I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 164: Monk and girl

Hearing the sound of the helicopter, all the students cheered for it.

But the next moment, what disappointed them was that those who came in were not here to save them at all.


The door was smashed open.

I saw two men in black special combat uniforms walking in with guns.

"Another one succeeded, take it away!"

The words of these people are full of information.

Immediately, the two took guns at all the students.

"Honestly, as long as you follow us obediently, the students here, I will let them go back immediately!"

One of them said viciously.

"What you said is true?"

Ren Langtao asked suspiciously.


The man nodded and agreed.

"Okay! I'll go with you!"

With that, Ren Taolang walked forward.

"Send them back!"

The man ordered.

Immediately, only one person walked over, and then took the weapon in his hand and aimed at these people.


Only heard a heavy emission.

The whole house suddenly exploded.

No one is spared.


An explosion is heard behind.

Ren Taolang suddenly roared, and then rushed to the person next to him.


But the next moment, I saw a person next to him holding a gun at Ren Taolang.

An electric bomb was launched.

Zi Zi Zi~

Ren Taolang was electrocuted directly, and then fainted.

Taking away Ren Taolang smoothly, the helicopter flew away slowly.

Ye Chu witnessed all this.

Judging from the way they act, it is definitely a super-evolved organization.

Only they can be so unscrupulous.

But from the conversation just now, Ye Chu learned very little.

"What do you mean by grabbing another one?"

Ye Chu frowned.

"Could it be that there are still many wolves like this Ren Tao, who have maintained their current wisdom after becoming Devourers?"

Follow the helicopter all the way forward from the ground.

Ye Chu saw the helicopter parked on the top floor of the Municipal People's Hospital.

"Could it be that this is the base of the super-evolved organization?"

Ye Chu thought secretly.

The scale of the Municipal People's Hospital is very large.

There are several buildings over twenty stories.

If they all stay on the top floor.

Ye Chu did not see the top from below.

"No wonder I couldn't find a figure a few times before, because they were all here?"

Ye Chu thought secretly.

But at this moment, Ye Chu suddenly noticed something.

That is, the dwarf zombies did not come with him.


Ye Chu patted his forehead.

There were three other students out looking for things just now.

If this is seen by dwarf zombies, it won't be eaten by two bites.

Ye Chu just couldn't save those people.

But for these three people, Ye Chu had a way.

After rushing back to the place just now.

Ye Chu just happened to be slowly walking over to the three students who came back.


Ye Chu shouted in his heart.

But just when Ye Chu was about to go out and stop.

Only a sound of breaking through the air came from a distance.

Immediately afterwards, the dwarf zombie was knocked out and smashed into the house severely.

Ye Chu followed in shock.

I saw a monk with a bare head and a girl with a bow and arrow coming slowly.

In today's society, there are still people who use bows and arrows, which shows that the power of this bow and arrow is much greater than that of a firearm.

"Huh? Wait, isn't this the energy bow I sold?"

Ye Chu looked at the familiar bow and arrow and immediately thought of the energy bow and arrow in his alien science and technology park.

This bow and arrow have no bowstrings and no arrows.

You only need to mount the crystal core and pull it gently to send out an arrow of energy.



At this moment, two tasting tentacles shot out from the ruins.

These two tentacles are the two tongues of the dwarf zombie.

The strong tongue shot at the girl who closed and held the bow and arrow respectively.


I saw that the girl immediately installed a red crystal core.

This should be a core of fire attribute.

As the arrow takes shape, it shoots straight out.

Because it is the nucleus of fire properties.

This arrow has become a special burst arrow.

A tongue of the dwarf zombie was directly beaten back.

On the other side, another tongue shot accurately into the monk's chest.

But what is shocking is that the tongue can penetrate the wall, but not the monk's chest.

"Iron cloth shirt?"

Ye Chu said in surprise.

"It seems that this person is from the Shaolin Temple with the Eight Classics!"

After the mutation, some of these ancient warriors also evolved.

Although the virus is infected, it is a powerful energy.

In the air originally used for cultivation, the rich aura is extremely scarce.

And now, this virus is rich in huge energy.

This made the strength of their ancient martial arts practitioners unprecedentedly strengthened.

Just this horizontal exercise.

In peacetime, he would perform at most a steel spear stabbing his throat.

But now it's different.

I saw a hint of golden luster on the monk's skin.

This is the appearance of the combination of iron cloth shirt and golden bell.

This gave them a qualitative leap in their horizontal training.


The tentacle shrank back abruptly.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Chu heard an excited shout.

This is from the dwarf zombie.

"Grandpa, grandpa~"

Ye Chu was speechless.

Because this guy actually looked at where he was hiding.

"Haha, wonderful word, this guy called you grandpa, you made a lot of money!"

The girl holding the energy bow next to her suddenly covered her mouth and laughed.

But the monk didn't speak, but looked suspiciously in the direction that the dwarf zombie saw.

Ye Chu was motionless immediately.

Afterwards, the monk raised his brow and looked at the dwarf zombie solemnly.

"Grandpa, grandpa!"

The dwarf zombie shouted again.

"I saw the third brother, this is the third brother, look at me to save the third brother!"

With that, the whole body of the dwarf zombie rushed out of the ruins.

The speed is staggering.

In mid-air, the dwarf zombie opened its mouth, and its two tongues shot out again.

But this time is different from last time.

The dwarf zombie did not use the tongue as a hidden weapon.

But in mid-air, one tongue sprayed out flames, and one tongue sprayed out corrosive liquid.

Suddenly, the monk and the girl were shocked and backed away.

But even so, the girl's dress was still lit.

The monk's body was still stained with corrosive liquid.


Compared with Ye Chu's horizontal training, the monk's horizontal training is still a bit inferior.

I saw a puff of white smoke.

The monk suddenly frowned in pain.


One trick worked.

The two tongues shot out like tentacles.

"Hurry up!"

The monk quickly pushed the girl next to him.

I saw a tongue pierced directly through the ground.

The girl hid away.

But the monk did not escape.

There is a small mouth on the tongue, which is full of fangs.

At the same time, the tongue itself is like a spear.

It pierced the monk's calf fiercely.

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