I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 118: Black Golden Bone Bull (8)

As the cloning continues.

The four materials are wrapped in energy, and finally merge into one.

Finally, when the machine stopped, Ye Chu walked over with expectation.

What Ye Chu wants to clone this time is a super monster that integrates three combat powers: land, sea and air.


The clone compartment opens.

A burst of white gas emerged.

After the white air, I saw a bone cow that was five or six meters long and walked out slowly.

Seeing the appearance of this bone cow, Ye Chu's eyes suddenly lit up.

I saw the bones all over the cow's body, showing a kind of black with golden reflection light.

And on the back of the cow, there is a pair of black bone wings that are more than four meters long.

A pair of horns is bent and raised, about sixty to seventy centimeters long.

The most important thing is that the position of its ears has an extra piece of black, steel-like gills.

Ye Chu touched it curiously.

It was discovered that the gills of the fish were also wrapped in void black gold, which was very strong.

After looking at it, the black bone cow's information appeared in his mind.

Void Black Golden Bone Bull: First-Order Lower

Abilities: Flying into the sky, entering the water, traveling on land, collision, black gold defense, swallowing nothingness

Although it is only a low-level one, the Black Golden Bone Bull has six skills.

The others are good to understand, the last one, Devouring Nothingness, made Ye Chu puzzled.

After looking at it, Ye Chu couldn't help laughing.

Devouring Void: [The Black Golden Bone Bull inherits the characteristics of Void Black Gold and can swallow other species to improve its strength]

Seeing this, Ye Chu immediately walked out with the black golden bone bull.

The appearance of this behemoth immediately attracted the attention of other people on the base.

"Boss, have you developed any weird things?"

"What kind of monster is this, it looks so domineering!"

"Isn't it like the last time I was shot and killed!"


Suddenly everyone laughed.

This is Ye Chu's base.

All people live in harmony.


Ye Chu patted the black golden bone cow, and then jumped up.

"This is baby!"

Immediately, Ye Chu patted the black golden bone cow.

I saw the bone wings flashing behind him, and the limbs of the black golden bone cow began to move forward.

Walking, walking, and then slowly flying into the sky.

"I don't know how powerful you are in the sky!"

Thinking of this, Ye Chu flew away on a black golden bone bull.

After a short while, he came to the Wild Pigeon Mountain, fifty miles away from Yulin City.

This used to be a place where pigeons were stocked.

But then after the disease.

Everything here has mutated.

Thousands of pigeons have stayed here because of their previous characteristics.

But due to the mutation, they became more ferocious.

And they are still social animals.

Whenever you encounter an enemy, you will rush forward.

Experienced the last virus mist.

The mutant pigeons here have evolved to the third order.

Charge up together, even Tier 4 mutant beasts will be eaten.

After Ye Chu came here, he immediately spread his wings and watched from a distance.

"Go! Let me see how good you are!"

It was only a Tier 1 black golden bone bull, Ye Chu let it face so many Tier 3 mutant pigeons.

This is a bit of a catch to the sky.

However, when the Black Golden Bone Bull saw the mutant pigeons, he didn't even have a trace of fear, so he directly shaved his limbs, and at the same time, the bones and wings behind him stirred and rushed towards the mutant pigeons.

The golden-bone bull in the black, like a wolf entering a flock.

The sharp black horns directly topped a large swarm of mutant pigeons.

At the same time, other mutant pigeons all used sharp beaks to bite the black golden bone bull.

But because the black gold bone bull has nothingness black gold on its body.

These mutant pigeons did not cause any harm to the black golden bone cow.

Later, I saw a big mouth of the black golden bone cow.

A huge suction force came from the mouth.

Suddenly, dozens of pigeons around were sucked into the stomach.

After devouring the pigeon.

When Ye Chu saw the black golden bone cow, a black light flashed across it.

After looking at it, Ye Chu found that the Black Golden Bone Bull had actually been promoted to the second rank.

"Is this the swallow of nothingness?"

Ye Chu was immediately happy.

This greatly saved Ye Chuti and the others using energy to upgrade.

"Look at the two, in the future, to clone monsters, you must add a little bit of void black gold, so that they have the ability to swallow, so you don't have to upgrade yourself!"

All morning, Ye Chu was here to help the Black Golden Bone Bull improve its strength.

Knowing that at noon, Ye Chu received a call.

"Chief, a pair of people came from outside the city. I don't think they look like good people, but they say they want to do business!"

When Zhuge Yi called, Ye Chu frowned, then rode back on the black golden bone bull.

But when Ye Chu went back, he discovered that this group of people turned out to be members of the super-evolved organization.

"You are the famous Boss Ye!"

Below the city wall, one kilometer away, the group of people drove and opened the car and shouted outside.

Because of the far distance, Ye Chu did not succeed in viewing the other party's information.

But the other party generously reported himself.

"Hello, Boss Ye, my name is Qian Yuan, the money of money, one yuan and two yuan yuan, I am a member of the super-evolved organization, I am here today, it is the order of the Feng organization, to do a business with you! "

Hearing the super-evolved organization, Ye Chu couldn't help making a gesture to make everyone vigilant.

"Don't get me wrong, Mr. Ye, I heard that Mr. Ye is in business, not like other bases, participating in hegemony. The reason why I dare to come today is to believe that Mr. Ye has his own business integrity!"

Seeing Ye Chu ignored it.

Qian Yuan continued.

"I know that you and our organization have a lot of unpleasantness, but today, I am here to do business. If I have money, don't you make money?"

"Besides, don't worry, I'm only here to buy a batch of living supplies, I'm not here to buy weapons!"

Hearing this, Ye Chu put away the trap outside, and then let these people lean over.

After approaching, Ye Chu found that these people were indeed organized by super-evolutionaries, and they were all second-order evolvers, which was nothing to worry about.

It seems that the other party is also using this, wanting Ye Chu to put down his vigilance.

"This is our shopping list. Please also ask Mr. Ye to check it out!"

What Ye Chu couldn't think of was that the materials that the other party needed were extremely large.

The total transaction amount has reached an energy value of 3 million.

A full 30,000 crystal coins.

"Boss Ye, if you still feel uneasy, I can first hand over the crystal coins to you, and then you will load the goods for me. After the goods are loaded, you open them and we leave by ourselves!

Qian Yuan said sincerely.

"Aren't you afraid that I would swallow crystal coins and not give you anything?"

Ye Chu asked with a sneer.


Who knows, Qian Yuan actually laughed.

"I, Qian Yuan, have been in business for a lifetime, and I have never looked away. You are a person of integrity!"

"Very well, if you simply need these things, I can give them to you!"

Immediately, Ye Chu handed the order to his subordinates.

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