"Well, my Wang family's elixir reserves are not much. We can support the battle for five more days at most!" Wang Longyou said after calculation.

His words made everyone frown immediately.

"We can only hold on for five days? Once Kuimu Lang takes action, aren't we in danger of collapse?"

"I still have some spiritual fruits down here, I should be able to hold on for two more days," Wang Hao said at this time.

Chapter 82 Attack again

"That's not enough!" Lei Liheng had the highest level of cultivation here. Basically everyone listened to his orders and looked at him.

Lei Liheng pondered for a while and said: "We will guard for another three days and wait for the monsters to wear down again. If they don't retreat, let's see if we can try to take the initiative to attack!"

"Take the initiative? Fellow Daoist Lei, can you stop Kuimu Lang?" Li Yaozu asked.

"Of course I can't stop him by myself, but if Fellow Daoist Li and Fellow Daoist Cheng help, it won't be difficult to hold him back for a while!" The Lei family started out as a weapon refiner and have many treasures. He has the confidence to talk big.

"But other fellow Taoists can't deal with the remaining second-level monsters!"

Lei Liheng's eyes narrowed: "So in the next few days, everyone, don't hold back any more and kill more second-level monsters, so that we will be less stressed in the future!"

Everyone nodded.

At present, there are less than a hundred second-level monsters left, and they have nineteen foundation-building monks. If they kill more in the past three days, they can reduce their number to about sixty or seventy. This number is still a bit too much, so Wang Hao suggested: "I have a flying cloud boat, which can carry the foundation-building monks out quietly and secretly cut off some monsters. But I am afraid of meeting the Kuimu wolf. After all, it is a third-level monster!"

Wang Longyou then said: "My Wang family members were able to support so quickly because they used this boat to defeat a group of monsters." Then he told the story of Linghu.

Lei Liheng's eyes lit up, "This is a good idea. The monsters are scattered on both sides of Qingniufang City, and there are distances between different races. This is our opportunity. As for Kui Mulang, Lei and his friends will act together. If he is discovered, Lei will be held back for a moment!"

Others also think this method is good. Now is the time when the beasts are resting and their vigilance is at their weakest. Their foundation-building monks attack and run away after the attack. The success rate is very high.

Although Kuimu Lang is at the third level, it is not a flying monster and its escape speed is not that fast, giving everyone room to operate.

In the end, it was agreed that ten foundation-building monks would attack and the rest would stay behind. Moreover, most of those who attacked were monks in the middle and late stages of foundation-building. Only Wang Hao, who was in the early-stage of foundation-building, was mainly responsible for controlling the Feiyun Boat.

For the first target, everyone selected a group of one-horned sheep. There were about two hundred first-order monsters, five second-order monsters, and the highest was only second-order mid-grade. It was not easy for ten people to deal with such a small group.

There is another reason for choosing them. Most monsters are carnivores, while unicorn sheep are vegetarians, and many of them are their natural enemies. Therefore, they choose to stay far away from other monsters, which gives Wang Hao a few opportunities. Opportunities.

Before it got dark, just as the sun set, Wang Hao hid the Feiyun Boat in the clouds and quietly took everyone out. Lei Liheng also took out a spiritual umbrella to hide the fluctuations of spiritual energy emanating from everyone.

As the distance got closer and closer, everyone did not dare to show their anger. The Lei family was indeed a family of weapon refiners, and the umbrellas worked well. Everyone flew over the one-horned sheep, but they still didn't notice them. They were in groups of twos and threes. Resting on the ground.

"Get started, pay attention, fight quickly!" Lei Liheng gave the order, took out two small balls glowing with thunder and lightning from his hand, threw them towards the one-horned sheep, and took the lead in launching the attack.

The two small balls exploded with a bang, sending out streaks of lightning that struck at the one-horned sheep. A group of first-order one-horned sheep died instantly, and even two second-order one-horned sheep that did not react were seriously injured.

The others did not hesitate and used their magic weapons to attack one after another. The five second-level one-horned sheep were drowned and killed by everyone's attacks without even making a sound. Most of the first-level one-horned sheep were also killed or injured.

"Retreat quickly, don't be reluctant to fight!" Lei Li returned to the flying boat and shouted quickly. The remaining first-level one-horned sheep should not be taken care of at all. Without the second-level leader, they will only become rations for other carnivorous monsters.

When everyone returned to the flying boat, Wang Hao quickly activated it, and the flying cloud boat turned into a rainbow and flew back to the formation.

Kui Mulang noticed the movement and came out to check the situation. He could only look at the backs of everyone and roar.

After a successful attack, everyone's confidence greatly increased. After briefly investigating the situation, they launched successive attacks that night and eliminated seventeen second-level monsters. It was not until Kuimu Lang became alert and called all the monsters together that everyone had no chance to continue. attack.

"Hahaha, the success this time is all due to my friend's flying boat. There are only more than 70 second-level monsters left in the beast herd, which poses little threat to Qingniufang City!" Lei Li sat in a high position and raised his hand with a big smile. Holding the wine glass: "Come on, little friend Wang, I'll give you a toast!"

Wang Hao raised his glass in response and said humbly: "Senior, you are ridiculous. I am just operating the flying boat. It is the seniors who destroyed the enemy. How dare you take credit!"

That is what he said, but no one dared to question his credit. The Wang family also received five corpses of second-level monsters, which was the same number as the Lei family. Each of the other three families only had four.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, there's no need to be modest. Without your flying boat and the spiritual fruit you provided to restore mana, I wouldn't have been able to kill so many monsters overnight!" Li Yaozu said with a smile: "It's a pity that Kuimu Lang was too vigilant. , we can only continue to defend passively!"

"Hmph, there are only more than 70 second-level monsters and eight thousand first-level monsters left, and there are more than 15,000 monks in Qingniufang. If Kuimu Lang doesn't retreat honestly, I will let him stay forever. Here!" Lei Li killed Kui Mulang all night long, and his words became tough!

Wang Hao actually wanted to take advantage of Kuimulang. After everyone dispersed, he found Wang Longyou and said, "Uncle, if we can get Kuimulang's demon pill, our Wang family can get a few more foundation-building pills. This Don’t miss this opportunity!” The Wang family also has a Danfang family that uses demon pills to refine foundation-building pills. Although the effect is not as good as the Yuan-condensing fruit, it is still a foundation-building pill, isn’t it? Even if you only refine three foundation-building pills, you can still cultivate two foundation-building monks.

Of course Wang Longyou was moved, but he still shook his head soberly: "But you and I are not strong enough to deal with third-level monsters. Don't risk your life because of greed!"

"Uncle, what do you think this is?" Wang Hao took out the talisman with the golden sword on it.

"This..." Wang Longyou took it and inspected it carefully before saying, "This is a talisman. Where did you get it?"

Wang Hao roughly told the story of being intercepted and killed, "Uncle, my whereabouts were probably leaked by the Qingyuan Sect. They are already wary of us. I'm afraid they won't sell the Foundation Establishment Pill to us in the future. If we don’t fight, our Wang family will have to wait for fifty years for the Ning Yuan Fruit to mature again, which is too long!”

In fact, the Ning Yuan Fruit trees on his farm have been planted for more than two years, and they will be able to produce Ning Yuan Fruit in another four years. However, it is difficult to explain the origin of the things on the farm. He can only wait until he is promoted to a second-level high-grade alchemist in the future. Refining it himself, when he reaches a higher level in the future, he can naturally find a way to hide it.

But time is too late. Since he wants to go overseas to search for resources, the stronger the tribesmen he follows, the safer it will be. Kui Mulang's demon pill is the perfect opportunity!

Wang Longyou was silent, sitting on the chair and tapping the table, and after a long time he said with concern: "But even if it is a talisman, it is not very sure to deal with Kuimulang in full bloom. At most, it will be seriously injured, but it wants to We can't stop him from escaping."

Wang Hao chuckled: "Aren't there other Taoist friends here? I don't think Kuimu Lang can endure it and retreat. It has never taken action personally from the beginning. Even if it wants to leave, it will probably give Qing Qing Niu Fang is fierce! If we can fight with other Taoists and lose both sides, isn't this our chance?"

Chapter 83 Playing dirty tricks

"Then we can only act by ear! When the time comes, you must not act alone, at least discuss it with me!" Wang Longyou has no psychological barriers to using other people. The five major families already use each other. If you suffer a loss, it is because you are not good enough. You are smart and can’t blame others!

Kui Mulang didn't let Wang Hao wait for too long. Three days later, he led the herd to attack again, and as soon as he came up, the whole army pressed on him, putting on a desperate posture.

The lifeless impact of the demon beasts put great pressure on the Sky Fire Demon Sealing Formation. The first-level low-level monks were sucked out of too much spiritual power by the formation and vomited blood and fainted. At the critical moment, the five major families took out the high-grade spiritual stones from the bottom of the box and threw them into the formation. , thus preventing the formation from collapsing.

However, it is the monsters who suffer the consequences of such an attack. The monks in the market only pay for their mana, even those who faint due to lack of mana. However, as long as they are withdrawn in time, they will be fine after a few months of cultivation. The monsters have paid for it. But life.

In just three hours, more than 3,000 low-level demonic beasts were killed, and even more than 20 second-level demonic beasts were lost. This was a larger number of casualties than the previous two days of attacks.

Kui Mulang didn't care, and stood in front of the formation with cold eyes. When he saw the cowering monster, he went up and tore it apart with his claws.

By the afternoon, both the humans and the monsters were exhausted, and the Kuimu Wolf finally moved.

I saw it running wildly with its thick limbs, arriving in front of the formation and rising into the air, waving its claws continuously, and hitting the formation with attacks one after another.

Puff puff! As the formation shook, a large number of low-level monks responsible for controlling the formation vomited blood and fell to the ground dead.

"Quickly, make up for the rest!" Li Yaozu howled and commanded groups of casual cultivators to replace those who fell to the ground. He himself was not feeling well, but he was at least six levels of foundation building, so he could still resist for a while.

Lei Liheng took a look and quickly ordered a few casual cultivators to build foundations to help Li Yaozu stabilize the formation.

"You evil beast, how dare you do this? I will definitely make you regret coming to Qingniufang this time!"

Kui Mulang ignored Lei Liheng's threat and launched attacks one after another.

Seeing that the formation was getting darker and darker, everyone knew that continuing like this was not an option. It was possible to defend, but the price was too high. The families and friends of the casual cultivators who had been killed by the backlash were already complaining. The reputation of the five major families will be completely ruined.

"Everyone, you must go out and fight them head-on, otherwise most of the casual cultivators in the city will be killed or injured!" Lei Liheng turned back to look at the others: "Without these low-level casual cultivators, Qingniufang will exist in name only! "

No one will care if some casual cultivators die, but the five major families need reputation. Once they have the reputation of using casual cultivators as cannon fodder, will there be more casual cultivators coming? How can the five businesses still be run?

Zhao Gaofang sighed sadly: "Every time there is a chaos between monsters and monsters, there is always a price to pay. Everyone, please don't hesitate any longer!"

Several family heads nodded with heavy eyes, and then began to gather their clansmen and recruit casual cultivators.

In a moment, an elite team of 4,000, headed by the five major families, supplemented by more than 20 qi-training families, and some middle- and late-stage qi-training monks, was formed.

Lei Liheng stood at the front of the team, raised his head and shouted: "Everyone, I won't say anything more. If anyone retreats in this battle, don't blame my Lei family for being rude in the future. Follow me to kill!"

Everyone shouted slogans. Lei Liheng gave a wink, and Li Yaozu, who was manipulating the formation, cast a few spells at the center of the formation with both hands. The light curtain of the formation was trance for a moment, and it split from the middle, and the monks went out in a line.

The direction chosen was not the main attack direction of the monsters, so everyone killed out without much resistance.

The Kuimu wolf saw the human race rushing out of the formation, and hurriedly roared to let many monsters besiege.

Lei Liheng, Zhao Gaofang and the head of the Qian family went to fight Kuimu wolf, and the others chose their own opponents to fight. With the monks in the formation restraining the monsters, the situation was balanced at the beginning.

Wang Hao faced two second-level low-grade monsters, a leopard and a fat pig.

To be honest, the people who can survive until now are smart people, and the monsters are also clever monsters. Not many of them really want to fight desperately, especially the monsters that are not the same as the original Kuimu Wolf. They are just forced to obey orders and are basically working without effort. These two monsters are one of them.

But now that the monks dare to come out to fight them, some monsters see the hope of winning and want to get some benefits. The leopard and the fat pig stared at Wang Hao, thinking that the monks at the first level of foundation building are easy to bully.

The leopard moved quickly and used its tail to shoot out wind blades. The fat pig was simpler and rushed forward with its thick skin and flesh.

Wang Hao stepped on the Qingyuan shoes, dodged the leopard's attack, and used the Jiehui sword to launch continuously, slashing out sword blades on the fat pig.

Unfortunately, only a few blood marks were left, and the defense could not be broken at all. The fat pig was glowing with earthy yellow spiritual light, and the earth armor condensed on its body. It should be a family of earth armor pigs. This kind of monster has strong defense. With the awakened defense magic, it is difficult for monks of the same level to kill it.

Wang Hao slashed out two swords, but there was still no effect. He was not stubborn and started to use magic to attack.

Since the hard way didn't work, let's try something soft.

He released two fire dragons in succession with both hands, surrounding the earth-armored pig. The hot fire dragons made the surrounding low-level monsters retreat in fear.

But the earth-armored pig was unmoved, thinking that Wang Hao could not do anything to it, but as the fire dragons wrapped around it, the contempt in its eyes gradually turned into fear.

No matter how strong it is, it is still a body. The fire dragon is just a shape transformed by fire. After Wang Hao built his foundation, he integrated the red lotus true fire into it, which burned almost everything. The earth-armored pig could not break free no matter how hard it struggled. At the same time, it had no offensive spells to consume the power of the fire dragon, so it could only passively bear it.

No matter how thick its earth armor was, it was burned into a roasted pig by the red lotus true fire in a moment.

"Friend Wang, you did a great job. You killed a second-level monster so quickly!" Lei Liheng was struggling to fight against Kuimu Wolf, but he still praised Wang Hao loudly, which made Kuimu Wolf look at Wang Hao.

Wang Hao thought that this old guy had no good intentions and might use him as a target.

However, in the chaos at this time, the second-level monsters couldn't understand what he said, so it didn't have much effect.

The remaining leopards looked at Wang Hao fearfully, but they didn't dare to escape after all! The tail accumulated power like a long whip, and then suddenly pulled out a light blade.

Wang Hao's eyes condensed, and he saw that this attack was extraordinary, several times stronger than the previous leopard's attack, and he also slashed out three sword lights to fight.

The two attacks collided, and a shock wave of twenty feet broke out. Wang Hao stepped lightly on the Qingyuan shoes and quickly dodged.

"Get out of the way!"

It was easy for the foundation-building monks to dodge, but the two Qi-training monks were torn to pieces by the shock wave before they could even move. Two other Qi-training monks holding demon-killing crossbows were also affected and seriously injured.

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