After returning to Qingyuan Market with Wang Yaozu, the two did not delay and directly returned to the family with their clansmen.

Wang Hao did not plan to go overseas in the short term. His cultivation level could not reach the late stage of foundation building, and his exploration of overseas would still be limited to the vicinity of Wanxiang City. Secondly, the family had just experienced a war, and his staying would make these people feel more at ease.

There was also Wang Guangan in charge overseas, so there was no need to worry.

Overseas, in a retreat room in the backyard of Danfu Pavilion, Wang Guangan was sitting cross-legged here. In front of him was a blue giant tripod. A blazing fire was burning under the tripod, constantly roasting the tripod, and the fragrance of the pill filled the room.

After three years of continuous practice, he finally broke through to the third-level alchemist. After getting familiar with it for a while, he began to try to refine the Nine Dan Jinye.

Overseas cultivation resources are indeed extremely rich. Wang Hao originally provided most of the auxiliary medicines, and the remaining several high-year ones were also bought by him at a high price at the auction.

With the assistance of the third-level alchemy furnace and the two Jinyuan fruits given to him by Wang Hao, if he could not successfully refine it, it might be his fate!

Before refining, he told Wang Wenyan and others not to disturb him even if there was something big.

After all, it was a third-level elixir, and it was an elixir that broke through a great realm. It was extremely troublesome to refine. He had to concentrate on it and could not tolerate any interruption.

Now he has been in seclusion for more than two years. The previous furnace had been ruined by him. This furnace was his last hope.

However, his long-term experience in alchemy told him that the most taboo when refining elixir was the fluctuation of the state of mind. This was why the first furnace failed. Before this furnace, he had been meditating for half a year in order to completely calm his state of mind.

His eyes were closed at this time, but his consciousness was always paying attention to the situation in the blue giant cauldron placed in the center of the room.

The time in the room seemed to be stagnant, and only the constantly jumping flames told the passage of time.

As a refreshing elixir fragrance overflowed from the alchemy furnace, Wang Guangan suddenly opened his eyes.

His eyes looking at the alchemy furnace were full of fiery.

He suppressed his excitement, slowly stood up, and his expression became extremely serious.

He said firmly: "This is the last chance. I will never make the same mistake again. I will succeed!"

After that, he made a gesture with his hands, and a beam of spiritual light hit the furnace, and the fire suddenly became more violent.

After a while, with a wave, the furnace calmed down.

Wang Guangan's consciousness had already felt the result, but he was still worried without seeing the finished product. He raised his left hand upwards, and the lid of the tripod was instantly taken up.

In an instant, a golden light appeared, and in the furnace, a ball of golden solution was flowing in it, exuding an attractive fragrance.

Wang Guangan took out a jade bottle, pointed lightly at the furnace, and the golden solution was slowly taken out and entered the jade bottle.

Wang Guangan's hands trembled as he held the jade bottle. After checking the smell and color for a while and finding nothing wrong, he finally burst into laughter: "Nine Dan Jinye, I finally made it, hahahaha!"

The unbridled and hearty laughter echoed in the entire cave for a long time. After years of repression, Wang Guangan tidied his clothes and walked out of the cave.

If people knew that he used two Jinyuan fruits to make a portion of Nine Dan Jinye, they would be spitted to death, but for the Wang family, this was a pioneering existence.

"Wen Yan greets the ancestor! Congratulations on the ancestor coming out of retreat!" Seeing Wang Guangan, Wang Wenyan hurriedly saluted.

The Wang family has more people overseas, and Wang Yanfeng, as a second-level alchemist, has shifted his focus to teaching and managing the clan members.

Wang Wenmei has also been in retreat for several years because of her change of practice.

Although there are still several people with higher seniority than Wang Wenyan, she is still the strongest in terms of ability.

Wang Guangan also listened to Wang Hao's advice and handed over all the matters of the store to Wang Wenyan. In the past few years, although the store business was still suppressed, it could barely hold on. After paying the rent, it could also provide some resources for the tribe members to practice. It can be said that even if Wang Guangan himself replaced her, he might not be able to do better than her!

Wang Guangan was very satisfied with her and asked, "Is there anything important in the store?"

"Everything is normal. We have fixed those old customers and it is difficult for them to leave. However, new customers are still scarce!"

"You have done well. Keep it up. My Wang family will not make any big moves at the moment. Everything is based on stability. This time, I am only out of retreat for a short time, and then I will continue to retreat for a long time. You still have to worry about everything in the store!"

Wang Wenyan was a little surprised. The ancestor had been in retreat almost all the time since he came overseas. I thought he would make some moves this time, but he still had to continue retreat. However, she was smart and knew that there were some things she should not know. She did not ask much, but just said, "Don't worry, ancestor, Wenyan will take good care of the store and will not let anyone disturb the ancestor!"

Wang Guangan planned to form a pill during this retreat. He could not afford to delay. He was now over 220 years old and was not far from the end of his life. Although the full lifespan of a foundation-building cultivator can reach 240 years old, very few can die of old age. The lifespan of a cultivator will be shortened due to various reasons such as injuries.

Wang Guangan had been seriously injured. Even if he had fully recovered, his life span would still be shortened.

If he waited any longer, something unexpected might happen.

The formation of the elixir was not something that could be completed in a short period of time. Some cultivators even had to retreat for decades, which was longer than the time it took for a Jindan cultivator to form an infant.

Of course, it usually only took two or three years.

But since Wang Guangan was planning to form the elixir, he had to be fully prepared!

If you reach the final stage of forming a pill, but your life span is gone, you will not be able to rest in peace even after death.

In fact, it is best to find a relatively quiet cave for a golden elixir. Although the spiritual energy in the shop is sufficient, there are too many people and it is too noisy.

The power behind Wanxiang City is the Yuanying Sect. A large number of caves have been opened up for rent on the fourth-level spiritual veins. Wan Guangan can rent a good cave on the third-level spiritual veins for only 10,000 or 20,000 spiritual stones.

But Wang Guangan also has to consider the family. He has spent nearly 100,000 spiritual stones on buying spiritual medicines to practice alchemy and looking for auxiliary medicines. There are not many spiritual stones left. After spending a huge amount of money to rent a cave, the cultivators who came out with him will have to tighten their belts to live. These cultivators are too young and their cultivation is too low. They are not suitable for sea hunting monsters. It is already very difficult to rely on the support of Wang Yanfeng and others. He cannot add more burdens.

If he fails, the family's investment will be lost and it may take decades to recover.

Therefore, if he could save as much as possible, he would save as much as possible. After meeting several foundation builders and briefly explaining the situation, Wang Guangan went into seclusion again.

Chapter 190 Five Years

Qingniufang, Wangjialing, five years have passed since the last war.

After the last war, Wang Hao's prestige has been greatly improved, so he took advantage of this favorable wind to continue to make drastic reforms.

He did not make changes blindly, but actually sought benefits for family members, so that they could not say no at all, and had no excuse to oppose.

It is useless to hold spiritual stones in your hands, you must spend them, or invest them.

He is investing in the Wang family, and when the Wang family becomes strong, they will continue to feed back to him!

For example, spiritual veins, it is simply a foolish dream for him to occupy a spiritual mountain with a third-level spiritual vein, but if it is a family with dozens of foundation builders, it will be much easier.

There are many benefits to practicing on high-level spiritual veins, and Wang Hao naturally wants to have them.

The original policy to encourage childbirth only rewarded 20 spiritual stones for five spiritual roots, 30 for four spiritual roots, 50 for three spiritual roots, and 200 for two spiritual roots. The heavenly spiritual root was set at 1,000, but it has not appeared so far.

Wang Hao directly doubled the reward. For a time, the trend of marrying wives and concubines resurfaced. The Wang family held weddings almost every day. The old uncle took ten mortal wives and concubines in succession. Anyway, he was over 90 years old and had one foot in the coffin. There was no hope for the road, so he might as well take the opportunity to earn some spiritual stones for the younger generation.

In addition, the rewards for other tasks were also doubled.

The task of guarding the spiritual field for the family was originally only three spiritual stones per mu per year. The reason was simple. One mu of spiritual field could produce two seasons of spiritual rice per year. If it was well taken care of, the yield would be only 200 kilograms. In addition to the consumption of seeds, it would only earn more than ten spiritual stones. The price of three spiritual stones was not low. You should know that a low-level cultivator would not spend too much time looking after ten mu of spiritual field, and it would not delay cultivation. In this way, thirty spiritual stones could be obtained in a year. What else do you want!

Now, the Wang family directly raised six spiritual stones, and almost half of the profits of the spiritual field were distributed to the guarding cultivators.

In addition to the evaluation and various benefits, the annual income of the Qi training disciples exceeded one hundred spiritual stones.

Even some smart and strong people could earn two or three hundred a year without any problem.

With more spiritual stones, they would naturally buy magic tools and elixirs to improve their strength. When their strength improved, the Wang family would naturally become stronger.

Wang Hao also learned the routines of the sect and himself in Qingniufang, and assigned tasks to the family cultivators to train them.

The rewards for completing the task include contributions, spiritual stones, magic tools, elixirs, and other rewards!

For this reason, some resources of the family began to be in short supply. Wang Hao used the output of the farm to subsidize a lot. In the past few years, Wang Yanzhao has been concentrating on refining pills to earn contributions to Li Dexi's foundation-building pills. Most of the family affairs are managed by Wang Hao and others, which gives Wang Hao room to operate.

This has led to a slowdown in the development of his farm, and now there are only six pieces of gold land.

But Wang Hao thinks it is worth it. Selling to the farm store can only be exchanged for a bunch of cold numbers, which will not help Wang Hao in the short term. He doesn't have many high-level spiritual objects in his hands, and the demand for gold land is not that great!

As for exchanging it for the family, apart from other things, he got a lot of spiritual stones. These are real spiritual stones, not numbers in the farm.

When he returns to Vientiane City in the future, won't he be able to buy those good things?

The treatment has increased, which has also led to some people in the tribe becoming lazy. Anyway, they can live comfortably by guarding a spiritual field casually, so why go out for adventures! There are even some who do nothing but live on the salary of the clan members.

So Wang Hao made a mandatory rule that the clan members must complete two clan tasks of the corresponding level every year and must accept a combat task every two years.

Those who do not complete tasks within a year will be warned once and their benefits will be halved.

Those who do not accept family tasks for three consecutive years will have all their benefits cancelled.

If you still do not make progress after repeated warnings, you will be expelled from the clan directly.

If you need to retreat for a long time to attack the level, or there are other special reasons, the family will be accommodating, but you must inform in advance, and if your strength or cultivation skills do not improve after retreat, you need to make up for the missed tasks to prevent someone from taking advantage of the loophole.

Of course, there is one exception, that is, the birth policy. As long as you give birth to a child with spiritual roots, you can offset two years of tasks. For example, the fourteenth uncle will never have to accept tasks in this life. If the family allows inheritance, his sons will not have to do tasks.

Wang Hao will not let this happen and repaired the loophole in time.

There are also generous rewards for completing tasks. Many tribesmen have made a lot of money by taking high-value tasks. Although they cannot make as many pills as Wang Hao, it is common to use pills to assist cultivation.

Before, it was good for a tribe member to have an attacking magic weapon. Many did not have any magic weapons. Now, almost everyone has two magic weapons, one for attack and one for defense, and some have three or four.

Wang Wenjiang is one of the best among them. He is a cultivator with three spiritual roots. He is only 24 years old this year, but he has caught up with the opportunity of the family's great development. He is also diligent and hardworking. He has no shortage of cultivation resources. Now he has reached the eighth level of Qi training.

In a few years, he will be able to reach the ninth level of Qi training, and he may be able to build a foundation before the age of 30.

One day, he came to Wang Hao's cave, played a sound transmission note, and waited respectfully outside the cave.

Seeing Wang Hao walk out of the cave, he hurried forward to greet him: "Hello, Fifth Brother. I haven't seen you for a few days and you have become more handsome!"

Wang Hao smiled and shook his head. This kid is good in every way, but he doesn't talk much. However, this is also his advantage. He can get along well wherever he goes: "You kid are here to ask for a puppet beast! Have you completed the mission?"

In order to hone his skills and also provide a safety guarantee for the tribe members who go out to do missions, Wang Hao began to use puppet beasts as rewards for some missions.

A hundred-year-old Yin Zi pine can be the main material for a first-level puppet. Wang Hao planted one acre of black soil after getting seeds from the Si family. He can get dozens of Yin Zi pine every two and a half years, which is enough for him to refine puppets!

Wang Wenjiang received a mission a few days ago. He happened to meet Wang Hao at that time and asked Wang Hao to refine a good one.

A first-level puppet is of little use to Wang Hao, but it is an excellent helper for the Qi Refining tribe members, and its status even exceeds that of spirit beasts.

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