I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 255: Information in the spacecraft (7)

The operation of the spacecraft gave Ye Chu the visual shock of an epic science fiction blockbuster.

Immediately, I saw the center of the table descend to the platform, and a light and shadow slowly appeared.

The appearance of this light and shadow, although it looks like a human being, has a pair of horns on his forehead, and the body is petite, only about 1.5 meters.

"Guardian, you are finally here!"

I saw the humanoid light and shadow making a sound of relief.

"you are?"

Ye Chu frowned and asked.

"I am the captain of this spacecraft. I come from a distant galaxy, a planet called Erbeau. Thousands of years ago, we were chased by the Sabines and landed here. It is your family who guards us...

But the Sabines are also chasing here. We are forced to stay here due to exhaustion of energy, avoiding the chasing of the Sabines. For thousands of years, we have granted your family special abilities, so that you can become our Erbaiwuxing people. protector……"

This Erbaiwu star explained Datong, but the details were similar to what Ye Chu's father said.

"Actually, in the words of your Blue Star, we are dead. The reason why we can talk to you now is because there is still energy remaining on the spacecraft, and the information I am describing is left over many years ago! "

Ye Chu suddenly realized.

It turns out that they are all dead.

But Zheng Yuan said that after he took over this spacecraft, he would gain a lot of energy, but now, it seems to be a little different from what he expected!

"You must be thinking, did we leave you something?"

The phantom smiled mysteriously.

"Yes, there is a lot of scientific and technological information about the Erbaiwu people recorded in the spacecraft. As long as there is enough energy to activate all the scientific and technological information in it..."


At this moment, the phantom flashed suddenly, and then made a squeaky voice.

It's like the TV is out of signal.

"Hey hey hey, maybe there is no signal!"

Ye Chu quickly patted the table and asked.

"Guardian, the phantom memory stone you brought can only keep the spaceship running for three minutes. Now I will make a long story short..."

Zi Zi Zi~

The next moment, the entire spacecraft plunged into darkness again.

Even the little energy left over before has been exhausted.

"Hey! Isn't it a long story?"

Ye Chu suddenly gave a wry smile.

Climbing onto the table, Ye Chu buckled down the fantasy stone.

Use the energy of the system to charge the phantom memory stone.

After a short while, the energy value of 500,000 rushed in.

After installing the phantom memory stone on the platform again, the spacecraft started to operate again.

"Guardian, you are finally here!"

The same as just now.

Next, the phantom once again introduced the relationship between his planet and the Ye Chu family.

"Guardian, the phantom memory stone you brought can only keep the spaceship running for three minutes. Now I'm going to make a long story short...hey? Wait, why is the energy so abundant!"

The words of that phantom stunned Ye Chu.

"Hey, do you really exist? Are you all alive!"

Ye Chu shouted loudly.

"Guardian, I didn't expect you to carry such ample energy, so I can rest assured now!"

Xu Ying explained.

"The intelligent technology of our Erbaiwuxing people is beyond your imagination. Although I am just a program left before, this program has the ability to think and talk in artificial intelligence. You can rest assured that we all I'm dead, I won't swindle the corpse to make you afraid!"

"Is the Erbaiwu star really two hundred and five? Are you all so skinny?"

Ye Chu was speechless.

"We Erbaiwuxing people have a standard conversion of energy. According to our standard, the energy you charged just now is about 500,000. Each time you start the spacecraft, you need 10,000 energy values, and then you consume it every minute. one thousand……"

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, the energy value is limited, can you get straight to the subject?

Ye Chu was speechless.

"Okay, now I will officially appoint you as the patriarch of the guardian family of the Urby Ustars. In addition to the summoning abilities we previously granted, I will give you another ability. This is our Urby. During the time when the Wuxing people lived in the Blue Star, they have developed the ability to identify the Sabi people. He can help you find the Sabi people as soon as possible because they are very good at disguising..."

Immediately afterwards, a blue ray of light submerged into Ye Chu's body.

Ye Chu saw that his attribute column had an extra ability.

Sabi's Light: Through energy conversion, a ray of light is emitted to see the Sabi star in disguise.

After doing all this, Ye Chu saw the surroundings plunge into darkness again.

"Your sister, energy is exhausted?"

In desperation, Ye Chu took out the phantom memory stone again, and this time directly charged 1 million energy values.

After a brief introduction, Ye Chu finally came to the topic again.

"Wow! So much energy, we can talk a little longer!"

That phantom's words made Ye Chu roll his eyes directly.

"I'm not chatting with you, now I have got this Sabi Light, what's next?"

"At the beginning, there was only one Sabie who chased us. We called it X, but because we ran out of energy, we can’t guarantee that X has nurtured them on the Blue Star for so many years. If there are future generations, then they are good at disguising, but they will bring a huge embarrassment to Blue Star!"

"It is our bounden duty to kill the Sabines. I use all the technology of our Erbaiwumen on the spacecraft to ask the Guardians to help us eliminate the Sabines. In return, we will give the Guardians enough energy to ensure The spacecraft can operate normally, but because the flight system is irrecoverably damaged, the spacecraft does not support space flight!"

Sure enough, there is still something.

So Ye Chu asked quickly.

"Where is your energy?"

"In order to prevent the energy from being discovered by the Sabines, we stored energy in three locations. One is the bottom storage area of ​​our spacecraft, where there are nearly 10 million energy values..."

Hearing this, Ye Chu's eyes straightened.

"For the second location, we stored energy in a heavenly lake in the ancient Western Regions. You can check it through our spacecraft information..."

"The third location, we have stored energy on Changbai Mountain in the northeast. You can check it through our spacecraft information..."

If the energy stored in a place reaches ten million.

Then the energy value of the three locations will be more than 30 million.

This huge number is enough to make Ye Chu rise to an unimaginable bottom.

"If there is nothing else, let's stop here if there is nothing wrong!"

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