(The data is not correct, there are too many decimal points. If you want to change it, you need to reset it, which is more troublesome, so the decimal points are omitted. Don't be too picky)

After looking at the panel, although it is still shabby, Wang Hao is still very satisfied. This is the result of his hard work for more than two years!

With the blessing of the spirit gathering array, his cultivation speed is now faster than that of the double spiritual root cultivators. He can practice Qi perfectly before the age of 40. What else do you want!

"At the fifth level of Qi training, it's time to set aside some time to practice spells!"

Because Wang Hao is practicing the fire and wood attribute skills, the best choice is the fire and wood attribute spells, which will be more handy to use. As for other spells, you can buy talismans to solve it!

It is the fireball and entanglement that Wang Hao had written on the panel a long time ago.

As the name suggests, the fireball is a long-range attack, launching a ball of fire to attack the enemy, and the entanglement is a trapping technique, locking the enemy with wooden vines.

In addition, there are defensive wooden shields, light body techniques for evasion and movement, and traction techniques that must be learned to control flying swords! Earth escape is a must for running away.

Although these are basic spells, it is not easy for a true casual cultivator to get them. At least some spirit stones must be paid for them. However, Wang Hao is not a true casual cultivator. His mother has accumulated some, and Lao Wang has also taught him a lot. Unfortunately, there are only these few. Wang Hao does not have any spells like fire rain, earth wall, and ground spikes!

Wang Hao also set a panel for these spells.

Practice a hundred times to get started, a thousand times to master, three thousand times to be proficient, and ten thousand times to be a master!

If you don’t have enough talent, you can make up for it with diligence!

“Practice six master-level spells first, and then talk about other things,” Wang Hao set a small goal for himself!

Three days later, after hundreds of times of practice, Wang Hao finally launched the first fireball, but when he looked at the mana consumption, his face suddenly turned black!

“I didn’t expect the slap in the face to come so quickly!”

After the fireball was activated, it consumed five mana points. With his current mana of 167, it was only enough to practice thirty-three times, and it would take at least two hours for him to get full mana back.

Without affecting his practice, he would spend at most five or six hours a day practicing, two rounds at most, sixty-six times!

Ten thousand times would take one hundred and fifty-two days! Six magic masters would need nearly three years...

"Fuck, why don't you just master it first," Wang Hao shook his head vigorously as soon as he had this thought: "Wang Hao, wake up, it's true that you are practicing faster now, but you are taking shortcuts, your qualifications and understanding are far worse than others, if you don't work harder, do you want to hide in the market for the rest of your life?"

After a few curses, Wang Hao's expression became firm again, and he bombarded the ground again and again. In a moment, the "vegetable garden" in his courtyard was in a mess.

It's not that he didn't want to practice in the open space outside the market, but there was no one to protect him. When his mana was exhausted, what should he do if he encountered danger? He could only make do at home. Fortunately, his low-level spells couldn't make a big noise.

Buy some earth wall talismans in a few days and transform the space, which would be more conducive to Wang Hao's practice and avoid affecting the buildings!

Eating, sleeping, practicing, practicing magic, refining a batch of pills when the pills are finished, and quietly going out to sell a batch of goods when the spirit stones are insufficient, Wang Hao's life is tense and orderly.

Chapter 16 Family Visitors

Three years have passed in a flash, and the 23-year-old Wang Hao has become more and more handsome, capable and calm.

"Open the panel!"

Name: Wang Hao;

Age: 23 years old;

Cultivation: Qi training level 6 299/380;

Kung Fu: Red Lotus Fantasy Wood Heart Sutra level 2;

Mana: 298/298;


Alchemy: first-level upper-grade alchemy;

Talisman: first-level lower-grade talisman;

Magic: Fireball (master level), Entanglement (master level), Wooden Shield (master level), Traction (master level), Light Body (master level);

Magic: You haven't mastered the magical power yet;

In three years, his strength has steadily improved. Due to frequent practice of magic, his magic power has been refined, and it is easier to break through than the fifth level of Qi training.

Six arts have been perfected, and the alchemy has been upgraded to the first-class upper grade. Now, he can refine the Yellow Dragon Pill.

In addition, he has entered the art of talismans, but he can only draw some evil-repelling talismans and cleansing talismans. If he wants to make money, he must at least advance to the first-class middle grade and draw attack and defense talismans such as fireball talismans!

The farm has now opened up sixteen grids of land, which is more than half, and the red land has been upgraded to eight grids. If he uses the farm to make money, even if he only grows spiritual rice, he can produce 7,200 kilograms per month, which is 720 low-grade spiritual stones. If he exchanges it for high-efficiency spiritual talisman grass, this number will double. If the red land is planted with second-class spiritual plants, the value will be even higher! It’s a pity that Qingniufang City can’t eat so many spiritual talisman grasses, and Wang Hao won’t do this. 80% of the farm’s output will be used for subsequent upgrades, 15% of the output will be used for alchemy and talismans, and the remaining half will be used by Wang Hao to exchange for spiritual stones. Even so, Wang Hao has an income of nearly 100 spiritual stones per month.

Part of these spirit stones were used to maintain the operation of the spirit gathering array, part was used to buy talismans for travel, and the rest were all eaten by his spirit beast!

The spirit beast egg he got two years ago was successfully hatched, and Wang Hao was not disappointed. It was a golden-eyed duck with wings that could fly. Wang Hao's knowledge was limited, and he couldn't tell its origins. He didn't know if it could grow to the second level.

Even if it was just a first-level flying spirit beast, its value was more than 120 spirit stones.

Qi training cultivators cannot fly, but flying spirit beasts can take them away and save lives at critical moments!

Golden-eyed duck is not as difficult to raise as Han Laomo's sleeping king, but he has a big appetite. Every morning he will knock on the rice bowl to wake Wang Hao up.

Its squawking sound is very annoying. Later, Wang Hao bought a spirit animal bag, which he usually carried so as not to affect his rest.

He is also picky about food, he doesn't eat much spiritual rice, he only eats meat and spiritual fruits, and Wang Hao is also very surprised that a duck eats meat.

There is no shortage of monster meat in Qingniufang market, and the price is more than twice as expensive as spiritual rice. Golden-eyed duck eats once every three or four days, at least twenty kilograms at a time, which is forty spiritual stones a month. Most people really can't bear it.

It was feeding time again, and Wang Hao released the golden-eyed duck from the spirit beast bag.

A duck with a black body and golden eyes, nearly five feet tall, appeared in front of him. When he saw Wang Hao, he "quacked" twice and rubbed his head affectionately against Wang Hao.

Spiritual beasts hatched by one's own hands are naturally close to their masters. Spiritual beasts captured halfway have to obey the cultivators just because of the existence of restrictions. Once their level is higher than that of their masters, there is a risk of devouring their masters. However, those hatched from a young age have a higher chance of devouring their masters. It will be much lower.

Without this restriction, those high-level monsters would have been subdued by the great sects and become mountain guardian spirit beasts.

The lifespan of a spiritual beast is much longer than that of an immortal cultivator. Even a first-level beast can live for four to five hundred years. A second-level beast can live for a thousand years, and its growth is extremely slow accordingly.

The golden-eyed duck has been raised by Wang Hao using monster meat for two years. Except for the increase in size, it is still a first-level low-grade duck with no signs of advancement. A first-order low-grade flying spirit beast has a poor load-carrying capacity and cannot be used as a mount. It doesn't help Wang Hao at the moment, but Wang Hao believes that Golden-Eyed Duck will one day advance.

Wang Hao took out a large piece of monster meat, and the golden-eyed duck immediately flapped its wings and screamed excitedly.

"Foodie, I hope you will be of great use in the future!"

"Quack" seemed to be a response to Wang Hao, and the golden-eyed duck quacked twice more.

Wang Hao gave it the meat of the monster beast. After it had eaten and drank enough, it ran around and played around in the courtyard.

Wang Haorong struggled with it for a while before putting it back into the spirit beast bag.

At this time, Wang Hao found that the restriction outside the door had been triggered. After opening the door, he found two young people wearing Wang family robes, one man and one woman, only twenty years old. The man had thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a strong body, as if he was practicing The female monk is petite in stature, has a round face and big eyes, and is extremely cute.

"What do you want to do with Wang?" Wang Hao asked.

The male monk looked a little embarrassed and moved his lips without making a sound for a long time. It was the girl who spoke first: "Fifth brother, we are all family monks. My name is Wang Wenmei. I am the ninth oldest. Fifth brother can call me ninth sister." Then he pointed at the big man: "This is seventh brother Wang Wenzhi!"

Seeing Wang Wenmei speak, Wang Wenzhi also lowered his head and saluted: "I've seen Fifth Brother!"

"Fifth brother?" Wang Hao's face was full of doubts. He was disliked by the Wang family in his early years, and he rarely had contact with the Wang family after his arrival. Except for Wang Yanfeng, no one in the Wang family took the initiative to contact Wang Hao. What happened today?

"The fifth brother is the fifth among the literary generation, so he is naturally our fifth brother!" Wang Wenmei explained.

He stretched out his hand to avoid hitting the smiling man. The two of them were calling Fifth Brother. Wang Hao didn't need to look down on them. The grudge was also made by the original leader of the Wang family. It had nothing to do with these juniors, but because they called Brother, he took it. As a member of the Wang family, Wang Hao asked himself that he was not so mean!

So he asked calmly: "What do you two want to see Wang?"

The two of them seemed to have been entrusted. When they saw Wang Hao's indifferent tone and did not cause any trouble, they cupped their hands and said: "Fifth brother, second uncle is now a foundation-building monk. The foundation-building ceremony will be held next month. We are here to invite you to participate!"

"Foundation Building Ceremony?" Lao Wang has indeed established the foundation. Wang Hao began to think in his mind: He has already practiced Qi at the sixth level, and the Red Lotus Magic Wood Heart Sutra only has the first two levels. It is urgent to get the follow-up skills. Lao Wang I definitely want to see it, this is an opportunity! However, you still need to ask questions clearly about some things, and don’t fall for other people’s tricks.

"Does Lao Wang mean to invite me to participate?"

"Who is Lao Wang?"

"That's Wang Yanzhao!" Wang Hao explained.

The two of them were so shocked that they called their father Lao Wang. They had never seen him before. It took them a long time to come back to their senses: "Oh, it was the second uncle who asked us to invite the fifth brother. The monks were stationed in Houfang City in ten days. They will also go back to the mountains for rotation, so Fifth Brother can just go with them!”

"Will Uncle Eight also come back to the mountain?"

"Yes, the eighth uncle has been friends with the second uncle since childhood, so he will naturally come back to the mountain to congratulate him."

"Okay, I understand. I will go to the elixir shop to meet my eighth uncle in ten days. There is some chaos at home, so I won't entertain you two. Go slowly!" After that, Wang Hao closed the door.

The two looked at each other, and Wang Wenmei smiled awkwardly: "This fifth brother is really unusual!"

Wang Wenzhi was also furious: "Humph, we are so nice to talk to him, but his attitude is really annoying..."

"Seventh brother, be careful. Second uncle is now a foundation-building monk, and he loves this fifth brother very much!"

"I didn't say anything, it was his bad attitude..." Wang Wenzhi pursed his lips, but in the end he did not dare to say anything unpleasant.

Wang Wenmei sighed and advised: "Seventh brother, put yourself in my shoes. If you were the fifth brother, abandoned by your family since childhood, and lived alone in this city for more than twenty years, would you not have any resentment in your heart?"

"Hey, why didn't I know? But we didn't provoke him!"

"We are Wang family cultivators. We have been supported by our family since childhood and have been guided by our elders in cultivation. Look at what the fifth brother has? He doesn't even have a decent Taoist robe. How can he have a good impression of us? He is already broad-minded for not saying anything bad!" Wang Wenmei thought of Wang Hao's tattered Taoist robe just now and sighed!

Wang Wenzhi also fell silent immediately: "Yes, I heard that the fifth brother still has five spiritual roots, but I just saw his breath, and it is clearly the sixth level of Qi training. I think he practices very hard every day!"

The two felt distressed and admired! At the same time, they also felt ashamed for not practicing hard despite such good conditions!


Chapter 17 Wangjialing

Wang Hao, who returned to the room, did not know the conversation between the two. If he knew, he would definitely call it wronged.

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