Early the next morning, Li Juanjuan received news about Xu Fuqiang.

But Li Juanjuan, who already knew all of this, still hurried out of the city.

And just after they left the city, Xu Fuqiang's brother also followed.

Xu Fuqiang's brother is called Xu Minzhu.

Ye Chu didn't know if he had any brothers or sisters, or if there was someone named Xu Hexie.

But Xu Fuqiang also followed out of the city, and Ye Chu naturally followed out.

As the commander of the defense army of an official base, Xu Minzhu's strength has also reached the seventh rank.

According to the information Li Juanjuan said, this Xu Minzhu's ability seems to be a certain kind of control system ability, with many exotic animals and powerful zombies around him.

From this, we can see that Xu Minzhu's own strength is not very good, and the main attack method is to rely on the pets around him.

Lushan is located between the Jiangsu-Zhejiang base and the Jiangnan base.

If you connect the three points.

Can present a triangle.

When Li Juanjuan arrived at the intersection of Lushan and Jiangnan Base, Li Juanjuan rushed to Jiangnan Base without hesitation.

"Captain? Didn't the news say that it was in Lushan? Where are you going?"

I saw a super policeman behind him suddenly asked.


Li Juanjuan turned around and looked at the super police.

"How did you know the news? By the way, I never said this before!"


I saw this super police suddenly fell into embarrassment.

"You are Xu Fuqiang's person!"

Li Juanjuan asked with a sneer.

"Captain, what are you talking about? I heard the conversation between you and your subordinates this morning, so I got the news!"

The man quickly explained.

"Don't explain, Xu Fuqiang will follow, right? You go back and tell Xu Fuqiang that this matter is endless. Have you heard?"

With that said, Li Juanjuan drove the car and continued to walk forward.

But the next moment, Li Juanjuan's car was floating in the air.

"you guys……"

Li Juanjuan looked at the other people incredulously.

"You all betrayed Super Police?"

"Captain, give up, where is there any justice? Now that so many people die every day, do you sanction them? Forget it! Kill you, we are still super police, and we are super police protected by Commander Xu Minzhu , Following you, it's really shabby!"

Li Juanjuan looked at several super policemen who had sworn together, and suddenly fell into disappointment.

He didn't expect that several players around him were also bought by others.

If, without Ye Chu's appearance, would he have died here completely?

At this moment, Li Juanjuan began to doubt the justice in her heart.

"Is it really worth it?"

But after a while, Li Juanjuan suddenly raised her head.

Because he thinks.

All this is worth it.

Belief, this all stems from my belief in the beginning.

It's just that now because of the end times.

This belief seems to be slightly changed because of certain ways of doing things.

For example, a necessary sacrifice!

Thinking of this, Li Juanjuan understood thoroughly.

Sister Li Chanchan vowed to be a doctor who can help the world.

Sister Li Juanjuan, because of the injustices in the world, she wants to be a fair and just police officer.

This is their initial dream.

This dream can't be obliterated, she has to stick to it.

"What if I insist on going back?"

Li Juanjuan asked coldly.

"If the captain insists, then we can only stop the captain for our own benefit, wait for Commander Xu to arrive, and hand you over to Commander Xu!"

These super police said helplessly.

"It seems that in the end we will all meet each other in battle?"

Li Juanjuan sighed and said.

"You finally betrayed justice!"

At this moment, I only heard the roar of cars in the distance.

Xu Minzhu caught up.

When I learned that Li Juanjuan was going directly to the Jiangnan base.

Xu Minzhu gave up tracking and rushed over quickly.

His original plan was to hand Li Juanjuan to Li Meng.

Then he settled the matter outside of the matter.

But now Li Juanjuan has broken away from the plan, so the next move is Xu Minzhu to solve Li Juanjuan by himself.

This must arouse the suspicion of others.

But Xu Minzhu must do this.

Nearly a hundred people surrounded Li Juanjuan.

And the lowest strength is the fourth-order evolutionary.

This lineup, unless the masters above Tier 7 can escape.

Otherwise, he must die here.

Xu Minzhu came slowly.

But when he saw Li Juanjuan, who was indifferent and Taishan collapsed in front of him, he frowned.

"She seems to know that I am coming?"

Thinking of this, Xu Minzhu got out of the car and walked over.

"Officer Li, are you going back?"

"Xu Minzhu, the design fails, do you want to do it yourself?"

Li Juanjuan asked coldly.

"Huh! To blame, to blame you for not knowing current affairs!"

Xu Minzhu snorted coldly.

"Want to pull me off? Don't look in the mirror to see how much you weigh.

There must be no backing, and no background.

Just relying on a little appreciation and passion from the superior, thinking that you can make a name for yourself?

Foolish dreams.

In the next life, first learn how to be a human being! "

As he said, Xu Minzhu waved his hand, and the surrounding evolutionists immediately rushed up.


I saw Li Juanjuan fire a shot in the air, and then sneered at Xu Minzhu.

"I have recorded everything just now. You are indeed in the Jiangnan base with hands and eyes, but there must be people who want to pull you off the horse. As long as I hand them back, I don’t need to deal with you. Your enemy is natural. Will help me deal with you!"

"Haha! It depends on whether you can go back!"

Xu Minzhu burst into laughter suddenly.

"You are dead, can the ghost go back to Gaomi?"

"That depends on whether you can kill me!"

Li Juanjuan sneered, and then said.

"Come out!"


Xu Minzhu suddenly looked around nervously.

Seeing Li Juanjuan so calm and calm, he faintly felt something was wrong.

But there was no sound and no one around.

"Little girl film, are you kidding me?"

Xu Minzhu was immediately furious.

"kill him!"

"Just learned the three kills of the Valkyrie, let's try it with you stinky fish and shrimps!"


A voice came from underground.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Chu landed steadily beside Li Juanjuan.

"Ye Chu?"

Xu Minzhu frowned suddenly, then let out a cold snort.

"Okay! So you have colluded with Ye Chu, no wonder you are so arrogant.

However, it was originally intended to blame Li Meng on charges, but now it seems unnecessary.

Officer Li colluded with the murderer and I was rectified on the spot. What a good reason! "

Facing Xu Minzhu, Ye Chu said to Li Juanjuan disdainfully.

"Just these people, kill them directly or maimed them and take them home?"

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