I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 166: The storm is early

However, after the young man in this suit left.

The cheongsam girl snorted coldly.

"Kill me? You are not qualified yet, thinking that we are the super-evolved three masters, suddenly accepting you red door, you are just outsiders!"

Thinking of this, the girl also walked out.

But before leaving, the girl sighed.

"I knew it, I wouldn't accept this task. It's better to stay with the young lady!"

The super-evolved organization has three masters.

They are the Ji family, the Qian family, and the Yun family.

But now, since the organization annexed the Red Gate.

Three doors become four doors.

Some of the benefits were all divided by the Red Gate.

Go to the laboratory on the next floor.

An atomizing machine is placed here.

This is exactly after the super-evolved organization snatched the potion from Du Bingniang.

They used the medicine for the first time in the form of a thick fog to make all zombies evolve.

Last time, Du Bingniang deceived Ye Chu.

It is said that the base of the ultra-evolved organization is all made of nihilistic black gold.

Ye Chu went to find out.

This precious black gold of nothingness.

Du Bingniang just destroyed one of their atomizers and got a little bit.

In this machine, it is the black gold of the void.

But this is alien metal.

The Superevolutionary Organization has this thing, and it must be related to Professor X.

In addition to the extremely placed here.

There is another heavily guarded room.

At this time, the door of the room opened wide.

There is a safe inside.

At this moment, the door of the safe was also opened, and an iron box was empty inside.

The box is empty.

"Find! Just dig the ground three feet, and find him for me!"

The young man in a suit roared.

Suddenly, the entire building began to look around.

On the other side, in the space where the Yanjing City team is located.

I also felt an extremely strong vibration.

Because it is a small space, their vibration is stronger.

At this time, a five-star hotel in a small space has all collapsed.

All the people inside came out.

Fortunately, there were no casualties.

Tens of thousands of survivors gathered here.

There are also dozens of evolutionaries in very different clothes.

Upon closer inspection, these people were all born of ancient warriors.

There are monks, Taoist priests, long swords, and purple gold hammers in the hands of the sky.

These people are the disappeared disciples of the ancient martial arts sect throughout China.

If Ye Chu saw this, he would immediately think of it.

No wonder there is no one in Wutai Mountain.

It turned out that they have all been incorporated by the government and become a secret team of the government.

"How long has this been since? How come the thief hasn't come back?"

At this time, an old white beard Taoist said worriedly.

"Yeah! It's been seven or eight days, hasn't Divine Thief Wuying still succeeded?"

Said another monk holding a treasure stick.

"Or, are we sending someone out to have a look?"

Those who spoke were the space experts in Yanjing City, Qin Lao and Qin Sisi.

"The zombies out there are evolving too quickly now, and the clever saying is that they died in the hands of a dwarf zombie!"

At this time, a girl carrying a bow and arrow said with red eyes.

"Even if it is sacrifice, we have to investigate the situation clearly!"

The old Taoist groaned.


The monk also nodded.

"Miaozhen, you go this time!"

As the old monk said, he set his sights on a middle-aged monk.

"Qingyun, you go with Master Miaozhen Nephew!"

The old Taoist also spoke.

A young man in Tsing Yi came out carrying a long sword.

The two are ready to go.

But just when they were ready to go out.

A figure entered from the entrance of the small space.

"Oh no!"

The man shouted.

"The people of the Ultra-Evolved Organization are dispatched..."

The man ran over panting.

"They know each other as if they ate mad dog meat, and they kill when they see people, and they kill when they see zombies, as if they are looking for something!"

The man took a breath and continued.

"I took an opportunity to seize one of their talents and knew that it was the last, most important, and most abundant virus potion in their Demon King's plan!"


Hearing this, everyone cheered suddenly.

If the medicine disappeared, it also meant that the thief had succeeded.

"Everyone, prepare for it. When the thief returns, we will leave here!"

The old Taoist said loudly to everyone.

But at this moment, Old Qin suddenly spoke.

"What about the remaining survivors?"

Suddenly, the scene was silent.

Except for the tens of thousands of survivors here.

There are nearly seven to eighty thousand survivors outside.

Couldn't they save it?

"Hey! The super-evolved organization is now crazy because of the disappearance of the potion. If we show up, they will definitely draw anger on us. Then..."

The old monk said embarrassedly.


The old Taoist also nodded.

"At that time, I am afraid that none of us here will be able to leave!"

Old Qin stopped talking.

It is useless for him to know what he is talking about.

These people will not risk their lives.

It was enough for Old Qin to act and do his duty well.


Old Qin looked at the gloomy sky.

"This is not the result I originally wanted!"

How many years have been in Yanjing City.

Qin honestly was disappointed with the current situation.


When looking for the super-evolved organization.

While the people of Long Shiyun were waiting.

Ye Chu was asleep at the moment.


But at this moment, a faint voice rang in the darkness.

Ye Chu was trembling with anger.

This guy is really lingering.

That elbow yesterday didn't even kill him.

In the darkness, Ye Chu saw a huge spider lying outside the window.

The long legs had evolved to more than three meters tall at this time.

Moreover, there are three more than yesterday.

Become a serious eight-legged spider man.

But none of the legs are similar to human legs.

More importantly, Du Nima is still wearing silk stockings on each leg.

"Brother, you open the window! Let me give you an injection, I promise it won't hurt!"

The nurse zombies danced with both hands outside the window.

Dancing with both hands, in one hand, he also held the big syringe that Ye Chu had seen from the beginning.

"I won't kill you today, so he will let you give me a shot!"

Ye Chu rushed up angrily.

However, just when Ye Chu opened the window.

The nurse zombie actually pierced Ye Chu with the big syringe in his hand.

"Little brother, good, it doesn't hurt! After the injection, your illness will be cured!"

The big syringe pierced Ye Chu quickly and accurately.

Ye Chugang was about to step back.

However, the two legs of the nurse zombies broke through the window.

It directly blocked Ye Chu's way.

"Don't give you anything real, you really treat me as..."


Ye Chugang was ready to do it.

But the speed of seeing the nurse zombies suddenly accelerated.

The big syringe plunged directly into the chest.

Even the iron cloth shirt did not block it.

At the moment when the needle was pierced, Ye Chu saw that this zombie nurse had evolved into a Tier 7 zombie.

Moreover, Ye Chu was still inside the nurse's uniform and saw a man's black dress.

The logo of Yanjing City is carved on the clothes.

And, under the logo, there is also the word "Shadow" written.

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