I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 284: Unique system

Ye Chu looked at the dark room.

It is very empty, with only a black table in the center.

Ye Chu walked over slowly, and found that the appearance of this table was actually the same as the console in the spacecraft.

"Chu Er!"

At this moment, the door of the meeting room was opened, and a *** rushed over.

Looking at the oncoming people, Ye Chu Music felt like he had seen it there.

After thinking for a moment, his eyes widened suddenly.


Yes, the person here is Ye Chu's mother in this world, Lu Chenshuang.

But the next moment, Ye Chu suddenly thought of their identities, and immediately jumped out in shock.

"Chu'er, what's wrong with you? Don't you know your mother?"

Lu Chenshuang asked with a caring face and a little surprised.

"Chu'er, you are finally back!"

At this time, behind Lu Chenshuang, a middle-aged man slowly revealed his figure.

This person is indeed Ye Tianxing.

Seeing this, Ye Chu immediately used the "Sabi Light" on these two people.

This is the ability granted by the spacecraft.

If it has been tampered with, then the identity information of the two of them should show that they are from the Ubyus.

Sure enough, under the light of Sabi, they were really Ubau people.

"Two, don't pretend, catch me back, it's for the system on my body!"

Ye Chu sat on the table behind him, looking at Ye Tianxing and Lu Chenshuang coldly.

"Actually, you should also know that I am not your son at all, and your son has been killed by me, hasn't he?"

Hearing Ye Chu's words, Lu Chenshuang's face suddenly became gloomy.

"You all know?"

Ye Tianxing asked with a frown.

"Hehe, I'm not stupid either, Ji Nianyan has already told me everything, you are the Sabines, and Professor X is the Erbaiwuxing, right!"

Ye Chu asked coldly.

"Since you already know, then we won't talk nonsense with you, hand over the system!"

Ye Tianxing said coldly.

"Seeing that you are occupying my son's body, I can spare you!"

"What if I say no?"

"Then we can only do it ourselves!"

With that, Ye Tianxing pushed it lightly, and Ye Chu was pushed onto the conference table at the back.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tianxing put his right hand on top of Ye Chu's head, and then gently pulled it.

Suddenly, a powerful suction came from the top of his head.

This suction force seemed to be able to wash out Ye Chu's brain.

At this moment, Ye Chu felt that his mental power had also been sucked out.

Suddenly, the soul cockroach in Ye Chu's spiritual world immediately swallowed Ye Chu's spirit.

The soul cockroach, after swallowing Ye Chu's spirit, Ye Tianxing directly lost his goal.

The soul cockroach had such a way to protect Ye Chu's spirit.


Ye Tianxing looked at Ye Chu in surprise.

"what happened?"

Lu Chenshuang came over in confusion.

"There are other living things in his spirit, and this thing protects his spirit!"

Ye Tianxing explained.

"let me see!"

I saw Lu Chenshuang put his hand on Ye Chu's forehead, and immediately after that, Ye Chu's spiritual world was fed back to Lu Chenshuang's mind.

"I saw it was a cockroach, and..."

Lu Chenshuang's expression gradually became surprised.

"Moreover, there is a seed of life planted in his spiritual world!"

"This is how to do?"

Ye Tianxing suddenly became embarrassed.

"The attacks of the Erby Wuxing people have become more and more serious. Without his energy conservation and conversion power, we cannot program more systems. Now, Ye Chu's system is the only energy conservation conversion power in the entire universe , Can’t take it back, we Sabi Stars will be over!”

Hearing this, Ye Chu was overjoyed.

It turns out that his own system is the only one in the entire universe.

Moreover, they seem to have to copy and program according to their own system.

How can this work?

The system must be unique. If there are one thousand or ten thousand, then it will not be a mess.

No wonder the lack of materials in Yanjing City, it turns out that they have no energy conservation conversion.

Now Ye Chu can finally rest assured.

However, this system is not a panacea.

For example, in the empty space just now, the branch management authority cannot be used.

But this is also normal.

If the function of the system can really ignore all the rules, isn't it really messy?

It now appears that with the protection of the soul cockroach, Ye Chu cannot be taken away by them for the time being.

With this guarantee, Ye Chu immediately began to figure out how to escape from here.

"Otherwise, send Ye Chu back to the total planet directly!"

"There is really no way, that's all!"

Ye Tianxing sighed.

"However, let's try again to see if we can kill the cockroach in his body!"

Just when they were ready to do it again.

Long Shiyun suddenly walked in.

"What are you doing in here?"

Ye Tianxing frowned.

"Ye Chu can't die yet!"

Long Shiyun quickly lowered his head and said.


Ye Tianxing asked.

"Ye Chu's impact on Yulin City is too severe, and now he has a virus immunity in his hand. If Yulin City riots, the loss to us will be very great!"


Ye Tianxing suddenly laughed.

"Don't worry, our goal is to conserve the energy in his body and transform his power. After taking it away, his spirit will also die out. But as long as the body is still there, we can use the Sabine to enter his body Directly control Yulin City!"

Hearing this, Long Shiyun trembled slightly, then nodded and left.

But before leaving, Long Shiyun glanced at Ye Chu complicatedly.

At the same time, Johnson and others also returned to Yulin City.

In the Lingwu Pavilion, Zhuge Yi held an emergency meeting.

"What shall we do now?"

Everyone looked at Zhuge Yi eagerly, hoping that Zhuge Yi could come up with a way to save Ye Chu.

"Let me see, go directly to Yanjing City to VIP people, with our current strength, there is no need to be afraid of them!"

Johnson snapped his thunder **** Barrett on the table, and said viciously.

"Do not worry!"

Zhuge Yi stood up slowly, then said with one hand on his chin.

"We must first confirm the safety of the leader!"

"How to confirm? I must be arrested!"

Hearing Johnson's words, Zhuge Yi's eyes suddenly brightened.

"Yes, they must have a purpose in catching the leader, but the other party still hasn't contacted us, indicating that their fundamental purpose is the leader, and it may directly endanger the leader's life!"

"Ah! What can I do then!"

"If there is no leader, our Yulin City will be over!"

"Assemble all the troops and kill them!"


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