The woman who came out from behind the bookshelf was Ji Nianyan.

He really was Suzaku.

But the so-called "kylin" in his mouth, I wonder if it is He Xu.

Hearing Qilin, Long Shiyun's expression also dimmed.

"How long is there?" Long Shiyun asked with a sigh.

"Two months!"

Ji Nianyan said, clutching the corners of her clothes with her hands, looking like she was unlovable.

"Two months..."

Long Shiyun stood up slowly.

"In two months, how can we find the unity of Huaxia, even if we can unite, are we really going to fight Ye Chu?"


At this moment, Ji Nianyan sighed and said.

"The big deal, I agreed to Kylin's request!"

"But... he is not your original dream, Ye Chu is your true son!"

Long Shiyun said unwillingly.

"The destiny is so, we can't resist at all, how powerful the temple can be shaken by a few of us!"

Ji Nianyan gave a wry smile, but in this smile, there was endless helplessness.

"Well, let's tell Ye Chu about this and see if he can do anything about it?"

Long Shiyun said suddenly.

"No, tell him, it hurt him!"

Ji Nianyan quickly discouraged.

"Have you forgotten? The purpose of the temple is to unify the entire China. Even if you obey, Yulin City is still an obstacle to them, and Yulin City will definitely become the target of the temple's attack!"

"No, if I obey Qilin and I let him let Ye Chu go, he will promise me!"

Long Shiyun wanted to say something, but saw Ji Nianyan wave his hand to interrupt Long Shiyun.

"Brother, don't let Ye Chu know about this matter, okay?"

Looking at Ji Nianyan's pitiful appearance, Long Shiyun finally sighed, and then nodded.



After Ye Chu walked out of Long Shiyun's place, he began to look for suitable shops on the street.

Ye Chu didn't plan to ask Long Shiyun for a free shop.

The money that should be spent still has to be spent.

With short hands and short mouths, Ye Chu didn't dare to owe credit to him.

In the end, Ye Chu set his sights on the third street next to the main street.

There is only one street away from the main street.

It's not too remote, and Long Shiyun's prices are still very cheap.

This time, Ye Chu plans to open another big supermarket.

As for other commodities, Ye Chu can put them on the sales counter in the supermarket.

Each additional sales counter requires an additional 100,000 energy value.

Ye Chu doesn't plan to open Jin Gu Cheats Shop and Alien Science Park here.

After all, Ye Chu still knew the truth that money was not exposed.

If outsiders know that there are good things in shops, they will inevitably be targeted.

Someone makes trouble every day, that can be troublesome.

In addition, selling ancient martial arts secret books and the like.

Isn't that an indirect enhancement of the opponent's base strength?

If there is unavoidable conflict or something in the future, Ye Chuke will have a big head.

After communicating with An Minsi, with Long Shiyun's order, the shop was quickly renovated.

Ten days later, the big supermarket was established.

Now, Ye Chu has six branches in addition to the branches in his own base.

After looking at the remaining energy value, there were only enough to open two. Ye Chu gritted his teeth and spent all the energy value, and then opened the same branch in other official bases.

Suddenly, Ye Chu's branches reached eight.

Eight, now there are only two branches left to complete the task.

After doing all this, one month has passed.


"How many times can I be drunk in the spring. Worry about the present and the past. Yuehua will not go to China last year."

Chang'an City, Ye Chu smiled and watched Xue Feifei.

Behind him, Xiao Huo asked casually lying on the large sofa.

"Brother Ye, unknowingly, we have known each other for so long, this is about to celebrate the New Year, how are you going to spend it?"

"Of course the whole city is celebrating, the fireworks are flying!"

For the New Year, Ye Chu arranged it a month ago.

It is rare to have a taste of the year in the last days. This should be the greatest happiness for the people of Yulin City.

"Tsk tusk tusk, I am really envious, if it weren't for me to leave, I really have to go to you for the New Year!"

Xiao Huo said enviously.

"Welcome anytime!"

Ye Chu suddenly laughed.

"By the way, Brother Ye, the domestic situation has been tense recently, what do you think of this?"

Xiao Huo asked suddenly.

Hearing this question, Ye Chu frowned.

In the past few months, Long Shiyun didn't know if he had eaten explosives or something, and he madly attacked the major forces.

But as orthodox, they should take back the country, but this attack at any cost is really inconsistent with Long Shiyun's personality.

"The ghost knows what explosives this Long Shiyun has eaten!"

Ye Chu said with a sigh.

"Except for the Ji family, the remaining two super-evolved organizations have been taken down. Now they have begun to integrate all their personal bases. I can't see that all the personal bases will be finished this month!"

Recently, news came from the Red Gate and Heibang that the Four Elephant Army's attack on them was also very sharp.

But in the face of such a situation, Ye Churang chose to let them stay away.

Because Ye Chu didn't even know what horrible idea Long Shiyun was making.

And Ye Chu can't come forward yet, so it's easy to reveal that the red door and black list are related to him.

"By the way, Xiaohuo, stare at me. If there is any important news from Yanjing City, you have to reveal it to me in advance, know?"

Ye Chu said without looking back.

"Relax, no problem!"

Xiao Huo promised.

Snow fluttering, falling into the wine glass, Xiao Huo looked down and couldn't help thinking of a person.

He raised his head to look at Ye Chu's back, Xiao Huo made no effort to speak, and then spoke.

"Brother Ye, do you... remember Du Bingniang?"

This, Ye Chu has almost forgotten the name, when Xiao Huo mentioned it, it came to mind again.

"Remember, isn't he in charge of the People's God Plan in Yanjing City?"

"Hey, don't mention it, the Human-God Plan was cancelled long ago. After the cancellation, she left Yanjing City. Counting time, it has been several months!"

Ye Chu didn't speak, still looking into the distance.

This woman... how do you say?

It should be said that she is a very hard-working and straightforward woman. Sometimes she will do everything to achieve her goal, but she also has a bottom line.

But because he lied to himself at the beginning, Ye Chu didn't have any interest in her either.

"She went to the temple!"

"Temple? What is that place?"

Ye Chu turned around curiously and asked.

"Actually, I don't know much, I just heard Du Bingniang say.

Even outside our Blue Star, there are actually many alien races.

The temple is a race on one of the planets.

According to rumors, the people there passed by Blue Star a long time ago.

They claim to be gods, aloft, and have been looking for their own blood descendants to pass on at Blue Star, and Du Bingniang is the descendant of a **** in the temple. "

Hearing this, Ye Chu nodded thoughtfully.

"Probably it is in the Avengers. Thor and their hometown are almost the same!"

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