I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 249: Synthetic soul cockroach, reserve seed memory (1)

Delete a memory of a person.

Ye Chu clearly remembered when he was in love before.

After losing love, the unforgettable pain, I really want to delete this person directly.

But this is simply impossible.

People's memory comes from the images conveyed by one's eyes to the brain, and one's own cognition of this matter.

If the picture is fake and your perception is also fake, then this memory is also fake.

In psychology, such false memories can be forged.

But the number of people in Ye Chu's Dandelion Project is very large.

And this method is useless in the face of spiritual evolution.

But Ye Chu has a soul cockroach.

The soul cockroach can be cloned, can read other people's thoughts, or swallow other people's memories.

If the cockroach does not digest this memory after swallowing it, then when necessary, by releasing this memory, will it be possible to achieve the effect of not being read by people?

Ye Chu immediately contacted the soul cockroach.

At this time, the soul cockroach seemed to have become a part of his body.

Ye Chu knew what he was capable of.

But now, although the soul cockroach can read and devour other people's thoughts, it can't store them.

Looking at it from a systematic perspective, the information of the soul cockroach immediately appeared in his mind.

Soul cockroach: fifth-order lower

Abilities: soul body, soul clone, soul spirit

Currently, the soul cockroach is still Tier 5.

It is different from other monsters and can practice on its own.

The soul cockroach lives in his mind, as if the level has never been moved.

"I don't know if it is possible to fuse the soul cockroach with other alien beasts in the cloning laboratory!"

If possible, Ye Chu will fuse the soul cockroach with the alien beast that can be stored, so will the soul cockroach have the reserve function?

Thinking of this, Ye Chu quickly stood up, and then said to everyone.

"The meeting is suspended, but everyone shouldn't leave. I'll come as I go!"

After speaking, Ye Chu disappeared directly on the chair.

When he came to the Buddha's eye space, Ye Chu walked into the cloning laboratory.

There are many alien beasts with reserve functions.

Such as the desert camel mountain beast.

This is an evolution of the previous camel.

After evolution, his physical stamina became stronger, his weight-bearing ability became stronger, and even the space for storing things in the two humps became larger.

And, most importantly, a separate space has now evolved in the hump of the desert camel mountain beast.

If the ability is single, the desert camel mountain beast can also be said to be an alien beast with spatial ability.

There are not many such things in Yulin City.

But in order to synthesize the monsters in the monster illustration book, Ye Chu once went to the desert to capture a lot of heads.

It just works now.

Peel the soul cockroach out of the body, and then Ye Chu put it into the cloning cabin.

Later, Ye Chu put the desert camel mountain beast in the vice position of the clone cabin.

Looking at the computer, the computer immediately has a budget for the synthesis target.

Theme: Soul Cockroach

Vice: Desert Camel Mountain Beast

Synthesis chance: 80%

Acquiring Ability: 5% of Tuoshan Beast's physical fitness, 5% of Tuoshan Beast endurance, and 50% of Tuoshan Beast space reserve

All the information is displayed on the computer.

The theme, after synthesis, the synthesized monster will be based on the ability and image of the theme.

Vice position is mainly to add the target ability of the deputy position to the main position target.

In addition, the acquired ability will be acquired according to the main ability of the deputy.

For example, the space reserve of the Tuoshan Beast is his main ability.

So the ratio of acquisition capacity reached 50%.

This is a great chance.

Seeing this, Ye Chu directly pressed the synthesis button.

Synthesis takes time.

Three minutes later, I saw the clone cabin slowly open.

Ye Chu saw inside and slowly crawled out of one...

Cockroach with hump.

The soul cockroach is still its original size.

It's just a little change in appearance.

Afterwards, Ye Chu saw the ability of the soul cockroach, and there was one more ability.

Soul cockroach: fifth-order lower

Abilities: soul body, soul clone, soul spirit, soul reserve

Soul reserve: It can devour the target soul and spiritual thoughts and reserve them.

Finally reaching his satisfaction, Ye Chu left the cloning laboratory directly.

Appearing again, Ye Chu sat on the chair again.

Seeing Ye Chu's return, the meeting room immediately became quiet.


Ye Chu smiled knowingly.

"I now have a way to temporarily delete the targets of the lurkers, but one problem is that they should always delete their memories about Yulin City, or let them control the deletion, that is, if they encounter inspections and dangers, let them themselves Control deletion?"

"Of course it has been deleted!"

Everyone said immediately.

"There will be no accidents!"

"That's right, there are more than 10,000 people. If you don't keep it, someone will be tempted!"

"Although it is the end of the world, and their families are in Yulin City, it is possible that some people will ignore their own family members for profit!"


Ye Chu nodded in agreement.

"Okay! In this case, we will keep storing their memory about Yulin City, and when we need it, we will release the memory and read it!"

Immediately, Ye Chu called all the dandelion seeds, that is, those lurking, to the underground base.

After infiltrating the soul cockroach clones into their bodies one by one, Ye Chu asked someone to drop these people into the place specified in advance.

Dandelions fly out, and they will take root in every corner of the country.

After doing all this, Ye Chu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The effect of the lurker needs time to settle before it can be seen.

But these people will become a force that cannot be ignored in Lingwu Pavilion.

They will become the thorn in the eyes and thorns of all forces in the world.

It's like a small thorn in the meat. You know the approximate location, but you can't find it and you can't pull it out.

Hey! Difficult!


Because of Ye Chu's big supermarket in Yulin City.

So the demand for daily necessities is not great.

This allowed many people to join the army and guards.

Indirectly, Ye Chu's Yulin City's force value gradually increased.

Ye Chu's goal is to achieve the effect of all the people as soldiers.

Strive to do so, even an ordinary person can go out and beat the strong from other bases.

Then said lightly to other people, I am just an ordinary citizen of Yulin City.

To achieve such a strong state is the goal of Ye Chu Base's development.

In fact, now Ye Chu doesn't have to worry about things like rebellion in the base.

The base in Yulin City now far exceeds any other base.

Even if you drive them away with a stick, they won't leave.

In addition, the laws of Ye Chu's Yulin City are quite strict.

Decapitate at every turn, or feed strange animals and zombies after imprisonment.

In addition, the detection rate in Yulin City is almost 100%.

For ordinary citizens, the super superintendent is the savior and the gospel.

For bad guys, they are nightmares.

You can't imagine the horror of solving a theft case in ten minutes.

The thief was caught by someone super superintendent before he ran out of a street.

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