I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 288: The situation is turbulent, completely shuffled

Ye Chu heard a lot of recent events when he was tortured by Ye Tianxing.

It is said that all the large troops in Yulin City are now out and have captured many official bases.

When he hurried to the headquarters of Yulin City, Ye Chu found that Zhuge Yi and them were all here.

Seeing Ye Chu suddenly appeared, Zhuge Yi hurriedly shouted to all the teams in the command system.

"The leader is back, immediately gather the troops and return to the headquarters!"

"Haha! The leader is finally back!"

"I said, we should have done it long ago!"

"It's good to come back safely, now our Yulin City can finally recover again!"


Voices of various teams came from the system.

Ye Chu was very moved when he heard this.

Immediately, Ye Chu quickly dialed Long Shiyun's phone.

"I am Ye Chu!"

Ye Chu said straightforwardly.

"Ye Tianxing was killed and Lu Chenshuang was captured by Professor X. I hope you can completely rectify all bases!"

Long ago, Ye Chu knew that Long Shiyun was just a puppet.

But I didn't expect it to be a puppet of the Saby star.

In the past few days, Ye Chu also learned about Long Shiyun's helplessness in the base of Yanjing City.

In fact, Long Shiyun spoke with himself **** several times.

The departure of the Sabi Stars now also announced that all of Huaxia's main bases would truly fall into Long Shiyun's hands.

Soon, all the troops in Yulin City had returned.

Through these reports, Ye Chu knew that when they attacked the base.

There are many teams they don't know.

These teams are strong, and they attack the enemy selectively.

The most important thing is that they all have the same mark on their bodies.

Johnson was more cautious and wrote down this sign.

Through Johnson's comparison, Ye Chu guessed that this might be the team that Long Shiyun had cultivated in secret.

And they also took advantage of this opportunity to kill all the high-level leaders left by the previous Sabie Stars.

After Yulin City returned to reintegration, Ye Chu immediately held a high-level meeting.

"The leader, the people on the black list also contributed a lot this time, but the leader of the black list has one requirement, that is, our rat king!"

Hearing this, Ye Chu suddenly laughed.

These two guys had had a fateful acquaintance before, and now they come back, it seems that Midou is planning to include the Rat King on his black list.

Ye Chu nodded and said.

"It's okay, let them go!"

"In addition, the corpse king Chen Nuo has also returned to the Penglai area, but they have suffered a serious loss this time!"

Zhuge Yi said with a sigh.

"I suddenly felt that arranging Chen Nuo in the Penglai area is not the best choice!"

Ye Chu Youyou said.


Everyone asked suspiciously.

"Because Huaxia's population is so large, and the main advantage of zombies lies in the number. If the number can't reach it, then they will lose their advantage!"

Ye Chu explained.

The crowd listened and nodded in agreement.

"I have a way!"

At this moment, Zhang Jin suddenly minded.

"Do you know Genghis Khan? He almost hit the EU back then!"

Hearing this, Ye Chu's eyes suddenly brightened.

"You mean, whether it's a person or a zombie, you have to have a long-term vision, right?"

"Yes, according to our information, foreign countries are not as stable and stable as our Huaxia. According to various sources, the crooked country does not accept survivors at all, and now there is a mess outside!"

"Not bad!"

Ye Chu nodded in agreement.

"However, if you want to get rid of foreigners, you must first settle within. If you want to develop outwards, you must achieve unity within. I will communicate with Chen Nuo on this matter. After stabilizing the domestic situation, let him train zombie talents. Development, a zombie, for a country, when the time comes, once the zombies are grouped together, then it will be a terrifying thing."

In addition, the stability of Yanjing City should not take long.

Because Long Shiyun was originally dealing with everything.

People still support him.


After nightfall, Ye Chu entered the wheel of the sun and moon.

Not long after, Ji Nianyan also followed in.

However, Ye Chu saw Ji Nianyan's melancholy look.

"what happened?"

Across the invisible barrier, Ye Chu saw Ji Nianyan reveal her truest feelings.

Outside, he is a frosty, high above queen.

But here, all her emotions relaxed in front of Ye Chu.

"Professor X is gone, now the super-evolutionaries are completely messed up!"

"Gone? Where did you go?"

Ye Chu asked in surprise.

Because I heard Qian Yuan said before that he was leaving.

"He got the Sabbi starship's spacecraft, and after modification, he simply handled the matter of the super-evolved organization and left completely.

But after he left, the four families under the super-evolved were messed up.

Especially the people of the Red Gate, under the leadership of the ghost sting, they took one third of the resources of the super-evolved and left, and now they disappeared. "

Hearing this, Ye Chu suddenly chuckled and laughed.

This ghost thorn had already joined Ye Chu's Yulin City.

Now that he leads so many resources to leave, it means that these resources will all fall into Ye Chu's hands.

Seeing Ye Chu laughed, but if the ghost thorn came back, Ye Chu did not intend to let the ghost thorn come back.

Ghost thorns are now independent of the super-evolved.

Everyone thought he had nothing to do with Yulin City.

If this piece is played well, there will be unexpected gains.

Seeing Ye Chu's smile, Ji Nianyan suddenly became puzzled.

"Brother Chu, what are you laughing at?"

"Hehe, nothing, I was thinking, the super-evolved organization is such a scary organization. Now with the departure of Dr. X, it is directly torn apart. It seems that it will really be Long Shiyun's world in the future. !"

"This is not necessarily true!"

I saw Ji Nianyan smile mysteriously.

"The four families under the super-evolutionary organization, except for the Red Gate, which were joined by outsiders, the other three families have been controlled by Professor X for nearly a hundred years. They have been hidden deeply. Now they are not under the jurisdiction of Professor X. Taking the opportunity of this war to appear directly in front of all the people of the world, these people are not easy to provoke, besides, I am also the patriarch of one of the family!"

"The clams and snipes are fighting, and the fisherman is profiting. Although it is a good opportunity to get ahead, it will also become a target of public criticism. You must be careful. If you need anything, you can contact me!"

"Okay, I see, you should also pay attention to safety!"

Immediately, the two left the Sun and Moon Wheel.

The world is in chaos, Ye Chu intends to stay out of it.

However, this is also the best time to implement the Dandelion Project to its extreme.

If all goes well, then Ye Chu's people will directly become the core figures of various forces.

Moreover, outside, Ye Chu also has the corpse king Chen Nuo, the Black List and the Red Door Ghost Sting.

In addition, Ye Chu intends to let Zhang Jin and Leng Yun's Mechanized Army Corps join the Red Gate.

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