I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 270: Stumbled into Shennongjia (4)

Once the red scale enters the stomach, the sea dragon beast's powerful corrosion ability is enough to corrode the red scale without leaving any residue.

This is an eighth-order strange beast.

His main attack ability is swallow.

One can imagine how powerful his internal digestive system is.

The sea is surging, and you can see a huge whirlpool spinning in the middle of the lake on the shore.

Taking advantage of the strong suction power, Ye Chu directly threw the conversion ball over.

The lake water impacted, and the sharp red scales of the claws pulled out long blood marks in the mouth of the sea dragon beast, and then finally fell in.

And Ye Chu's conversion ball was also sucked in by this opportunity.


Ye Chu started directly, and the next moment, the sea dragon beast disappeared directly into the lake.

The whirlpool continued, Ye Chu rushed over, took the converted conversion ball in his hand, and immediately rushed towards the lake with Old Li's head.


Two figures broke through the water.

All the strange beasts on the shore immediately made preparations to attack nervously.

The huge black wings spread, Ye Chu whistled, and the Thunderfire Eagle immediately swooped down and pulled Old Li's head on his back.

"The sea dragon beast has been killed by me, you still don't surrender!"

Ye Chu shouted condescendingly.

I saw below, a tiger-headed human body, a leopard-headed human head, a huge black bear that was more than ten meters in size, and many Tier 8 alien beasts all staring at Ye Chu.

These are the real combat power of Changbai Mountain.

After hearing Ye Chu's words, these strange beasts looked at each other and then looked into the lake.

However, after discovering that the sea dragon beasts in the lake had disappeared, these strange beasts actually rioted.

They frantically picked up the underground stone and threw it to Ye Chu fiercely.

At the same time, several different beasts of different races started to fight.

Seeing this scene, Ye Chu quickly let the Thunder Fire Eagle fly with Lao Li's head to the sky, while he plunged into the lake.

It rushed to the bottom of the lake quickly, and at this moment, Ye Chu saw countless strange beasts rushing into the bottom of the water.

They seemed to know that there was something at the bottom of the lake, and they all rushed down one by one.

Seeing this, Ye Chu immediately speeded up, and then came to the place where the sea dragon beasts inhabited.

The sea dragon beast used his own ability and the white spirit stone ability here to cultivate countless strange beasts in Changbai Mountain to serve him.

But now that the sea dragon beast died, these strange beasts were all in riots.

Ye Chu sometimes feels sad for the sea dragon beast.

If Ye Chu has no system and no soul cockroach can see other people's inner thoughts, then in the process of developing Yulin City, will he cultivate those white-eyed wolves outside?

Ye Chu is not sure, because in terms of employing people, Ye Chu has always employed people without doubt.

But if this person has bad thoughts, then Ye Chuke will suffer a big loss.

Soon, Ye Chu swam to the place where the sea dragon beasts inhabited.

The bottom of the lake is inherently uneven, just like the mountains and rivers on the land.

In a narrow gap, Ye Chu found a box of white spirit stones.

This packaging is the same as the packaging on Feichuang.

Ye Chu didn't directly turn the system into energy value.

Instead, it was directly collected into the Demon God's Prison.

Looking at the alien beasts that were approaching, Ye Chu suddenly saw that the place where the white spirit stone was originally stored at the bottom of the lake was shining.

There are still exits there.

Thinking of this, Ye Chu immediately went downstream.

Alien beasts enter the water, and these alien beasts that live on land, even after entering the water, can only survive underwater for a short time.

Keep lurking downward, and they gradually start to exhaustion.

But Ye Chu dived deeper and deeper, and in the end, all these strange beasts gave up the pursuit.

When he came to a cave at the bottom of the lake, Ye Chu saw that the faint light was projected from here.

Turning on his mental power, Ye Chu dived in.

"This should be an underground current, but I don't know where it got there!"

Ye Chu swam along the river.

Ye Chu found out that he had actually swam to the waters of the Wa country.

This underground river twists and turns, unexpectedly so magical.

Leaving the Changbai Mountain area all the way, Ye Chu immediately contacted Thunderfire Eagle Sparrow.

Had it not been for the old head of Li, Ye Chu would have directly used the branch management authority and returned directly to Yulin City.

After identifying the direction, after Ye Chu went ashore, he waited for the arrival of Old Li and the others.

The Changbai Mountains have no leader, and they don't know what the internal riots will look like.

However, their riots, fortunately, can give the human base a little breathing opportunity.

Ye Chu did a good deed indirectly.

After checking the location, Ye Chu rushed to Penglai.

After tearing open the space crack, Ye Chu disappeared in place.

In fact, Ye Chu rarely used space abilities.

Therefore, the control of space abilities is still not as good as other exclusive space evolvers.

Because Ye Chu didn't understand the spatial coordinates very well.

This needs to be very proficient in the use of abilities.

Or there is a dedicated space evolution teacher to help you.

In this case, your abilities should improve rapidly.

Wandering in the void, there is no time here, every step you take is like walking a thousand meters or 10,000 meters.

Ye Chu didn't know.

But when Ye Chu tore through the cracks again and returned to reality, he found himself in a virgin forest.

Raising his hand and looking at the smart watch, Ye Chu found that he had exceeded the Penglai area and had reached the Shennongjia area.

"Nino, it seems to have gone too far!"

Ye Chu looked at this place secretly startled.

Because I just came out of Changbai Mountain and left the paradise of strange beasts.

This time it was good, and he came to another paradise of strange beasts.

There are no fewer wild animals here than Changbai Mountain.

Moreover, it is said that there are still savages.

This kind of place far away from the hustle and bustle of the city, although free from zombies' attacks, the various alien beasts here make people even more frightened.

Shaking his head, Ye Chu was going to tear the space crack and leave here again.

But at this moment, I only heard a whistling voice coming from behind.

Ye Chu looked back and found that two giant pythons with thick arms crawled towards him.

"Wait, it's not a snake!"

After the thing got closer, Ye Chu found that these were actually two vines.

Looking along the vines, Ye Chu found a strange huge tree in the distance, and the vines came from him.

"Yes, you have become a fine you!"

Ye Chu's heart moved, and the soil instantly formed spikes, piercing the two vines.

But before Ye Chu cut the big tree directly, a black shadow suddenly fell from the sky and severely smashed the tree.

"Zheng Yuan!"

Seeing the person falling from the sky, Ye Chu suddenly exclaimed.

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