I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 251: Goodbye Alcoholic King (3)

The weather now is full of tigers in autumn and it is very hot.

But the old man was still wrapped in a worn-out army coat.

He rolled up his pants, wore rags on his feet, and showed his thumbs outside.

With short gray hair and a wrinkled face full of vicissitudes, for a glass of water and wine, he smiled in a low voice.

does it worth?

Ye Chu sometimes has such doubts.

But later Ye Chu realized that when a person has no concerns, there is no point in living.

This sip of wine may be the life of the old man.


Ye Chu shouted.

The old man then looked over.

"Come and sit down!"

The old man looked confused and pointed at himself a little excited.

Ye Chu nodded, and the old man trot over quickly.

"Brother, this old guy often comes to cheat and drink, don't be fooled!"

The person next to him kindly reminded.

Ye Chu smiled kindly.

The old man sat down, Ye Chu beckoned, and the waiter walked over immediately.

"Two catties of Huadiao, cut a plate of beef, and then roast chicken whole!"

Ye Chu glanced at the menu and said.

Drinks and meat are readily available and served quickly.


Ye Chu said with a smile.

The old man was overjoyed and took a long sip from a bottle of Huadiao.

This appearance is exactly the same as Ye Chu's first encounter with Old Li Head in Jiangnan Base.

That's right, this old man is the drunkard king in this time and space.

In fact, Ye Chu had a lot of thoughts in his heart since seeing him just now.

Do you want to call him?

In the future development process, did he meet the drunkard king at this base?

If Ye Chu pretended not to know anything, and ignored him, would he meet again in another way in the future?

Ye Chu didn't know.

Ye Chu looked at the old man quietly, and when he was full, he got up to check out and leave.

"Hey, little brother!"

As soon as he left the house, the drunkard king chased him up.

"For the sake of your so refreshing invitation to drink, I have a treasure here and I will sell it to you at a low price!"

With that said, the drunkard king sneakily took out a thing wrapped in rags from his arms.

Ye Chu couldn't understand what it was.

But at this moment, the brawny man who was in the tavern suddenly came over.

After seeing the appearance of the drunkard king, he quickly persuaded Ye Chu.

"Young man, don't be fooled by him, that thing is just a broken stone!"

"Go go! You know a hammer!"

The drunkard king waved impatiently and drove the strong man away, and then mysteriously said to Ye Chu.

"Don't listen to his nonsense, I am a real baby!"

With that, the drunkard king opened the rag.

I saw a black stone wrapped inside.

There are many dense grids on the stone, I don't know what it is.

"My thing is an extremely solid space meteorite. Does space know? It's a world of its own, and this stone has a thousand worlds!"

The drunkard king said without exaggeration.

"how much is it?"

Ye Chu asked directly without seeing it.

Ye Chu planned that no matter how much the drunkard king wanted, he would buy him, no matter if he was a lie or true.

"In this way, it looks like you and I are so fate, and you invited me to drink, how about this stone selling you ten thousand crystal coins?"

Ten thousand crystal coins is one million energy value.

Although Ye Chu didn't lack so much energy value, Ye Chu couldn't help being a little surprised that this stone was so expensive.

Subconsciously using the system, Ye Chu's mouth gradually became an "o" shape.

Thousand Hell Space: contains a thousand independent spaces, all spaces cannot be destroyed, and 99% of the targets are suppressed.

"This Nima turned out to be true!"

Ye Chu took the stone and looked at it carefully.

Counting it carefully, there are a thousand grids on the stone.

"Ten thousand crystal coins? I bought it!"

Ye Chu did not hesitate to take out 10,000 crystal coins and handed it over.

Seeing Ye Chu's refreshment, the drunkard king suddenly smiled successfully.

"You kid really knows the goods, to be honest, you are less than 10,000 coins!"

After installing the crystal coins, the drunkard king turned and left.

Looking at the back of the Alcoholic King leaving, Ye Chu could not imagine how the Alcoholic King would condescend to his subordinates in the future.

And what exactly is the drunkard king's ability?

Ye Chu rushed to the hunting organization without continuing to struggle with the drunkard king.

Because the hunting organization has organized a hunting team, ready to go to the South China Sea area to find the red glowing alien beast.

Ye Chu's identity as a sixth-order evolutionary was easily added to the team.

Entering the sea with these people, Ye Chu can easily avoid Professor X and them.


Human beings who have not even conquered the land encountered an unprecedented crisis when they first entered the sea.

The mutant crabs are densely packed, each of them the size of a human.

The huge pliers can easily cut a person in the middle.

And the hard shell of the crab can't even be penetrated by bullets.

This is still by the sea, what if it is in the sea?

Suddenly, the tens of thousands of hunting teams began to retreat.

Without the ability to fight in the sea, if you go, you will die.

But there are some water-attribute evolutionists who formed an exploratory team and entered the sea.

Ye Chu casually found a crystal nucleus with water attributes, and then let the system extract the ability, and easily obtained the ability to move freely in the water.

Entering the water, Ye Chu's perception of the piranhas became stronger.

The piranhas seemed to have sensed Ye Chu's arrival, and they kept swimming here from the distant sea.

When you are tens of meters underwater, you can still see the scene through the sun.

But as you go down, the bottom of the sea becomes darker.

In this way, a group of hundreds of people gradually approached and swam deep.

Ye Chu followed at the end, carefully sensing the surroundings.

But at this moment, Ye Chu suddenly sensed that there was a powerful underwater monster in front of him.

Just as he was about to persuade them, Ye Chu suddenly saw a blood basin slowly closed in the darkness in the distance.

Nima, more than a hundred people, swam directly into the belly of the alien beast.

Seeing this, Ye Chu quickly turned around and fled here.

At this time, only Ye Chu was left on the bottom of the sea.

Not long after, the piranhas came to Ye Chu's side.

Dozens of piranhas guarded Ye Chu.

Ye Chu found the piranha that brought back the video last time, and then asked him to lead the way and continue to go deep into the bottom of the sea.

At this moment, Ye Chu suddenly saw a seabed searchlight with strong penetrating power shooting from a distance.

Ye Chu quickly hid behind a piece of coral and looked forward cautiously.

I saw a submarine yacht that resembled a shark slowly swimming over.

After looking at it, Ye Chu found that this yacht was a yacht organized by the super-evolutionaries.

"Professor X really did!"

Ye Chu was secretly surprised.

But now the distance from the submarine canyon is not far away.

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