Ye Chu directly let out ruthless words.

Ye Chu Business is established nationwide.

In addition, Yulin City is independent of any organization.

Not under the jurisdiction of any organization.

At the same time, Ye Chu Trading also obtained the permission of the official base of Yanjing City.

If, on this basis, who would dare to make wrong ideas to Ye Chu Trading, then don't blame Ye Chu for being rude to them.

There are two types of transportation channels: land and air.

Air transportation is used for long distances and land transportation is used for short distances.

Every time it was transported, it was under the banner of Ye Chu Trading, and all the bases had to make way.

If it doesn't give way, that's okay, then Ye Chu Trading will cancel all trade with the base.

Based on this, no matter which base dared to offend Ye Chu Trading.


Ye Chu Trading has been in operation for a month.

The sale of Antitoxin Pill alone brought Ye Chu more than 5 million energy value income.

Following this trend, Ye Chu's funds for operating the remaining branches will be sufficient.

Y City is a third-tier city in northern Sichuan.

There is a personal base here, because it is backed by mountains and rivers, and the leader is an evolutionary who can communicate with different beasts, so they can live here.

There are about 200,000 people in the base.

The number of evolvers is around 5,000.

Because this base is remote, and the nearest official base is more than a thousand kilometers away, no one knows about it.

At this time, a transportation team of Ye Chu Trading Company was walking five hundred miles away from Y City.

It stands to reason that this transport team does not pass through Y city.

But it was targeted by the people in Y city.

At this moment, in the Y city base, a young man said impatiently to another middle-aged man.

"Big brother, you are hesitating, their convoy will pass!"

"That's right, big brother, second brother is an evolutionary of the space system, we make a move without knowing it, who knows!"

"The closest base to their transportation channel is Beitong City, and Beitong City is also a personal base. When that happens, we will be able to direct clues to them directly!"

"We have investigated. This convoy is heading to the North Sichuan General Base. The car is carrying a virus immune drug worth 10,000 crystal coins. If this is done, we will send it out!"

"Brother, you make a decision!"

There are seven people in the room.

Six people are urging the middle-aged man.

After a long time, the middle-aged man gritted his teeth and nodded bitterly.

"Yulin City is not easy to mess with. Since we are going to do it, then we have to plan carefully!"

"Haha! Great!"

"In fact, we have already planned it!"

"Second brother set up a space roadblock in front. After they enter, the entire convoy will be directly isolated, and they will even release the signal by then!"


After a series of plans, these people quietly took action after the dark night.

They didn't bring more people.

Because bringing more people, I'm afraid the plan will be revealed.

There is no clue what they must do about this matter.

At this time, the convoy stopped two hundred miles away from Beitong City.

The person in charge of this transportation is a very good evolver in Lingwu Pavilion, called Zhang Cheng.

At the same time, Zhang Cheng is also an ancient warrior in the acquired realm.

Zhang Cheng is thin, but he is of that lean type.

The muscles on the body are very clear, and its evolutionary ability can be increased by speed.

With the ancient martial arts that he has learned, his strength is very good.

"Headquarters, headquarters, this is the Chuan No. 9 transportation line. We have arrived in Luocheng County, Beitong City, and request a rest!"

Not long after, a clear voice came from Zhang Cheng's intercom.

"Agree to stay at the same place to rest, the rest time is six hours, and it will be sent out on time at 5 o'clock in the morning the next day!"

"Roger that!"

Immediately, the convoy stopped and then entered Luocheng County.

Eventually the team stayed in a station hotel in Luocheng County.

"Team A, go to the hotel opposite the station, in the room on the seventh floor.

Team B hid the goods transported this time one hundred meters underground.

Team C, connect to the business headquarters, request security surveillance video! "

Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

Then, Zhang Cheng took a rest in a car.

At this time, it was twenty miles away from Luocheng County.

Those in City Y are lying in wait, waiting there foolishly.

"Strange, according to the speed and distance, it should be there!"

"It's so dark, they won't rest and go!"

"I went to see!"


Not long after, the sixth brother who was in charge of the investigation came back.

"Brother, they have gone to Luocheng County, so they are stationed at the station in Luocheng County!"

"Brother, or we can kill them directly while they are asleep!"

"I think we are still waiting here, and they will definitely be here tomorrow morning!"

The elder brother said worriedly.

"Brother, it's so dark and so cold, so why don't we go back and rest after we finish this ticket!"

"It's the big brother! They must have rested, and we can beat him by surprise!"


In the end, the eldest brother couldn't help others, so he could only choose to go directly to Luocheng County.

Immediately, I saw my second brother tearing apart the space, and then a group of seven people directly transmitted through the space and came to Luocheng County.

Suddenly appearing in the station, these people directly killed the convoy.

They seem to often do this kind of house robbery.

Looks like a familiar road.

The second brother is an evolutionary of the space system. As soon as he arrived at the station, he sensed the location of everyone around him.

The sudden snatcher awakened Zhang Cheng from his deep sleep in an instant.

The moment he opened his eyes, he used his power and left the car.

And just after he left, the car exploded.

These seven people are all seventh-order evolvers, and the eldest brother headed by them is even eighth-order evolvers, with very powerful strength.

Although they are seven people, that eldest brother can summon strange beasts.

Not long after, the place was surrounded by a dense group of rats.

There were more than 30 people in the entire convoy, and only a few people were directly killed.

"Brother, I didn't find anything!"

At this moment, the third brother yelled in panic.

Seeing Zhang Cheng being caught, the second brother stepped on Zhang Cheng's face and asked viciously.

"Boy, we are from Beitong City, let's be honest, where are the goods?"

Zhang Cheng subconsciously watched the security surveillance video that was not far away, and then sneered.

"Aren't you afraid of our leader's revenge?"

"Haha! We in Beitong City are not afraid of heaven and earth, how can we be afraid of you? Tell me honestly!"

"I bah! Lao Tzu tells you that if Lao Tzu dies, everyone from one of your bases must be buried with me!"

Zhang Cheng cursed fiercely.

"Smelly boy, still stiff!"

The second brother turned and said to the eldest brother.

"Boss, take out your soul eater and let him experience the painful feeling of level 18!"


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