I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 123: Changbai Mountain alien animal group (5)

Seeing this, Ye Chu dived down to the ground at a very fast speed.

At the same time, a huge movement attracts the attention below.


Ye Chu rode a black golden bone bull.

When approaching the ground, it directly launched a collision, and the huge black golden bone smashed a deep hole directly on the ground.

The smoke cleared, Ye Chu turned over from the black golden bone cow and walked down.


Ye Chu hurriedly rushed over, and then picked up the dying catastrophe.

"Sorry, I am late!"

Immediately, Ye Chu used his energy to prepare to heal the wounds.

But at this moment, I saw the law enforcement officers of the Northeast General Base directly treating Ye Chu as an enemy.

"who are you?"

The captain of the opposing team asked.

"It depends on the owner to beat the dog. Who do you think I am?"

Ye Chu remained unmoved and continued to heal his wounds.


But at this moment, I saw the other party coldly snort.

Immediately stepped on the ground.

Suddenly, a crack appeared in the entire ground, spreading to Ye Chu's side.

A huge crack appeared, but when it came to Ye Chu, it suddenly stopped.

Although Ye Chu used the earth element control to block it, it also interrupted Wodou's healing.

"You said you are its owner? So it seems that you are also a running dog of the mutant beast!"

The other party snorted coldly, and immediately five hundred people dispersed and surrounded Ye Chu.

"The running dog of the mutant beast?"

Ye Chu didn't know why, but he ignored it.

"I'm the master of misfortune, I want to take it away, don't you have any opinions?"

"You can go, but this mutant beast has to stay!"

The leader of the other party didn't let go, and the big knife in his hand was already in his hand.

"Then there is no discussion?"

Ye Chu picked up the misfortune and put it on the black golden bone bull.

Patting the cow's back, Ye Chu signaled the black golden bone cow to take care of the misfortune, and then slowly walked over.

"My dog, I want to take it away, any comments?"

With that, Ye Chu took a photo with his right hand.

The powerful mental power swept out and directly captured the captain.

As if being strangled by the invisible hand, the captain's legs immediately began to kick in mid-air.


Immediately, Ye Chu directly threw it to the ground.

"Cough cough cough~"

The captain coughed violently and looked at Ye Chu with horror.

"We are members of the law enforcement team of the Northeast General Base. This dog is suspected of joining the Changbai Mountain mutant animal group. It has caused a serious threat to our Northeast General Base. You can kill me, but today this dog must die! "

"Mutated Beast Clan?"

Ye Chu walked over, then touched Mioudou's head and asked.

"Did you join any ethnic group?"

Saw Modou sobbed.

Apparently, something happened.

Then, Ye Chu turned around and said firmly.

"I don't care about things in the Northeast!"

"Then I can only be sorry!"

The other party gave an order, and the five hundred law enforcement team immediately surrounded them.

At this moment, only a sound of breaking through the sky sounded from behind.

Ye Chu suddenly looked back.

I saw a white-haired man breaking through the air.

The snow-white wings behind him instantly gathered, and then came to Ye Chu's face.

"Boy, you have a seed!"

The white-haired young man was a little admired, but also a little contemptuous.

It was a look that looked down from the bones.


The captain of the law enforcement team suddenly retreated in horror.

Immediately, I saw this young man called Xuewu directly embracing the misfortune.

"Boy, you don't deserve to be his master. Today's affairs, today's end, I have taken the black dog away. He belongs to this vast forest behind me!"

As he said, Xuewu jumped.

The snow-white wings suddenly opened, and then the whole person turned into a huge white giant bird and flew away.

"Return my misfortune!"

Ye Chu roared.

The eagle wings behind him also opened instantly, chasing Xuewu.

"Misunderstanding? Good name?"

Xuewu looked down at Midou.

"You call misfortune, right? Follow me to follow in the footsteps of the king of alien beasts, you are not a human being!"

After speaking, Xuewu turned his head and took a look.

In an instant, Xuewu fluttered his wings several times.

Dozens of white feathers fell off from his body and shot at Ye Chu like a sharp sword.

Ding Ding Ding!

All the feathers hit Ye Chu's body.

Although there is a nihilistic black gold body.

But the powerful force directly flew Ye Chu back.


Ye Chu let out the last shout.

I saw Midou struggled to turn his head, and then opened his mouth.

"Master, I will come back to find you!"

Misfight, even vomiting.

Ye Chu looked at the disappearing misfortune in an incredible way.

In the end, it crashed to the ground.

Ye Chu was directly smashed into a deep pit.

After a long time, Ye Chu slowly stood up from the pit.

At this time, members of the other law enforcement team immediately surrounded.

Seeing these people, Ye Chu asked gloomily.

"Who is that Xuewu?"

"Your kid is really dead!"

The captain of the law enforcement team sneered.

"That is a seventh-order mutant beast, and I don't know what kind of bird it is. It once slaughtered an entire personal base around here with its own power!"

Ye Chu couldn't help being shocked secretly.

The sudden change in this world is beyond imagination.

The super-evolved organization, the Red Gate, and the major headquarters that seem to maintain law and order.

Now a different animal race emerged.

"Have you heard of the Changbai Mountain Tianchi Water Monster before?"

The captain of the law enforcement team explained.

"After the virus mutation, the legendary Changbai Mountain Tianchi water monster has also evolved, because this monster has existed for too long, and it has long been thinking, and in the first time, the entire Changbai Mountain range was notified!"

Ye Chu asked incredulously.

"The alien beasts unite? Isn't the human being over?"

"So, the biggest problem on our Northeast Base is not the zombies, but the mutant beasts of Changbai Mountain. Fortunately, they don't come out often, so they stay inside!"

After some understanding, Ye Chu finally understood the distribution of the situation here.

"By the way, my name is Tong Lin, what is your name?"

The captain of the law enforcement team said.

The cause of the incident is misfortune.

Tong Lin said that they had noticed that Xuewu had contact with Midou before.

So I have been fighting with misfortune.

The reason why Midou slaughtered an entire base.

It's entirely because of a personal base, out of selfish intentions, wanting to kill Midoudou.

So Midou had to resist.

It was precisely because of this battle that Xuewu noticed the misfortune.

"It looks like Midou was taken back as a talent for training!"

Since Midou is not life-threatening, Ye Chu is naturally relieved.

"Go, go to our base to sit down?"

Tong Lin sent an invitation.

Ye Chu didn't decline either, so he followed.

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