Through the narration of the old man who built his foundation, Wang Hao roughly understood the matter of the Tiandan Conference.

The Tiandan Conference is one of the three major events in Liuzhou!

It is an alchemist competition held by the Suzaku Sect. It was originally used to select alchemists. Alchemists are divided into multiple competitions according to their alchemy level.

In the end, the top ten alchemists in each grade will be selected, and these alchemists will have rewards!

More importantly, they will have the opportunity to join the Suzaku Sect!

Even if they do not join the Suzaku Sect, they will not be forced, and they can also exchange some pill recipes and spiritual medicines in the Suzaku Sect with their rankings.

Especially the top ten third-level alchemists have the opportunity to meet the Suzaku Sect's Nascent Soul cultivators, and can put forward a range of requirements, and may be accepted as personal disciples by the Nascent Soul cultivators!

Wang Hao thought to himself, he was going around in circles, and he didn't know when he could find the Soul Nurturing Tree. If he could ask the Nascent Soul cultivators, it would probably be much easier!

According to the old foundation-building master, this Tiandan Conference has a good reputation. No matter what choice is made, the Suzaku Sect has never forced or secretly harmed any alchemist, and if an alchemist is killed during the conference, the Suzaku Sect will pursue it until the murderer is brought to justice!

Wang Hao is not alone. It is dangerous to wander around the land of Zhongzhou with Chu Xun!

On the contrary, it is simpler and safer to participate in this Tiandan Conference!

Suzaku City is a rare big city. Even if he cannot get a ranking, Wang Hao may be able to find some elixirs in the city to treat Yaya when he sees the Nascent Soul cultivator.

Qianyuan Continent has been passed down for tens of millions of years and has a profound foundation.

With a decision, Wang Hao flashed out of the room.

The old man saw Wang Hao leaving and collapsed heavily on the ground. After seeing the remaining elixirs on the table, he showed a look of joy again!

Wang Hao left the market, reunited with Chu Xun, and ran all the way to Suzaku City!

A month later, under the blue sky, a black flying boat was flying at high speed. On it stood a young man in a white robe and a girl in colorful clothes. They were Wang Hao and Chu Xun. The speed of the black cloud boat was very fast, but they had not yet flown to Suzaku City!

It seems that the so-called Liuzhou is not small in area. There are probably more than two Yuanying Sects in such a large territory! Suzaku Sect and Wangu Sect should be the overlords, so they are more famous!

After Chu Xun heard that Wang Hao wanted to participate in the Tiandan Conference to get a place in order to pray for the Yuanying Zhenren of Suzaku Sect to treat Yaya, she also wanted to contribute, so she began to learn alchemy.

Yaya became like this because of protecting her. She wanted to contribute, and Wang Hao would not refuse!

So, along the way, Wang Hao taught her the art of alchemy. With the guidance of Wang Hao, a third-level alchemist, Chu Xun successfully entered the door even though she had a slightly worse talent for alchemy and became a first-level lower-grade alchemist.

However, the road ahead can only rely on her own diligent practice, and Wang Hao's guidance is only auxiliary!

Chapter 562 Suzaku City

"Calculate the time. We are almost at Suzaku City. The Tiandan Conference will be held in two years. If you practice more in these two years, you may be able to participate in the competition of first-level middle-grade alchemists!"

Wang Hao said with a smile, with expectations in his tone!

To be honest, he was not optimistic about Chu Xun. Her talent in making talismans was much higher than that in alchemy. It was a pity that the two of them were not participating in the Tianfu Conference!

But Wang Hao could not discourage her enthusiasm. Chu Xun had been going too smoothly all the way. Finding something challenging for her would be beneficial to her Dao heart shaping!

Half a month later, the black flying boat suddenly fell down, and Wang Hao hurriedly stopped.

Chu Xun stabilized her body and asked, "Husband, what's wrong?"

"It's okay. We are here. There should be a no-fly ban in Suzaku City!"

The two looked up and saw a huge city standing not far away!

The city is more than 10,000 miles long from east to west and more than 10,000 miles wide from north to south. It is square and has many buildings in the city. You can see a lot of flags and banners!

The streets are crowded with people and traffic, and it looks very lively!

Chu Xun's beautiful eyes are full of light, and she said in surprise: "Wow, this is Suzaku City, so big, so spectacular!"

"Yes, it's so big, bigger than any big city in the South China Sea!" Wang Hao has also seen many big cities, but compared with Suzaku City, it is still a bit dwarfed!

There is a huge circular square in the center of the city, surrounded by many shops. Looking down from the sky, it is like a large gossip. It seems that the construction of the city is also very particular!

At the four corners of the city, there is a huge platform, and many flying boats come and go and land on it! This should be the place where the flying boats come and go and dock!

Wang Hao found that the flying boats that passed by followed a certain route, and he immediately drove the flying boat and flew over slowly.

Not long after, Wang Hao landed on a platform in a corner. After putting away the flying boat, he brought Chu Xun to the street!

The streets here are spacious and clean, and the houses are arranged very neatly!

It was the first time that Chu Xun saw such a big city. He looked at the shops on both sides with curiosity. He thought that the Misty Market he had been to before was prosperous enough, but he didn't expect the gap with this place would be so big!

Some weapon shops even put several magical weapons on the shelves at the door!

The pill shop is filled with various spiritual medicines and finished pills!

There are also shops selling spiritual beasts, and various strange-looking spiritual beasts and birds are locked in iron cages!

Even Xingyuan City in the South China Sea is not so prosperous. This is still a shop on the edge of the city. What should the situation be like for the shops on the prosperous streets in the center?

The actions of Wang Hao and Wang Hao quickly attracted the attention of others. A Qi Practitioner on the fifth level of Qi Lian quickly walked over, bowed and said respectfully: "Seniors, this is your first time in Suzaku City. ? Junior Yan Xiaoliu can lead the way for the two seniors. Whether it is an inn or a variety of shops, the junior will only charge one low-grade spiritual stone every hour!"

Wang Hao nodded and said: "Take us to find a place to live first. It needs to be a more secluded and separate courtyard!"

Yan Xiaoliu responded and led the way, followed closely by Wang Hao and others!

A quarter of an hour later, Yan Xiaoliu led them into an extremely large manor, with gardens, waterside pavilions, and rockery corridors everywhere. It was full of spiritual energy!

"Senior, this is Guangyuan Residence. There are hundreds of independent caves here. Do you think you are satisfied with the environment here? If you don't like it, I can take you elsewhere!"

Wang Hao looked at Chu Xun and asked, "Madam, what do you think?"

"I think it's good, husband, let's live here!" Chu Xun replied briskly!

"Then let's stay here!" Wang Hao nodded, turned around and said to Yan Xiaoliu: "Take us to the shopkeeper and rent the cave!"

"Yes, senior, please come this way!"

Yan Xiaoliu quickly took Wang Hao to a five-story building. The person who met Wang Hao was a Jindan monk. The wealthy Foundation Establishment shopkeeper had a very humble attitude.

"Hello, senior, junior Wan Guangjin, would you like me to introduce you first?"

Wang Hao nodded slightly!

Wan Guangjin took out an array plate and fiddled with it, and small courtyards appeared above the array plate!

"Senior, the caves are divided into three sizes: small, medium and large. The larger the area, the better the decoration, the richer the aura, and the rent will naturally be more expensive!"

Wang Hao didn't listen to him and said directly: "Bring me a room with a large area. The price is not an issue. Let's rent it for two and a half years!"

When he heard that Wang Hao had chosen Big Cave Mansion or long-term rental, Wan Guangjin's big face seemed to bloom like a chrysanthemum. With a thick smile, he respectfully said: "Senior, there are a total of 100,000 low-grade spiritual stones!"

Wang Hao threw out a storage bag and said, "Give me a copy of the map of Suzaku City. It's best to mark some big stores! I'm going out to buy some things!"

"Yes, senior, wait a moment!" Wan Guangjin then came to Wang Hao with a token and a jade slip, "Senior, this is the map you want. The token is for controlling the cave. I will take you there. !”

Wang Hao nodded, threw a few spirit stones to Yan Xiaoliu, waved his sleeves, and told him to leave!

The manor is very large, with several independent small courtyards with blue tiles. Wan Guangjin took Wang Hao and the two of them to a secluded courtyard. After opening it, a red attic with carved railings and jade was located in the courtyard!

Wan Guangjin introduced: "Senior, this is it. There are all the training rooms, alchemy rooms, and weapon refining rooms here. You see, this side door leads directly to the street. There is no need to go around the inside of the manor!"

"Not bad," Wang Hao said with satisfaction, waving to him, "Go back, I need to rest!"

"Yes, senior, if you have any needs, you can directly turn on the sound transmission ban on the token and notify the junior!"

After Wan Guangjin handed the control token to Wang Hao, he bowed and left!

Wang Hao closed the courtyard door, opened the ban, and then said: "Xiao Xun, you rest for a few days, and then we go to visit Suzaku City together!"

After traveling for several months, Chu Xun could only build the third floor of the foundation, and his body was already exhausted!

She didn't refuse, chose a room on the third floor of the attic, and lived in it.

Wang Hao actually had a harder time. He had to manage the flying boat and stay vigilant. He also chose a room, lay down on the bed, and fell asleep!

It took three full days for the two of them to regain their full mental state.

Wang Hao and Chu Xun walked on the spacious and clean street, watching as they walked!

They visited Zhuque City for the first time and found that this place was very different from other markets. There was no place for casual cultivators to set up stalls on the streets!

Because there are many types of stores and the products on the shelves are so diverse, there is no room for casual cultivators to survive!

Even though Wang Hao prides himself on being well-informed, he has seen many things for the first time!

Chapter 563 Yi Hezheng

You can see all kinds of strange spiritual materials on the street, puppets that can change their shape, especially some first-order flying magic weapons! Rarely seen in the South China Sea!

Most of the Qi Refining monks in Nanhai can only rely on their legs when going out!

Only qi-training monks from big families would choose flying spirit beasts for transportation. After all, the South China Sea is full of various islands and is too wide. Qi-training monks use flying magic weapons to fly, and their magic power is often not enough to cross two islands.

But here, there are single-player, double-player, and multi-player first-level flying magic weapons. As long as the magic power is injected, Qi-training monks can also fly!

Wang Hao randomly found a shop with two pieces and asked about them. He found that the price was not expensive, only 20 to 30% more expensive than ordinary magic weapons. If this kind of thing could be sold in the South China Sea, it would definitely be popular!

After all, most qi-training monks in the South China Sea do not have the conditions to own flying spirit beasts, but they still need to go out. The price of a magic weapon is still affordable!

After a cup of tea, they appeared in a large square. There are hundreds of squares like this in Suzaku City. There are more than a dozen huge buildings around the square, each one more luxurious than the other, and there are a large number of monks. Coming in and out, it was very lively!

According to the information provided by Guangyuanju Wan Guangjin, the shops near the square are all opened by major powers above the Jindan power. They have more complete products and better quality. Shopping here is the best choice!

Wang Hao and Chu Xun stood in front of a six-story green attic, and Wang Hao had a strange look on his face.

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