I Open A Restaurant In Yushou World

Chapter 433 I Didn't Expect You To Be Such A Chen Fang

Inside the Moon Hotel.

Chen Fang bowed to Jiang Ming with respectful eyes.

"Boss Jiang, thank you!"

The field of earth has been comprehended successfully, and there are also brilliant results such as severely injuring Li Fugui.

This made Chen Fang more firm in her inner belief.

Comprehend the five fields of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, and follow the five elements!

"Mr. Chen, that's too polite. Besides, I'm not confiscating the money."

Jiang Ming dodged and smiled.

Seeing this, Chen Fang was even more grateful.

What is a high-spirited festival?

This is the festival of high wind and bright!

The Yin Yang Fish Spirit Diet has such a terrifying effect, can its value be measured by a mere 500 billion?

But Boss Jiang wouldn't even accept a gift from her!

Chen Fang thought about how to repay Jiang Ming in the future.

But after much deliberation, he could only attack Jiang Yue.

There's no way, Boss Jiang is too powerful, she feels that she, an old woman at the sixth level of the holy rank, can't help her at all!

Thinking of this, Chen Fang asked with concern.

"Boss Jiang, how is Yueyue?"

"Should still be practicing."

Jiang Ming responded with his mouth, and his spiritual consciousness spread.

The younger sister is still practicing in the private room on the second floor, but all eight pet animals have finished training, and each of them has a naive expression, as if they are reminiscing about the smell of roasted pigs.

Although it is simple, it is really uplifting, and all of them are neatly built at the tenth level of the ground level. The spiritual power exuded from Bi Fangniao is even stronger, and it is just a step away from the Li Tian level.

And Jiang Yue has eight pet beasts to feed back, her strength has been greatly improved, she has reached the peak of the ninth level of the earth level, and may enter the state of the tenth level of the earth level at any time, and the spiritual power around her is not as strong as before, it seems that she should be practicing soon It's over.

Jiang Ming thought about going to the kitchen to make Jiang Yue a large-scale chicken of the tenth rank of the earth rank, and help Jiang Yue break through to the heaven rank.

But before going to the kitchen, I still have to talk to Fuguier and the others.

Jiang Ming looked outside the door.

"Mr. Chen, what are the rich and the rich doing? They are hooking their shoulders, and they still have a mean look on their faces."

Chen Fang looked helpless.

"Boss Jiang, don't worry about them, they're all smugglers, there must be nothing wrong with them, I'll go and have a look, if you have something to do, go and do it first."

Jiang Ming nodded and entered the kitchen.

Chen Fang walked towards the door of the hotel.


Outside the hotel, Li Fugui and Qin Feng were both blushing.

"Old Qin, I gave you the idea. We have been brothers for so many years, but you only gave me 500 billion??"

"Lao Li, I don't like to hear that. Didn't you say 500 billion at the beginning?"

"Half the meeting, one trillion!"

"Do things honestly. I was the one who asked Lao Liang for money. You can just take one trillion yuan when you lie down. Do you feel at ease with this money?"

"What's not to worry about, we are brothers, what's yours is mine, and what's mine is mine."

Qin Feng's face was full of helplessness when he heard Li Fugui's words like meat on a hob.

"Old Li, how about I give you another 100 billion, 600 billion?"

"Eight hundred billion!!"

Li Fugui raised his arm, revealing the visually striking muscles on it, and said viciously.

"No, damn it, if you want money, you can tell Lao Liang yourself. If you want two trillion yuan, it's up to you whether you want to eat yin-yang fish or not?"

Qin Feng was really speechless.

Anyway, he is also in his 80s or 90s, why is he still as impulsive as a young man when he starts to do things?

The 80-year-old grandpa is still doing bullying!

"You think I didn't want it? I told Lao Liang after the meeting, and he didn't give it!"


"I don't know, he just told me to go away anyway! Yin Tianxiu is amazing, when I go up a few more levels, hang him up and beat him up!"

Li Fugui blew his beard and stared.

"Crazy Qin, let's take a step back each, and the price is 700 billion!"


A light cough came, Li Fugui and Qin Feng looked at Chen Fang who suddenly appeared, and couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

"Xiaofang, why did you come out?"

Chen Fang kept a straight face.

"You two are old and not ashamed, and the calculation is still on Lao Liang. All these years of belief have been lost??"

"Repay two trillion yuan? Divide the spoils here without getting the money? You see, Lao Liang will ignore you when the time comes."

Li Fugui had a flattering smile on his face.

"Xiaofang, there's nothing the big brother can do, just ask Lao Liang and he won't give it!"

At this time, Li Fugui seemed to have forgotten that he was beaten up by Chen Fang just now.

Qin Feng also chimed in.

"That's right, Sister Fang, what bad thoughts can Fu Guier have? He just wants to eat spiritual meals."

"Stop talking with me here."

Chen Fang snorted softly.

Li Fugui said.

"Xiaofang, I don't need your help either. You just need not to report the news, and two trillion is really not much. A serving of yin-yang fish costs 500 billion. After eating yin-yang fish, you have to eat hot pot to comprehend the field, right? It’s a big expense again.”

After Li Fugui finished speaking, he exchanged a glance with Qin Feng.

The two of them knew each other, and stared at the spiritual network receiver on Chen Fang's wrist with fixed eyes, as long as Chen Fang had the idea of ​​tipping off the news, he would tie it up!

But what Chen Fang said next surprised them both.

I saw Chen Fang cast a disgusted look at them, as if she was looking at two mentally handicapped people.

Then he said slowly.

"I only asked for 700 billion. If you can ask for 2 trillion, you will be a ghost. Only Lao Li and I know the benefits of hot pot. What does Lao Liang know?"

"And with the image of you in Lao Liang's heart, Lao Li, even if you tell the truth, Lao Liang will never criticize you!"

"How about this, I'll ask Lao Liang another 800 billion, and then Lao Qin will talk to Lao Liang again, and I will help, maybe 2 trillion can be achieved!"

Qin Feng and Li Fugui stared at Chen Fang dumbfounded, as if they were meeting her for the first time.

I didn't expect you to be such Chen Fang!

But...hehehe... Awesome! !

"Okay, then do as you say."

Qin Feng said eagerly.

"Wait a minute, I have spent so much effort, you must give me some benefits?"

Chen Fang looked at Qin Feng, and the meaning in the words could be understood by a fool.

Qin Feng's expression froze.

"How much do you want?"

"Not much, five hundred billion."

What! !

Everyone in Qinfeng is stupid, you want 500 billion, and riches need 700 billion. If you really want to calculate this way, won't I get the least amount of money in the end?


The three of them argued hard, their faces were red.

In the end, it was decided that Chen Fang and Li Fugui each got 500 billion, and Qin Feng got 1 trillion.

After the decision was made, Chen Fang entered the spirit net and called Liang Ping.

While waiting for the connection, Chen Fang felt a sense of guilt in her heart, but was quickly suppressed.

Chen Fang felt that it was not good to do so, but she just couldn't control it!

The spiritual meal made by Jiang Ming is really delicious!

If you don't take advantage of this opportunity to collect more Xia Guobi, how can you have such a good opportunity next time?

And Chen Fang believes that with Liang Ping's ability, he can definitely handle the inflation problem well.

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