But Ye Chu didn't care. His goal was to go to the base in Jiangsu and Zhejiang to take a look at the transportation channels of their business alliance.

As for the things in their hands, it depends on whether they have taken it.

Not long after, the news of going to the base in Jiangsu and Zhejiang came to mind on the radio.

This is a fleet of three pickup trucks and two trailers.

The trailer is mainly filled with the scalpers who went to the base in Jiangsu and Zhejiang this time.

The pickup truck is mainly the **** of the team this time.

Their main role is to protect people and things on the trailer.

As for the cost, they set it according to the quantity of goods and the number of people.

Ye Chu received one second-order crystal nucleus alone and one sack.

Because the smallest currency is a crystal coin, a crystal core is chosen for the payment method lower than the crystal coin.

Shangmeng has its own pass.

After leaving the Jiangnan base, he was released after a simple inspection.

The car was driving on a wide road.

This is a national highway built before.

As for the vehicles on the road, they have been pushed to the sides and discarded at will.

There were occasional zombies wandering not far away, but the team ignored them.

If they encounter some rushing up, they will just kill them from a distance.

The road at the beginning was very safe, but after leaving the Jiangnan base a hundred miles away, the speed of the car gradually slowed down.

Because the previous roads have not been maintained in recent years, they are not easy to walk.

In addition, the zombies here are obviously hiding.

Occasionally, when passing through some villages, they will encounter collective attacks by groups of zombies.

However, they seem to take this route often, and get rid of the zombies very easily.

Never deal with zombies head-on.

Ye Chu couldn't help sighing: "Don't they have an evolutionary with soil attributes? Wouldn't it be enough to open an underground passage underground?"

But then, Ye Chu frowned suddenly.

No earth evolutionary?

How is this possible.


They also have special business alliance transportation channels.

And this channel is an underground channel with a higher safety factor.

"No wonder these fleets only accept personal transportation, it seems that the level is not enough!"

Ye Chu slowly released his mental power and began to feel it.

Sure enough, Ye Chu found a secret transportation channel about two hundred meters underground.

In the passage, there are occasional vehicles passing by, which is very lively.

Just when Ye Chu was about to take back his thought power, Ye Chu suddenly noticed that the four people in the pickup truck of the lead car were discussing something.

Putting Nian Li on the vehicle, Ye Chu began to eavesdrop.

"How about? Can you do this batch of goods?"

"There is nothing valuable in the car!"

"Doesn't that six-tier alien beast bone count?"

"How much is that worth?"

"A conservative estimate, more than one hundred crystal coins!"

"so much?"

"Then this must be done!"


After a few people communicated briefly, Ye Chu found that the convoy had departed from the main road and then drove to a small road.

It was already afternoon by this time, and the sky was getting dark, no one cared that the convoy had deviated from the original route.

"Let me go, does the business alliance still have this kind of operation?"

Ye Chu was secretly alarmed.

Listening to them, it seems to be a valuable thing.

If it is cheap, they will still deliver it safely.

This is why so many people still believe in them.

After all, accidents often happen on the road.

In addition, if there are really valuables.

Then these people will definitely not choose the most inferior business alliance team.

There are exclusive transportation channels for valuables within the business alliance.

It just requires high transportation costs.

Therefore, it is not that many of these people encounter a worthwhile opportunity.

As for what credibility?

What credibility do you say in this last days?

Soon the car drove to a small secluded village.

What is surprising is that there are no zombies in this village.

"We're leaving for half an hour!"

Shouted the man in the convoy.

"Don't worry, this is a resting place for our business alliance. It's safe!"

In order to reassure everyone, these people took out some food and water to eat.

But when Ye Chu saw this, he knew there was a problem with food and water.

Take the lead in bringing the food.

Ye Chu didn't eat, so he shouted.

"Ah! My stomach hurts, this thing is poisonous!"

Ye Chu's voice was loud, and all of them suddenly looked over.

They looked suspiciously at the food in their hands, and then at the people in the business alliance team.

Not long after, people from the business alliance ran over.

The leader of the team suddenly reprimanded in anger.

"What's the matter? How did the poison effect play so fast this time?"

"No! I still measured it as usual!"

The man said with an innocent look.

Hearing this, the others were so scared that they threw out all the food in their hands.

"Yes, you guys want to eat black!"

"Brothers, run away!"

"Why run? Fight with them!"

After all, it was still a bunch of loose sand.

After these people learned that the Shangmeng was going to eat black, they immediately picked up their things and ran out.

Some ran, some rushed up, and the scene was chaotic.

At this moment, Ye Chu was lying on the ground, watching this scene with great interest, and at the same time he took out the video equipment to record all the pictures just now.

Spiritual power spread out.

Ye Chu closed his eyes and began to kill invisibly.

I have to say that these people really survived the fight.

Dealing with scalpers who transport goods, there is no mercy.

It's like killing pigs and sheep, without frowning.

Da Da Da~

The machine gun fired continuously, and a large group of people fell.

Seeing this, Ye Chu's mental power was directly classified as a spike.

This person didn't even make a sound and went straight down.

Immediately afterwards, the people of the business alliance fell slowly one by one.

Seeing this scene, the others stopped and then began to fight back.

After a while, all of these were killed by the convoy.

I looked around, and soon someone recognized it.

It is not far from the base in Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

Afterwards, these people drove their cars and began to walk to the Jiangsu and Zhejiang base.

It was already past ten o'clock in the evening when we arrived at the base in Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

These people directly teamed up to the business alliance, wanting to ask for an explanation.

On the way, Ye Chu backed up the camera record and gave it to these people.

One person went to the business alliance, and some people went directly to the Min'an Division, wanting to let the Min'an Division preside over justice.

After these people entered the city, they were very powerful.

Not long after, news about the killing of customers by Shangmeng had spread throughout the bases in Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

And the planner behind this is Ye Chu.

This is the same as smashing things into the news media before.

As long as the matter is made big, then this matter will not be fooled casually.

Ye Chu guessed that if these people went to the business alliance like this.

Then it is also possible to be taken directly by the people of the business alliance and kill people.

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