I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 131: Create a magnetic monster (5)

"Your brother is actually an evolutionary, and his ability should be the ability to copy others. At that time, your brother copied my ability. After being infected, this ability has been retained. Now your brother is infected. , But they control hundreds of thousands of zombies..."

Upon hearing this, Chen Yiyi said in disbelief.

"How is this possible!"

Ye Chu knew that Chen Yiyi would not believe it.

Immediately, Ye Chu played the video to Chen Yiyi to watch.

"Sister... Ye Chu..."

Chen Yiyi also saw Chen Nuo's spoken language.

Immediately, Chen Yiyi said excitedly.

"Look, did you see that? My brother still remembers me and your name, he can definitely recover, right!"

Seeing Chen Yiyi's excited and hopeful expression, Ye Chu nodded firmly.

Although I don't know if there is a way.

However, Ye Chu did not want to disappoint Chen Yiyi.

"Don't worry, your brother is gone, from now on, I will be your brother!"

Ye Chu stretched out his hand and touched Chen Yiyi's hair affectionately.

Chen Yiyi endured crying and threw his head into Ye Chu's arms.

After a while, Chen Yiyi suddenly raised his head.

Then said stubbornly.

"I have a brother, I don't want you to be my brother, you will always be you, the hero in my mind!"

After speaking, Chen Yiyi blushed and ran out.

"What do you mean?"

Ye Chu didn't know, so he looked at Zhang Meiyu with a confused look.


Zhang Meiyu suddenly laughed.

"It's not because you are too beautiful, even Xiao Yiyi is fascinated by you!"

"Hey, what about you? Are you fascinated?"

Ye Chu smirked, then lifted the quilt straight away.


Zhang Meiyu exclaimed.

"Let me feel it, the real fascination!"

With that, Ye Chu rushed forward again.

When Ye Chu woke up the next day, Zhang Meiyu was no longer around.

Immediately, Ye Chu got up quickly.

After washing, Ye Chu used the branch management authority.

Go straight back to the main store in Yulin City.

Hearing that the pigeon army is back, Ye Chu wants to see what happened along the way.

According to the feedback from the Northeast Headquarters.

After the goods arrived this time, it was reduced by about one tenth.

Ye Chu guessed that it was possible that the pigeon army encountered danger on the road.

That's why a part of it was lost.

However, Ye Chu had been prepared for such a situation.

In the pigeon army, Ye Chu arranged several pigeons dedicated to camera shooting.

These pigeons do not carry any goods.

He was pressed in several directions by Ye Chu.

Now, these pigeons are all back because they are not carrying anything.

Remove all the cameras of these pigeons.

Ye Chu played all the pictures inside.

It was very smooth at the beginning, very smooth in the middle, and very smooth in the end.


Ye Chu suddenly opened his eyes.

Isn't it all right?

Why is it missing by ten?

I watched the camera from start to finish again.

Ye Chu suddenly noticed a detail.

That is the process of the pigeon flying at high altitude.

All the pigeons reacted violently.

This reaction caused their flight speed to drop by more than ten meters.

Later, it returned to normal.

But it was this brief reaction and decline.

Ye Chu found that the pigeon flock had decreased.

It was reduced by about one-tenth.

"What is this place?"

Ye Chu immediately sat up straight, and then adjusted the surveillance video back.

After repeated calculations, Ye Chu finally found the place.

"It looks like this should be... Wutai Mountain?"

Flock of pigeons flying straight.

Just passing by Wutai Mountain.

The pigeons that disappeared should be above Wutai Mountain.

"Mount Wutai..."

Ye Chu pondered for a long time.

Immediately, the satellite invaded the major satellites.

Ye Chu saw that Wutai Mountain was a holy place for Buddhism.

After the virus broke out here, there was no protection from the virus disaster.

But under the powerful zombies.

Wutaishan admitted one thing to everyone.

That is the identity of their ancient warrior.

The world martial arts comes from Shaolin.

The same as Buddhism, the prestige of Mount Wutai is no longer under Shaolin Temple.

Especially after the end of the world, they took Gu Wu to the extreme.

In other evolutionaries, they are grabbing resources and opening bases.

Wutai Mountain has begun to live in seclusion, not asking about world affairs.

This relieved many personal bases around.

"Could it be that there is still a parallel space inside Wutai Mountain?"

Judging from the disappearance of the pigeons.

There should be a parallel world here, or a space crack has appeared.

"It seems that in this world, there are still many things invisible on the surface!"

Ye Chu thought secretly.

Wutai Mountain, it seems we have to find a chance to see it.

Going straight to the cloning laboratory, Ye Chu opened the "Monster Illustrated Book" again.

The strength of Xie Tingfeng was enough to prove during this transportation.

What Ye Chu needs now is a base guard and expedition vanguard.

Human evolvers and ancient warriors are just mobile teams.

This kind of synthetic monster is also needed to truly exert strength.

Open the "Monster Illustrated Book".

Ye Chu began to select suitable synthetic monsters.

But at this moment, Ye Chu discovered a special mechanical synthesis monster.

This is a monster that combines machinery and mutant beasts.

Its power source is to rely on the crystal nucleus.

"Magnetic monster? This is really interesting!"

Look at the materials needed by the magnetic monster.

Ye Chu saw that the raw material of the magnetic monster was a combination of the neodymium iron boron magnet, which is known as the strongest magnet, and the mutated golden monkey skull.

There are only two materials, but they are quite rare.

But according to the description of the monster illustration above.

If it can be synthesized.

It will become a magnetic monster that can be combined separately.

And the power is great.

The magnetic monster is composed of head, body, and limbs.

And each section is a rectangular parallelepiped about one meter long.

"This thing is interesting!"

Ye Chu became more interested.

So he took out the phone and dialed out.

After a while, Xiao Huo picked it up over there.

"Xiao Huo, please help me ask. I need two materials, one is neodymium iron boron magnet, and six golden monkey heads!"

"OK, no problem!"

Xiao Huo agreed without hesitation.

Not long after, Xiao Huo called.

There are neodymium iron boron magnets, but the number of heads of this golden monkey is not enough.

"There are five in total here, one short!"

Xiao Huo said embarrassedly.


Ye Chu couldn't help hesitating for a while.

"I just don't know if I can use other mutant beast heads instead!"

Shown in the picture book.

A magnetic monster made from the head of a golden monkey.

It is possible to learn skills.

But if you replace it with other heads, the effect is unknown.

"It doesn't matter, then you send the materials to my branch first. As for the number of crystal coins, I will ask someone to give it to you directly!"

After hanging up, Ye Chu left the laboratory.

Then go directly to the branch.

After getting all the materials.

Ye Chu returned to the laboratory again.

"Without the head of the golden monkey, do you know how to use the head of a zombie?"

This thought made Ye Chu also startled.

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