught, and the Shuiling tribe had almost no chance to take action.

"Forget it, it's already like this. Everyone go back and prepare for the war. Let's put this matter aside for now!"

At the meeting of the four families of Wang, Li, Wang, and Yuan, Wang Hao announced the time to launch the war.

Fifty years later, launching a large-scale war is no joke. All kinds of preparations must be done properly. At the beginning of the war, all kinds of materials will be consumed in huge quantities. It is necessary to leave enough time for accumulation. If you start the war rashly, you will not only fail to achieve your goal, but you may also suffer unimaginable losses.

Anyway, time is on the side of the human race, and Wang Hao is not in a hurry.

According to his meaning, it is actually best to wait for Ji Xiaotang, Wang Wenyue and others to successfully break through the fusion stage before taking action, but they have been in seclusion for hundreds of years, and there is still no movement. The development of the Wang family has almost reached the upper limit, and it is impossible to wait indefinitely.

It didn't take Wang Hao long to cross the fusion stage. That was because he was fully prepared, with the true spirit origin, phoenix relics, various true spirit blood, and a batch of Yuan Ling.

Do other people have this condition? Ji Xiaotang and Wang Wenyue only refined a small group of true spirit origin, and only cultivated one Yuan Ling.

Their physical body, spiritual consciousness, and magic power are not as good as Wang Hao. It is not strange that they need to be in seclusion for a longer time.

Let alone the breakthrough to the fusion stage, some people who want to break through to the refining stage will have to retreat for a thousand years.

"Since Fellow Daoist Wang has decided, let's do it this way. I have no objection," Wang Ruhai agreed. Among the four families, their Wang family is the weakest. He is willing to bet on Wang Hao and cooperate with Wang Hao on some issues.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, if we all withdraw, what if the Shuiling tribe sends people to hunt female cultivators again?"

Mrs. Li frowned and asked.

"Wang has made arrangements. Please trust Wang!" Wang Hao said lightly without giving a specific plan.

What they have to do now is to stay away from those baits, so as to reduce the vigilance of the Shuiling tribe.

"Okay, it's good that Fellow Daoist Wang has made arrangements. If there is nothing else, I will go back first."

For this war, the Li family will dispatch two fusion cultivators, thirteen refining cultivators, and four hundred spirit transformation cultivators, basically drawing out all the elites of the Li family. Preparations must be safe. Once something goes wrong, the Li family will be finished.

Madam Li didn't want to fight with the other two families in Tiandao Palace anymore. She planned to start a new business and develop the Li family. Therefore, she didn't plan to use the power of other branches in Tiandao Palace this time.

The example of the Wang family was in front of her. The Wang family could develop from nothing. Why couldn't her Li family? Isn't the foundation of the Li family much better than that of the Wang family?

As long as the war was won, the Li family would be able to get a large piece of their own territory, even larger than the territory of Tiandao Palace.

Wang Hao was happy to see this change. What he hated most was that the human race always wasted its strength on internal fighting. If they were united against the outside world, would the human race have only this much territory?

Therefore, when he communicated with Madam Li alone, he promised the other party a batch of materials, including several copies of the refining spirit objects and hundreds of the transformation spirit objects, to help the other party cultivate the clan members.

Madam Li was so anxious to go back just to distribute this batch of materials. If the operation was good, maybe the Li family could have a few more refining cultivators before the war started.

After the negotiation, Wang Hao left first, but soon, Wang Ruhai followed.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, what do you want?" Wang Hao asked curiously.

Wang Ruhai coughed and said, "Ahem, this is the case. One of my descendants asked me to be a matchmaker. I asked around and found out that the girl is from my clan!"

"Oh, who is it? Our two families have intermarried many times. As long as my clan member is willing, I will not stop him!"

"My descendant is called Wang Xincheng. He has a water-attributed spiritual root. Now he is only a hundred years old and has reached the stage of transformation. His future is not bad. He told me last time that he has taken a fancy to young friend Wang Xianyi. I wonder..."

Before Wang Ruhai finished speaking, he was interrupted by Wang Hao, "Fellow Daoist Wang, let's forget about it this time. My descendant has just become a mother. How can she get married again?"

Are you kidding? The Wang family finally has a spiritual cultivator, and the Wang family wants to poach him?

If Wang Ruhai hadn't been clinging to his thighs these days, he would have turned against him.

"Ah, Wang Xiaoyou is already married?" Wang Ruhai was a little disappointed. He had also met Wang Xianyi once. Although he couldn't tell her qualifications, he could tell from her temperament that she was extraordinary.

"Well, it's a bit of a headache for me to talk about it. She went to the mortal world and actually fell in love with a mortal. In the early years, our Wang family did not restrict members from marrying mortals for the sake of development. We can't impose restrictions now. Besides, they already have a child. I can't break up the couple!"

Wang Hao also had a regretful expression, as if he saw the cabbage he had raised with great effort being eaten by a pig.

"It seems that they are not destined to be together yet, so forget it, just pretend that I didn't ask you well, goodbye." Wang Ruhai is also a smart man. Whether what Wang Hao said is true or false, it shows that Wang Hao does not want to get married.

"Wang Daoyou, wait a minute," Wang Hao stopped Wang Ruhai and said slowly, "With the war approaching, many clansmen are afraid of a possible accident and want to get married and have children. Why don't our two families hold a few arena matches or joint exploration activities to get young people together and promote a few marriages?"

Wang Ruhai's face reappeared with a smile, and said, "Wang Daoyou, this is a good suggestion. Then I will send someone to contact the Wang family. How about we set a time?"

He thought Wang Hao didn't want to be too close to the Wang family before. Wang Hao had this suggestion, so he naturally didn't have such concerns. It seems that Wang Xianyi has some special features, and Wang Hao doesn't want her to get married.

"It's a deal, let the people below arrange the details," Wang Hao replied with a smile.

The Wang family is less cunning than the Li family and the Yuan family, and is more reliable. The population of both families exceeds 10 million, and even if only the main lineage is counted, there are hundreds of thousands of people, and there are many cultivators suitable for marriage.

After chatting for a few words, the two left.

Wang Hao came to the City Lord's Mansion and asked Wang Wuyan to do one thing, to find a suitable island for Song Qingxue and Miechen to rebuild the mountain gate.

This is a big deal.

If it were a thousand years ago, there would be many idle sixth-level islands, but there are none now.

It is necessary to give up an island, and the location should be more remote, far away from the Wang family.

Wang Wuyan needs to let the forces that originally occupied the island relocate first, which is very cumbersome and complicated.

It may also damage the reputation accumulated by the Wang family.

But in order to catch big fish, some sacrifices can only be made.

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