Most of the time, Liu Fei and Wang Hao were talking, while Wang Hao and Wang Hao were listening.

There is not much to say about Chixia Island. The main task of the monks here is to take care of the spiritual fields. In addition to the fifth-level spiritual fields in the valley where red flame flowers are planted, there are also large fourth-level spiritual fields that plant more than 100,000 acres of elixirs. , and 50,000 acres of spiritual fruit trees.

These elixirs are grown in different years. Some are ready to be harvested immediately, while others have to wait thousands of years!

Of course, Wang Hao and the others don't need to do these things, they can just leave them to the Nascent Soul monks.

Their mission is to defend against foreign enemies and ensure the safety of the island!

"Three fellow Taoists, I heard that you are all ascended monks. Is it true?"

Liu Fei asked curiously. Wang Hao naturally didn't say this, but they also had their own ways to understand a little bit!

"Yes, the three of us are ascended monks. Fellow Daoist Wang and others have just ascended. Wei has been ascending for more than fifty years!"

Wei Zhong smiled and replied, there is nothing to hide his identity!

After hearing this, a smile appeared on Liu Fei's face, "Three fellow Taoists, my ancestors were also ascended monks. Our Liu family has been in the spiritual world for about five thousand years!"

"Oh, it turns out that Fairy Liu is a descendant of an ascended monk. What is the realm of Senior Liu's ancestors?"

Wang Hao asked curiously.

"The ancestor has passed away and failed to survive the fifth heavenly tribulation,"

"Sorry, Fairy Liu, Wang..."

"Fellow Daoist Wang, there is no need to apologize, you don't know about this!"

"Fellow Taoist Xiang, Fairy Liu, is it dangerous around Chixia Island? Do fifth-level sea beasts often appear?"

Kong Debiao quickly changed the topic and also raised the issues that they were more concerned about!

If fifth-level sea beasts appear frequently, do they still need to practice?

"Danger is naturally dangerous. There are sea beasts here, including the Dark Night Clan, the Yaksha Clan, and the weird Wood Clan, but fifth-level sea beasts are not so easy to encounter. We have been guarding the island for thirty years, and this is the first An encounter.”

Xiang Yuan said slowly.

Liu Fei took over the conversation and added: "Three fellow Taoists, don't think that all sea beasts are easy to deal with because of the stupidity of sea scorpions. There are still many races with high intelligence among sea beasts. They can speak human words and transform into human forms. , it can also hide its own evil spirit, and sometimes it can’t be discovered even after lurking for a long time!”

Generally speaking, no matter what race you are, you can transform into a human form after the fourth level, but this is for a race with good intelligence and blood. Some races cannot transform into a human form after reaching the fifth or even sixth level!

Although the human race in the spirit world is small in number and not that strong, it is the most important race, because if you want to ascend from the spirit world to the fairy world, you must ascend in human form.

Legend has it that the fairy world is completely dominated by the human race, and other races also have become immortals, but there is no way to escape the rule of the human race in the fairy world.

These are all recorded in the classics that Wang Hao has seen. Whether they are true or not, he doesn't know. He has just arrived in the spiritual world, and he currently has no idea about the fairy world!

Chapter 1344 Jade Ginseng

"Don't worry, there is a teleportation array here. As long as there is an attack, support from the helm will arrive quickly. I believe you have all seen it, Senior Wang!"

Wang Hao nodded. Compared to other Void Refining monks, Wang Mingbo was much kinder, but this did not mean he was reliable!

"Actually, the way to prevent danger is to eliminate it. Fellow Daoist Wang, Fairy Liu and I will often patrol the sea and the two peninsulas to check the movements of aliens. You'd better do the same!

Not to mention other things, there are many elixirs in the glare forest close to the Wood Clan. If you encounter it, it will be your own. For example, a kind of spiritual ginseng. Taking it alive can enhance the spiritual cultivation of monks for thirty years. It is much better than meditating in a retreat room. Got it! "

Wang Hao and the others were immediately excited. They didn't expect that such a treasure existed here. Once he found the seed, wouldn't he want to take off? But after Wang Hao thought about it, he felt that this kind of spiritual ginseng might not be that easy to find. Even if he found it, there might be various restrictions. For example, like other spiritual fruits, the first time you take it, it will have the best effect, but it will have no effect afterward!

Otherwise, if everyone comes looking for this kind of spiritual ginseng, wouldn’t it be possible to quickly pass the divine transformation stage?

Sure enough, after careful questioning, Wang Hao learned more detailed information. This kind of spiritual ginseng is called Jade Essence Ginseng. It will be effective for Nascent Soul monks after a thousand years, and it will be effective for the Soul Transformation monks after five thousand years.

And just as Wang Hao thought, the effect is best when you take the first strain, and it will gradually weaken after taking it. After taking ten strains, there is almost no effect! Therefore, it is best to find a plant that is old enough for the first time, which can increase more cultivation. The five thousand year old one can only increase the cultivation level of the monks in the early stage of transformation by 30 years. If you replace it with the monks in the middle stage of transformation, it will only increase the cultivation level. It’s twenty years; in the later stage of becoming a god, one can only increase his cultivation level by ten years. Jade essence ginseng that is ten thousand years old can increase the cultivation level of monks in the early stage of spiritual transformation by fifty years, and nearly twenty years in the later stage of transformation. Jade essence ginseng that is more than ten thousand years old is difficult to find, and the increase in cultivation is limited, and there are not many records!

It is also very difficult to find jade essence ginseng that is more than five thousand years old, because at this time, the jade essence ginseng has awakened its spiritual wisdom and is good at earth escape, and ordinary god-transformation monks cannot catch up with it.

Xiang Yuan and Liu Fei patrolled the glare forest five times and found only one 5,000-year-old jade ginseng. However, they found a lot of thousand-year-old jade ginseng. The thousand-year-old jade ginseng cannot move freely, so it is easier to find. Unfortunately, the thousand-year-old jade ginseng is not Jade essence ginseng has no effect on the monks who transform themselves into gods.

After hearing this, both Kong Debiao and Wei Zhong looked disappointed, while Wang Hao asked: "Do you two fellow Taoists still keep the Jade Essence Ginseng?"

"Sorry, Fellow Daoist Wang, I have already refined the Jade Essence Ginseng," Xiang Yuan replied. If he hadn't refined a Jade Essence Ginseng, he wouldn't have been able to kill the sea scorpion so easily this time!

This kind of elixir that directly improves cultivation is very rare, and few people will sell it, unless the price is several times higher or it is exchanged for a rarer spiritual object!

Ordinary elixirs for improving cultivation require a refining process, and their potency is poor. If you take them, you may easily experience side effects such as unstable foundation and erysipelas.

This innate elixir is much stronger than elixirs!

Wang Hao couldn't help but be disappointed. It seemed that he could only go to the glare forest by himself!

One Jade Essence Ginseng will take thirty years to cultivate, and ten will take at least sixty years. He can directly enter the middle stage of spiritual transformation, which will save a lot of time.

Wang Hao is now more than 600 years old, and he only has the third level of spiritual transformation, which is quite different from the monks in the spiritual world!

Generally, if there is no shortage of resources and their own conditions are not bad, a monk from a major force in the spiritual world can transform into a god in three hundred years and refine the void in a thousand years. Those who are slightly worse can also refine the void in about 1,500 years.

Even if Wang Hao is compared with someone who is slightly worse, he still can't compare!

At this time, Huang Ming flew up from the foot of the mountain, holding several storage bags in his hands, and said respectfully: "Seniors, the body of the sea scorpion has been processed, and the materials are all in it!"

Xiang Yuan grabbed it with one hand and took all the storage bags into his hand. After a slight exploration with his consciousness, he distributed them to everyone!

There are some main ingredients here. There is no animal meat and some leftovers. They are all divided by low-level monks. The monks who transform themselves into gods eat meat, and the people below also have to drink some soup. This is a convention, otherwise the people below If they don’t do their best, they will be the ones in trouble!

"Three fellow Taoists, please show us your seals and complete the handover. Fairy Liu and I will go back!"

Xiang Yuan stood up to resign. Before leaving, he killed a fifth-level monster and made a fortune. He was in a good mood. He had already said what needed to be said. There was no point in staying a few more days!

The three of them immediately took out the dragon-shaped token given by the Guard Hall. Xiang Yuan took out his own token. After being activated, the five tokens all lit up with auras and responded!

"No problem, three fellow Taoists, we're leaving now!"

He turned to look at Huang Ming and said: "Master Nephew Huang, you must obey the orders of the three fellow Taoists. Do you know that if you dare to disobey, even if the Guard Hall lets you go, I will not let you go!"

Huang Ming naturally didn't dare to say no and agreed wholeheartedly!

His move was not only to show goodwill to Wang Hao and the others, but also to tell them that Huang Ming was his nephew. With this relationship, Huang Ming would definitely receive some care!

After sending Xiang Yuan and Liu Fei away, Wang Hao and the other three immediately summoned the Nascent Soul monks on the island.

Including Huang Ming, there are a total of twenty-seven people. Originally, there were thirty-four Nascent Soul monks on the island. Five of them died in the previous battle, and two others were seriously injured. They were taken away by Xiang Yuan for treatment. Got it!

The sub-rudder side will add some in the future, but it will take time!

Huang Ming and others looked nervous. Even with the face of his master uncle, as the emperor and his ministers, if they encountered the harsh Void Refining cultivator, they would have an easier time!

"Are there any accounts for the elixirs grown on the island? Who is managing this matter?" Wei Zhong was the first to ask.

A female cultivator who looked in her twenties stood up and said, "Junior Lan Ying has met the seniors. Hundreds of elixirs are planted on the island. Different monks are responsible for different areas. The juniors are responsible for the summary. Here are the accounts. Please check it out, senior!”

Wei Zhong took the account with a cold face and looked through it for a while. Then he asked some questions about the situation on the island, always with an uneasy look on his face.

After he finished asking, he looked at Wang Hao and Kong Debiao, "Fellow Daoist Wang, can you two say a few words?"

"No need, twenty years have passed by in a blink of an eye. There is no need to worry about too many things. Fellow Daoist Wei, we might as well go around and take a look around first. If there are still sea monsters left, it will be bad!"

Wang Hao suggested.

"Wang Daoyou want to go to the glare forest?" Kong Debiao also became interested.

Wang Hao nodded and admitted, "Yes, the Wood Clan is more powerful than our Human Clan, so we naturally need to pay more attention to it!"

"Well, Fellow Daoist Wang is right. As the commander of the guards here, it is our duty to patrol the surrounding area. Huang Ming, please arrange for the Nascent Soul monk who is not seriously injured and free to go patrolling with us!"

The three of them all looked dedicated to their duties, but in fact everyone knew in their hearts that they were doing it just for the Jade Essence Ginseng.

"Yes, junior, go make arrangements now!"

Huang Ming was overjoyed. He only had the cultivation level of Yuan Ying in the early stage. Although Xiang Yuan treated him well, he did not let him hold important positions. But now, it seems that he will be reused!

"Two fellow Taoists, why don't we go pick a place to stay first, and it won't be too late to set off tomorrow, how about it?" Kong Debiao said, there is no need to rush to find spiritual ginseng, and you didn't even look at the place to stay!

"That's fine. There are many spiritual peaks on this mountain range on the island. Wei can just live here at Chixia Peak!"

Wei Zhong chose the main peak without hesitation. He had the highest cultivation level, so naturally he would not give it to the two who were not as good as him!

"Kong doesn't matter, where is Fellow Daoist Wang?" Kong Debiao looked at Wang Hao.

Chapter 1345: Taking advantage of others

"Wang wants to set up some formations, and I want those five peaks in the west!"

Kong Debiao and Wei Zhong immediately looked westward and saw five peaks of similar heights standing among them, forming a faint circle. It was a good place to set up an array!

"No problem," Wei Zhong agreed. Anyway, he already had the best, and Wang Hao could take the rest as much as he wanted. It was none of his business!

Kong Debiao finally chose a mountain near Chixia Peak. The closer to the main peak, the better the spiritual environment. However, the spiritual energy comes from the same spiritual vein, so it won't be too bad.

After all, this place is not like Yueqing Mountain, where more than 20 spirit-transforming cultivators live. The three of them will definitely have enough!

Wang Hao and Wei Zhong went to their respective caves. Kong Debiao rolled his eyes and walked towards the sacred mountain where the Nascent Soul cultivators were.

A day later, everyone gathered in a hall again. A total of 18 Nascent Soul cultivators followed them and were divided into three groups, with each spirit-transforming cultivator leading a group!

"Fellow Daoist Wang, please take care of me!" Kong Debiao came over and said something that puzzled Wang Hao. Before he asked in detail, Kong Debiao took a group of Nascent Soul cultivators into a stone chamber.

I didn't recognize all the people yesterday, so I naturally had to learn more about my subordinates before setting off!

Wei Zhong also took his group to a stone chamber.

After watching them go, Wang Hao took the rest of the people to the stone chamber next door!

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