I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 296: Kirin Tenjin

The voice was cruel and unsmiling.

It sounds like it is about 30 years old, and it is described in a kind of image, just like the kind of domineering president.

But Ye Chu disliked this voice.

The straightforward questioning gave people a sense of superiority.

"This is Ye Chu Department Store, do you need anything?"

Ye Chu said lightly.

"No need, how did you forcibly connect our spaceship?"

The other party issued a warning.

"Immediately cut off the communication connection with my spacecraft, otherwise, let me find you and have you good fruit!"


Ye Chu suddenly laughed.

"I kindly asked you if you need anything, but you want to show me good looks, okay, you come to kill me!"

"Looking at the interstellar, the only creatures on the surrounding planets are the Blue Star. Your name is Ye Chu Department Store. Now there is such a technology that can forcibly connect spaceships among humans. It really makes me curious!

The other party immediately analyzed Ye Chu's source.

"What? I want to know, I sell everything here, and I sell technology too!"

"For many years, the people of the Blue Star are still so vulgar, lowly, and profiteering. Sadly, what are you doing on planets that can't even reach the first-class civilization!"

The people in the Shenting spacecraft let out a lament.

That kind of contempt is to look down on Blue Star from the bone.

"I rub? Vulgar, lowly? The Blue Star guys have provoke you to provoke you? Come to Blue Star to say something about it, and see if I don't discount your legs!"

Ye Chu scolded immediately.

"Soon comes, I will find you, then, let me see how you discount my legs!"

After speaking, the other party cut off the contact directly.

At this time, Ye Chu fell into silence.

It looks like another spacecraft is coming to Blue Star.

"It's really lively!"

Ye Chu suddenly laughed.

However, Ye Chu was not afraid.

When Ye Chu was about to do something else, he suddenly remembered something.

"Wait, the other party seemed to be talking to me in Chinese language just now, right?"

In the past few experiences, the other party has its own alien language.

But just now, the other party actually spoke the Chinese language.

"It's weird, is there a planet exactly like the Blue Star Man in outer space?"

This problem troubled Ye Chu all afternoon.

When the New Year's Eve dinner came in the evening, I slowly forgot.

Yulin City has its own TV channel.

Everyone in every household waited in front of the TV for the start of the gala.

In the original supermarket, Ye Chu and all the senior staff of Lingwu Pavilion all sat together to eat this New Year's Eve dinner.

Bang bang bang!

Fireworks are flying outside, and in this doomsday, the long-lost taste of the year comes back all at once.

At this time, far away in the base of Yanjing City.

It's quite deserted here.

Yanjing City also has certain arrangements for the New Year.

However, Long Shiyun had already eaten them long ago.

At this time, in a wide airfield in the base, the ground slowly opened, revealing a landing pad that was more than 100 meters long.

At this moment, there was a deep neigh in the sky.

The sound was not loud and did not cause any movement.

And Long Shiyun, Ji Nianyan, Baihu, and Suzaku, all occupying a row, waited neatly on the ground.

Not long after, a huge black spaceship slowly landed.

Subsequently, the landing pad descended and the ground of the airport returned to normal again.


The cabin door of the spacecraft opened, and a young man in a black robe stood at the door.

This black robe is inlaid with red unicorns and sewn with gold edges, so noble.

Immediately, the stairs of the engine room stretched out automatically, and then the man was sent to the ground.

"Meet the Qilin God!"

This man was actually called a god.

However, he saw Qilin stepping out slowly, then scanned the four people, and finally fixed his gaze on Ji Nianyan.



Ji Nianyan looked indifferent and slowly raised her head.

"You don't seem to be happy!"

Qilin came over, carrying an irresistible majesty.

"Don't you want to go back with me? Don't worry, this time I come here, I also have a mission to stay with Blue Star for a while!

With that, Qilin walked into the base.

But before he went far, Qilin stopped again.

"Why is the energy of the Sabine Stars everywhere here?"

"The Sabines have been here, and they have planned an anomalous world conspiracy. More than 90% of the human beings in the world have undergone an abnormal change. Not long ago, the Sabines were killed by Professor X of the Erbeaus. The Erby Wuxing people also left the Blue Star!"

"No wonder!"

There was no surprise on Qilin's face, but he nodded lightly.

"In the interstellar contract guarantee of Blue Star, I am afraid that only Sabbi Stars dare to do something with Blue Star. If there is no interstellar contract guarantee, this planet that does not even reach the first level of civilization would have been destroyed long ago! "

After speaking, Qilin continued to move forward.

Under Long Shiyun's leadership, no one came to the meeting room previously led by the Sabi star.

Qilin flicked his clothes and did it. The other four people stood on both sides and dared not speak.

"By the way, before I came, the Blue Star people forced a communication connection with our spacecraft. You have been lurking at Blue Star for so long. Does Blue Star have such advanced technology now?"

"Impossible! Blue Star's technology has stagnated due to abnormal changes. There should be no such interstellar technology!"

Long Shiyun said suspiciously.

"The other party claims to be Ye Chu Department Store. Have you ever heard of it?"

"Ye Chu Department Store!"

Ji Nianyan suddenly exclaimed.

Because I was thinking about Ye Chu, after hearing Ye Chu's name, Ji Nianyan lost his temper.

Looking at Ji Nianyan in surprise, Qilin asked: "It seems that Suzaku should know each other, and introduce it!"

I saw Ji Nianyan's face uncertain, and finally took a deep breath and said.

"Ye Chu, the leader of Yulin City's personal base..."

"Personal base? It seems that you have not achieved the task of reunifying China!"

Qilin said disappointedly.

"Some accidents happened because of the Sabbi Stars, and it's in the final stage!"

Long Shiyun Lian Mo explained.

"In that case, speed it up!"

Hearing this, Long Shiyun breathed a sigh of relief, because Qilin didn't seem to hold him accountable.

"Some time ago, we intercepted the plan information of the Sabines. They put twelve source stones on the Blue Star. Is this possible?"

"Yes, a month ago, twelve meteorites landed in the sky. They landed in various places in the world. We have two meteorites in China alone!"

Long Shiyun quickly explained.

"Oh? Take me there!"

Qilin suddenly raised his brows and said excitedly.

Seeing that the unicorn who had always been unsmiling had such a look, the four of them looked at each other, and suddenly felt that this light of evolution should be an extremely important thing, so important that even the temple was moved.

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