I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 115: The Red Gate appears (5)

Immediately, Long Shiyun dialed the number of the Demon Capital Headquarters.

Be sure to let the Demon Capital Headquarters thoroughly investigate the Red Gate.

Do this secret experiment under the official eyelids?

Isn't this looking for death?

At the same time, Long Shiyun also reported the incident to the "upper level."

Yes, as Ye Chu quietly said to Long Shiyun last time.

Although Long Shiyun is the supreme leader on the surface.

But in fact, he is just a puppet.

The real leaders are just manipulating Long Shiyun to convey their own orders.

Not only that.

Li Di, who was acquitted and released, also saw this picture.

Last time Ye Chu killed Li Yun and his son.

Li Di was also caught for review.

But after some review, there is no substantive evidence.

So Li Di was released.

But Li Di also lost his position as the person in charge of the human-shen experiment.

And this position is now held by Du Bingniang.

Because Du Bingniang participated in the rescue plan after all.

This credit is enough for her to hold this position.

At this moment, Li Di is just a little girl with no real power.

She knew she had no future in staying here.

To get revenge, Li Di must leave.

Think carefully.

Li Di guessed from this incident that Ye Chu had already torn his face with the people at Red Door.

But what organization is Red Gate?

Even if it is the headquarters of the Demon Capital, it must give some face.

So Li Di thought that the only chance was to join Red Gate.

Thinking of this, Li Di packed up his bags and left the Yanjing headquarters.

More than that, even the super-evolved organization has set its sights on the low-key Red Door.

Suddenly, the Red Gate appeared in the vision of all organizations.

At this time, Red Gate immediately launched a high-level meeting.

Xiang Lei Xiao looked sullenly at the hundreds of senior leaders sitting on the long table.

"Who is in charge of Yulin City this time?"


The scene was silent.

Not long after, a weak voice sounded.

"This matter is that Yuan Zhongcheng is in charge. He is running for elders recently, so everyone is very diligent!"

Said a hall master who had a competitive relationship with Yuan Zhongcheng.

"Who is in charge of satellite information?"

Xiang Lei Xiao's eyes swept across the audience.

Suddenly, everyone lowered their heads.

After a while, I saw a little fat man wearing glasses and slowly raised his hand.

"What's your explanation for the video that appears on everyone's computer?"


The little fat man said with an embarrassed expression.

"I don't know too well. When the accident happened, I checked it out, but there was nothing wrong with our satellite?"

"Then others are better than you?"

Xiang Lei Xiao asked coldly.


Little Fatty really couldn't explain it, but the next moment, he only felt that his body began to change.

White hair appeared in the blink of an eye, and the body squatted down unconsciously.

In the end, it was difficult to breathe and became a dying old man.

"Cough cough cough!"

The little fat man gave the last hard cough.


I'm so old!

At this young age, Xiang Leixiao, who became the supreme leader of the Red Sect, had become the leader.

It can directly speed up people's lives and die of old age in an instant.

This terrifying ability scared everyone on the scene.

No one made a sound when the little fat man died.

It seems that all this is what should happen.

Immediately, Xiang Lei Xiao asked again.

"Everyone thinks, how much can you believe in what this person named Ye Chu said?"

"It is impossible to destroy our base overnight!"

"I think it's possible. The other party even knows our secret base. I don't rule out this possibility!"

"The force of our base is guarded by dozens of Tier 6 evolutionists, who has that ability!"

"Unless it is an evolutionary above the eighth level and above the ninth level, otherwise, it is impossible!"


A group of people talked and expressed their opinions.

In the end, I can't tell why.

"How about this!"

At this moment, a young man with golden glasses who had been sitting beside Xiang Lei Xiao said.

"Let the base activate the first-level defense system and respond temporarily to prevent unexpected events. Our biggest problem right now is not this Ye Chu, but..."

The eyes of the young man hadn't finished speaking, he just heard the sound of footsteps outside.


The young man with golden glasses gave a wry smile, and then did it.

Afterwards, I saw the director of An Minsi of the Demon Capital General Base walking in with a gloomy expression.

"Xiang Leixiao, what did you do? Don't you want to get mixed up in the magic city!"

The head of the Modu Anmin Division is a strong man nearly two meters tall.

The reason why he can sit in this position is because he himself is a seventh-order evolutionary.

It is completely dependent on strength.

But the five big and three rough ones have no IQ at all, and they have always been played by Xiang Lei Xiao in applause.

"Director, this is just a problem with our internal technicians, what's wrong?"

Xiang Lei Xiao asked with a confused look.

From this point of view, there are countless undercover agents from other bases in this red door.

"The news from Yanjing Headquarters is coming. What do you want me to do? You tell me, are you going to do it alone?"

The director glared at Lei Xiao.

Suddenly, the scene fell into a strange atmosphere.


Suddenly, Xiang Lei Xiao laughed.

"Unexpectedly, everyone knows it now. I thought I could keep a low profile for a while. It seems that the plan is going ahead!"

After speaking, I sighed to Lei Xiao.

"There is nothing to explain, things are just as you imagine!"

"Made, I know that your kid is plotting bad luck, come here, get me arrested everyone here!"

The director gave an order, and everyone rushed up.

But at this moment, in the darkness behind Xiang Lei Xiao, a pair of blood-red eyes suddenly appeared.

These people all wear black masks and only show a pair of red eyes.

Seeing this, even if the director was stupid, he understood what was going on.

"These are all zombies you researched out?"

"you know too much!"

Xiang Lei Xiao said with a gloomy expression.

After speaking, only a cold light flashed.

At this moment, a skinny man in night clothes suddenly stood at the long table meeting.

The next moment, the head of the seventh-order director rolled directly onto the conference table.

"Clean up, let's go back to the base!"

After speaking, Xiang Lei Xiao turned and left.

From this moment on, the Red Gate completely appeared in front of everyone.


Time passed by every minute.

The golden eagle sent by Ye Chu to Jiangyan city now carries a camera around its neck.

The camera completely transmitted the situation there to Ye Chu's mind in Yulin City.

"It seems that the other party really doesn't believe that I have this strength!"

Ye Chu spread his hands, then sighed.

"If this is the case, then 200,000 energy points, teach you a lesson!"

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