"The other party is looting treasures on the mountain, but you are wasting time here. I won't keep you company!" She said as she led her clansmen towards a building, ignoring the two.

Qi Li said to the clansmen: "We're leaving too!"

"Brother, they've all left, what should we do?" asked a clansman named Qin.

"What should we do? Of course we should follow them. We can't let all these treasures go to them cheaply," Qin Hu said unhappily. Since neither of their families cared, Qin Hu himself couldn't do anything. If he continued to compete with Wang Hao and the others, the Qin family would be the one that suffered the most in the end.

At the top of the mountain, there was a loud bang, and the light curtain surrounding the Sutra Library was finally smashed to pieces by everyone, and they all showed joy.

Wang Hao said in a deep voice: "There was quite a commotion just now. Let's go in and take a look. Take the treasure and leave quickly!"

Li Dedao chuckled and said: "Are we too cautious? I don't think the other party dares to attack us!"

Li Derong frowned and said: "It's hard to say. The other party should know this place better than us. It's not certain that they want to find treasures first. It's also possible that they want us to explore the way and they are the yellow bird!"

"You have to have strength to be the yellow bird. As long as the eight of us are careful, they can't do anything to us. Okay, let's go and see the treasure inside first!"

As soon as this was said, the man looked at each other and laughed: "Yes."

The eight people walked in together, looking alert to prevent danger.

This is a four-story building. The surrounding single-story buildings are dilapidated. Only the four-story attic in the center is intact.

Wang Hao led people straight to this building.

Pushing open the door, it was found that the interior space of the hall was about the size of a basketball court. It was very empty. There was a row of rotten wooden tables on one side, which seemed to be a place for registration and record keeping.

After walking through the hall and entering the back room, the situation was similar to the previous one, but there were some remaining bookshelves. These shelves had long since rotted and collapsed, and the things on them had fallen to the ground, including paper books, wooden slips, and cloth.

Li Derong bent down to pick up a book, but it turned into a pile of powder as soon as he turned it over.

"It's been too long, these books are no longer usable!"

"This is just one floor. According to custom, there are only some unimportant things or elementary exercises for the newly-entered Qigong disciples to check," Wang Hao pointed to the ground and said, "There are not even jade slips, which is enough to prove this point. Good jade slips can still exist for tens of thousands of years, not to mention thousands of years."

"Okay, let's go to the second floor!"

The eight people returned to the hall and went straight to the second floor from the stairs.

The situation on the second floor was similar to that on the first floor. Most of them were still paper books, and there were also some jade slips.

Wang Hao checked and found that the quality of these jade slips was very poor, and some of the contents on them were incomplete.

So he said: "Everyone pick and take away all the usable jade slips. After cleaning up the second floor, we will go to the third floor!"

The ground was very messy. After the shelves collapsed, some books covered the jade slips. It was not easy to search for all the usable jade slips.

Wang Hao waved his hand and blew away the paper scraps in an area, revealing the jade slips buried underneath. Some of them were shining with spiritual light, while others were dim, and some jade slips had no spiritual light at all. The jade slips without spiritual light were of no value at all. Wang Hao would put any with a little spiritual light into the storage bag.

There were four such rooms on the second floor, with hundreds of shelves. The eight people worked for a while before they collected all the items.

Soon, everyone went to the third floor, but was blocked outside.

"There is actually a formation protection here," Wang Wenmei said in surprise.

Wang Hao checked it out: "The power is only the first-level upper-grade formation, and this is also a good thing. The inheritance of Danding Sect is probably still there!"

After hearing this, everyone smiled and began to take out magic weapons to attack the light curtain.

The time between a few breaths was broken by everyone.

Everyone rushed into the third floor, but what greeted them was an empty room, with only a few jade slips dropped in the corner.

"How could this happen? Could someone have been here before us?" Wang Wenwu couldn't accept this result. Everyone worked hard for a long time, but didn't get even a valuable jade slip. Those on the second floor were just checked by the disciples in the late stage of Qi training. They were helpful to their two families, but very limited.

Wang Hao picked up the jade slips on the ground and said, "It doesn't look like someone got there first, otherwise why would they let go of these jade slips? It looks like it was caused by the internal staff of Danding Sect when they evacuated in a hurry."

Li Derong nodded: "When Danding Sect was attacked, they must have thought about evacuating to preserve the fire for the sect, so it's not surprising that they took away the sect's secrets!"

Chapter 116 Jindan Gongfa

"Are we going to the fourth floor?"

"Of course we have to go, what if there are any left?" Wang Hao took a jade slip, put it between his eyebrows and looked at it, and said, "This jade slip records the secrets of planting mulberry and raising silkworms, which can be regarded as an industrial inheritance of the family. I'm afraid only Jindan is qualified to go to the fourth floor. Even if we leave a jade slip, our trip will not be in vain!"

After hearing this, everyone felt much less disappointed.

There are also residual formations on the fourth floor, and the power of the second level, but this place is much weaker than the large formation outside. A quarter of an hour later!

"Bang!" The light curtain broke, and everyone rushed in.

The fourth floor was even simpler, with only one room. There were two rows of jade platforms in the room, with two light shields flickering on them.

"Oh, we finally got something!" Everyone smiled with relief.

There were only two light shields on the two rows of jade platforms, and the others were obviously destroyed and taken away. These two should not have been taken away because of the time or because they were too solid.

The eight people were divided into two groups and began to attack the two light masks respectively.

For a moment, Wang Hao took the lead in breaking a light barrier, took the jade slip, and hurriedly examined it.

But soon he looked disappointed.

"Fifth brother, what's wrong?" Wang Wenmei saw that Wang Hao's expression was wrong and asked quickly.

The jade slip records a skill that can be practiced to the Golden Elixir stage. It must be good for other people, but it is of no use to Wang Hao. He waved his hand and said with a smile: "Nothing, this is a skill that can be practiced to the golden elixir stage." The technique in the later stage of Jindan is called Chaoyuan Zhenjue, which is of the fire attribute!"

"Golden elixir technique," several people exclaimed. In fact, both families have a technique that can be practiced to the early stage of golden elixir. However, everyone's spiritual roots are different, so naturally not all of them are suitable for cultivation. For example, the Wang family's dual attribute technique, ten I can't find anyone in the clan who is suitable for cultivation. Now that I have one more, its value is self-evident.

Especially Wang Wenmei and Li Dedao, their eyes started to shine. They both had fire spirit roots. In the past, they had to suffer from the limitations of their skills and could only be stuck in the foundation building stage. Now they finally have hope of forming a pill.

Of course, forming elixirs is not that easy. Even if there are techniques, there are still various difficulties, but it is better than having no way at all.

"As an alchemy sect, it's not surprising that the Danding Sect's technique is of the fire attribute," Wang Yanping said. He didn't have a fire spirit root, so this technique was useless to him, but he was still happy that the family had an additional golden elixir technique.

At this time, Li Derong also got another jade slip, and put it between her eyebrows to examine it under everyone's gaze. For a moment, her face showed joy, "Everyone, this jade slip is useful to us," she looked at it. Several members of the Wang family: "Of course, it may be more useful to your Wang family!"

"Fairy Li, stop being so pretentious and tell me what it is?" Wang Yanlang couldn't help but urge.

"See for yourselves!" He said and threw the jade slip to Wang Yanlang.

When Wang Yanlang saw it, he suddenly became ecstatic, and his voice was trembling: "It's an elixir recipe, nine elixirs gold liquid!"

"What is the Nine Pill Gold Liquid? I've never heard of it!" Wang Hao asked with a frown.

He was an alchemist, but he had never heard of it, and the others had never heard of him either. They all looked at Wang Yanlang and urged him to tell him what he saw.

Li Derong said at this time: "It should be another name for Jindanyuye. The main medicine used in it is Jinyuanguo! It can assist monks in forming elixirs!"

As soon as she finished speaking, the place suddenly became quiet. "Assistant in pill formation, these small family monks have never seen anything related to pill formation spiritual objects in so many years, and now they have obtained the pill recipe."

Not to mention them, not even the ancestors of the Wang and Li families have ever seen him.

Wang Yanlang threw the jade slip to Wang Hao, and Wang Hao also checked it. Sure enough, it was Jiudan Golden Liquid, but he didn't know the prescription of Jindan Jade Liquid, so it was difficult to say whether the two were the same.

"With the elixir alone and without the elixir, you can't refine the Jiudan Jinye." Wang Hao put down the jade slip and poured cold water on everyone: "I have more than twenty elixirs needed in this elixir. There are only a few types, and there are several others that I have never heard of. In addition, how can we get something like Jin Yuan Guo? "

"Since the Alchemy Cauldron Sect has elixir prescriptions, it must also have related elixirs. Why don't we go find the herb garden now?" Wang Wenwu suggested.

Everyone's eyes lit up. Even if the elixir was not complete, they should be able to collect several kinds. The rest can only depend on future opportunities.

The eight people quickly went downstairs and started looking for the herb garden. Unfortunately, Wang Hao's map was not unlocked and they could not figure out where the herb garden was. However, based on their own experience of growing elixirs, they should find it in an open, flat but not dangerous place. place.

Of course, a certain elixir with unique properties may also be planted in a specific place.

They observed the terrain from a high place, identified several places that looked like herb gardens, and decided to rush there together to take a look.

It is generally impossible to have monsters in a place like the Sutra Pavilion, so they can divide their forces to search for them. However, the elixir has a natural attraction to monsters. In order to prevent accidents, they decided to search together.

Not long after everyone left, Qi Li and others came looking for them.

"According to what our ancestors said, this should be the Sutra Collection Pavilion! However, it is said that many classics were taken away, and the ones left behind are not very important. But for the three of us, those Alchemy Sects look down upon them. The things are precious enough!" Qi Li said slowly.

The reason why they didn't choose the Sutra Pavilion at the beginning was because they knew there weren't many good things here.

But when they entered the Sutra Pavilion and saw the traces of being turned over, they couldn't help but frown.

Qin Hu smashed the wall: "Damn it, those people got there first. Humph, if you come here when you hear the noise, you might be able to stop them. It's okay now. All the classics have been moved away!"

Qi Li said: "Those people have been here. How did they find the Sutra Pavilion? Could it be that they are from the Huang family?"

"Impossible. Even if there are fish that have slipped through the net in the Huang family, they are just a few shrimps. It is too late to hide from us. How can we fall into the trap!" Ji Xiaotang said firmly.

At that time, the Huang family was the most powerful of the four families. They wanted to annex the other three families and monopolize the ruins of the Danding Sect. However, the three families discovered it in advance. The three families acted first and joined forces to destroy the Huang family. In order to prevent the secrets from being leaked, they probably Unable to accept surrender, Huang's entire family was killed.

Of course, the Huang family was very strong at that time. Even if the three families joined forces, some of them escaped. Over the years, some people gradually surfaced and were killed by the three families. The rest were like frightened birds and had long since left this sea area. How dare you come here to snatch the relics from them?

Qi Li said: "Miss Ji, although we can't directly conflict with them, they are robbing the resources that should belong to us, so why don't they say anything?"

Ji Xiaotang snorted: "They don't have a map, so what good things can they find by wandering around? Let's go to the spiritual medicine garden, collect all the spiritual medicines, and wait for them at the exit!"

It turned out that the ancestors of the three families left a simple map of Danding Sect, marking important locations.

Qin Hu curled his lips: "How did you find the Sutra Pavilion without a map?"

"Is this strange? If you go to an unfamiliar relic, don't you look for the Sutra Pavilion first? And the location of the Sutra Pavilion is hard to guess? Could it be that your Sutra Pavilion is built at the foot of the mountain?"


"Okay, you two, let's go to the spiritual medicine garden quickly. Several spiritual medicine gardens are not difficult to find. If we go too late, these people will get it for free!"


Chapter 117 Spiritual Medicine Garden

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