Wang Hao nodded and agreed!

"What's the matter?" Ji Xiaotang asked in surprise, "Could it be Sister Miaoyin? I have no objection to this matter..."

"Madam, you are wrong. This is not what my husband is talking about," Wang Hao suddenly couldn't laugh or cry, and quickly explained, "Did you know that my husband has a fifth-level monster in his hands!"

"Fifth-level monster?" Ji Xiaotang thought for a while, "Husband, are you talking about the ice dragon?"

"That's right," Wang Hao nodded slightly, stood up and walked a few steps, and said, "My husband used a spell to hurt the ice dragon's soul by some mistake, which caused her to forget who she was and always regarded me as someone else. Brother treats it.

But I know that her soul will recover one day. When the time comes, how will she treat me and our Wang family? You know, it was her husband who made her look like this! "

"But husband, you have been treating her with care these years. She can recover so quickly because your husband feeds her the elixir regardless of the cost?" Ji Xiaotang said with a frown.

"The truth is correct, but she is not my spiritual beast after all. Maybe she is grateful for the kindness, or maybe she is afraid of my strength. She won't do anything for the time being, but what happens after we leave?"

Wang Hao left restrictions on the Ice Dragon Soul, but how effective will these restrictions be after he leaves? The ice dragon has never taken the initiative to recognize its master, so it is not considered his spiritual beast and cannot go to the spirit world with him.

You can't give her a spot. Others have paid a huge price for it, so it's impossible to give her such a free advantage.

And it is basically impossible to get a fifth-level dragon to recognize its master, even if it is a chance to ascend to the spirit world!

Ji Xiaotang pondered for a while, seemed to have thought of something, looked at Wang Hao and said: "Maybe we can have a good talk with her and sign a contract to let her stay in Tianlan to protect the family, and the family will provide her with spiritual land and spiritual objects to practice. , this is a win-win situation, and the husband can feel more at ease!”

"I'm afraid Bingjiao won't agree to such conditions," Wang Hao shook his head. He had long discovered that Bingjiao had begun to regain his memory, but Bingjiao had suffered at his hands and could only pretend to be the same as before!

This may not be a kind of humiliation.

"Uncle Eighth found an Ice Aperture Fruit in the secret realm, which is very attractive to ice monsters. How about using this fruit as a bargaining chip?" Ji Xiaotang turned his hand over, and a light blue transparent fruit with a chill appeared. The fruit is like an ice cube, extremely strange!

"Ice Aperture Fruit? Ice Aperture Fruit that can increase the intelligence of monsters?"

Wang Hao was a little surprised when he saw the Ice Aperture Fruit. Although the Ice Aperture Fruit can only be regarded as a fourth-level spiritual fruit, it is even rarer than a spirit-transforming creature. It is something that monsters and beasts flock to. It is said that mortals can use this fruit to gain immunity. Immortal Aperture, become a monk who can practice!

Taking monsters has a better effect and can greatly improve their intelligence. Compared with humans, the disadvantage of monsters is intelligence. Generally, the intelligence of monsters is only at the enlightenment stage when it reaches the third level, which is only equivalent to the IQ of a human child of several years old. !

At the fourth level, they are only on par with teenagers from the human race. The gap is not small!

Except for a few tortoise monsters with higher intelligence, the rest of the species have basically reached the fifth level, which is the human race's divine transformation stage, before they can simply master skills such as weapon refining. The level gap between them and the human race is also huge!

With the help of the Ice Aperture Fruit, not only is it comparable to the human race, it can also significantly narrow the gap, and it is possible to learn the advanced skills of the human race.

When facing the enemy, you no longer need to rely on your physical strength and your own magical powers to hit and charge!

"The ice dragon is the most suitable for this fruit. She might agree. Let her come out and talk. If we can't reach an agreement, we can only kill her!"

After Wang Hao said that, he flashed and came to a manor exuding cold air, followed closely by Ji Xiaotang.

He is quite good with ice dragons. This manor has set up a large formation that can gather cold air, and he pays attention to the ice dragons' cultivation. After all, the opponent's elder brother is shorter than his elder brother.

As soon as the two appeared, Bingjiao immediately walked out of the manor. She was dressed in a white dress, just like a little sister.

When Bingjiao saw Wang Hao and Wang Hao, he immediately smiled and shouted sweetly: "Brother, sister-in-law, you are here!"

Wang Hao said with an indifferent expression: "Now that the memory has been restored, let's get straight to the point!"

Bingjiao's face suddenly turned cold, and the air around him seemed to be condensed with frost!

"When did you find out?" Bingjiao's tone also became cold!

Wang Hao looked around and chuckled: "This is the Wang family, everything is under my control. Although you deliberately kept it as it was after you recovered, you will always use your spiritual sense to pry from time to time. It's so obvious!"

Wang Hao didn't waste any time and took out the Ice Aperture Fruit directly.

"I am not saying this to drive you away or kill you, but I want to make a deal with you. Over the years, we have been like brothers and sisters, and we have always had some affection!

This Ice Aperture Fruit can not only improve your spiritual intelligence, but also suppress the cold poison in your body, making your cultivation even further! "

Wang Hao's voice was full of temptation. He didn't want to kill the other person unless absolutely necessary.

Bing Jiao was stunned when she heard this. In the past, Wang Hao often sent her spiritual fruits and elixirs, and never asked her to do anything. But this time, it seemed that she had to pay some price, and said in a heavy voice: "What do you want me to do?" What?"

"You don't have to do anything. You just need to continue to stay in the Wang family and protect the family. Everything else remains as usual. My people will also provide you with some spiritual objects to help you practice!

Of course, in order to enhance trust between both parties, we'd better sign a contract! "

Wang Hao said slowly that as long as the ice dragon exists, it is a deterrent and there is no need to do anything for the family.

"Protect the Wang family? Humph, do you think I'm a guard beast? How about this, you've been pretty good to me, so let's settle the matter of injuring me before. As for this Bingqiao fruit, I can help you protect the Wang family for two hundred years!"

Bing Jiao bargained. The improvement of spiritual intelligence can speed up the cultivation speed, and there are many other benefits. She can't refuse Bingqiao fruit.

Chapter 1281 Bing Jiao

"Two hundred years, Xiao Bing, I'll call you Xiao Bing again. For your long life, two hundred years is just a blink of an eye. If I take out this Bingqiao fruit to talk to other fifth-level monsters, will they be willing to protect the Wang family for a thousand years?"

Wang Hao put away the Bingqiao fruit and pretended to leave. The ice-attributed dragon is not comparable to other fifth-level monsters, but Wang Hao will not compromise too much. If nothing unexpected happens, before he leaves, the Wang family will definitely have another Divine Transformation cultivator, and they don't really need Bing Jiao's protection. Leaving her behind is just to add another layer of insurance!

"Brother, wait..." Perhaps because he was used to it, Bing Jiao still called Wang Hao "brother".

"Five hundred years, how about five hundred years?" Bing Jiao was anxious, "If you are willing to tell me the method of ascension, I can add eight hundred years!"

Wang Hao shook his head and said, "Five hundred years is too little, one thousand years is about right. As for the method of ascension, I don't want to lie to you. I am trying, but I can't guarantee that I will succeed. Moreover, the number of places is limited. Everyone has paid a heavy price to get it, and it is impossible to share it with you. As for other methods, most of them are life-threatening, so you'd better not try it easily!

But if we can resist the spirit world, we will find a more stable method of ascension. Maybe you will have a chance then!"

Wang Hao painted a big cake, but he didn't mean to deceive the other party at all. If he could really find a safer and simpler method of ascension, he wouldn't mind giving Bing Jiao a chance, provided that the other party also had to protect the Wang family!

"A thousand years is too long, eight hundred years at most. I have a treasure in my hand. Brother will definitely be interested. I can exchange it!"

Wang Hao's face relaxed. At that time, the storage bag of Bing Jiao was seized by him. What treasure could he have? "Take it out and have a look!"

The Bing Jiao immediately opened his mouth, a ray of light flew out, and a huge blue ice cube was sprayed out!

As soon as he raised his hand, a white light shot out, and the outer layer of the ice cube quickly fell off, revealing an ice ball the size of a watermelon inside!

"This is a piece of top-grade Zhenhai crystal I found in the sea. It contains a trace of the power of the law. It is a top-grade fifth-level material. Brother is a master of refining and should know its value!"

The Bing Jiao said proudly. She originally wanted to refine this Zhenhai crystal into a Tongtian Lingbao by herself, but unfortunately her refining level was not good enough. She carried it with her for thousands of years and failed!

Wang Hao showed an interested look. Zhenhai crystals were not rare. He had obtained several third-level Zhenhai crystals, but third-level Zhenhai crystals could only be regarded as a good water-attributed material, which was far from the Zhenhai crystal containing the power of the law.

Zhenhai crystals have special characteristics. They are usually light as nothing, but as long as they are injected with mana, they can be as heavy as ten thousand pounds. They are excellent materials for refining heavy treasures!

Wang Hao thought about it and nodded in agreement: "Seven hundred years is seven hundred years, you must make a heavenly oath!"

"I can swear, but brother must swear too!"

Bing Jiao definitely cannot ascend to the spirit world by herself, and can only hope that Wang Hao can find a way to bring her up!

"No problem, you swear first, don't play any tricks and deliberately leave loopholes, otherwise, don't blame me for not considering the past feelings!"

Wang Hao said lightly.

Bing Jiao hesitated for a moment, and made a heavenly oath according to Wang Hao's request. In addition to protecting the Wang family, she must not cause trouble and bring disaster to the Wang family!

After Bing Jiao swore, Wang Hao also swore that if there was a chance, he would give him the chance to ascend to the spirit world. Then Wang Hao reminded him: "You will stay on this Piaomiao Island in the future. Tianlan's fifth-level spirit veins are rare, and other places are not suitable for you to practice. In addition, you should always pay attention to the Wanxian Island next to it. Wanxian Island has many restrictions and hides many monsters and ghosts."

"What if other gods go to Wanxian Island to search for treasures?"

"Don't worry about them. If they ask for help, don't pay attention. Just protect the family!" If Di Miaoyin hadn't been in danger last time, Wang Hao would have been too lazy to care about them.

"Okay, I got it!"

Wang Hao raised his hand, took out a piece of ten thousand year old black ice, put it in front of Bing Jiao, and said: "I don't need this thing, I'll give it to you. If you practice next to this ice, the effect will be much better, but you should also be careful. The jade bone ice body has no medicine in the human world. The higher the cultivation level, the more severe the attack. You'd better not break through the middle stage of the transformation of the spirit!"

After that, Wang Hao and Ji Xiaotang looked at each other and left the manor!

The Bing Jiao looked at the ten thousand year old black ice, and then looked at Wang Hao's back, thinking!

After waiting for several days, seeing that the five incarnations still showed no signs of breakthrough, Wang Hao could only take them and the entire blood pool to Guangyuan Realm!

Time is precious, Wang Hao called all his direct descendants, and briefly said goodbye to them, and then went to Guangyuan Realm with Ji Xiaotang and some clansmen!

Because he had been delayed in Tianlan for ten years, there was not much time left before the ascension time he promised, Wang Hao immediately invested in the construction of the ascension formation!

Spring goes and autumn comes, twenty years have passed quickly!

Qiyuan Mountain, Qiyuan Market!

Twenty years ago, several groups of Wang family monks arrived to enrich Qiyuan Mountain, but compared with the fifth-level spiritual mountain, the number of Wang family members is still a drop in the bucket.

So the Wang family built a market and made marriages everywhere. In short, they tried every means to increase the popularity of Qiyuan Mountain.

As for Xihuazhou, it was built as the base camp of the Wang family. There will be no market, and a group of clansmen will be moved from Tianlan in the future.

Qiyuan Market is not entirely owned by the Wang family. Other forces in Tianlan also participated. Only 50% belongs to the Wang family, and the remaining 50% is in the hands of Zhuque Sect, Luofeng Valley and other forces, and each force only accounts for about half.

Dividing it to them, first, is to increase popularity, and second, it also means to unite the Tianlan forces!

In the northeast corner of the market, an entire area is under the jurisdiction of the Wang family. The shops mainly sell elixirs, and the most of the Wang family are alchemists.

There are also magic tools, talismans, puppets, array tools, etc. for sale, but compared with the shops of other forces, they are not dominant.

Occupying everything, the final result may be playing by yourself, causing the market to become more and more deserted. The Wang family is currently short of manpower, so they can only focus on selling elixirs!

Wang Hao is very famous in Guangyuan Realm, and has made friends with many powerful cultivators. After the establishment of the market, other forces, such as the Qu family and the Zhen family, have sent many people to settle in and opened several shops!

Many forces that have married into the Wang family have also come, and Qiyuanfang has developed very quickly!

This is inseparable from the huge investment of the Wang family!

The Wang family often sells ten thousand year elixir, which attracts a large number of cultivators!

Except for some old-fashioned markets in Guangyuan Realm, the reputation of Qiyuanfang has spread throughout the entire Guangyuan Realm!

In Qiyuanfang, the streets are spacious and clean, with shops on both sides, and many merchants are shouting hard to attract passers-by!

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