I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 222: Jiwu Project

"In addition, under the premise of ensuring economic construction, all the people will be soldiers!"

Ye Chu continued.

"In the area of ​​military support, we must achieve the best treatment, distinguish the types of arms, and provide full-time training!"

"This little master, don't worry!"

Johnson said confidently.

"Last time there were those clones you found for me. They have very strong military training experience. Our team, even in peacetime, are all special soldiers!"


Ye Chu nodded in satisfaction.


Ye Chu looked at Zhuge Yi.

"Find ten ancient warriors from Wuzun Sect. Be simple, ancient warriors with rich combat experience!"


Zhuge Yi nodded.


Ye Chu said instead.

"Call Leng Yun here and be the captain of this team!"

Leng Yun has been working at the bottom since last time.

After such a long time, it is also sincere.

After such a long test, it is time to reuse him.

After all, he is the number one master of internal strength, so it's a pity to be so wasteful.

Things are proceeding in an orderly manner.

After the meeting, Ye Chu walked into the Alien Science and Technology Park.

Walking around inside, Ye Chu kept searching for what he wanted.

Finally, Ye Chu stopped.

Then I saw that it was a dark round watch.

In the glass cabinet, the metal luster is reflected, and the material is actually made of nano materials.

Miniature Nano Sensor Mecha Transformer

Name: Xuan Gong

Grade: S

Ability: energy transmission, long-range machine launch, long-range missile, melee boxing

There are many nano watches in the glass cabinet.

And the names are different.

Miniature Nano Sensor Mecha Transformer

Name: Baihu

Grade: S

Ability: energy transmission, long-range machine launch, long-range missile, melee boxing

Miniature Nano Sensor Mecha Transformer

Name: Qinglong

Grade: S

Ability: energy conduction, long-range machine launch, long-range missile, melee fencing


Xuan Gong, Baihu, Qinglong, Suzaku, etc., have different names.

"This is really interesting!"

But when Ye Chu saw the price of this transforming device, his throat rolled.

An energy value of one million is really unacceptable.

However, for his own plan, Ye Chu gritted his teeth and bought ten directly.

These ten are Xuan Gong, Baihu, Qinglong, Suzaku, Xuanwu, Kirin, Chaos, Qiongqi, Gourmet, and Panglu.

The energy value of ten million is gone, Ye Chu smacked his lips when he looked at the remaining tens of thousands of energy value.

After installing ten watches, Ye Chu walked out of the house.

After leaving the city, Ye Chu came to a secluded place with no one.

Taking out a watch casually, according to the instructions, Ye Chu doubled the surface of the watch with his finger.

The next moment, the light of a pentagram rises from the watch.

"Xuan Gong has no master yet, do you need to extract the user's DNA to identify the master?"


Ye Chu directly refused.

This was for an ancient martial artist, and Ye Chu would naturally not recognize the master.

"Acknowledge the cancellation of the main program and enter the state of no-main use!"

Soon after, Ye Chu saw that the Nano Watch began to change.

The black nano material began to spread all over the body, and then turned into a large mecha more than ten meters tall.

"Is this... just a small watch?"

Ye Chu looked around incredulously.

I saw myself in a wide space with a pentagram pattern under my feet.

In my mind, everything about the mecha came to mind.

With a giant mecha more than ten meters high, Ye Chu was in the center of his chest at this time.

There is a big screen in front of me, on which is the front view of the mecha.

Ye Chu slowly turned around and found another screen lit up behind him.

The field of vision at this time is the field of vision behind him.

"Sure enough it's a sensor setting!"

The mech is a humanoid mech, and it is equipped with a sensor system.

At this moment Ye Chu, even if he moved his finger, the mecha's finger would follow it.

Moreover, in the chest space, there are huge displays on all sides.

No matter where Ye Chu looks, his field of view will be shown on the monitor.

At the beginning, there are some uncomfortable things.

But after using it too much, it will operate freely.

Controlling the mecha to move forward.

And as Ye Chu moved around.

The five-pointed star at Ye Chu's feet also lit up.

Although walking, under the rotation of the pentagram, Ye Chu seemed to be walking in place.

Of course, the outer mecha is moving forward.

The huge mecha quickly attracted the attention of Yulin City.

In order to avoid causing unnecessary trouble, Ye Chu quickened his pace immediately, and then jumped.

The mecha with a height of more than ten meters soared into the sky, and this jump reached a height of twenty to thirty meters.


The violent wind howled, Ye Chu directly performed the three kills of the **** of war.

"Smash the elbow!"

The mecha floated horizontally, Ye Chu raised his elbow, and then he was smashed into a small hill.


Going down with a elbow, the small hill was directly flattened.

The ground trembled like an earthquake.

This mech, unexpectedly perfected Ye Chu's Three Kills.

This is Ye Chu's plan.

Jiwu plan!

Combine mecha and ancient warrior.

The reason why this plan can be realized is entirely because this nano mech has a function called energy conduction.

There is a crystal nucleus in Ye Chu's body, with the internal force that Guwu needs.

But how is this synchronized with mecha?

Of course, the energy source of the mecha cannot be the user's.

Because of such a large mecha, the energy required is also very large.

A reactor is needed here.

Because the mecha is purchased directly, the reactor configuration is readily available.

But the energy that needs to be consumed needs Ye Chu to supplement it.

For example, the Valkyrie Triple Kill just performed.

When Ye Chu performed in the mecha space, it consumed his own energy.

But what the mecha displays is the energy of the reactor.

The root of all this is that Ye Chu needs to import ancient martial arts secrets into the mecha.

At that time, the mecha will run the corresponding ancient martial arts according to your actions.

After the experiment, the patrol team from Yulin City also arrived here.

But when they saw that it was Ye Chu, these patrols breathed a sigh of relief.

Otherwise, such a large mecha is really hard to deal with.

Afterwards, the patrol inspected the situation again and left after confirming that there were no problems.

This is the quality of the army in Yulin City.

After returning to the base, Ye Chu called Leng Yun and the others to the underground drill ground.

About a kilometer below the ground, Ye Chu opened up a huge drill field that was about one kilometer and one hundred meters high.

I saw Leng Yun ten people standing in front of him.

These ten people are all masters of the acquired realm, and only Leng Yun is a master of the innate realm.

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