I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 160: Silly boy, i'm your grandpa

Ye Chu learned fine this time, so he used the system to check information from afar.

This look surprised Ye Chu.

Devourer: Tier 5 lower

Gender: male + female

Ability: Infection, swallowing, evolution, you will be over if you see me

Weaknesses: A female zombie that swallowed a man, cute, with a trace of domineering, and with a trace of domineering.

Ye Chu was speechless.

This guy actually has an extra conspicuous gender.

And it's still male + female.

But after seeing the weakness, Ye Chu was relieved immediately.

It turned out to have swallowed a man, so some characteristics of a man have evolved.

such as……


The zombie slowly turned around.

Such as that **** scumbag.

Although there is an abyss on his chest, they are all chest hair.

Also, what made Ye Chu even more speechless.

This guy has one more skill than the previous zombie.

It's called "Look, if I pierce it, you will be finished!"

The ability of this skill should be based on the ability of the nurse to give people injections and infusions.

Looking at this funny guy, if Ye Chu didn't punch him a few times, I couldn't help but feel the nausea in his heart.

"Little brother~"

Ye Chu's goose bumps all got up.

This zombie even vomited.

"I will pierce it very gently!"


Ye Chuzai couldn't help it anymore.

"One library!"

At a distance of five meters, Ye Chu sprinted for a short time, and kicked it with one jo.


The zombie was kicked out by Ye Chu for more than ten meters, and hit the wall at the end of the corridor.

Finally solved the disgusting guy in front of him, Ye Chu clapped his hands and continued to walk inside.

At this moment, Ye Chu suddenly saw a pennant hanging on the wall in the outpatient department.

It says "excellent medical skills, spiritual angel".

The following is written "Donor: Wei Shengjin".

The remarks are: c city mental hospital.

"My Cao! This is a mental hospital!"

Ye Chu was speechless.

No wonder the zombies here are so unique.

When he came to the end of the corridor, Ye Chu was about to go upstairs to have a look.

"Huh! Little brother~!"

The zombie looked at Ye Chu and made a sound that made people goose bumps all over.

"Let me pierce it, I promise it will be very gentle~"

"I go, I go, I go!"

Ye Chu slapped the face full of beard and nose hair and kicked three feet directly.

Looking at the footprints on the zombie's face, Ye Chu made a sound.

"He! Tui!"

After walking upstairs, Ye Chu found that there were no zombies on the second floor.

"Calabash baby, Calabash baby! Seven flowers on a vine!"

At this moment, at the top of the stairs on the third floor, the voice of a gourd baby cartoon came.

Ye Chu immediately dispersed his spiritual power.

Under the envelope of mental power, Ye Chu saw a patient in a hospital gown sitting in an office at the end of the third floor, watching cartoons quietly.

"There is still electricity?"

Ye Chu feels the difference.

Unexpectedly, the power supply system of city c has not been cut off.

Cautiously walked up.

Ye Chu slowly approached the last office.

The last office seemed to be the original dean's office.

Gently map to open the door.


Unexpectedly, this door made a harsh sound because of the time.

But the person inside, as if hearing nothing, continued to sit on the sofa and watch the cartoon.

Cautiously walked over, Ye Chu looked at the animation, there was a fire baby spraying water.


At this moment, Ye Chu suddenly saw the man sitting on the sofa and jumped up.

Then spit out a mouthful of water at Ye Chu.

The smelly liquid filled Ye Chu's mouth and nose.

Immediately afterwards, there was a loud laughter in front of him.

"Haha~ I am Shuiwa, you are drowned by me!"

Ye Chu wiped everything off his face, and then looked at it.

I saw...

"Is this Nima still a human?"

I saw this person, who looked like a child, but he was a dwarf.

It's about 1.5 meters tall, with a hint of obesity.

Wearing a poorly fitted hospital gown, he stood on the sofa and laughed at Ye Chu haha.

What's more terrifying is that one of his eyes has disappeared, revealing hollow eyes.

The mouth is also wide open, dissatisfied with the dense teeth.

A tongue about thirty centimeters long stretched out like a dog.

And the water just now came out of the tongue.

At the top of the tongue, there is even a small mouth.

The small mouth is covered with tiny teeth, and liquid comes out of it from time to time.

But at this moment, Ye Chu suddenly felt a scorching sensation on his face.

I was spit on my face just now by this liquid.

The heat was unbearable at this moment, and there was pain.


At this moment, a drop of liquid dripped from his face.


Suddenly, a big hole was corroded by this drop of liquid on the ground.

"What a terrifying ability to corrode!"

Ye Chu was shocked immediately.

If it hadn't been for cultivating iron cloth shirts by himself, I am afraid that he would have been disfigured at this moment.

Immediately use energy to remove corrosive liquids and repair facial scars.

Not long after, Ye Chubian recovered as before.

Seeing that Ye Chu was fine.

The dwarf was stunned in place.

"Huh? Big brother, why are you all right!"

Ye Chu looked at the dwarf incredulously.

Unexpectedly, this zombie dwarf could actually communicate with humans normally.

"Silly boy, I'm your grandpa!"

Ye Chu pretended to be calm and said.

From the words just now, Ye Chu can guess that the IQ of this dwarf zombie is not very high.


The dwarf zombies were taken aback for a moment, and then immediately leaped over with joy.

"Grandpa, grandpa, great, grandpa you were finally rescued!"

"Good boy! Fortunately your third brother taught me steel and iron bones, otherwise I will be drowned by you!"

Ye Chu felt the dwarf zombies rubbing back and forth in his arms, and his hair was suddenly terrified.

"What about the other brothers and brothers?"

After a while, the dwarf zombie raised his head and asked.

Seeing this, Ye Chudun said sadly.

"Your brothers and brothers, were taken away by that nasty fairy!"


I saw the dwarf zombie take a step back, and then jumped onto the TV behind.

"Grandpa, let's save my brother and brothers!"

Things have developed here.

Ye Chu had an extra grandson for no reason.

If this doesn't continue to flicker, this guy must use that disgusting liquid to vomit himself.

Moreover, this liquid is extremely corrosive and powerful.

If it is applied well, it may have miraculous effects.

"it is good!"

Ye Chu nodded, and then walked downstairs with the dwarf zombies.

However, when Ye Chu arrived on the first floor, he found that the two-chair zombie had disappeared.

Ignoring the second chair, Ye Chu walked outside with the dwarf zombies.

Taking this opportunity, Ye Chu finally saw the information of this dwarf zombie.

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