I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 253: Repair Zheng Yuan's spirit (5)

Seeing Ye Chu so fierce, these people were stunned directly.

But what greeted them was a mace that was more than ten meters long.

Dozens of evolutionaries were directly hit by a stick.

One of them even triggered a one-hit kill, and the whole person was directly beaten to death by a stick and could no longer die.

As for Li Hai, this guy reacted very quickly. When Ye Chu took out his mace, he had already retreated back, and then madly swam deep into the canyon.

There was a spaceship in the depths of the canyon, Ye Chu was shocked, and hurriedly chased it up.


The canyon is extremely wide, and it can be seen from the remnant eaves and broken walls of the seabed that humans lived here before.

It may be time to change the land, and this land is submerged in the sea.

And the place where the red light was emitted was in that piece of ruins.

From the appearance of the ruins, it can be seen that it is a huge spaceship.

And the location of the red light is like a searchlight on a spaceship.

I saw Li Hai quickly swim past.

But at this moment, the red light swept across suddenly.

Ye Chu clearly saw that the red light swept across the powerful body.

At the next moment, the powerful body was cut directly by the red light, and cut into two sections.

"so smart!"

Seeing the red light shooting at him, Ye Chu hurriedly went downstream, dodge the red light.

The red light sweeps in all directions with the spacecraft as the center, and the direction is irregular.

Ye Chu leaned in slowly, and when he was a certain distance away from the spacecraft, Ye Chu did not continue forward.

Instead, he took out the conversion ball and missed it.

This is not the best place to explore the spacecraft.

People from the super-evolved organization may come in at any time from outside.

So the safest way is to get the spaceship directly into your Buddha's eye space.

The moment the conversion ball touched the spaceship, the surroundings suddenly trembled.

The huge rocks above the canyon kept falling down, and the next moment, the spacecraft disappeared directly in place and was taken into the space by Ye Chu.

But what Ye Chu didn't expect was that Ye Chu actually saw a person behind the spaceship.

"Money Yuan!"

Ye Chu exclaimed.

I saw that the person hiding behind the spaceship was the money from the super-evolutionary organization.

Qian Yuan is just an ordinary person, he is responsible for organizing the procurement of materials for the super-evolved.

But after what happened last time, Ye Chu felt that Qian Yuan was not an ordinary person.

I didn't expect to meet him here.

Moreover, Ye Chu's mental power didn't seem to sense him.

If it just passed and then entered the spacecraft safely, wouldn't Qian Yuan also follow in?

This guy, it's too deep.

"The spaceship!"

Qian Yuan looked at Ye Chu with a gloomy expression and asked.

"How did I know, I didn't see it either!"

Ye Chu pretended to be confused and said.

Seeing Ye Chu's appearance, Qian Yuan frowned, and he didn't seem to suspect that Ye Chu was a ghost.

"There is no one else here except you. It's not your ghost, who else can you hand over the spaceship!"

Qian Yuan was completely different from the impression Ye Chu had seen last time.

This time Qian Yuan was yin and cold, with no emotion in his eyes.

"Oh, I'm going, even if it's my ghost, what are you going to do?"

Ye Chu suddenly laughed when he heard Qian Yuan's words.

"Who do you think you are! You just hand it over when you say it?"

Ye Chu sneered.


At this moment, a huge stone fell between the two from above.

Taking this opportunity, Ye Chu directly used the authority and disappeared from the same place.

After Ye Chu disappeared, Qian Yuan suddenly rushed out of the muddy sea.

When he saw that all around him was empty and Ye Chu had disappeared, he suddenly trembled with anger.

"Ye Chu, I'm never finished with you!"


Another stone fell down and hit Qian Yuan directly.


At this time, Ye Chu had returned to Yulin City.

Ye Chu knew that after the spaceship was taken away by himself, the super-evolved organization would definitely not give up.

In the past, the super-evolved organization had not come to Ye Chu's troubles, but this time, Ye Chu was certain that they would not give up so easily.

"Zuge Yi, the whole city is on first level alert!"

Ye Chu came to Lingwu Pavilion and directly ordered Zhuge Yi.


What can enable Ye Chu to turn on the first level of security is definitely the biggest problem Yulin City has faced in history.

Toot toot~

The hurried air defense sirens sounded.

The whole city quickly entered a state of emergency preparations.

All shops are closed, schools are closed, and ordinary people enter underground shelters.

For a while, no one could be seen on the streets of Yulin City.

After doing all this, Ye Chu breathed a sigh of relief.


Finding Zheng Yuan, Ye Chu asked solemnly.

"Think about it carefully, what happened in Yulin City after I got the spaceship?"

"This one……"

Zheng Yuan shook his head in pain.

After a long time...

"This memory is all gone, I'm sorry the boss, I really can't remember it!"

"It's okay, I will let you recover!"

Ye Chu took a deep breath.

For the future, Ye Chu must be in control. Ye Chu must know some things that can and cannot be done.

Immediately, Ye Chu stretched out his right hand slowly, and saw a touch of emerald green spreading in his palm.

Then, Ye Chu slowly placed the palm of his hand on the center of Zheng Yuan's eyebrows. This emerald green color gradually submerged into Zheng Yuan's head.

The power of life heals all things.

This is the treasure box Ye Chu got from Wang Hu, with a tree of life seed inlaid in it.

After being cultivated, the seeds were planted in Ye Chu's spiritual space, slowly producing vitality.

This life force can heal everything.

In theory, even if Ye Chu only had one heart left, it could be restored with the power of life.

But now, Ye Chu used the precious life force on Zheng Yuan.

Hope that with the power of life, Zheng Yuan's broken memories can be restored.

After a few breaths, all of this emerald vitality sank into Zheng Yuan's head.

Ye Chu quickly tried to sense the soul cockroach in Zheng Yuan's body.

Sure enough, Zheng Yuan's mental power was recovering at a rapid speed under the induction of the soul cockroach.

At this time, Zheng Yuan had fallen into a coma.

Seeing this, Ye Chu estimated that it would take a while for Zheng Yuan to wake up, so he asked someone to lift Zheng Yuan onto the bed.

Subsequently, Ye Chu left the supermarket.

At this time, Zheng Yuan, who was in a coma, was recovering his broken spirit at an extremely fast speed.

It's like a bridge, but the bridge is broken and disconnected from each other, causing the memory to be disconnected.

Now, the bridge is connected again, and all memories are restored.

In front of this bridge, Ye Chu's soul cockroach was reading everything for Ye Chu.

But in the next moment, when all the bridges of memory were successfully connected, a soul cockroach with a larger body and a more terrifying mental power appeared on the bridge.

Two soul cockroaches!

But Ye Chu's one, in front of the one on the bridge of memory, directly cut off the connection with the subject.

At this moment, Ye Chu from the outside world lost his insight into Zheng Yuan's spirit.

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