I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 246: Space conversion, easy to get (8)

"It seems that their ultimate goal is this Qin Ling key, and this Qin Ling key is not only one, but there are eight. I think there must be other keys on that Sa Aqi! "

Thinking of this, Ye Chu suddenly laughed evilly.

Seeing Ye Chu's smile, Xiao Huo didn't know why, and suddenly began to worry about Sa Aqi.

"Okay, you can go now!"

With that, Ye Chu took everyone away from the Buddha's eye space.

After returning to Yulin City, Ye Chu quickly asked someone to **** Xiaohuo and the others to Yulin City.

For these people, staying here is a burden.

Sure enough, immediately after Xiaohuo and the others left, Ye Chu felt a powerful breath coming from a distance.

Then I saw a cloud of blood mist floating in the distance.

This blood-colored mist is weird. Wherever he went, all creatures withered and died.

The scope of this blood fog is more than 500 meters.

Ye Chu suddenly sneered when he saw this.

"Pretend to be a fool, give him a shuttle first!"

Ye Chu gave an order, and the Aegis heavy tank appeared, and two rows of twelve-hole rockets were launched together, and the target was directed at the **** mist.

But to Ye Chu's surprise, the rocket disappeared after being submerged in the **** fog.

"En? It's really interesting!"

Ye Chu immediately became interested in this Sa Aqi.

Not long after, Scarlet Weapon came outside the city.

Five hundred meters away, Ye Chu couldn't see what was inside.

But the next moment, I saw several rockets shot out of it.

This rocket was launched by Ye Chu just now.


Not waiting for Ye Chu's instructions.

I saw many machine guns suddenly appeared in the tall city wall.

The bullets were dense and directly covered the outside of the city. The rocket fired was directly intercepted and exploded in midair.


Seeing that the built tall city wall has such power, Ye Chu immediately felt relieved.

After the explosion, the blood mist slowly dissipated, revealing dozens of people inside.

The leader was a middle-aged man wearing a blue robe and a red silk tied to his forehead.

Looking at this person's costume, he doesn't look like a person from the Central Plains.

Obviously, this person is Sa Aqi.

Sa Aqi looked up at the tower.

With so many people on the tower, this person actually locked Ye Chu at a glance. This vision is really okay.

"Go, you will see Sa Aqi down!"

With that, Ye Chu spread his wings and flew straight down.

After landing, Ye Chu immediately used the system to check the other party's information.

Name: Sa Aqi

Strength: Eighth-level evolutionary

Abilities: blood spell, blood escape, blood fog, blood evil, blood lead, blood burst

Background: The elders of the super-evolved organization "Qimen".

"Yeah! It turned out to be an elder!"

Ye Chu suddenly felt a little surprised.

Moreover, depending on Sa Aqi's abilities, they are all related to blood. This proper villain does not need to explain.

"A few, come from afar, do you need to buy something? I have everything here!"

Ye Chu looked at Sa Aqi with a smile and asked.

"Oh? Do you have everything?"

Sa Aqi asked with a wicked smile.

"Of course, what you want!"

Ye Chu said confidently.

"I want your head on top!"

"This one……"

"Why? No?" Saachi asked.

"Yes, I'm afraid you can't afford it!"

Ye Chu said with a sneer.

"As long as all goods have their own price, you can say a price, I can definitely afford it!"

Sa Aqi said confidently.

"Really? Well, the price of my top head is your top head and the heads of those behind you. Can you still afford it?"

"This is your seller, the price is so unfair, it seems that this business can't be done!"

Sa Aqi shook his head regretfully.

"You killed my apprentice Cao Tianniu!"


Ye Chu admitted without hesitation.

"I set up a tomb for him, do you want to see it!"

With that said, Ye Chu suddenly threw the conversion ball in his hand.

The conversion ball was controlled very freely under Ye Chu's mind.

But when the conversion ball was about to hit Sa Aqi, Sa Aqi waved his right hand and a **** mist flew out of the cuff, and then the conversion ball was caught.

Now Ye Chu was a little embarrassed.

Because the conversion ball did not touch the actual object, it was impossible to convert Sa Aqi into the Buddha's eye space.


Seeing this, Ye Chu immediately realized the drawbacks of converting the ball.

This shortcoming must be gradually improved in the future.

The conversion ball was caught, and Ye Chu's right hand shook, and a mace appeared in his hand.


Ruyi mace, your heart does what I want.

I saw the iron-blooded mace directly enlarged, becoming a giant mace more than ten meters long.

Immediately, Ye Chu danced his mace, and then slammed it down according to Sa'qi's forehead.

Seeing the sudden appearance of the mace, Sa Aqi's eyes suddenly flashed an incredible look.

This is a mythical thing like a golden hoop. It is bigger than anyone can imagine.

In a hurry, Sa Aqi returned to defense.

The conversion ball was immediately taken back by Ye Chu.

Saw a burst of blood fog spreading, Sa'qi disappeared in the blood fog again.


The mace fell fiercely.

But after smashing into the blood mist, nothing was hit.

"It's interesting!"

Ye Chu raised his mace and swept it directly.

In the next moment, the people behind Sa Aqi were swept out of the blood mist by Ye Chu.

But in this group, there is no Saachi.

Moreover, the blood mist did not dissipate.


It stands to reason that everything in the blood mist will be swept out.

But Sa Aqi did not come out strangely.

"Could it be that he has also become part of the blood mist?"

Ye Chu immediately guessed the reason.

"Fluwa, burn him to death!"

For things like fog, the most fear is temperature.

When the temperature is high, it will dissipate automatically.

Everything in the world always grows and restrains each other.

Following Ye Chu's orders, a dark shadow jumped out of the city.

After landing, the ground trembled with Zhen.


Fu Luwa opened her big mouth, her tongue on her tongue opened, and a monstrous flame spewed out.

Sure enough, Sa Aqi seemed very afraid.

Without waiting for the flame to strike, the true body was already revealed.

Taking this opportunity, Ye Chu threw the conversion ball again.

This time, the conversion ball hits the target directly.

Sa Aqi directly disappeared in place.


Ye Chu clapped his hands, then kicked the other people's bodies at Fu Luwa.

"Good job, reward you!"

Fu Luwa opened her mouth wide, and dozens of people's bodies were swallowed directly.

The tense battle situation was easily resolved by Ye Chu.

At this time, Xiao Huo and the others left, but they never saw this scene.

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